Revelation 6:9 Cross References - ECB

And when he opens the fifth seal, I see under the sacrifice altar the souls of them slaughtered for the word of Elohim and for the witness they held.

Leviticus 4:7

7 and the priest gives of the blood on the horns of the sacrifice altar of incense of aromatics at the face of Yah Veh in the tent of the congregation; and pours all the blood of the bullock at the foundation of the sacrifice altar of the holocaust at the opening of the tent of the congregation.

John 16:2

2 They ex-synogogue you: yet the hour comes that whoever slaughters you thinks he offers Elohim liturgy:

2 Corinthians 5:8

8 we are encouraged and well-approve rather to be away from home from the body and to be at home with Adonay.

Philippians 1:23

23 For I am overtaken by two, having a panting to depart and to be with Messiah; which is rather much better:

Philippians 2:17

17 Rather, if I am libated on the sacrifice and service of your trust, I cheer and co-rejoice:

2 Timothy 1:8

8 So neither shame of the witness of our Adonay, nor of me his prisoner: but co-suffer in the evangelism according to the dynamis of Elohim;

2 Timothy 4:6

For I am now ready to be libated and the season of my departure stands by.

Revelation 1:2

2 who witnessed of the word of Elohim and of the witness of Yah Shua Messiah and of all he saw.

Revelation 1:9

-I Yahn also your brother and co-partaker in tribulation and in the sovereigndom and endurance of Yah Shua Messiah, became in the isle called Patmos for the word of Elohim and for the witness of Yah Shua Messiah.

Revelation 2:13

13 I know your works and where you settle - where the throne of Satan is: and you empower my name and deny not my trust - even in those days wherein Antipas my trustworthy witness was slaughtered among you - where Satan settles.

Revelation 8:3

3 And another angel came and stands at the sacrifice altar having a golden frankincenser; and he is given much incense, to give with the prayers of all the holy on the golden sacrifice altar in sight of the throne.

Revelation 9:13

And the sixth angel trumps and I hear one voice from the four horns of the golden sacrifice altar in sight of Elohim,

Revelation 11:3-7

And I give to my two witnesses to prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days, arrayed in saq. 4 These are the two olives and the two menorah standing in sight of the Elohim of the earth. Zechariah 4:2-6, 11-14 5 And if anyone wills to injure them, fire proceeds from their mouth and consumes their enemies: and if anyone wills to injure them, thus must they be slaughtered. cp 11:13 6 These have authority to shut the heavens, so that the rain rains not in the days of their prophecy: and they have authority over waters to turn them to blood and to smite the earth with all plagues as often as ever they will. 7 And when they complete/shalam their witness, the beast ascends from the abyss makes war with them and triumphs over them and slaughters them:

Revelation 12:11-17

11 And they triumph over him through the blood of the Lamb and through the word of their witness; and they love not their souls to the death. 12 For this rejoice, you the heavens and you who tabernacle therein. Woe to the settlers of the earth and of the sea! - because Diabolos descends to you having mega fury because he knows he has but a little season. John 12:31, 32, Luke 10:18 13
And when the dragon sees he is cast to the earth he pursues the woman who birthed the male. 14 And the woman is given two wings of a mega eagle to fly to her place to the wilderness; where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time from the face of the serpent. 15 And from his mouth, the serpent casts water as a stream after the woman, so that she is streamborne: 16 and the earth helps the woman and the earth opens her mouth and swallows the stream the dragon cast from his mouth. 17
And the dragon rages with the woman and goes to make war with the rest of her sperma who guard the misvoth of Elohim and have the witness of Yah Shua Messiah.

Revelation 14:18

18 and another angel comes from the sacrifice altar, who has authority over fire; and with a mega cry voices to him having the sharp sickle, speaking, Send in your sharp sickle and dry the clusters of the earth; because her grapes are matured.

Revelation 16:7

7 And I hear another from the sacrifice altar wording, Yes, Yah Veh El Sabaoth, true and just are your judgments.

Revelation 19:10

10 - and I fall in front of his feet to worship him. And he words to me, See - not: I am co-servant of you and of your brothers who have the witness of Yah Shua: worship Elohim: for the witness of Yah Shua is the spirit of prophecy.

Revelation 20:4

And I see thrones and those sitting thereon: and they are given judgment: and the souls of those axed for the witness of Yah Shua and for the word of Elohim who neither worshipped the beast nor his icon; nor had taken his tattoo on their foreheads or in their hands; and they live and reign with Messiah a thousand years.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.