John 2

ECB(i) 1
And the third day there is a marriage in Qanah, Galiyl; and the mother of Yah Shua is there: 2 and they also call Yah Shua and his disciples to the marriage. 3 And lacking wine, the mother of Yah Shua words to him, They have no wine. 4 Yah Shua words to her, What is that to me and to you, woman? My hour has not yet come. 5 His mother words to the ministers, Whatever he words to you, do. 6 And there are six waterpots of stone set according to the purifying of the Yah Hudiym - each containing two or three measures. 7 Yah Shua words to them, Fill the waterpots with water. - and they fill them to the brim. 8 And he words to them, Bail now, and bear to the arch of entertainment. - and they bear. 9 And the arch of entertainment tastes the water become wine, and knows not whence it is - but the ministers bailing the water know. And the arch of entertainment voices out to the bridegroom 10 and words to him, Every human, at the beginning, sets good wine; and whenever they intoxicate, then the lesser: you guarded the good wine until now. 11 Yah Shua does this beginning of signs in Qanah of Galiyl; and manifests his glory: and his disciples trust in him. 12
After this he descends to Kaphar Nachum - he and his mother and his brothers and his disciples: and they abide there not many days. 13 And the pasach of the Yah Hudiym is near and Yah Shua ascends to Yeru Shalem; 14 and in the priestal precinct finds them who sell oxen and sheep and doves - and the coindealers sitting: 15 and he makes a whip of ropes and casts them all from the priestal precinct with the sheep and the oxen; and pours out the coins of the coindealers and overturns the tables; 16 and says to them who sell doves, Take these hence; make not the house of my Father a house of merchandise. 17 - and his disciples remember it is scribed, The zeal of your house consumes me. Psalm 69:9 18
So the Yah Hudiym answer him, saying, What sign show you us, that you do these? 19 Yah Shua answers them, saying, Release this nave, and in three days I raise it. 20 So the Yah Hudiym say, Forty-six years to build this nave, and you, raise it in three days? 21 But he words concerning the nave of his body: 22 so when he rises from the dead, his disciples remember that he worded this to them; and they trust the scripture and the word Yah Shua said. 23
And as he is in Yeru Shalem, in the pasach, in the celebration, many trust in his name, seeing the signs he does: 24 and Yah Shua entrusts not himself to them because he knows all; 25 and needs no one to witness concerning humanity: for he knows what is in humanity.