Psalms 103

ECB(i) 1 By David. Bless Yah Veh, O my soul, and all that is within me - his holy name: 2 bless Yah Veh, O my soul and forget not all his dealings 3 - who forgives all your perversities; who heals all your sicknesses; 4 who redeems your life from the pit of ruin; who crowns you with mercy and tender mercies; 5 who satisfies your mouth with good; - renews your youth as the eagle. 6 Yah Veh works justness and judgment for all the oppressed; 7 he made his ways known to Mosheh; his exploits to the sons of Yisra El: 8 Yah Veh is merciful and charismatic; slow to wrath and abundant in mercy. 9 He neither contends in perpetuity nor guards eternally: 10 he neither works with us after our sins nor deals with us according to our perversities. 11 For as the heavens loft above the earth, thus his mercy prevails mightily toward them who awe him: 12 as far as the rising from the dusk, thus far he removes our rebellions from us: 13 as a father mercies his sons thus Yah Veh mercies them who awe him. 14 For he knows our form; he remembers that we are dust. 15 Man - his days are as grass - as a blossom of the field, thus he blossoms. 16 For the wind overpasses and is not; and recognizes the place no more: 17 and the mercy of Yah Veh from eternity to eternity on them who awe him: and his justness to sons of sons 18 - to them who guard his covenant and to them who remember his precepts to work them. 19 Yah Veh prepared his throne in the heavens; and his sovereigndom reigns over all. 20 Bless Yah Veh, you his angels, mighty in force, who work his words, to hearken to the voice of his word: 21 bless Yah Veh, all you his hosts; you ministers of his, who work his pleasure: 22 bless Yah Veh, all his works in all places of his reign; bless Yah Veh, O my soul.