Exodus 17

ECB(i) 1
And all the witness of the sons of Yisra El pull stakes from the wilderness of Sin, on their journeys according to the mouth of Yah Veh; and encamp in Rephidim: and there is no water for the people to drink. 2 And the people strive with Mosheh and say, Give us water to drink. And Mosheh says to them, Why strive with me? Why test you Yah Veh? 3 And there the people thirst for water; and the people murmur against Mosheh and say, Why ascended you us from Misrayim, to deathify us and our sons and our chattel with thirst? 4 And Mosheh crys to Yah Veh, saying, What work I to this people? In a little they stone me. 5 And Yah Veh says to Mosheh, Pass on at the face of the people and take some of the elders of Yisra El with you and take the rod with which you smote the river in your hand and go. 6 Behold, I stand at your face there on the rock in Horeb: and you smite the rock and water comes out and the people drink. And Mosheh works thus in the eyes of the elders of Yisra El: 7 and he calls the name of the place Testing and Strife because of the striving of the sons of Yisra El and because of testing of Yah Veh, saying, Is Yah Veh among us, or not? 8 Then Amaleq comes and fights with Yisra El in Rephidim. 9 And Mosheh says to Yah Shua, Choose us men; and go fight Amaleq: tomorrow I station myself on the top of the hill with the rod of Elohim in my hand. 10 So Yah Shua works as Mosheh says to him and fights Amaleq: and Mosheh, Aharon and Hur ascend to the top of the hill: 11 And so be it, when Mosheh lifts his hand, Yisra El prevails mightily: and when he rests his hand, Amaleq prevails mightily: 12 and the hands of Mosheh get heavy; and they take a stone and put it under him and he sits thereon; and Aharon and Hur uphold his hands - the one on this side and the one on that side; and his hands are trustworthy until the going down of the sun. 13 - and Yah Shua vanquishes Amaleq and his people with the mouth of the sword. 14 And Yah Veh says to Mosheh, Inscribe this in a scroll for a memorial and set it in the ears of Yah Shua: for in wiping out, I wipe out the memorial of Amaleq from under the heavens. 15 And Mosheh builds a sacrifice altar and calls the name thereof Yah Veh Nissi: 16 for he says, The hand of Yah is my ensign: Yah Veh wars against Amaleq from generation to generation.