Psalms 18

Matthew(i) 1 To the chaunter of Dauid, seruaunt of the Lorde, whiche sayde vnto the Lorde the woordes of thys songe, on the daye in which the Lorde delyuered hym from the hande of all hys enemyes, and from the hande of Saul, and sayde. I wyll loue the (O Lorde) my strength. 2 The Lorde is my succour, my refuge, my sauyoure: my God, my helper in whome I trust: my buckler, the horne of my health, and my proteccion. 3 I will prayse the Lorde, and call vppon hym, so shall I be safe fro myne enemyes. 4 The sorowes of deathe compassed me, and the brokes of vngodlynes made me afrayed. 5 The paynes of hell came aboute me, the snares of death toke holde vpon me. 6 Yet in my trouble I called vpon the Lord, and complayned vnto my God. So he hearde my voyce out of hys holye temple, and my complaynte came before hym ye euen into hys eares. 7 Then the earth trembled and quaked, the verye foundacyones of the hylles shoke and were remoued, because he was wroth. 8 There wente a smoke oute of hys nostrels and a consuming fyre out of his mouth so that coales were kyndled at it. 9 He bowed the heauens & came downe, and it was darke vnder his fete. 10 He rode vpon the Cherubyns & dyd fle: he came flyenge wyth the wynges of the wynde. 11 He made darcknesse his pauylion rounde aboute hym, wyth darcke water and thycke cloudes to couer him. 12 At the brightnes of his presence the cloudes remoued, wyth hayle stones and coales of fyre. 13 The Lord also thondred out of the heauen and the heygth gaue his thonder wyth haile stones and coales of fyre. 14 He sente oute hys arrowes and scattered them, he cast sore lyghtenynges, and destroied them. 15 The sprynges of waters were sene, and the foundacyons of the rounde worlde were discouered at thy chidynge (O Lorde) at the blastynge and breth of thy displeasures. 16 He sente doune from the heygth to fetch me, and toke me out of greate waters. 17 He delyuered me fro my stronge enemies & fro my foes whych were to myghtye for me 18 They preuented me in the time of my trouble, but the Lorde was my defence. 19 He broughte me forthe also into lybertye: and delyuered me, because, he had a fauoure vnto me. 20 The Lorde shall rewarde me after my righteous dealynge, and accordynge to the clennesse of my handes shall he recompense me. 21 For I haue kepte the wayes of the Lord: and haue not behaued my selfe wickedly agaynst my God. 22 I haue an eye vnto all hys lawes, and caste not oute hys commaundementes fro me. 23 Vncorrupte wyll I be before him, and will eschue myne owne wyckednes. 24 Therfore shall the Lorde rewarde me after my ryghtuous dealynge, and accordinge vnto the clennesse of my handes in his eye sighte. 25 With the holye thou shalte be holye, and wyth the innocente thou shalte be innocente. 26 With the cleane thou shalt be cleane, and with the frowarde thou shalte be frowarde. 27 For thou shalte saue the poore oppressed, and brynge doune the hye lokes of the proude. 28 Thou lyghtest my candell, O Lorde my God: thou maketh my darcknesse to be light 29 For in the I can dyscomforte an hoste of men: yea in my God I can leape ouer the walle. 30 The waye of God is a perfecte waye: the wordes of the Lorde are tryed in the fire: he is a shylde of defence, for all them that truste in hym. 31 For who is God, but the Lord? Or who hath any strength, but our God? 32 It is God that gyrded me with strength, and made my way vncorrupt. 33 He hathe made my fete lyke hertes fete, and set me vpon hye. 34 He teacheth myne handes to fyght, & maketh myne armes to breake euen a bowe of stele. 35 Thou haste geuen me the defence of thy healthe, thy ryghte hande vpholdeth me, and thy louynge correctyon maketh me greate. 36 Thou hast made roume ynough vnder me for to go, that my fote steppes shuld not slyde. 37 I wyll folowe vpon myne enemyes, and take them: I wyll not turne tyll they be dyscomforted. 38 I wyll smyte them, they shall not be able to stand, but fal vnder my fete. 39 Thou hast gyrded me with strength vnto the battel, thou hast throwen them al downe vnder me that rose vp agaynst me. 40 Thou hast made myne enemyes to turne heir backes vpon me, thou haste destroyed them: that hated me. 41 They cryed, but there was none to helpe them: yea euen vnto the Lorde, but he heard them not. 42 I wyll beate them as smalle as the duste claye in the wynde, I wyll cast them out as the clay in the stretes. 43 Thou shalt delyuer me from the striuynges of the people, thou shalt make me the head of the Heathen. A people whom I haue not knowne shal serue me. 44 As soone as they heare of me, they shall obey me, but the straung chyldren dyssemble with me. 45 The straunge chyldren are waxen olde, and go haltynge out of their pathes. 46 The Lorde lyueth: and blessed be, my helper, praysed be the God of my health. 47 Euen the God which seyth that I be auenged, and subdueth the people vnto me. 48 It is he that delyuereth me from my cruell enemyes: thou shalt lyfte me vp from them that ryse against me, thou shalt rid me from the wycked man. 49 For this cause I wyll geue thankes vnto the (O lorde) among the gentiles, and synge prayses vnto thy name. 50 Greate prosperitye geueth he vnto hys Kynge: and sheweth louynge kyndnesse vnto Dauyd hys anoynted yea & vnto his sede for euermore.