Ezekiel 1

  1 H7970 Now it came to pass in the thirtieth H8141 year, H7243 in the fourth H2568 month, in the fifth H2320 day of the month, H8432 as I was among H1473 the captives H5104 by the river H3529 of Chebar, H8064 that the heavens H6605 were opened, H7200 and I saw H4759 visions H430 of God.
  2 H2568 In the fifth H2320 day of the month, H2549 which was the fifth H8141 year H4428 of king H3112 Jehoiachin's H1546 captivity,
  3 H1697 The word H3068 of the Lord H3168 came expressly unto Ezekiel H3548 the priest, H1121 the son H941 of Buzi, H776 in the land H3778 of the Chaldeans H5104 by the river H3529 Chebar; H3027 and the hand H3068 of the Lord was there upon him.
  4 H7200 And I looked, H7307 and, behold, a whirlwind H935 came H6828 out of the north, H1419 a great H6051 cloud, H784 and a fire H3947 infolding H5051 itself, and a brightness H5439 was about H8432 it, and out of the midst H5869 there as the color H2830 of amber, H8432 out of the midst H784 of the fire.
  5 H8432 Also out of the midst H1823 there came the likeness H702 of four H2416 living creatures. H4758 And this was their appearance; H2007 they H1823 had the likeness H120 of a man.
  6 H259 And every one H702 had four H6440 faces, H259 and every one H702 had four H3671 wings.
  7 H7272 And their feet H3477 were straight H7272 feet; H3709 and the sole H7272 of their feet H3709 was like the sole H5695 of a calf's H7272 foot: H5340 and they sparkled H5869 like the color H7044 of burnished H5178 brass.
  8 H3027 And they had the hands H120 of a man H3671 under their wings H702 on their four H7253 sides; H702 and they four H6440 had their faces H3671 and their wings.
  9 H3671 Their wings H2266 were joined H802 one H269 to another; H5437 they turned H3212 not when they went; H3212 they went H376 every one H5676 straight H6440 forward.
  10 H1823 As for the likeness H6440 of their faces, H702 they four H6440 had the face H120 of a man, H6440 and the face H738 of a lion, H3225 on the right side: H702 and they four H6440 had the face H7794 of a ox H8040 on the left side; H702 they four H6440 also had the face H5404 of a eagle.
  11 H6440 Thus were their faces: H3671 and their wings H6504 were stretched H4605 upward; H8147 two H376 wings of every one H2266 were joined H376 one H376 to another, H8147 and two H3680 covered H1472 their bodies.
  12 H3212 And they went H376 every one H5676 straight H6440 forward: H7307 where the spirit H3212 was to go, H3212 they went; H5437 and they turned H3212 not when they went.
  13 H1823 As for the likeness H2416 of the living creatures, H4758 their appearance H1197 was like burning H1513 coals H784 of fire, H4758 and like the appearance H3940 of lamps: H1980 it went up and down H2416 among the living creatures; H784 and the fire H5051 was bright, H784 and out of the fire H3318 went forth H1300 lightning.
  14 H2416 And the living creatures H7519 ran H7725 and returned H4758 as the appearance H965 of a flash of lightning.
  15 H7200 Now as I looked H2416 the living creatures, H259 behold one H212 wheel H776 upon the earth H681 by H2416 the living creatures, H702 with his four H6440 faces.
  16 H4758 The appearance H212 of the wheels H4639 and their work H5869 was like unto the color H8658 of a beryl: H702 and they four H259 had one H1823 likeness: H4758 and their appearance H4639 and their work H212 was as it were a wheel H8432 in the middle H212 of a wheel.
  17 H3212 When they went, H3212 they went H702 upon their four H7253 sides: H5437 and they turned H3212 not when they went.
  18 H1354 As for their rings, H1363 they were so high H3374 that they were dreadful; H1354 and their rings H4392 were full H5869 of eyes H5439 round about H702 them four.
  19 H2416 And when the living creatures H3212 went, H212 the wheels H3212 went H681 by them: H2416 and when the living creatures H5375 were lifted up H776 from the earth, H212 the wheels H5375 were lifted up.
  20 H7307 Wherever the spirit H3212 was to go, H3212 they went, H7307 there was their spirit H3212 to go; H212 and the wheels H5375 were lifted up H5980 over against H7307 them: for the spirit H2416 of the living creature H212 was in the wheels.
  21 H3212 When those went, H3212 these went; H5975 and when those stood, H5975 these stood; H5375 and when those were lifted up H776 from the earth, H212 the wheels H5375 were lifted up H5980 over against H7307 them: for the spirit H2416 of the living creature H212 was in the wheels.
  22 H1823 And the likeness H7549 of the firmament H7218 upon the heads H2416 of the living creature H5869 was as the color H3372 of the terrible H7140 crystal, H5186 stretched forth H7218 over their heads H4605 above.
  23 H7549 And under the firmament H3671 were their wings H3477 straight, H802 the one H269 toward the other: H376 every one H8147 had two, H3680 which covered H2007 on this side, H376 and every one H8147 had two, H3680 which covered H2007 on that side, H1472 their bodies.
  24 H3212 And when they went, H8085 I heard H6963 the noise H3671 of their wings, H6963 like the noise H7227 of great H4325 waters, H6963 as the voice H7706 of the Almighty, H6963 the voice H1999 of speech, H6963 as the noise H4264 of a army: H5975 when they stood, H7503 they let down H3671 their wings.
  25 H6963 And there was a voice H7549 from the firmament H7218 that was over their heads, H5975 when they stood, H7503 and had let down H3671 their wings.
  26 H4605 And above H7549 the firmament H7218 that was over their heads H1823 was the likeness H3678 of a throne, H4758 as the appearance H5601 of a sapphire H68 stone: H1823 and upon the likeness H3678 of the throne H1823 was the likeness H4758 as the appearance H120 of a man H4605 above upon it.
  27 H7200 And I saw H5869 as the color H2830 of amber, H4758 as the appearance H784 of fire H5439 round about H1004 inside H4758 it, from the appearance H4975 of his body H4605 even upward, H4758 and from the appearance H4975 of his body H4295 even downward, H7200 I saw H4758 as it were the appearance H784 of fire, H5051 and it had brightness H5439 round about.
  28 H4758 As the appearance H7198 of the bow H6051 that is in the cloud H3117 in the day H1653 of rain, H4758 so was the appearance H5051 of the brightness H5439 round about. H4758 This was the appearance H1823 of the likeness H3519 of the glory H3068 of the Lord. H7200 And when I saw H5307 it, I fell H6440 upon my face, H8085 and I heard H6963 a voice H1696 of one that spoke.