G1980 - new English-Greek & Hebrew Index and Concordance

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Matthew 25:36 ye visited G1980 G5662
Matthew 25:43 ye visited G1980 G5662
Luke 1:68 he hath visited G1980 G5662
Luke 1:78 hath visited G1980 G5662
Luke 7:16 hath visited G1980 G5662
Acts 6:3 look ye out G1980 G5663
Acts 7:23 to visit G1980 G5664
Acts 15:14 visited G1980 G5662
Acts 15:36 and visit G1980 G5667
Hebrews 2:6 thou visitest G1980 G5736
James 1:27 To visit G1980 G5738

Distinct usage

2 ye visited
2 hath visited
2 To visit
1 look ye out
1 visited
1 he hath visited
1 thou visitest
1 and visit