Psalms 5

Great(i) 1 To hym that excelleth in songes of Musick: a psalme of Dauid. Pondre my wordes, O Lord, consydre my meditacyon. 2 O herken thou vnto the voyce of my callynge, my kinge and my God for vnto the wyll I make my prayer. 3 My voyce shalt thou heare by tymes, O Lorde, early in the mornyng will I directe my praier vnto the, and wyll loke vp. 4 For thou arte the God that hath no pleasure in wyckednes, nether shall any euell dwell with the. 5 Soch as be foolysh, shall not stande in thy syght, thou hatest all them that worke vanyte. Thou shalte destroye them that speake leasynge: the Lorde wyll abhorre both the bloud thyrstye, and disceatfull man. 6 But as for me, I will come into thy house, euen vpon the multitude of thy mercy, and in thy feare wyll I worshyp towarde thy holy temple. 7 Leade me, O Lorde, in thy ryghtewesnesse because of myne enemyes: make thy waye playne before my face. 8 For there is no faythfulnesse in hys mouth: theyr inwarde partes are very wickednes. 9 Theyr throte is an open sepulchre: they flatter wt their tonge. 10 Destroye thou them, O God, let them perysshe thorowe theyr awne ymaginacyons, cast them out in the multitude of theyr vngodlynes: for they haue rebelled agaynst the. 11 And let all them that put theyr trust in the reioyce: they shall euer be geuinge of thankes, because thou defendest them: they that loue thy name shalbe ioyfull in the. 12 For thou Lorde wylt geue thy blessynge vnto the ryghteous: and with thy fauorable kyndnesse wylt thou defende hym, as with a shylde.