Ecclesiastes 1:7 Cross References - ASV_Strongs

  7 H5158 All the rivers H1980 run H3220 into the sea, H3220 yet the sea H4392 is not full; H4725 unto the place H5158 whither the rivers H1980 go, H1980 thither they go H3212 again.

Job 38:10-11

  10 H7665 And marked H2706 out for it my bound, H7760 And set H1280 bars H1817 and doors,
  11 H559 And said, H5704 Hitherto H935 shalt thou come, H3254 but no further; H1347 And here shall thy proud H1530 waves H7896 be stayed?

Psalms 104:6-9

  6 H3680 Thou coveredst H8415 it with the deep H3830 as with a vesture; H4325 The waters H5975 stood H2022 above the mountains.
  7 H4480 At H1606 thy rebuke H5127 they fled; H6963 At the voice H7482 of thy thunder H2648 they hasted away
  8 H2022 (The mountains H5927 rose, H1237 the valleys H3381 sank down) H4725 Unto the place H2088 which H3245 thou hadst founded for them.
  9 H7760 Thou hast set H1366 a bound H5674 that they may not pass over; H7725 That they turn not again H3680 to cover H776 the earth.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.