2 Chronicles 9

Matthew(i) 1 And the quene of Saba heard of the fame of Salomon, and came to proue hym with ryddelles at Ierusalem, wyth a very great companye, & wyth camelles that bare swete odours and plentye of goulde & precyouse stone. And when she was come to Salomon, she communed with him of all that was in her herte. 2 And Salomon foyled her all her questyons, that there was nothynge hyd from Salomon, which he tolde her not. 3 And when the quene of Saba had sene the wysdome of Salomon and the house that he had buylt, 4 and the meate of hys table and the syttynge of hys seruauntes and the standyng of hys wayters, and theyr apparell, and hys buttelars wyth theyr apparell, & his parlour out of which he went into the house of the Lord there was no more herte in her. 5 And then she said to the king: the sayinge which I hearde in myne owne lande, of thyne actes and of thy wysdome is truet 6 But I beleued not the wordes of them, vntyll I came & myne eyes had sene it. And se, the one halfe of thy wysdome was not tolde me: thou exceadest the fame that I heard, 7 happye are thy men, & happye are these thy seruauntes which stande before the all waye and heare thy wysdome. 8 Blessed be the Lorde thy God whiche had luste to the, to make the kyng on hys seat, vnto the Lorde thy God. Because thy God loued Israel, to make them contynue euer, therfore made he the kynge ouer them to do ryght and equyte. 9 And she gaue the kyng an hundred & .xx. talentes of goulde, and of swete odoures excedynge great aboundaunce wyth preciouse stones, that there was no suche swete odoures as the quene of Saba gaue kynge Salomon. 10 And therto the seruauntes of Hyram and the seruauntes of Salomon which brought gould from Ophir, broughte also Algume woode and precyouse stones. 11 And the kynge made of the Algume wood steyares in the house of the Lorde and in the kynges palace, and harpes & psalteryes for syngers. And there was no suche woode sene before in the lande of Iuda. 12 And Kynge Salomon gaue to the quene of Saba all her desyre that she asked aboue that she brought vnto the kyng. And so she turned and went awaye to her owne lande wyth her seruauntes. 13 The summe of goulde that came to Salomon in one yeare, was syxe hundred .lxvi. talentes of goulde, 14 besydes that whiche chapmen and marchauntes brought, and all the kynges of Arabia and dukes of countreyes broughte goulde & syluer to Salomon. 15 And kynge Salomon made two hundred bokelars of gould .vi. hundred sicles of Beten gould to be a bokelar: 16 & thre hundred shyldes of Beten goulde, thre hundred sicles of goulde to a shylde, & he put them in the house of the forest of Lybanon. 17 And the king made a great seate of Iuorie and ouerlayde it with pure goulde. 18 And there were sixe steppes to the seate with a fote stole of goulde fastened to the seate: & pomelles on eche syde of the sittyng place, 19 & two lyons standynge by the pomelles. And .xij. lyons stode on the one syde & on the other vpon sixe steppes, that there was no such in any kyngdomm. 20 And all the drynckynge vesselles of kynge Salomon were gould, & al the vesselles of the house of the forest of Libanon, were pure gould And as for syluer, it was counted nothynge worthe in the dayes of Salomon. 21 For the kynges shyppes wente to Tharsis with the seruauntes of Hiram euery thre yeare once. And the shyppes of Tharsis brought gould, siluer the tethe of elephantes, apes, and pecockes. 22 And kynge Salomon passed all the kinges of the earth in rychesse and wysdome. 23 And al the kynges of the earth sought the presence of Salomon, to heare the wysdome that GOD had put in hys herte. 24 And they brought euery man his present in vesselles of syluer and vesselles of goulde, and rayment, harnesse, swete odoures, horses and mules yeare by yeare. 25 And Salomon had foure thousand maungers of horsses and charettes for them, and twelue thousande horsmen. And he bestowed them in the charet cityes & with the king at Ierusalem. 26 And he raigned ouer all the kinges from Euphrates vnto the lande of the Philistines & so to the borders of Egypte. 27 And the kyng made syluer in Ierusalem as plenteous as stones, and Cedar trees as plenteous as the mulbery trees that growe in the valeys. 28 And Salomon had horses brought hym oute of Egypte and out of all landes. 29 And the rest of the actes of kyng Salomon both fyrste and last are wryten in the boke of Nathan the Prophete and in the prophesie of Ahiah the Silonite and in the vysyons of Iadi the sear of visyons agaynst Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat. 30 And when Salomon had raigned in Ierusalem vpon all Israel fourty yeares, 31 he layed hym to reste wyth his fathers, and was buryed in the cytie of Dauid hys father, and Rehoboam hys sonne raigned in hys steade.