Psalms 73

Great(i) 1 A Psalme of Asaph. Truly God is louing vnto Israel: euen vnto soch as are of a cleane hert? 2 Neuerthelesse, my fete were almost gone, my treadinges had well nye slypte. 3 And why I was greued at the wicked, I do se also the vngodly in soch prosperite. 4 For they are in no parell of death, but are lusty and strong. 5 They come in no misfortune like other folke, nether are they plaged like other men. 6 And this is the cause the they be so holden with pride, and ouerwhelmed with cruelte. 7 Their eyes swell for fatnesse, and they do euen what they lyst. 8 They corrupte other, & speake of wicked blasphemye: theyr talkynge is agaynst the most hiest. 9 For they stretch forth theyr mouth vnto the heauen, & theyr tonge goeth thorow the world. 10 Therfore fall the people vnto them, and there out sucke they no small aduauntage. 11 Tush (saye they) how shuld God perceaue it? is there knowlege in the moost hyest? 12 Lo, these are the vngodly, these prospere in the worlde, and these haue ryches in possessyon 13 Then haue I clensed my herte in vayne and washed my handes in innocency? 14 All the daye long haue I bene punished, and chastened euery mornynge. 15 Yee, and I had almost sayde euen as they: but lo, then shuld I haue condemned the generacyon of thy chyldren. 16 Then thought I to vnderstand this, but it was to harde for me. 17 Untill I wente into the Sanctuary of God, then vnderderstode I the ende of these men. 18 Namely, how thou dost sett them in slyppery places, and castest them downe and destroyest them. 19 O how sodenly do they consume, perysh, and come to a fearfull ende? 20 Yee, euen like as a dreame when one a waketh, so shalt thou make theyr ymage to vanysh out of the cyte. 21 Thus my hert was greued, and it wente euen thorow my reynes. 22 So folysh was I and ignoraunt, euen as it were a beast before the. 23 Neuerthelesse, I am all waye by the, for thou hast holden me by my right hande. 24 Thou shalt gyde me with thy councell, and afterwarde receaue me with glory. 25 Whom haue I in heauen but the? And there is none vpon earth, that I desyre in comparyson of the. 26 My fleashe and my hert fayleth, but God is the strength of my hert, and my porcyon for euer. 27 For lo, they that forsake the shall perysh: thou hast destroyed all them that commytte fornicacyon agaynst the. 28 But it is good for me, to holde me fast by God, to put my trust in the Lorde God, and to speake of all thy workes.