1 And the heavens and the earth and all their host are finished.
2 And by the seventh day Elohim finishes the work he worked; and on the seventh day he shabbathizes from all the work he worked: 3 and Elohim blesses the seventh day and hallows it: because Elohim shabbathizes therein from all the work he created and worked.
4 These are the generations of creating the heavens and of the earth in the day Yah Veh Elohim worked the earth and the heavens; 5 and no shrub of the field is yet in the earth and no herb of the field sprouts: for Yah Veh Elohim had not yet rained on the earth and with no Adam to serve the soil. 6 And a mist ascends from the earth and moistens the whole face of the soil: 7 and Yah Veh Elohim forms Adam of the dust of the soil and puffs into his nostrils the breath of life; and Adam becomes a living soul.
8 And Yah Veh Elohim plants a garden eastward in Eden; and there he puts Adam whom he formed: 9 and from the soil Yah Veh Elohim sprouts every tree desirable in visage and good for food; and the tree of life midst the garden with the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
10 And a river goes from Eden to moisten the garden; and separates from there and becomes four heads. 11 The name of the first, Pishon: surrounding the land of Havilah where there is gold; 12 and the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone. 13 And the name of the second river, Gichon: surrounding the land of Kush. 14 And the name of the third river, Hiddeqel: going east of Ashshur. And the fourth river, Euphrates. 15 And Yah Veh Elohim takes Adam and puts him into the garden of Eden to serve it and to guard it: 16 and Yah Veh Elohim misvahs Adam, saying, Of every tree of the garden, in eating, eat: 17 and of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, eat not: for in the day you eat thereof, in dying, you die. 18 And Yah Veh Elohim says, Not good - Adam being alone; I work a helper for him. 19 And from the soil Yah Veh Elohim forms every live being of the field and every flyer of the heavens; and brings to Adam to see what he calls them: and whatever Adam calls every living soul, is its name. 20 And Adam calls names to all animals and to the flyers of the heavens and to every live being of the field; but for Adam, no helper is found for him.
21 And Yah Veh Elohim fells a sound sleep on Adam; and he sleeps: and he takes one of his ribs and shuts the flesh underneath; 22 and from the rib Yah Veh Elohim takes from Adam, he builds a woman and brings her to Adam. 23 And Adam says, This is at this time bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh: call this, Woman - for she is taken from Man. 24 Thus a man leaves his father and his mother and adheres to his woman - being one flesh. 25 And the two are naked - Adam and his woman, and they shame not.
2 And by the seventh day Elohim finishes the work he worked; and on the seventh day he shabbathizes from all the work he worked: 3 and Elohim blesses the seventh day and hallows it: because Elohim shabbathizes therein from all the work he created and worked.
4 These are the generations of creating the heavens and of the earth in the day Yah Veh Elohim worked the earth and the heavens; 5 and no shrub of the field is yet in the earth and no herb of the field sprouts: for Yah Veh Elohim had not yet rained on the earth and with no Adam to serve the soil. 6 And a mist ascends from the earth and moistens the whole face of the soil: 7 and Yah Veh Elohim forms Adam of the dust of the soil and puffs into his nostrils the breath of life; and Adam becomes a living soul.
8 And Yah Veh Elohim plants a garden eastward in Eden; and there he puts Adam whom he formed: 9 and from the soil Yah Veh Elohim sprouts every tree desirable in visage and good for food; and the tree of life midst the garden with the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
10 And a river goes from Eden to moisten the garden; and separates from there and becomes four heads. 11 The name of the first, Pishon: surrounding the land of Havilah where there is gold; 12 and the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone. 13 And the name of the second river, Gichon: surrounding the land of Kush. 14 And the name of the third river, Hiddeqel: going east of Ashshur. And the fourth river, Euphrates. 15 And Yah Veh Elohim takes Adam and puts him into the garden of Eden to serve it and to guard it: 16 and Yah Veh Elohim misvahs Adam, saying, Of every tree of the garden, in eating, eat: 17 and of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, eat not: for in the day you eat thereof, in dying, you die. 18 And Yah Veh Elohim says, Not good - Adam being alone; I work a helper for him. 19 And from the soil Yah Veh Elohim forms every live being of the field and every flyer of the heavens; and brings to Adam to see what he calls them: and whatever Adam calls every living soul, is its name. 20 And Adam calls names to all animals and to the flyers of the heavens and to every live being of the field; but for Adam, no helper is found for him.
21 And Yah Veh Elohim fells a sound sleep on Adam; and he sleeps: and he takes one of his ribs and shuts the flesh underneath; 22 and from the rib Yah Veh Elohim takes from Adam, he builds a woman and brings her to Adam. 23 And Adam says, This is at this time bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh: call this, Woman - for she is taken from Man. 24 Thus a man leaves his father and his mother and adheres to his woman - being one flesh. 25 And the two are naked - Adam and his woman, and they shame not.