1 [This letter is from] Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, according to [the ministry of proclaiming] the promise of never ending life, which is [obtained] through [fellowship with] Christ Jesus.
2 [It is being sent] to Timothy, my dearly loved son. May you have unearned favor, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.
3 I thank God, whom I worship [or, “serve”] with a clear conscience, as my forefathers did, that I can remember you [i.e., your commitment] continually in my prayers night and day.
4 Remembering how you cried [Note: This was probably when Paul and Timothy last parted], I long to see you [again], so that I can be filled with joy.
5 I [also] remember the sincere faith you have in your heart, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am convinced, lives in you [too].
6 The reason I am reminding you [of these things] is so that you will rekindle the gift from God, which is in your life through the laying on my hands. [Note: This “gift” was probably his ordination to serve as an evangelist (See 4:1-5), and in addition, may have included a supernatural “spiritual gift” bestowed by the apostle Paul].
7 For God did not give us a spirit [i.e., a disposition] that makes us cowards but one that gives us power and love and self-control.
8 So, do not be ashamed to testify for our Lord, or ashamed of [being associated with] me, His prisoner, but [be willing to] suffer hardship with me for the sake of the Gospel, relying on God’s power [to sustain you].
9 [It is] God who saved us and called us to live holy lives [or, “to be dedicated people”], not as a result of our [good] deeds, but in harmony with His own purpose and unearned favor. [This was] given to us through [the atoning work of] Christ Jesus, before the beginning of time. [Note: Salvation through Christ was planned before time began. See Titus 1:2; Rom. 16:25; Eph. 1:4].
10 But, it has [only] now been made known to us by the appearance of our Savior Christ Jesus, who has put an end to death and brought [never ending] life and incorruption [i.e., immortality] to light through the Gospel [message],
11 of which I was appointed a preacher and an apostle and a teacher.
12 For I am suffering these things [See verse 8] for this reason [i.e., because of being a Gospel preacher]. Yet I am not ashamed because I know whom I have believed in [i.e., Jesus], and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him [i.e., Paul’s spiritual well-being] until that day [i.e., the day of judgment].
13 You should hold on firmly to the pattern of sound teaching that you have heard from me, while [maintaining your] faith and love in [harmony with] Christ Jesus.
14 [Also] guard that precious treasure [i.e., the Gospel message] which was entrusted to you by the Holy Spirit, who lives in us.
15 You know that all those people in [the province of] Asia deserted me [i.e., those who could have helped me], including Phygelus and Hermogenes.
16 [But], may the Lord grant mercy to Onesiphorus’ family, for he cheered me up many times and was not ashamed of my [being in] chains.
17 But, when he was in Rome, he looked for me diligently until he found me.
18 May the Lord grant that he will find mercy on that day [i.e., the day of judgment]. And you know very well the many things he did to serve [me while I was] at Ephesus.