Proverbs 7:9 Cross References - CAB

9 when there happens to be the stillness of night and of darkness:

Genesis 39:11

11 But it came to pass on a certain day, that Joseph went into the house to do his business, and there was no one of the household inside.

Exodus 12:6

6 And it shall be kept by you till the fourteenth of this month, and all the multitude of the congregation of the children of Israel shall kill it toward evening.

Job 24:13-15

13 Why then has He not visited these? Forasmuch as they were upon the earth, and took no notice, and they knew not the way of righteousness, neither have they walked in their appointed paths? 14 But having known their works, He delivered them into darkness; and in the night one will be as a thief. 15 And the eye of the adulterer has watched for the darkness, saying, Eye shall not see me, and he puts a covering on his face.

Romans 13:12-14

12 The night is advanced, the day is at hand. Therefore let us put off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. 13 Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelries and drinking bouts, not in orgies and debaucheries, not in strife and jealousy. 14 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, for its lusts.

Ephesians 5:11

11 And have no partnership with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.