Praise - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words


[ A-1,Noun,G136, ainos ]
primarily a tale, narration," came to denote "praise;" in the NT only of praise to God, Matthew 21:16; Luke 18:43.

[ A-2,Noun,G1868, epainos ]
a strengthened form of No. 1 (epi, upon), denotes "approbation, commendation, praise;" it is used
(a) of those on account of, and by reason of, whom as God's heritage, "praise" is to be ascibed to God, in respect of His glory (the exhibition of His character and operations), Ephesians 1:12; in Ephesians 1:14, of the whole company, the church, viewed as "God's own possession" (RV); in Ephesians 1:6, with particular reference to the glory of His grace towards them; in Philippians 1:11, as the result of "the fruits of righteousness" manifested in them through the power of Christ;
(b) of "praise" bestowed by God, upon the Jew spiritually (Judah == "praise"), Romans 2:29; bestowed upon believers hereafter at the judgment seat of Christ, 1 Corinthians 4:5 (where the definite article indicates that the "praise" will be exactly in accordance with each person's actions); as the issue of present trials, "at the revelation of Jesus Christ," 1 Peter 1:7;
(c) of whatsoever is "praiseworthy," Philippians 4:8;
(d) of the approbation by churches of those who labor faithfully in the ministry of the Gospel, 2 Corinthians 8:18;
(e) of the approbation of well-doers by human rulers, Romans 13:3; 1 Peter 2:14.

[ A-3,Noun,G133, ainesis ]
"praise" (akin to No. 1), is found in Hebrews 13:15, where it is metaphorically represented as a sacrificial offering.


(1) In 1 Peter 2:9, AV, arete, "virtue, excellence," is translated "praises" (RV, "excellencies").

(2) In the following the AV translates doxa, "glory," by "praise" (RV, "glory"); John 9:24, where "give glory to God" signifies "confess thy sins" (cp. Joshua 7:19, indicating the genuine confession of facts in one's life which gives glory to God); John 12:43 (twice); 1 Peter 4:11.

[ B-1,Verb,G134, aineo ]
"to speak in praise of, to praise" (akin to A, No. 1), is always used of "praise" to God,
(a) by angels, Luke 2:13;
(b) by men, Luke 2:20; Luke 19:37; Luke 24:53; Acts 2:20, Acts 2:47; Acts 3:8-Acts 3:9; Romans 15:11 (No. 2 In some texts); Revelation 19:5.

[ B-2,Verb,G1867, epaineo ]
akin to A, No. 2, is rendered "praise," 1 Corinthians 11:2, 1 Corinthians 11:17, 1 Corinthians 11:22, See COMMEND, No. 1.

[ B-3,Verb,G5214, humneo ]
(a) transitively, "to sing, to laud, sing to the praise of" (Eng., "hymn"), Acts 16:25, AV, "sang praises" (RV, "singing hymns"); Hebrews 2:12, RV, "will I sing (Thy) praise," AV, "will I sing praise (unto Thee)," lit., "I will hymn Thee;"
(b) intransitively, "to sing," Matthew 26:30; Mark 14:26, in both places of the singing of the paschal hymns (Ps. 113-118; 136), called by Jews the Great Hallel.

[ B-4,Verb,G5567, psallo ]
primarily, "to twitch" or "twang" (as a bowstring, etc.), then, "to play" (a stringed instrument with the fingers), in the Sept., to sing psalms, denotes, in the NT, to sing a hymn, sing "praise;" in James 5:13, RV, "sing praise" (AV, "sing psalms"). See MELODY, SING.

[ B-5,Verb,G1843, exomologeo ]
in Romans 15:9, RV, "will I give praise" (AV, and RV marg., "I will confess"): See CONFESS, A, No. 2

Note: In Luke 1:64, AV, eulogeo, "to bless," is translated "praised" (RV, "blessing").

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words