Psalms 33

Great(i) 1 Reioyse in the Lord, O ye ryghteous, for it becommeth well the iust to be thankfull. 2 Prayse the Lord with harpe: synge psalmes vnto hym with the lute and instrument of ten strynges. 3 Synge vnto the Lorde a newe songe, synge prayses lustely with a good corage. 4 For the worde of the Lorde is true, and all hys worckes are faythfull. 5 He loueth ryghteousnes and iugement: the earth is full of the goodnesse of the Lorde. 6 By the worde of the Lorde were the heauens made, and all the Hoostes of them by the breth of his mouth. 7 He gathereth the waters of the see together as it were vpon a heape, & layeth vp the depe as in a tresure house. 8 Let all the earth feare the Lorde: stande in awe of hym, all ye that dwell in the worlde. 9 For he spake, and it was done: he commaunded, and it stode fast. 10 The Lorde bryngeth the councell of the Heithen to naught, and maketh the deuyces of the people, to be of none effecte. 11 The councell of the Lorde shall endure for euer, and the thoughtes of hys herte from generacyon to generacyon. 12 Blessed are the people whose God is the Lorde Iehouah, & blessed are the folcke that haue chosen hym to be theyr inheritaunce. 13 The Lorde loked downe from heauen, and behelde all the chyldren of men: 14 from the habitacyon of his dwellynge, he consydreth all them that dwell in the erth. 15 He fashyoneth all the hertes of them, and vnderstandeth all theyr worckes. 16 There is no kynge that can be saued by the multytude of an hoost, nether is any myghtie man delyuered by moche strength. 17 A horse is counted but a vayne thynge to saue a man, neyther shall he delyuer any man by hys greate strength. 18 Behold the eye of the Lorde is vpon them that feare hym, and vpon them that put theyr trust in his mercy. 19 To delyuer theyr soules from death, and to fede them in the tyme of dearth. 20 Oure soule hath paciently taryed for the Lorde for he is oure helpe and oure shylde. 21 For oure herte shall reioyse in hym, because we haue hoped in hys holy name. 22 Let thy mercyfull kyndnesse, O Lorde be vpon vs, lyke as we haue put oure trust in the.