Ezekiel 9

Great(i) 1 He cryed also with a loude voyce in myne eares, sayinge: Come, here ye rulers of the cyte, euery man wyth his weapened hande to the slaughter. 2 Then came there syxe men out of the strete of the vpper porte towarde the north, and euery man a weapen in hys hande to the slaughter. There was one amongest them, that had on hym a lynen rayment, & a wryters ynckhorne by hys syde. These wente in, & stode besyde the brasen aulter: 3 for the glory of the Lorde was gone awaye from the Cherub whych was vpon him, & was come downe to the thresholde of the house, and he called the man that had the lynen rayment vpon hym, and the wryters ynckhorne by his syde, 4 and the Lorde sayde vnto hym: Go thy waye thorowe the cyte of Ierusalem, and set a marcke vpon the foreheades of them, that mourne and are sory for all the abhominacions, that be done therin. 5 And to the other, he sayde that I myght heare: Go ye after hym thorowe the cytie, slaye, ouerse none, spare none: 6 kyll and destroye both olde men and yonge, maydens, chyldren, and wyues. But as for those, that haue the marcke vpon them: se that ye touch them not, and begynne at my Sanctuary. Then they beganne at the elders, whych were in the temple, 7 for he had sayde vnto them: When ye haue defyled the temple, and fylled the courte wyth the slayne, then go your waye forth. So they wente out, & slewe downe thorowe the citie. 8 Nowe when they had done the slaughter, & I yet escaped: I fell downe vpon my face, & cryed, sayinge: O Lorde, wylt thou then destroye all the resydue of Israel, in thy sore displeasure, that thou hast poured vpon Ierusalem? 9 Then sayde he vnto me: The wyckednesse of the house of Israel and Iuda is very greate: so that the lande is full of bloude, and the citie full of vnfaithfulnesse: For they saye: Tush the Lorde regardeth not the earth, he seeth vs not. 10 Therfore wyll I vpon them, myne eye shall not ouerse them, nether wyll I spare them, but wyll recompense theyr wyckednesse vpon theyr heades. 11 And beholde, the man that had the lynen rayment vpon hym, and the wryters ynckhorne by hys syde: tolde all the matter howe it happened, and sayde: Lorde as thou hast commaunded me, so haue I done.