BDB4711 [H4490]

מָנָה noun feminine part, portion; — ׳מ Exod 29:26 + 4 t.; (on מְנָָֽתֿ Jer 13:25, compare Ps 16:5, see מְנָת); plural מָנוֺת 1Sam 1:4 + 5 t.; suffix מָֽנוֺתֶ֫הָ Esth 2:9part, portion, especially choice portion, Exod 29:26; Lev 7:33; Lev 8:29 (all of sacrificial animal; all P); compare 2Chr 31:19 also 1Sam 1:4; 1Sam 1:5 of distributive of choice bits Neh 8:10; Neh 8:12; Esth 9:19; Esth 9:22 compare also Esth 2:9 (see Dan 1:5; Dan 1:10).

The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
License: Public domain document; formatting developed for use in by Eliran Wong.
Source: provided by Tim Morton, the developer of Bible Analyzer