Proverbs 27

Matthew(i) 1 Make not thy boaste of to morow, for thou knowest not what maye happen to day. 2 Let another man praise the, & not thine own mouth yea other folkes lips, & not thine. 3 The stone is heuy, and the sand weyghty: but a foles wrath is heuier then then they both 4 Wrath is a cruel thing, and furyousnesse is a verye tempeste: yea who is able to abyde enuye? 5 An open rebuke is beter then a secrete loue. 6 Faythfull are the woundes of a louer, but the kysses of an enemy are disceatful 7 He that is ful, abhorreth an hony combe: but vnto him that is hongry, euery sower thing is swete. 8 He that oft times flytteth, is like a bird that forsaketh her nest. 9 The hert is glad of a swet ointment and sauoure, but a stomake that can geue good councel, reioiseth a mans neyghboure. 10 Thine owne frend, and thy fathers frend se thou forsake not, but go not into thy brothers house in tyme of thy trouble. Better is a frend at hand, then a brother far of. 11 My son, be wyse, and thou shalt make me a glad herte: so that I shall make answere vnto my rebukers. 12 A wyse man seynge the plage wyll hyde hym selfe, as for fooles they go on styll, and suffer harme. 13 Take hys garmente that is suertye for a straunger, & take a pledge of him for the vnknowne mans sake. 14 He that is to hasty to prayse his neyghbour aboue measure, shalbe taken as one that geueth hym and euel report. 15 A braulling woman and the rose of the house dropping in a rainy day may wel be compared together. 16 He that refrayneth her, refrayneth the wynde, and holdeth oyle fast in hys hande. 17 Lyke as one yron whetteth another, so doth one man conforte another. 18 Who so kepeth his fyggetre, shall enioye the fruytes therof he that wayteth vpon hys master, shal come to honoure. 19 Lyke as in one water there appeare diuerse faces, euen so diuerse men haue dyuerse hertes. 20 Lyke as hell and destruccyon are neuer full, euen so the eyes of men canne neuer be satysfyed. 21 Siluer is tryed in the mold, and golde in the fornace and so is a man, when he is openlye praysed to his face. 22 Though thou shouldest bray a foole wyth a pestell in morter like otemel, yet wyll not his folyshnesse go from hym. 23 Se that thou know the number of thy catell thy selfe, and loke wel to thy flockes. 24 For riches abyde not alway, & the crowne endureth not for euer. 25 The hey groweth, the grasse commeth vp, & herbes are gathered in the mountaynes. 26 The lambes shall clothe the, and for the gotes 27 thou shalt haue goates mylcke ynough to fede the, to vpholde thy housholde, and to susteyne thy maydens.