Psalms 112

Matthew(i) 1 Prayse the euerlastynge. Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord, and hath great delite in hys commaundementes. 2 Hys sede shal be mighty vpon earth the generacyon of the faythfull shalbe blessed. 3 Ryches and, plenteousnesse shalbe in hys house, and hys ryghtuousnesse endureth for euer. 4 Vnto the godly there aryseth vp lyghte in the darcknesse: he is mercyfull, louynge and ryghtuous. 5 Well is he that is mercyfull, and lendeth gladly, and pondereth his wordes wyth discrecyon, 6 For he shall neuer be moued, the ryghtuous shall be had in an euerlastynge remembraunce. 7 He wyll not be afrayed for anye euyll tydynges, his herte standeth fast, and beleueth in the Lord. 8 Hys hert is stablished, he wyl not shrynke, vntyl he se hys desyre vpon hys enemyes. 9 He hath sparsed abrode, and geuen to the poore, hys ryghtuousnes remayneth for euer his horne shalbe exealted with honoure 10 The vngodly shall se it, and it shall greue them: he shall gnash with his teeth, and consume awaye. and the desyre of the vngodlye shall perysh.