1 Arphaxad the king of the Medes subdued many people vnto his dominion, and buylded a noble strong citie, whiche he called Ecbatanis.
2 The walles of it made he of free stone foure square, seuentie cubites hie, and thirtie cubites brode: He made towres therevpon an hundreth cubites hye.
3 But along the foure corners euery side was twentie foote brode: He made the portes in the height, like as the towres.
4 [This king] trusted in his mightie hoast, and in his glorious charets.
5 So in the twelfth yere of his raigne, it happened that Nabuchodonosor the king of the Assyrians whiche raigned in the great citie of Niniue, fought against Arphaxad:
6 And ouercame him in the great fielde called Ragau beside Euphrates, and Tigris, and Iadason in the fielde of Erioth the king of the Elikes.
7 Then was the kingdome of Nabuchodonosor exalted, and his heart was lift vp: and he sent vnto all them that dwelt in Cilicia, in Damascus, and Libanus:
8 And vnto the heathen that dwelt in Carmel, and Cedar, and to such as dwelt in Galilee in the great field of Esdrelon:
9 To all them that dwelt in Samaria, and beyonde the water of Iordane vnto Hierusalem, and the whole lande of Iesse, vnto the borders of Ethiopia:
10 Unto all these dyd Nabuchodonosor the king of the Assyrians send messengers.
11 But they all with one consent woulde not agree vnto him, and sent the messengers againe emptie, and put them away without honour.
12 Then Nabuchodonosor the king toke indignation at all those landes, & sware by his trone and by his kingdome that he woulde be auenged of all those countreys.