H6950 - new English-Greek & Hebrew Index and Concordance

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Exodus 32:1 congregated themselves H6950 H8735
Exodus 35:1 congregated H6950 H8686
Leviticus 8:3 congregate H6950 H8685
Leviticus 8:4 was congregated H6950 H8735
Numbers 1:18 And they congregated H6950 H8689
Numbers 8:9 and thou shalt congregate H6950 H8689
Numbers 10:7 is to be congregated, H6950 H8687
Numbers 16:3 And they congregated themselves H6950 H8735
Numbers 16:19 congregated H6950 H8686
Numbers 16:42 was congregated H6950 H8736
Numbers 20:2 and they congregated H6950 H8735
Numbers 20:8 and congregate H6950 H8685
Numbers 20:10 congregated H6950 H8686
Deuteronomy 4:10 to me, Congregate H6950 H8685
Deuteronomy 31:12 Congregate H6950 H8685
Deuteronomy 31:28 Congregate H6950 H8685
Joshua 18:1 congregated H6950 H8735
Joshua 22:12 congregated themselves H6950 H8735
Judges 20:1 was congregated H6950 H8735
2 Samuel 20:14 and they were congregated, H6950 H8735 H8675 H7035 H8735
1 Kings 8:1 congregated H6950 H8686
1 Kings 8:2 congregated H6950 H8735
1 Kings 12:21 he congregated H6950 H8686
1 Chronicles 13:5 congregated H6950 H8686
1 Chronicles 15:3 congregated H6950 H8686
1 Chronicles 28:1 congregated H6950 H8686
2 Chronicles 5:2 congregated H6950 H8686
2 Chronicles 5:3 congregated H6950 H8735
2 Chronicles 11:1 he congregated H6950 H8686
2 Chronicles 20:26 they congregated H6950 H8738
Esther 8:11 to congregate, H6950 H8736
Esther 9:2 congregated themselves H6950 H8738
Esther 9:15 congregated themselves H6950 H8735
Esther 9:16 congregated themselves, H6950 H8738
Esther 9:18 congregated H6950 H8738
Job 11:10 or congregate, H6950 H8686
Jeremiah 26:9 were congregated H6950 H8735
Ezekiel 38:7 that are congregated H6950 H8737
Ezekiel 38:13 hast thou congregated H6950 H8689

Distinct usage

12 congregated
4 congregated themselves
3 was congregated
2 and they congregated
2 he congregated
2 congregate
1 were congregated
1 hast thou congregated
1 is to be congregated,
1 and they were congregated,
1 that are congregated
1 And they congregated themselves
1 congregated themselves,
1 or congregate,
1 they congregated
1 and congregate
1 to congregate,
1 Congregate
1 and thou shalt congregate
1 to me, Congregate