BDB7437 [H7028]

קִישׁוֺן proper name of wady running northwest through plain of Megiddo (Esdraelon), K(ε)ισων (?stream of (god) Kish RSSemitic i. 155; 2nd ed. 170); — always ׳נַחַל ק Judg 4:7; Judg 4:13; Judg 5:21 (twice in verse); Ps 83:10, also 1Kgs 18:40 modern Nahrel-Mu‡a‰‰a±; see BuhlGeogr. 106, 209, GASmGeogr.382.

קִישִׁי see קוּשְׁיָהוּ below קושׁ

קַל, קֹל see קלל. (קֹל voice, see קול.

The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
License: Public domain document; formatting developed for use in by Eliran Wong.
Source: provided by Tim Morton, the developer of Bible Analyzer