
Matthew(i) 1 This is the heauye burthen, whiche the Prophet Abacuc did se. 2 O lord how long shal I crye, and thou wilt not heare? How long shal I complayn vnto the, sufferynge wrong, & thou wilte not helpe? 3 Why lettest thou me se weerynesse and laboure? Tyranny & vyolence are before me, power ouergoeth righte: 4 for the lawe is toarne in peces, and there can no ryghte iudgemente go forthe. And why? the vngodly is more set by then the rightuous: this is the cause, that wronge iudgemente procedeth. 5 Beholde, amonge the Heathen, & loke well: wondre at it, and be abashed: for I wyll do a thynge in youre tyme, whiche thoughe it be tolde you, ye shall not beleue. 6 For lo, I wyll rase vp the Caldees, that bitter and swifte people: whiche shall go as wyde as the land is, to take possessyon of dwellyng places, that be not theyr owne. 7 A grymme and boysteours people is it, these shall sit in iudgement, and punish. 8 Their horses are swifter then the cattes of the mountayne, & byte sorer then the wolues in the euenynge. Theyr horsmen come by greate heapes from farre, they fle hastely to deuour as the Aegle. 9 They come all to spoyle: oute of them commeth an easte wynde, whiche bloweth and gathereth theyr captyues, lyke as the sande. 10 They shall mocke the kynges, and laughe the princes to scorne. They shal not set by any stronge holde, for they shall laye ordynaunce agaynst it, and take it. 11 Then shall they take a freshe courage vnto them, to go forth, and to do more euil, & so ascrybe that power vnto theyr God. 12 But thou O Lorde my God, my holy one thou arte from the begynnynge, therfor shall we not dye. O Lorde, thou hast ordened them for a punyshment, and set them to reproue the myghtye. 13 Thyne eyes are clene, thou mayest not se euyll, thou canst not beholde the thynge that is wycked. Wherfor then doest thou loke vpon the vngodly, and holdest thy tung, when the wycked deuoureth the man that is better then hym selfe? 14 Thou makest men as the fysh in the sea, and lyke as the crepynge beastes that haue no gyde. 15 They take vp all with theyr angle, they catche it in theyr net, and gather it in theyr yarne: whereof they reioyce, and are glad, 16 Therfore offre they vnto theyr net, and do sacryfyce vnto theyr yarne: because that thorowe it theyr porcyon is become so fat, & theyr meate so plenteous. 17 Wherfore they cast oute theyr net agayne, and neuer cease to slaye the people.