Genesis 29:31-35

Coverdale(i) 31 But when the LORDE sawe, that Lea was nothinge regarded, he made her frutefull, and Rachel baren. 32 And Lea coceaued, and bare a sonne, whom she called Ruben, and sayde: The LORDE hath loked vpon my aduersite. Now wyll my husbande loue me. 33 And she conceaued agayne, and bare a sonne, and sayde: The LORDE hath herde that I am despysed, and hath geue me this also, and she called him Symeon. 34 She coceaued yet agayne, and bare a sonne, and sayde: Now wyll my husbande kepe me company agayne, for I haue borne him thre sonnes, therfore called she his name Leui. 35 She conceaued ye fourth tyme, and bare a sonne, and sayde: Now wyll I geue thankes vnto the LORDE, therfore called she him Iuda, and left bearynge.