Psalms 4

Matthew(i) 1 To the Chanter in Neginoth, a Psalme of Dauid. Heare me when I call, O God of my ryghteousnes: thou that comfortest me in my trouble: haue mercy vpon me, herken vnto my praier. 2 O ye sonnes of men, howe longe wyll ye blaspheme myne honour? why haue ye suche pleasure in vanytye, and seke after lyes? Selah. 3 Knowe thys, that the Lorde dealeth maruelously wyth hys saynt: and when I cal vpon the Lorde, he heareth me. 4 Be angrye, but synne not: comen wyth youre owne hertes vpon youre beddes, and remember youre selues. Selah. 5 Offer thy sacrifyce of ryghtuousnes, and put your trust in the Lord. 6 There be many that saye: who wyll do vs any good? Lord lift vp vpon vs the lyghte of thy countenaunce. 7 Thou reioyseste myne herte, thoughe their encrease be great both in corne & wyne. 8 Therfore wyll I laye me downe in peace, and take my rest: for thou Lorde only settest me in a sure dwellynge.