Genesis 31

ECB(i) 1 And he hears the words of the sons of Laban, saying, Yaaqov takes all our father has; yes, from what our father has, he works all this honor. 2 And Yaaqov sees the face of Laban and behold, it is not toward him as three yesters ago. 3 And Yah Veh says to Yaaqov, Return to the land of your fathers and to your kindred; and I AM with you. 4 And Yaaqov sends and calls Rachel and Leah to the field to his flock, 5 and says to them, I see that the face of your father is not toward me as three yesters ago; but Elohim of my father is with me. 6 And you know I serve your father with all my force: 7 and your father mocked me and changed my hire ten times; but Elohim gives him to not vilify me: 8 if he says thus, The branded are your hire; then all the flocks birth branded: and if he says thus, The ringstraked are your hire; then all the flocks birth ringstraked: 9 thus Elohim strips the chattel of your father and gives them to me. 10 And so be it, at the time the flocks conceive, I lift my eyes and see in a dream, and behold, the he goats ascending on the flocks are ringstraked, branded and grisled. 11 And the angel of Elohim says to me in a dream, Yaaqov! And I say, Here - I! 12 And he says, Lift up, I beseech, your eyes and see, all the he goats ascending on the flocks are ringstraked, branded and grisled: for I see all Laban works to you. 13 I - El of Beth El - where you anointed the monolith and where you vowed a vow to me: now rise, get from this land and return to the land of your kindred. 14 And Rachel and Leah answer and say to him, Have we yet any allotment or inheritance for us in the house of our father? 15 Are we not fabricated by him as strangers? For he sold us; and in consuming, he also consumed our silver: 16 for all the riches Elohim stripped from our father, are ours and our sons: now then, whatever Elohim says to you, work. 17 Then Yaaqov rises and lifts his sons and his women on camels; 18 and he drives all his chattel and all the acquisitions he acquired - the chattel he chatteled which he acquired in Paddan Aram, to go to Yischaq his father in the land of Kenaan. 19 And Laban goes to shear his flock: and Rachel steals the teraphim of her father; 20 and Yaaqov steals the heart of Laban the Aramiy in not telling him that he flees. 21 So he flees with all he has; and he rises and passes over the river and sets his face toward the mount Gilad. 22 And on the third day they tell Laban that Yaaqov fled: 23 and he takes his brothers with him and pursues after him a journey of seven days; and they adhere to him in the mount Gilad. 24 And Elohim comes to Laban the Aramiy in a dream by night and says to him, Guard that you word not to Yaaqov from good to evil. 25 - and Laban overtakes Yaaqov. And Yaaqov stakes his tent in the mount: and Laban with his brothers stake in the mount of Gilad. 26 And Laban says to Yaaqov, What work you, that you steal from my heart and drive my daughters as captured with the sword? 27 Why hide you to flee and steal from me - and not tell me - and I send you with cheerfulness and with songs, with tambourine and with harp? 28 And allow me not to kiss my sons and my daughters? You now folly in so working. 29 It is in the el of my hand to work you evil: but Elohim of your father worded to me yesternight, saying, Guard that you not word to Yaaqov from good to evil. 30 And now, in going, you go; because in yearning, you yearn after the house of your father: But why stole you my elohim? 31 And Yaaqov answers and says to Laban, Because I awe: for I say, Lest you strip your daughters from me. 32 With whomever you find your elohim, lives not! At the face of our brothers recognize what is with me and take it to yourself. - for Yaaqov discerns not that Rachel stole them. 33 And Laban goes into the tent of Yaaqov and into the tent of Leah and into the tent of the two maids; but he finds them not: then he goes from the tent of Leah and enters into the tent of Rachel. 34 And Rachel takes the teraphim and puts them in the saddle of the camel and sits on them: and Laban gropes all the tent, but finds them not. 35 And she says to her father, So be it that the eyes of my adoni not inflame because I cannot rise at your face; for the way of women is on me. And he searches, but finds not the teraphim: 36 and Yaaqov inflames and chides with Laban: and Yaaqov answers and says to Laban, What is my rebellion? What is my sin, that you so hotly pursue after me? 37 You grope all my instruments: what found you of all your household instruments? set it thus in front of my brothers and your brothers, to reprove between the two of us. 38 These twenty years I am with you; your ewes and your she goats aborted not and the rams of your flock I ate not: 39 and I brought not the torn to you for the sin; of my hand you sought - stolen by day, or stolen by night. 40 So be I; in the day the parch consumes me and the frost by night; and my sleep flees from my eyes. 41 Thus - twenty years in your house; I served you fourteen years for your two daughters and six years for your flocks: and you changed my hire ten times. 42 Unless Elohim of my father - Elohim of Abraham and the fear of Yischaq were with me, surely you had now sent me away empty. Elohim sees my humiliation and the labour of my palms; and reproved you yesternight. 43 And Laban answers and says to Yaaqov, These daughters are my daughters and these sons my sons and these flocks my flocks; and all you see is mine: and what work I this day to these my daughters, or to their sons whom they birthed? 44 And now come, let us cut a covenant - I and you; to be a witness between me and you. 45 And Yaaqov takes a stone and lifts it for a monolith: 46 and Yaaqov says to his brothers, Glean stones! - and they take stones and work a heap: and they eat there on the heap. 47 And Laban calls it Yegar Sahadutha/Heap of Witness: but Yaaqov calls it Gal Ed/Heap of Witness. 48 And Laban says, This heap is a witness between me and between you this day. So they call the name thereof Gal Ed/Heap of Witness; 49 and Mispeh;
\b THE MISPEH BENEDICTION \bo for he says, Yah Veh watch between me and between you, when we hide, man from friend. 50 If you humble my daughters, or if you take women beside my daughters - no man is with us - see Elohim is witness between me and between you. 51 And Laban says to Yaaqov, Behold this heap and behold this monolith which I pour between me and between you: 52 this heap witnesses and this monolith witnesses, that I not pass over this heap to you and that you not pass over this heap and this monolith to me, for evil. 53 Elohim of Abraham and Elohim of Nachor, Elohim of their father, judges between us. - and Yaaqov oaths by the fear of his father Yischaq. 54 Then Yaaqov sacrifices a sacrifice on the mount and calls his brothers to eat bread: and they eat bread and stay overnight in the mount: 55 and early in the morning Laban starts and kisses his sons and his daughters and blesses them: and Laban goes and returns to his place.