Matthew 8:26 Cross References - AUV

26 And He called to them, “Why are you [so] afraid? You have such little faith!” Then He stood up and sternly commanded the wind and the waves, and they became very calm.

Matthew 6:30

30 So, if God so [beautifully] dresses the grass in a field, which is [green] today, and [then] tomorrow [dries up and] is thrown in the oven [i.e., as fuel], will He not do even more in providing your clothing, you people with such little faith?

Matthew 8:27

27 The men [on board the boat] marveled, saying, “What kind of a man is this, that even the wind and waves obey Him?”

Matthew 14:30-31

30 But when he saw the [furious] wind he became fearful and began to sink, shouting out, “Lord, save me!” 31 And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him and said, “You have such little faith; why did you doubt?”

Matthew 16:8

8 Jesus, being aware of their thoughts, said, “O, you people with [such] little faith! Why are you reasoning among yourselves about not having bread?

Mark 4:39-41

39 He [immediately] awoke and spoke sternly to the wind and called out to the water, “Be peaceful and still.” [Immediately] the wind stopped blowing and a great calm came over the water. 40 And He said to His disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you not still have [any] faith?” 41 And they were extremely afraid, and said to one another, “Who can this man be that even the wind and water obey him?”

Mark 6:48-51

48 When He saw how distressed His disciples were, rowing against an opposing wind, Jesus came to them between three and six o’clock in the morning, walking on the water, and almost walked past them. 49 But when they saw Him walking on the water they thought it was a spirit, so shouted out, 50 becoming [very] frightened when they saw Him. But He immediately spoke to them and said, “Take courage, and do not be afraid, it is I.” 51 Then He got up into the boat with them and the wind [immediately] stopped. And His disciples were greatly amazed [at this],

Luke 8:24-25

24 The disciples approached Jesus and woke Him, shouting, “Master, Master, we are sinking.” And He woke up and spoke sternly to the wind and the raging water; [then] the storm [immediately] stopped and [everything] became calm. 25 Then He said to the disciples, “Where is your faith?” They became afraid and were amazed, saying to one another, “Who can this [man] be, that he can even command the winds and the water and they obey him?”

Romans 4:20

20 Yet he looked for the promise of God [to be fulfilled] and did not waver, doubting [that it would happen], but his faith strengthened him. He honored God

Revelation 10:2

2 He held in his hand a little book [i.e., scroll] which was open. And he placed his right foot on the ocean and his left foot on the land,

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.