Psalms 145

CLV(i) 1 {A Davidic Praise{ I shall exalt You, my Elohim the King; Let me bless Your Name for the eon and further." 2 In every day I shall bless You; Let me praise Your Name for the eon and further. 3 Great is Yahweh, and praised exceedingly, And as to His greatness there is no fathoming." 4 May one generation laud Your works to another generation, And of Your masterful deeds may they tell." 5 On the honor glorious of Your splendor And the words of Your marvelous works let me meditate. 6 The strength of Your fear inspiring deeds may they affirm, And Your great achievements let me relate." 7 The remembrance of Your great goodness, may they utter, And in Your righteousness may they be jubilant." 8 Gracious and compassionate is Yahweh, Slow to anger and with great benignity." 9 Yahweh is good to all, And His compassions are over all His works." 10 May all Your works acclaim You, O Yahweh, And let Your benign ones bless You." 11 The glory of Your kingdom, may they affirm, And of Your powerful mastery may they speak, 12 To make known His masterful deeds to the sons of humanity, And the glorious honor of His kingdom." 13 Your kingdom is a kingdom for all the eons, And Your dominion for every generation after generation. Faithful is Yahweh in all His words, And benign in all His works." 14 Supporting is Yahweh all who are falling And is making erect all who are bent down. 15 The eyes of all place hopefulness on You, And You are giving them their food in its season, 16 Opening Your hand And satisfying every living creature with benevolence. 17 Righteous is Yahweh in all His ways, And benign in all His works." 18 Near is Yahweh to all calling on Him, To all who are calling on Him in truth." 19 Benevolence for those fearing Him is He providing, And their imploring is He hearing and is saving them." 20 Guarding is Yahweh all who are loving Him, Yet all the wicked shall He exterminate." 21 The praise of Yahweh, may my mouth speak, And may all flesh bless His holy Name For the eon and further."