Isaiah Cross References - Geneva

1 A vision of Isaiah, the sonne of Amoz, which he sawe concerning Iudah and Ierusalem: in the dayes of Vzziah, Iotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah Kings of Iudah. 2 Heare, O heauens, and hearken, O earth: for the Lord hath sayde, I haue nourished and brought vp children, but they haue rebelled against me. 3 The oxe knoweth his owner, and the asse his masters crib: but Israel hath not knowen: my people hath not vnderstand. 4 Ah, sinfull nation, a people laden with iniquitie: a seede of the wicked, corrupt children: they haue forsaken the Lord: they haue prouoked the holy one of Israel to anger: they are gone backewarde. 5 Wherefore shoulde ye be smitten any more? for ye fall away more and more: the whole head is sicke, and the whole heart is heauie. 6 From the sole of the foote vnto the head, there is nothing whole therein, but wounds, and swelling, and sores full of corruption: they haue not bene wrapped, nor bound vp, nor mollified with oyle. 7 Your land is waste: your cities are burnt with fire: strangers deuoure your lande in your presence, and it is desolate like the ouerthrowe of strangers. 8 And the daughter of Zion shall remaine like a cotage in a vineyarde, like a lodge in a garden of cucumbers, and like a besieged citie. 9 Except the Lord of hostes had reserued vnto vs, euen a small remnant: we should haue bene as Sodom, and should haue bene like vnto Gomorah. 10 Heare the worde of the Lord, O princes of Sodom: hearken vnto the Law of our God, O people of Gomorah. 11 What haue I to doe with the multitude of your sacrifices, sayth the Lord? I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and of the fat of fed beasts: and I desire not the blood of bullocks, nor of lambs, nor of goates. 12 When ye come to appeare before me, who required this of your hands to tread in my courts? 13 Bring no more oblations, in vaine: incense is an abomination vnto me: I can not suffer your newe moones, nor Sabbaths, nor solemne dayes (it is iniquitie) nor solemne assemblies. 14 My soule hateth your newe moones and your appointed feastes: they are a burden vnto me: I am weary to beare them. 15 And when you shall stretch out your hands, I wil hide mine eyes from you: and though ye make many prayers, I wil not heare: for your hands are full of blood. 16 Wash you, make you cleane: take away the euill of your workes from before mine eyes: cease to doe euill. 17 Learne to doe well: seeke iudgement, relieue the oppressed: iudge the fatherlesse and defend the widowe. 18 Come nowe, and let vs reason together, sayth the Lord: though your sinnes were as crimsin, they shalbe made white as snowe: though they were red like skarlet, they shalbe as wooll. 19 If ye consent and obey, ye shall eate the good things of the land. 20 But if ye refuse and be rebellious, ye shalbe deuoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. 21 Howe is the faithfull citie become an harlot? it was full of iudgement, and iustice lodged therein, but now they are murtherers. 22 Thy siluer is become drosse: thy wine is mixt with water. 23 Thy Princes are rebellious and companions of theeues: euery one loueth giftes, and followeth after rewards: they iudge not the fatherlesse, neither doeth the widowes cause come before them. 24 Therefore sayth the Lord God of hostes, the mightie one of Israel, Ah, I will ease me of mine aduersaries, and auenge me of mine enemies. 25 Then I will turne mine hand vpon thee, and burne out thy drosse, till it be pure, and take away all thy tinne. 26 And I will restore thy iudges as at the first, and thy counsellers as at the beginning: afterward shalt thou be called a citie of righteousnes, and a faithfull citie. 27 Zion shall be redeemed in iudgement, and they that returne in her, in iustice. 28 And the destruction of the transgressers and of the sinners shalbe together: and they that forsake the Lord, shalbe consumed. 29 For they shalbe confounded for the okes, which ye haue desired, and ye shall be ashamed of the gardens, that ye haue chosen. 30 For ye shalbe as an oke, whose leafe fadeth: and as a garden that hath no water. 31 And the strong shall be as towe, and the maker thereof, as a sparke: and they shall both burne together, and none shall quench them.

Genesis 13:13

13 Now the men of Sodom were wicked and exceeding sinners against the Lord.

Genesis 18:26

26 And the Lord answered, If I shall finde in Sodom fiftie righteous within the citie, then will I spare all the place for their sakes.

Genesis 18:32

32 Then he saide, Let not my Lord be nowe angrie, and I will speake but this once, What if tenne be found there? And he answered, I will not destroy it for tennes sake.

Genesis 19:24

24 Then the Lord rained vpon Sodom and vpon Gomorah brimstone, and fire from the Lord out of heauen,

Exodus 12:16

16 And in the first day shalbe an holie assemblie: also in the seuenth day shalbe an holy assemblie vnto you: no worke shalbe done in them, saue about that which euery man must eate: that onely may ye do.

Exodus 23:8

8 Thou shalt take no gift: for the gift blindeth the wise, and peruerteth the wordes of the righteous.

Exodus 23:17

17 These three times in the yeere shall all thy men children appeare before the Lord Iehouah.

Exodus 34:23

23 Thrise in a yere shall all your men children appeare before the Lord Iehouah God of Israel.

Leviticus 23:1-44

1 And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying, 2 Speake vnto the children of Israel, and say vnto them, The feastes of ye Lord which yee shall call ye holie assemblies, euen these are my feasts. 3 Six daies shall worke be done, but in the seuenth day shalbe the Sabbath of rest, an holie conuocation: ye shall do no worke therein, it is the Sabbath of the Lord, in all your dwellings. 4 These are the feastes of the Lord, and holie conuocations, which yee shall proclaime in their seasons. 5 In the first moneth, and in the fourteenth day of the moneth at euening shalbe ye Passeouer of the Lord. 6 And on the fifteenth day of this moneth shalbe the feast of vnleauened bread vnto the Lord: seuen dayes ye shall eate vnleauened bread. 7 In the first day yee shall haue an holy conuocation: ye shall do no seruile worke therein. 8 Also ye shall offer sacrifice made by fire vnto the Lord seuen daies, and in the seuenth day shalbe an holie conuocation: ye shall do no seruile worke therein. 9 And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying, 10 Speake vnto the children of Israel, and say vnto them, When ye be come into ye land which I giue vnto you, and reape the haruest thereof, then ye shall bring a sheafe of the first fruites of your haruest vnto the Priest, 11 And hee shall shake the sheafe before the Lord, that it may be acceptable for you: the morowe after the Sabbath, the Priest shall shake it. 12 And that day when yee shake the sheafe, shall yee prepare a lambe without blemish of a yeere olde, for a burnt offring vnto the Lord: 13 And the meate offring thereof shalbe two tenth deales of fine floure mingled with oyle, for a sacrifice made by fire vnto ye Lord of sweete sauour. and the drinke offring thereof the fourth part of an Hin of wine. 14 And ye shall eat neither bread nor parched corne, nor greene eares vntill the selfe same day that ye haue brought an offring vnto your God: this shalbe a lawe for euer in your generations and in all your dwellings. 15 Ye shall count also to you from the morowe after the Sabbath, euen from the day that yee shall bring the sheafe of the shake offring, seuen Sabbaths, they shalbe complete. 16 Vnto ye morow after the seuenth Sabbath shall ye nomber fiftie dayes: then yee shall bring a newe meate offring vnto the Lord. 17 Ye shall bring out of your habitations bread for the shake offring: they shalbe two loaues of two tenth deales of fine floure, which shalbe baken with leauen for first fruites vnto the Lord. 18 Also yee shall offer with the bread seuen lambes without blemish of one yeere olde, and a yong bullocke and two rams: they shalbe for a burnt offring vnto the Lord, with their meate offrings and their drinke offrings, for a sacrifice made by fire of a sweete sauour vnto the Lord. 19 Then ye shall prepare an hee goate for a sinne offring, and two lambes of one yeere olde for peace offrings. 20 And the Priest shall shake them to and from with the bread of the first fruits before the Lord, and with the two lambes: they shalbe holy to the Lord, for the Priest. 21 So ye shall proclayme the same day, that it may be an holie conuocation vnto you: ye shall doe no seruile worke therein: it shalbe an ordinance for euer in al your dwellinges, throughout your generations. 22 And when you reape the haruest of your land, thou shalt not rid cleane the corners of thy field when thou reapest, neither shalt thou make any aftergathering of thy haruest, but shalt leaue them vnto the poore and to the stranger: I am the Lord your God. 23 And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying, 24 Speake vnto the children of Israel, and say, In the seuenth moneth, and in the first day of the moneth shall ye haue a Sabbath, for the remembrance of blowing the trumpets, an holy conuocation. 25 Ye shall do no seruile worke therein, but offer sacrifice made by fire vnto the Lord. 26 And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying, 27 The tenth also of this seuenth moneth shalbe a day of reconciliation: it shalbe an holie conuocation vnto you, and yee shall humble your soules, and offer sacrifice made by fire vnto the Lord. 28 And ye shall doe no worke that same day: for it is a day of reconciliation, to make an atonement for you before the Lord your God. 29 For euery person that humbleth not himselfe that same day, shall euen be cut off from his people. 30 And euery person that shall doe any work that same day, the same person also will I destroy from among his people. 31 Ye shall do no maner worke therefore: this shalbe a law for euer in your generations, throughout all your dwellings. 32 This shalbe vnto you a Sabbath of rest, and ye shall humble your soules: in the ninth day of the moneth at euen, from euen to euen shall ye celebrate your Sabbath. 33 And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying, 34 Speake vnto the children of Israel, and say, In the fifteenth day of this seueth moneth shalbe for seuen dayes the feast of Tabernacles vnto the Lord. 35 In the first day shalbe an holie conuocation: ye shall do no seruile worke therein. 36 Seuen daies ye shall offer sacrifice made by fire vnto the Lord, and in the eight day shalbe an holy conuocation vnto you, and ye shall offer sacrifices made by fire vnto the Lord: it is the solemne assemblie, yee shall doe no seruile worke therein. 37 These are the feastes of the Lord (which ye shall call holie conuocations) to offer sacrifice made by fire vnto the Lord, as burnt offring, and meate offring, sacrifice, and drinke offrings, euery one vpon his day, 38 Beside the Sabbaths of the Lord, and beside your giftes, and beside al your vowes, and beside all your free offrings, which ye shall giue vnto the Lord. 39 But in the fifteenth day of the seueth moneth, when ye haue gathered in the fruite of the land, ye shall keepe an holie feast vnto the Lord seuen daies: in the first day shalbe a Sabbath: likewise in the eight day shalbe a Sabbath. 40 And yee shall take you in the first day the fruite of goodly trees, branches of palme trees, and the boughes of thicke trees, and willowes of the brooke, and shall reioyce before the Lord your God seuen daies. 41 So ye shall keepe this feast vnto the Lord seuen daies in the yere, by a perpetuall ordinance through your generations: in the seuenth moneth shall you keepe it. 42 Ye shall dwell in boothes seuen daies: all that are Israelites borne, shall dwel in boothes, 43 That your posterity may know that I haue made the children of Israel to dwell in boothes, when I brought them out of the lande of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. 44 So Moses declared vnto the children of Israel the feastes of the Lord.

Leviticus 26:33

33 Also I wil scatter you among the heathen, and will drawe out a sworde after you, and your land shalbe waste, and your cities shalbe desolate. 34 Then shall the land inioy her Sabbaths, as long as it lieth voide, and yee shalbe in your enemies land: then shall the land rest, and enioy her Sabbaths.

Numbers 12:3

3 (But Moses was a verie meeke man, aboue all the men that were vpon the earth)

Numbers 12:6

6 And hee saide, Heare nowe my wordes, If there be a Prophet of the Lord among you, I will be knowen to him by a vision, and will speake vnto him by dreame.

Numbers 16:15

15 Then Moses waxed verie angry, and saide vnto the Lord, Looke not vnto their offring: I haue not taken so much as an asse from them, neither haue I hurt any of them.

Numbers 23:19

19 God is not as man, that he should lie, neither as the sonne of man that he shoulde repent: hath he sayde and shall he not do it? and hath he spoken, and shall he not accomplish it?

Numbers 24:4

4 He hath sayde, which heard the wordes of God, and sawe the vision of the Almightie, and falling in a traunce had his eyes opened:

Numbers 24:16

16 He hath said that heard the words of God, and hath the knowledge of the most High, and sawe the vision of the Almightie, and falling in a traunce had his eyes opened:

Numbers 28:1-29

1 And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying, 2 Command the children of Israel, and say vnto them, Ye shall obserue to offer vnto me in their due season mine offering, and my bread, for my sacrifices made by fire for a sweete sauour vnto me. 3 Also thou shalt say vnto them, This is the offring made by fire which ye shall offer vnto the Lord, two lambes of a yeere olde without spot, daily, for a continuall burnt offring. 4 One lambe shalt thou prepare in the morning, and the other lambe shalt thou prepare at euen. 5 And the tenth part of an Ephah of fine floure for a meate offering mingled with the fourth part of an Hin of beaten oyle. 6 This shalbe a daily burnt offering, as was made in the mount Sinai for a sweete sauour: it is a sacrifice made by fire vnto the Lord. 7 And the drinke offring thereof the fourth part of an Hin for one lambe: in the holy place cause to powre the drinke offring vnto the Lord. 8 And the other lambe thou shalt prepare at euen: as the meate offring of the morning, and as the drinke offering thereof shalt thou prepare this for an offring made by fire of sweete sauour vnto the Lord. 9 But on the Sabbath day ye shall offer two lambes of a yere old, without spot, and two tenth deales of fine floure for a meate offring mingled with oyle, and the drinke offring thereof. 10 This is ye burnt offring of euery Sabbath, beside the continuall burnt offring, and drinke offring thereof. 11 And in the beginning of your moneths, ye shall offer a burnt offring vnto the Lord, two yong bullockes, and a ramme, and seuen lambes of a yeere olde, without spot, 12 And three tenth deales of fine floure for a meat offring mingled with oyle for one bullocke, and two tenth deales of fine floure for a meate offring, mingled with oyle for one ramme, 13 And a tenth deale of fine floure mingled with oyle for a meate offring vnto one lambe: for a burnt offring of sweete sauour: it is an offring made by fire vnto the Lord. 14 And their drinke offrings shalbe halfe an Hin of wine vnto one bullocke, and the thirde part of an Hin vnto a ram, and ye fourth part of an Hin vnto a labe: this is the burnt offring of euery moneth, throughout the moneths of the yeere. 15 And one hee goat for a sinne offring vnto the Lord shalbe prepared, besides the continuall burnt offring, and his drinke offring. 16 Also the fourtenth day of the first moneth is the Passeouer of the Lord. 17 And in ye fiftenth day of the same moneth is the feast: seuen dayes shall vnleauened bread be eaten. 18 In the first day shalbe an holy conuocation, ye shall do no seruile worke therein. 19 But ye shall offer a sacrifice made by fire for a burnt offring vnto the Lord, two yong bullocks, one ram, and seuen lambes of a yeere olde: see that they be without blemish. 20 And their meate offering shalbe of fine floure mingled with oyle: three tenth deales shall ye prepare for a bullocke, and two tenth deales for a ramme: 21 One tenth deale shalt thou prepare for euery lambe, euen for the seuen lambes. 22 And an hee goate for a sinne offering, to make an atonement for you. 23 Ye shall prepare these, beside the burnt offering in the morning, which is a continuall burnt sacrifice. 24 After this maner ye shall prepare throughout all the seuen dayes, for the mainteining of the offring made by fire for a sweete sauour vnto the Lord: it shall be done beside the continuall burnt offring and drinke offring thereof. 25 And in ye seuenth day ye shall haue an holy conuocation, wherein ye shall do no seruile work. 26 Also in the day of your first fruits, when ye bring a newe meate offring vnto the Lord, according to your weekes ye shall haue an holy conuocation, and ye shall do no seruile worke in it: 27 But ye shall offer a burnt offering for a sweete sauour vnto the Lord, two yong bullocks, a ramme, and seuen lambes of a yeere olde, 28 And their meat offring of fine floure mingled with oyle, three tenth deales vnto a bullocke, two tenth deales to a ram, 29 And one tenth deale vnto euery lambe throughout the seuen lambes,

Numbers 32:14

14 And behold, ye are risen vp in your fathers steade as an encrease of sinfull men, still to augment the fierce wrath of the Lord, toward Israel.

Deuteronomy 1:31

31 And in the wildernesse, where thou hast seene how the Lord thy God bare thee, as a man doeth beare his sonne, in all the way which ye haue gone, vntill ye came vnto this place.

Deuteronomy 4:7-8

7 For what nation is so great, vnto whome the gods come so neere vnto them, as the Lord our God is neere vnto vs, in all that we call vnto him for? 8 And what nation is so great, that hath ordinances and lawes so righteous, as all this Lawe, which I set before you this day?

Deuteronomy 4:26

26 I call heauen and earth to record against you this day, that ye shall shortly perish from the land, whereunto ye goe ouer Iorden to possesse it: ye shall not prolong your dayes therein, but shall vtterly be destroyed.

Deuteronomy 9:22-24

22 Also in Taberah, and in Massah and in Kibrothhattaauah ye prouoked ye Lord to anger. 23 Likewise when the Lord sent you from Kadesh-barnea, saying, Goe vp, and possesse the land which I haue giuen you, then ye rebelled against the commandement of the Lord your God, and beleeued him not, nor hearkened vnto his voyce. 24 Ye haue bene rebellious vnto the Lord, since the day that I knewe you.

Deuteronomy 16:1-22

1 Thou shalt keepe the moneth of Abib, and thou shalt celebrate the Passeouer vnto the Lord thy God: for in the moneth of Abib ye Lord thy God brought thee out of Egypt by night. 2 Thou shalt therefore offer the Passeouer vnto the Lord thy God, of sheepe and bullockes in the place where the Lord shall chose to cause his Name to dwell. 3 Thou shalt eate no leauened bread with it: but seuen dayes shalt thou eate vnleauened bread therewith, euen the bread of tribulation: for thou camest out of the land of Egypt in haste, that thou maist remember ye day whe thou camest out of the land of Egypt, all the dayes of thy life. 4 And there shalbe no leauen seene with thee in all thy coastes seuen dayes long: neither shall there remaine the night any of the flesh vntil the morning which thou offeredst ye first day at euen. 5 Thou maist not offer ye Passeouer within any of thy gates, which ye Lord thy God giueth thee: 6 But in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose to place his Name, there thou shalt offer the Passeouer at euen, about the going downe of the sunne, in the season that thou camest out of Egypt. 7 And thou shalt roste and eate it in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose, and shalt returne on the morowe, and goe vnto thy tentes. 8 Six daies shalt thou eate vnleauened bread, and ye seuenth day shall be a solemne assemblie to ye Lord thy God thou shalt do no worke therein. 9 Seuen weekes shalt thou nomber vnto thee, and shalt beginne to nomber ye seuen weekes, when thou beginnest to put the sickel to ye corne: 10 And thou shalt keepe the feast of weekes vnto the Lord thy God, euen a free gift of thine hand, which thou shalt giue vnto the Lord thy God, as the Lord thy God hath blessed thee. 11 And thou shalt reioyce before the Lord thy God, thou and thy sonne, and thy daughter, and thy seruant, and thy maide, and the Leuite that is within thy gates, and the stranger, and the fatherles, and the widowe, that are among you, in the place which the Lord thy God shall chuse to place his Name there, 12 And thou shalt remember that thou wast a seruant in Egypt: therefore thou shalt obserue and doe these ordinances. 13 Thou shalt obserue the feast of the Tabernacles seuen daies, when thou hast gathered in thy corne, and thy wine. 14 And thou shalt reioyce in thy feast, thou, and thy sonne, and thy daughter, and thy seruant, and thy maid, and the Leuite, and the stranger, and the fatherlesse, and the widow, that are within thy gates. 15 Seuen daies shalt thou keepe a feast vnto the Lord thy God in the place which the Lord shall chuse: when the Lord thy God shall blesse thee in all thine increase, and in all the workes of thine hands, thou shalt in any case be glad. 16 Three times in the yeere shall all the males appeare before the Lord thy God in the place which he shall chuse: in the feast of the vnleauened bread, and in the feast of the weekes, and in the feast of the Tabernacles: and they shall not appeare before the Lord emptie.

Deuteronomy 16:16-22

16 Three times in the yeere shall all the males appeare before the Lord thy God in the place which he shall chuse: in the feast of the vnleauened bread, and in the feast of the weekes, and in the feast of the Tabernacles: and they shall not appeare before the Lord emptie. 17 Euery man shall giue according to the gift of his hand, and according to the blessing of the Lord thy God, which he hath giuen thee. 18 Iudges and officers shalt thou make thee in all thy cities, which the Lord thy God giueth thee, throughout thy tribes: and they shall iudge the people with righteous iudgement. 19 Wrest not thou ye Law, nor respect any person, neither take rewarde: for the reward blindeth ye eyes of the wise, and peruerteth ye worde of ye iust.

Deuteronomy 16:19

19 Wrest not thou ye Law, nor respect any person, neither take rewarde: for the reward blindeth ye eyes of the wise, and peruerteth ye worde of ye iust. 20 That which is iust and right shalt thou follow, that thou maiest liue, and possesse the land which the Lord thy God giueth thee. 21 Thou shalt plant thee no groue of any trees neere vnto the altar of the Lord thy God, which thou shalt make thee. 22 Thou shalt set thee vp no pillar, which thing the Lord thy God hateth.

Deuteronomy 28:33

33 The fruite of thy land and all thy labours shall a people, which thou knowest not, eate, and thou shalt neuer but suffer wrong, and violence alway:

Deuteronomy 28:43

43 The straunger that is among you, shall clime aboue thee vp on hie, and thou shalt come downe beneath alow.

Deuteronomy 28:48-52

48 Therefore thou shalt serue thine enemies which the Lord shall send vpon thee, in hunger and in thirst, and in nakednesse, and in neede of all things? and he shall put a yoke of yron vpon thy necke vntill he haue destroyed thee. 49 The Lord shall bring a nation vpon thee from farre, euen from the ende of the world, flying swift as an Egle: a nation whose tongue thou shalt not vnderstand: 50 A nation of a fierce countenance, which will not regarde the person of the olde, nor haue compassion of the yong. 51 The same shall eate the fruit of thy cattell, and the fruite of thy land vntill thou be destroyed, and he shall leaue thee neyther wheate, wine, nor oyle, neither the increase of thy kyne, nor the flockes of thy sheepe, vntill he haue brought thee to nought. 52 And he shall besiege thee in all thy cities, vntill thine hie and strong walles fall downe, wherein thou trustedst in all the lande: and hee shall besiege thee in all thy cities throughout all thy lande, which the Lord thy God hath giuen thee.

Deuteronomy 28:63

63 And as the Lord hath reioyced ouer you, to doe you good, and to multiply you, so he will reioyce ouer you, to destroy you, and bring you to nought, and ye shalbe rooted out of the land, whither thou goest to possesse it.

Deuteronomy 29:23

23 (For all that land shall burne with brimstone and salt: it shall not be sowen, nor bring forth, nor any grasse shall growe therein, like as in the ouerthrowing of Sodom, and Gomorah, Admah, and Zeboim, which the Lord ouerthrewe in his wrath and in his anger)

Deuteronomy 29:25

25 And they shall answere, Because they haue forsaken the couenant of the Lord God of their fathers, which he had made with them, when he brought them out of the land of Egypt,

Deuteronomy 30:15-16

15 Beholde, I haue set before thee this day life and good, death and euill, 16 In that I commaund thee this day, to loue the Lord thy God, to walke in his wayes, and to keepe his commandements, and his ordinances, and his lawes, that thou mayest liue, and be multiplied, and that the Lord thy God may blesse thee in the land, whither thou goest to possesse it.

Deuteronomy 30:19

19 I call heauen and earth to recorde this day against you, that I haue set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. therefore chuse life, that both thou and thy seede may liue,

Deuteronomy 31:16

16 And the Lord said vnto Moses, Behold, thou shalt sleepe with thy fathers, and this people will rise vp, and goe a whoring after the gods of a strange land (whither they goe to dwell therein) and will forsake me, and breake my couenant which I haue made with them.

Deuteronomy 32:1

1 Hearken, ye heauens, and I will speake: and let the earth heare the words of my mouth.

Deuteronomy 32:19

19 The Lord then sawe it, and was angrie, for the prouocation of his sonnes and of his daughters.

Deuteronomy 32:28-29

28 For they are a nation voide of counsel, neither is there any vnderstanding in them. 29 Oh that they were wise, then they would vnderstand this: they would consider their latter ende.

Deuteronomy 32:32

32 For their vine is of the vine of Sodom, and of the vines of Gomorah: their grapes are grapes of gall, their clusters be bitter.

Deuteronomy 32:43

43 Ye nations, praise his people: for he will auenge the blood of his seruants, and will execute vengeance vpon his aduersaries, and will bee mercifull vnto his lande, and to his people.

Judges 10:10

10 Then the children of Israel cryed vnto the Lord, saying, We haue sinned against thee, euen because we haue forsaken our owne God, and haue serued Baalim.

Judges 15:14

14 When hee came to Lehi, the Philistims shouted against him, and the Spirite of the Lord came vpon him, and the cordes that were vpon his armes, became as flaxe that was burnt with fire: for the bandes loosed from his handes.

1 Samuel 12:2-5

2 Now therefore behold, your King walketh before you, and I am old and graie headed, and beholde, my sonnes are with you: and I haue walked before you from my childehood vnto this day. 3 Beholde, here I am: beare recorde of me before the Lord and before his Anointed. Whose oxe haue I taken? or whose asse haue I taken? or whome haue I done wrong to? or whome haue I hurt? or of whose hande haue I receiued any bribe, to blinde mine eyes therewith, and I will restore it you? 4 Then they sayde, Thou hast done vs no wrong, nor hast hurt vs, neither hast thou taken ought of any mans hand. 5 And he saide vnto them, The Lord is witnesse against you, and his Anointed is witnesse this day, that yee haue founde nought in mine handes. And they answered, He is witnesse.

1 Samuel 12:7

7 Nowe therefore stand still, that I may reason with you before the Lord according to all the righteousnesse of the Lord, which he shewed to you and to your fathers.

1 Samuel 12:25

25 But if ye doe wickedly, ye shall perish, both yee, and your King.

1 Samuel 15:22

22 And Samuel saide, Hath the Lord as great pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as when the voyce of the Lord is obeyed? beholde, to obey is better then sacrifice, and to hearken is better then the fatte of rammes.

1 Samuel 15:29

29 For in deede the strength of Israel will not lye nor repent: for hee is not a man that hee should repent.

2 Samuel 8:15

15 Thus Dauid reigned ouer all Israel, and executed iudgement and iustice vnto all his people.

1 Kings 8:22

22 Then Salomon stoode before the altar of the Lord in the sight of all the Congregation of Israel, and stretched out his handes towarde heauen,

1 Kings 8:54

54 And when Salomon had made an ende of praying all this prayer and supplication vnto the Lord, he arose from before the altar of the Lord, from kneeling on his knees, and stretching of his handes to heauen,

1 Kings 9:6-9

6 But if ye and your children turne away from mee, and wil not keepe my commandements, and my statutes (which I haue set before you) but go and serue other gods, and worship them, 7 Then will I cutte off Israel from the lande, which I haue giuen them, and the house which I haue halowed for my Name, will I cast out of my sight, and Israel shall be a prouerbe, and a common talke among all people. 8 Euen this hie house shall bee so: euery one that passeth by it, shalbe astonied, and shall hisse, and they shall say, Why hath the Lord done thus vnto this land and to this house? 9 And they shall answere, Because they forsooke the Lord their God, which brought their fathers out of the land of Egypt, and haue taken holde vpon other gods, and haue worshipped them, and serued them, therfore hath the Lord brought vpon them all this euill.

1 Kings 19:18

18 Yet wil I leaue seuen thousand in Israel, euen all the knees that haue not bowed vnto Baal, and euery mouth that hath not kissed him.

1 Kings 22:19-23

19 Againe he said, Heare thou therefore the worde of the Lord. I sawe the Lord sit on his throne, and all the hoste of heauen stood about him on his right hand and on his left hand. 20 And the Lord sayd, Who shall entise Ahab that he may go and fall at Ramoth Gilead? And one said on this maner, and another sayd on that maner. 21 Then there came forth a spirit, and stoode before the Lord, and sayd, I wil entise him. And the Lord sayd vnto him, Wherewith? 22 And he sayd, I will goe out, and be a false spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. Then he sayd, Thou shalt entise him, and shalt also preuayle: goe forth, and doe so. 23 Now therefore behold, the Lord hath put a lying spirite in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the Lord hath appoynted euill against thee.

2 Kings 15:1

1 In the seuen and twentieth yeere of Ieroboam King of Israel, began Azariah, sonne of Amaziah King of Iudah to reigne.

2 Kings 15:7

7 So Azariah slept with his fathers, and they buryed him with his fathers in the citie of Dauid, and Iotham his sonne reigned in his stead.

2 Kings 15:32-16:20

32 In the second yere of Pekah the sonne of Remaliah King of Israel, began Iotham sonne of Vzziah King of Iudah to reigne.

2 Kings 18:1-20:21

1 Now in the third yeere of Hoshea, sonne of Elah King of Israel, Hezekiah the sonne of Ahaz king of Iudah began to reigne. 2 He was fiue and twentie yeere olde when he began to reigne, and reigned nine and twenty yeere in Ierusalem. His mothers name also was Abi the daughter of Zachariah, 3 And he did vprightly in the sight of the Lord, according to all that Dauid his father had done. 4 He tooke away the hie places, and brake the images, and cut downe the groues, and brake in pieces the brasen serpent that Moses had made: for vnto those dayes the children of Israel did burne incense to it, and hee called it Nehushtan. 5 He trusted in the Lord God of Israel: so that after him was none like him among all the Kings of Iudah, neither were there any such before him. 6 For he claue to the Lord, and departed not from him, but kept his commandements, which the Lord had commanded Moses. 7 So the Lord was with him, and he prospered in all thinges, which he tooke in hande: also he rebelled against the King of Asshur, and serued him not. 8 He smote the Philistims vnto Azzah, and the coastes thereof, from the watch towre vnto the defensed citie. 9 And in the fourth yere of King Hezekiah, (which was the seuenth yeere of Hoshea sonne of Elah King of Israel) Shalmaneser King of Asshur came vp against Samaria, and besieged it. 10 And after three yeeres they tooke it, euen in the sixt yeere of Hezekiah: that is, the ninth yeere of Hoshea King of Israel was Samaria taken. 11 Then the King of Asshur did carry away Israel vnto Asshur, and put them in Halah and in Habor, by the riuer of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes, 12 Because they woulde not obey the voyce of the Lord their God, but transgressed his couenant: that is, all that Moses the seruant of the Lord had commanded, and would neyther obey nor doe them. 13 Moreouer, in the fourteenth yeere of King Hezekiah, Saneherib King of Asshur came vp against all the strong cities of Iudah, and tooke them. 14 Then Hezekiah King of Iudah sent vnto the King of Asshur to Lachish, saying, I haue offended: depart from me, and what thou layest vpon me, I wil beare it. And the King of Asshur appoynted vnto Hezekiah King of Iudah three hudreth talents of siluer, and thirty talets of golde. 15 Therefore Hezekiah gaue all the siluer that was found in the house of the Lord, and in the treasures of the Kings house. 16 At the same season did Hezekiah pul off the plates of the doores of the Temple of the Lord, and the pillars (which the sayd Hezekiah King of Iudah had couered ouer) and gaue them to the King of Asshur. 17 And the King of Asshur sent Tartan, and Rab-saris, and Rabshakeh from Lachish to King Hezekiah with a great hoste against Ierusalem. And they went vp, and came to Ierusalem, and when they were come vp, they stood by the conduite of the vpper poole, which is by the path of the fullers fielde, 18 And called to the King. Then came out to them Eliakim the sonne of Hilkiah, which was steward of the house, and Shebnah the chanceller, and Ioah the sonne of Asaph the recorder. 19 And Rabshakeh sayde vnto them, Tell ye Hezekiah, I pray you, Thus saith the great King, euen the great King of Asshur, What confidence is this wherein thou trustest? 20 Thou thinkest, Surely I haue eloquence, but counsell and strength are for the warre. On whom then doest thou trust, that thou rebellest against me? 21 Lo, thou trustest now in this broken staffe of reede, to wit, on Egypt, on which if a man leane, it will goe into his hand, and pearce it: so is Pharaoh king of Egypt vnto all that trust on him.

2 Kings 19:1-20:21

1 And when King Hezekiah heard it, he rent his clothes and put on sackecloth, and came into the house of the Lord, 2 And sent Eliakim which was the stewarde of the house, and Shebnah the chanceller, and the Elders of the Priestes clothed in sackecloth to Isaiah the Prophet the sonne of Amoz. 3 And they said vnto him, Thus saith Hezekiah, This day is a day of tribulation and of rebuke, and blasphemie: for the childre are come to the birth, and there is no strength to bring foorth. 4 If so be the Lord thy God hath heard all the wordes of Rabshakeh, whome the King of Asshur his master hath sent to raile on the liuing God, and to reproch him with wordes which the Lord thy God hath heard, then lift thou vp thy prayer for the remnant that are left. 5 So the seruants of King Hezekiah came to Isaiah. 6 And Isaiah said vnto them, So shall ye say to your master, Thus sayeth the Lord, Be not afraide of the words which thou hast heard, wherewith the seruants of the king of Asshur haue blasphemed me. 7 Beholde, I will sende a blast vpon him, and he shall heare a noyse, and returne to his owne lande: and I will cause him to fall by the sworde in his owne lande. 8 So Rabshakeh returned, and founde the King of Asshur fighting against Libnah: for he had heard that he was departed from Lachish. 9 He heard also men say of Tirhakah King of Ethiopia, Beholde, he is come out to fight against thee: he therefore departed and sent other messengers vnto Hezekiah, saying, 10 Thus shall ye speake to Hezekiah King of Iudah, and say, Let not thy God deceiue thee in whome thou trustest, saying, Ierusalem shall not be deliuered into the hande of the King of Asshur. 11 Beholde, thou hast heard what the Kings of Asshur haue done to all landes, how they haue destroyed them: and shalt thou be deliuered? 12 Haue the gods of the heathen deliuered them which my fathers haue destroyed? as Gozan, and Haran, and Rezeph, and the children of Eden, which were in Thelasar? 13 Where is the King of Hamath, and the King of Arpad, and the King of the citie of Shepharuaim, Hena and Iuah? 14 So Hezekiah receiued the letter of the hande of the messengers, and read it: and Hezekiah went vp into the house of the Lord, and Hezekiah spread it before the Lord. 15 And Hezekiah prayed before the Lord, and saide, O Lord God of Israel, which dwellest betweene the Cherubims, thou art very God alone ouer all the kingdomes of the earth: thou hast made the heauen and the earth. 16 Lord, bow downe thine eare, and heare: Lord open thine eyes and behold, and heare the wordes of Saneherib, who hath sent to blaspheme the liuing God. 17 Trueth it is, Lord, that the Kings of Asshur haue destroyed the nations and their landes, 18 And haue set fire on their gods: for they were no gods, but the worke of mans hands, euen wood and stone: therefore they destroyed them. 19 Nowe therefore, O Lord our God, I beseech thee, saue thou vs out of his hande, that all the kingdomes of the earth may knowe, that thou, O Lord, art onely God. 20 Then Isaiah the sonne of Amoz sent to Hezekiah, saying, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, I haue heard that which thou hast prayed me, concerning Saneherib King of Asshur. 21 This is the worde that the Lord hath spoken against him, O Virgine, daughter of Zion, he hath despised thee, and laughed thee to scorne: O daughter of Ierusalem, he hath shaken his head at thee.

2 Kings 20:1-21

1 About that time was Hezekiah sicke vnto death: and the Prophet Isaiah the sonne of Amoz came to him, and said vnto him, Thus saith the Lord, Put thine house in an order: for thou shalt die, and not liue. 2 Then he turned his face to the wall, and prayed to the Lord, saying, 3 I beseech thee, O Lord, remember nowe, howe I haue walked before thee in trueth and with a perfite heart, and haue done that which is good in thy sight: and Hezekiah wept sore. 4 And afore Isaiah was gone out into the middle of the court, the worde of the Lord came to him, saying, 5 Turne againe, and tell Hezekiah the captaine of my people, Thus saith the Lord God of Dauid thy father, I haue heard thy prayer, and seene thy teares: behold, I haue healed thee, and ye third day thou shalt go vp to ye house of ye Lord, 6 And I wil adde vnto thy dayes fiftene yere, and wil deliuer thee and this citie out of the hand of the King of Asshur, and will defende this citie for mine owne sake, and for Dauid my seruats sake. 7 Then Isaiah sayde, Take a lumpe of dry figges. And they tooke it, and layed it on the boyle, and he recouered. 8 For Hezekiah had saide vnto Isaiah, What shalbe the signe that the Lord will heale me, and that I shall goe vp into the house of the Lord the thirde day? 9 And Isaiah answered, This signe shalt thou haue of the Lord, that the Lord will doe that he hath spoken, Wilt thou that the shadowe goe forwarde ten degrees, or go backe ten degrees? 10 And Hezekiah answered, It is a light thing for the shadowe to passe forward ten degrees: not so then, but let ye shadow go backe ten degrees. 11 And Isaiah the Prophet called vnto the Lord, and he brought againe the shadowe ten degrees backe by the degrees whereby it had gone downe in the diall of Ahaz. 12 The same season Berodach Baladan the sonne of Baladan King of Babel, sent letters and a present to Hezekiah: for he had heard howe that Hezekiah was sicke. 13 And Hezekiah heard them, and shewed them all his treasure house, to wit, the siluer, and the golde, and the spices, and the precious oyntment, and all the house of his armour, and al that was founde in his treasures: there was nothing in his house, and in all his realme, that Hezekiah shewed them not. 14 Then Isaiah the Prophet came vnto King Hezekiah, and saide vnto him, What saide these men? and from whence came they to thee? And Hezekiah said, They be come from a farre countrey, euen from Babel. 15 Then saide he, What haue they seene in thine house? And Hezekiah answered, All that is in mine house haue they seene: there is nothing among my treasures, that I haue not shewed the. 16 And Isaiah said vnto Hezekiah, Heare the worde of the Lord. 17 Beholde, the dayes come, that all that is in thine house, and what so euer thy fathers haue layed vp in store vnto this day, shall be caryed into Babel: Nothing shall be left, saith the Lord. 18 And of thy sonnes, that shall proceede out of thee, and which thou shalt beget, shall they take away, and they shalbe eunuches in the palace of the King of Babel. 19 Then Hezekiah said vnto Isaiah, The word of the Lord which thou hast spoken, is good: for saide he, Shall it not be good, if peace and trueth be in my dayes? 20 Concerning the rest of the actes of Hezekiah, and all his valiant deedes, and howe he made a poole and a cundite, and brought water into the citie, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Iudah? 21 And Hezekiah slept with his fathers: and Manasseh his sonne reigned in his steade.

1 Chronicles 23:31

31 And to offer all burnt offrings vnto the Lord, in the Sabbaths, in the moneths, and at the appointed times, according to the nomber and according to their custome continually before the Lord,

1 Chronicles 28:9

9 And thou, Salomon my sonne, know thou the God of thy father, and serue him with a perfit heart, and with a willing minde: For the Lord searcheth all hearts, and vnderstandeth all the imaginations of thoughts: if thou seeke him, he will be found of thee, but if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off for euer.

2 Chronicles 6:28-29

28 When there shalbe famine in the land, when there shalbe pestilence, blasting, or mildew, when there shall be grashopper, or caterpiller, when their enemie shall besiege them in the cities of their land, or any plague or any sickenesse, 29 Then what prayer and supplication so euer shalbe made of any man, or of all thy people Israel, whe euery one shall knowe his owne plague, and his owne disease, and shall stretch forth his hands toward this house,

2 Chronicles 19:9

9 And he charged them, saying, Thus shall yee doe in the feare of the Lord faithfully and with a perfite heart.

2 Chronicles 24:17-21

17 And after the death of Iehoiada, came the princes of Iudah, and did reuerence to the King, and the King hearkened vnto them. 18 And they left the house of the Lord God of their fathers, and serued groues and idoles: and wrath came vpon Iudah and Ierusalem, because of this their trespasse. 19 And God sent Prophets amog the, to bring them againe vnto the Lord: and they made protestation among them, but they would not heare. 20 And the Spirit of God came vpon Zechariah the sonne of Iehoiada the Priest, which stoode aboue the people, and sayde vnto them, Thus sayth God, Why transgresse ye the commandements of the Lord? surely ye shall not prosper: because ye haue forsaken the Lord, he also hath forsaken you. 21 Then they conspired against him and stoned him with stones at the commandement of the King, in the court of the house of the Lord.

2 Chronicles 26:1-32:33

1 Then all the people of Iudah tooke Vzziah, which was sixteene yeere olde, and made him King in the steade of his father Amaziah. 2 He buylt Eloth, and restored it to Iudah after that the King slept with his fathers. 3 Sixteene yeere olde was Vzziah, when he began to reigne, and he reigned two and fiftie yere in Ierusalem, and his mothers name was Iecoliah of Ierusalem. 4 And hee did vprightly in the sight of the Lord, according to al that his father Amaziah did. 5 And he sought God in the dayes of Zechariah (which vnderstoode the visions of God) and when as he sought the Lord, God made him to prosper. 6 For he went forth and fought against the Philistims and brake downe the wall of Gath, and the wall of Iabneh, and the wall of Ashdod, and built cities in Ashdod, and among the Philistims. 7 And God helped him against ye Philistims, and against the Arabians that dwelt in Gur-baal and Hammeunim. 8 And the Ammonites gaue gifts to Vzziah, and his name spred to the entring in of Egypt: for he did most valiantly. 9 Moreouer Uzziah buylt towres in Ierusalem at the corner gate, and at the valley gate, and at the turning, and made them strong. 10 And he built towres in the wildernesse, and digged many cisternes: for he had much cattell both in the valleyes and playnes, plowmen, and dressers of vines in the mountaines, and in Carmel: for he loued husbandrie. 11 Vzziah had also an hoste of fighting men that went out to warre by bandes, according to the count of their nomber vnder the hande of Ieiel the Scribe, and Maaseiah the ruler, and vnder the hand of Hananiah, one of the Kings captaines. 12 The whole nomber of the chiefe of the families of the valiant men were two thousande and sixe hundreth. 13 And vnder their hande was the armie for warre, three hundreth and seuen thousand, and fiue hundreth that fought valiantly to helpe the King against the enemie. 14 And Vzziah prepared them throughout all the hoste, shieldes, and speares, and helmets, and brigandines, and bowes, and stones to sling. 15 He made also very artificial engins in Ierusalem, to be vpon the towres and vpon the corners, to shoote arrowes and great stones: and his name spred farre abroade, because God did helpe him marueilously, till he was mightie. 16 But when he was strong, his heart was lift vp to his destruction: for he transgressed against the Lord his God, and went into the Temple of the Lord to burne incense vpon the altar of incense. 17 And Azariah the Priest went in after him, and with him foure score Priests of the Lord, valiant men. 18 And they withstoode Vzziah the King, and said vnto him, It perteineth not to thee, Vzziah, to burne incense vnto the Lord, but to the Priests the sonnes of Aaron, that are consecrated for to offer incense: goe forth of the Sanctuarie: for thou hast transgressed, and thou shalt haue none honour of the Lord God. 19 Then Vzziah was wroth, and had incense in his hand to burne it: and while he was wroth with the Priestes, the leprosie rose vp in his forehead before the Priestes in the house of the Lord beside the incense altar. 20 And when Azariah the chiefe Priest with al the Priestes looked vpon him, behold, he was leprous in his forehead, and they caused him hastily to depart thence: and he was euen compelled to go out, because the Lord had smitten him. 21 And Vzziah the king was a leper vnto the day of his death, and dwelt as a leper in an house apart, because he was cut off from the house of ye Lord: and Iotham his sonne ruled ouer the Kings house, and iudged the people of the land. 22 Concerning the rest of the acts of Vzziah, first and last, did Isaiah the Prophet the sonne of Amoz write. 23 So Vzziah slept with his fathers, and they buryed him with his fathers in the fielde of the burial, which perteined to the kings: for they said, He is a leper. And Iotham his sonne reigned in his steade.

2 Chronicles 27:1-32:33

1 Iotham was fiue and twentie yere olde when he began to reigne, and reigned sixteene yeere in Ierusalem, and his mothers name was Ierushah the daughter of Zadok. 2 And hee did vprightly in the sight of the Lord according to all that his father Vzziah did, saue that hee entred not into the Temple of the Lord, and the people did yet corrupt their wayes. 3 He buylt the hie gate of the house of the Lord, and he buylt very much on the wall of the castle. 4 Moreouer hee buylt cities in the mountaines of Iudah, and in the forests he buylt palaces and towres. 5 And he fought with the King of the children of Ammon, and preuailed against them. And the children of Ammon gaue him the same yere an hundreth talents of siluer, and ten thousande measures of wheate, and ten thousand of barley: this did the children of Ammon giue him both in the second yeere and the third. 6 So Iotham became mightie because hee directed his way before the Lord his God. 7 Concerning the rest of the acts of Iotham, and all his warres and his wayes, loe, they are written in the booke of the Kings of Israel, and Iudah. 8 He was fiue and twentie yeere olde when he began to reigne, and reigned sixteene yeere in Ierusalem. 9 And Iotham slept with his fathers, and they buryed him in the citie of Dauid: and Ahaz his sonne reigned in his stead.

2 Chronicles 28:1-32:33

1 Ahaz was twentie yeere old when he began to reigne, and reigned sixteene yeere in Ierusalem, and did not vprightly in the sight of the Lord, like Dauid his father. 2 But he walked in the wayes of ye Kings of Israel, and made euen molten images for Baalim. 3 Moreouer he burnt incense in the valley of Ben-hinnom, and burnt his sonnes with fire, after the abominations of the heathen whom the Lord had cast out before the children of Israel. 4 He sacrificed also and burnt incense in the hie places, and on hilles, and vnder euery greene tree. 5 Wherefore the Lord his God deliuered him into the hand of the King of the Aramites, and they smote him, and tooke of his, many prisoners, and brought them to Damascus: and he was also deliuered into the hande of the King of Israel, which smote him with a great slaughter.

2 Chronicles 28:5

5 Wherefore the Lord his God deliuered him into the hand of the King of the Aramites, and they smote him, and tooke of his, many prisoners, and brought them to Damascus: and he was also deliuered into the hande of the King of Israel, which smote him with a great slaughter. 6 For Pekah the sonne of Remaliah slewe in Iudah sixe score thousand in one day, all valiant men, because they had forsaken the Lord God of their fathers. 7 And Zichri a mighty man of Ephraim slew Maaseiah the Kings sonne, and Azrikam the gouernour of the house, and Elkanah the second after the King. 8 And the children of Israel tooke prisoners of their brethren, two hudreth thousand of women, sonnes and daughters, and caried away much spoyle of them, and brought the spoyle to Samaria. 9 But there was a Prophet of the Lordes, (whose name was Oded) and he went out before the hoste that came to Samaria, and said vnto them, Behold, because the Lord God of your fathers is wroth with Iudah, he hath deliuered them into your hand, and ye haue slaine them in a rage, that reacheth vp to heauen. 10 And nowe ye purpose to keepe vnder the children of Iudah and Ierusalem, as seruants and handmaides vnto you: but are not you such, that sinnes are with you before the Lord your God? 11 Nowe therefore heare me, and deliuer the captiues againe, which ye haue taken prisoners of your brethren: for the fierce wrath of the Lord is toward you. 12 Wherefore certaine of the chiefe of the children of Ephraim, Azariah the sonne of Iehohanan, Berechiah the sonne of Meshillemoth, and Iehizkiah the sonne of Shallum, and Amasa the sonne of Hadlai, stood vp against them that came from the warre, 13 And said vnto them, Bring not in the captiues hither: for this shalbe a sinne vpon vs against the Lord: ye entende to adde more to our sinnes and to our trespasse, though our trespasse be great, and the fierce wrath of God is against Israel. 14 So the armie left the captiues and the spoyle before the princes and all the Congregation. 15 And the men that were named by name, rose vp and tooke the prisoners, and with the spoyle clothed all that were naked among them, and arayed them, and shod them, and gaue them meate, and gaue them drinke, and anoynted them, and caryed all that were feeble of them vpon asses, and brought them to Iericho the citie of Palme trees to their brethren: so they returned to Samaria. 16 At that time did King Ahaz sende vnto the Kings of Asshur, to helpe him.

2 Chronicles 28:16-21

16 At that time did King Ahaz sende vnto the Kings of Asshur, to helpe him. 17 (For the Edomites came moreouer, and slew of Iudah, and caryed away captiues.

2 Chronicles 28:17-21

17 (For the Edomites came moreouer, and slew of Iudah, and caryed away captiues. 18 The Philistims also inuaded the cities in the low countrey, and toward the South of Iudah, and tooke Bethshemesh, and Aialon, and Gederoth and Shocho, with the villages thereof, and Timnah, with her villages, and Gimzo, with her villages, and they dwelt there.

2 Chronicles 28:18-21

18 The Philistims also inuaded the cities in the low countrey, and toward the South of Iudah, and tooke Bethshemesh, and Aialon, and Gederoth and Shocho, with the villages thereof, and Timnah, with her villages, and Gimzo, with her villages, and they dwelt there. 19 For the Lord had humbled Iudah, because of Ahaz King of Israel: for he had brought vengeance vpon Iudah, and had grieuously transgressed against the Lord)

2 Chronicles 28:19-21

19 For the Lord had humbled Iudah, because of Ahaz King of Israel: for he had brought vengeance vpon Iudah, and had grieuously transgressed against the Lord) 20 And Tilgath Pilneeser king of Asshur came vnto him, who troubled him and did not strengthen him.

2 Chronicles 28:20-21

20 And Tilgath Pilneeser king of Asshur came vnto him, who troubled him and did not strengthen him. 21 For Ahaz tooke a portion out of the house of the Lord and out of the Kings house and of the Princes, and gaue vnto the king of Asshur: yet it helped him not.

2 Chronicles 28:21-21

21 For Ahaz tooke a portion out of the house of the Lord and out of the Kings house and of the Princes, and gaue vnto the king of Asshur: yet it helped him not. 22 And in ye time of his tribulation did he yet trespasse more against ye Lord, (this is King Ahaz)

2 Chronicles 28:22

22 And in ye time of his tribulation did he yet trespasse more against ye Lord, (this is King Ahaz) 23 For he sacrificed vnto the gods of Damascus, which plagued him, and he sayd, Because the gods of the Kings of Aram helped them, I wil sacrifice vnto them, and they will helpe me: yet they were his ruine, and of all Israel. 24 And Ahaz gathered the vessels of ye house of God, and brake the vessels of the house of God, and shut vp the doores of the house of the Lord, and made him altars in euery corner of Ierusalem. 25 And in euery citie of Iudah hee made hie places, to burne incense vnto other gods, and prouoked to anger the Lord God of his fathers. 26 Concerning the rest of his actes, and all his wayes first and last, beholde, they are written in the booke of the Kings of Iudah, and Israel. 27 And Ahaz slept with his fathers, and they buried him in the citie of Ierusalem, but brought him not vnto the sepulchres of the Kings of Israel: and Hezekiah his sonne reigned in his stead.

2 Chronicles 29:1-32:33

1 Hezekiah began to reigne, when he was fiue and twentie yeere olde, and reigned nine and twentie yeres in Ierusalem: and his mothers name was Abiiah the daughter of Zechariah. 2 And hee did vprightly in the sight of the Lord, according to all that Dauid his father had done. 3 He opened the doores of the house of the Lord in the first yeere, and in the first moneth of his reigne, and repared them. 4 And he brought in the Priests and the Leuites, and gathered them into the East streete, 5 And said vnto them, Heare me, ye Leuites: sanctifie nowe your selues, and sanctifie the house of the Lord God of your fathers, and cary forth the filthinesse out of the Sanctuarie. 6 For our fathers haue trespassed, and done euill in the eyes of the Lord our God, and haue forsaken him, and turned away their faces from the Tabernacle of the Lord, and turned their backes. 7 They haue also shut the doores of ye porch, and quenched the lampes, and haue neither burnt incense, nor offred burnt offrings in the Sanctuarie vnto the God of Israel. 8 Wherfore the wrath of the Lord hath bin on Iudah and Ierusalem: and he hath made them a scattering, a desolation, and an hissing, as ye see with your eyes. 9 For lo, our fathers are fallen by the sword, and our sonnes, and our daughters, and our wiues are in captiuitie for the same cause. 10 Now I purpose to make a couenant with the Lord God of Israel, that he may turne away his fierce wrath from vs. 11 Now my sonnes, be not deceiued: for the Lord hath chosen you to stand before him, to serue him, and to be his ministers, and to burne incense. 12 Then the Leuites arose, Mahath ye sonne of Amashai, and Ioel the sonne of Azariah of the sonnes of the Kohathites: and of the sonnes of Merari, Kish the sonne of Abdi, and Azariah the sonne of Iehalelel: and of the Gershonites, Ioah the sonne of Zimmah, and Eden the sonne of Ioah: 13 And of the sonnes of Elizaphan, Shimri, and Iehiel: and of the sonnes of Asaph, Zechariah, and Mattaniah: 14 And of the sonnes of Heman, Iehiel, and Shimei: and of the sonnes of Ieduthun, Shemaiah and Vzziel. 15 And they gathered their brethren, and sanctified themselues and came according to the commandement of the King, and by the words of the Lord, for to clense the house of the Lord. 16 And the Priests went into the inner partes of the house of the Lord, to clense it, and brought out all the vncleannesse that they founde in the Temple of the Lord, into the court of the house of the Lord: and the Leuites tooke it, to cary it out vnto the brooke Kidron. 17 They began the first day of the first moneth to sanctifie it, and the eight day of the moneth came they to the porche of the Lord: so they sanctified the house of the Lord in eight dayes, and in the sixeteenth day of the first moneth they made an ende. 18 Then they went in to Hezekiah ye King, and sayde, We haue clensed all the house of the Lord and the altar of burnt offring, with all the vessels thereof, and the shewbread table, with all the vessels thereof: 19 And all the vessels which King Ahaz had cast aside when he reigned, and transgressed, haue we prepared and sanctified: and beholde, they are before the altar of the Lord. 20 And Hezekiah the King rose early, and gathered the princes of the citie, and went vp to the house of the Lord. 21 And they brought seuen bullockes, and seuen rammes, and seuen lambes, and seuen hee goates, for a sinne offring for the kingdome, and for the sanctuarie, and for Iudah. And he commanded the Priests the sonnes of Aaron, to offer them on the altar of the Lord. 22 So they slewe the bullockes, and the Priests receiued the blood, and sprinkled it vpon the altar: they slew also the rammes and sprinkled the blood vpon the altar, and they slew the lambes, and they sprinkled the blood vpon the altar. 23 Then they brought the hee goates for the sinne offring before the King and the Congregation, and they layde their hands vpon them. 24 And the Priests slewe them, and with the blood of them they clensed the altar to reconcile all Israel: for the King had commanded for all Israel the burnt offring and the sinne offring. 25 He appointed also the Leuites in the house of the Lord with cymbales, with violes, and with harpes, according to the commandement of Dauid, and Gad the Kings Seer, and Nathan the Prophet: for the commandement was by the hande of the Lord, and by the hande of his Prophets. 26 And the Leuites stood with the instruments of Dauid, and the Priests with the trumpets. 27 And Hezekiah commanded to offer the burnt offring vpon the altar: and when the burnt offring began, the song of the Lord beganne with the trumpets, and the instruments of Dauid King of Israel. 28 And al the Congregation worshipped, singing a song, and they blew the trumpets: all this continued vntill the burnt offring was finished. 29 And when they had made an ende of offring, the King and all that were present with him, bowed themselues, and worshipped. 30 Then Hezekiah the King and the princes commanded the Leuites to prayse the Lord with the wordes of Dauid, and of Asaph the Seer. so they praysed with ioy, and they bowed themselues, and worshipped. 31 And Hezekiah spake, and sayde, Now ye haue consecrate your selues to the Lord: come neere and bring the sacrifices and offerings of prayse into the house of the Lord. And the Congregation brought sacrifices; and offrings of prayses, and euery man that was willing in heart, offred burnt offrings. 32 And the nomber of the burnt offrings, which the Congregation brought, was seuentie bullockes, an hundreth rammes, and two hundreth lambes: all these were for a burnt offring to the Lord: 33 And for sanctification sixe hundreth bullockes, and three thousand sheepe.

2 Chronicles 30:1-32:33

1 And Hezekiah sent to all Israel, and Iudah, and also wrote letters to Ephraim and Manasseh, that they should come to the house of the Lord at Ierusalem, to keepe the Passeouer vnto the Lord God of Israel. 2 And the King and his princes and all the Congregation had taken counsel in Ierusalem to keepe the Passeouer in the second moneth. 3 For they could not keepe it at this time, because there were not Priests enow sanctified, neither was the people gathered to Ierusalem. 4 And the thing pleased the King, and all the Congregation. 5 And they decreed to make proclamation throughout all Israel from Beersheba euen to Dan, that they should come to keepe the Passeouer vnto the Lord God of Israel at Ierusalem: for they had not done it of a great time, as it was written. 6 So the postes went with letters by the commission of the King, and his princes, thorowout all Israel and Iudah, and with the commandement of the King, saying, Ye children of Israel, turne againe vnto the Lord God of Abraham, Izhak, and Israel, and he will returne to the remnant that are escaped of you, out of ye hands of the Kings of Asshur. 7 And be not ye like your fathers, and like your brethren, which trespassed against the Lord God of their fathers: and therfore he made them desolate, as ye see. 8 Be not ye now stiffenecked like your fathers, but giue the hand to the Lord, and come into his sanctuarie, which he hath sanctified for euer, and serue the Lord your God, and the fiercenesse of his wrath shall turne away from you. 9 For if ye returne vnto the Lord, your brethren and your children shall finde mercy before them that led them captiues, and they shall returne vnto this lande: for the Lord your God is gracious and mercifull, and will not turne away his face from you, if ye conuert vnto him. 10 So the postes went from citie to citie thorow the land of Ephraim and Manasseh, euen vnto Zebulun: but they laughed them to scorne, and mocked them. 11 Neuerthelesse diuers of Asher, and Manasseh, and of Zebulun submitted themselues, and came to Ierusalem. 12 And the hand of God was in Iudah, so that he gaue them one heart to doe the commandement of the King, and of the rulers, according to the worde of the Lord. 13 And there assembled to Ierusalem much people, to keepe the feast of ye vnleauened bread in the second moneth, a very great assemblie. 14 And they arose, and tooke away the altars that were in Ierusalem: and all those for incense tooke they away, and cast them into the brooke Kidron. 15 Afterwarde they slewe the Passeouer the fourteenth day of the seconde moneth: and the Priestes and Leuites were ashamed, and sanctified themselues, and brought the burnt offrings into the house of the Lord. 16 And they stoode in their place after their maner, according to the Lawe of Moses the man of God: and the Priestes sprinkled the blood, receiued of the handes of the Leuites. 17 Because there were many in the Congregation that were not sanctified, therefore the Leuites had the charge of the killing of ye Passeouer for all that were not cleane, to sanctifie it to the Lord. 18 For a multitude of the people, euen a multitude of Ephraim, and Manasseh, Issachar and Zebulun had not cleansed themselues, yet did eate the Passeouer, but not as it was written: wherefore Hezekiah prayed for them, saying, The good Lord be mercifull toward him, 19 That prepareth his whole heart to seeke the Lord God, the God of his fathers, though he be not cleansed, according to the purification of the Sanctuarie. 20 And the Lord heard Hezekiah, and healed the people. 21 And the children of Israel that were present at Ierusalem, kept the feast of the vnleauened bread seuen dayes with great ioye, and the Leuites, and the Priestes praysed the Lord, day by day, singing with loude instruments vnto the Lord. 22 And Hezekiah spake comfortably vnto all the Leuites that had good knowledge to sing vnto the Lord: and they did eate in that feast seuen dayes, and offred peace offrings, and praysed the Lord God of their fathers. 23 And the whole assembly tooke counsel to keepe it other seuen dayes. So they kept it seuen dayes with ioy. 24 For Hezekiah King of Iudah had giuen to the Congregation a thousande bullockes, and seuen thousand sheepe. And the princes had giuen to the Congregation a thousand bullocks, and ten thousand sheepe: and many Priests were sanctified. 25 And all the Congregation of Iudah reioyced with the Priestes and the Leuites, and all the Congregation that came out of Israel, and the strangers that came out of the land of Israel, and that dwelt in Iudah. 26 So there was great ioye in Ierusalem: for since the time of Salomon the sonne of Dauid King of Israel there was not the like thing in Ierusalem. 27 Then the Priests and the Leuites arose, and blessed the people, and their voyce was heard, and their prayer came vp vnto heauen, to his holy habitation.

2 Chronicles 31:1-32:33

1 And when all these thinges were finished, all Israel that were found in the cities of Iudah, went out and brake the images, and cut downe the groues, and brake downe the hie places, and the altars thorowout all Iudah and Beniamin, in Ephraim also and Manasseh, vntil they had made an ende: afterwarde all the children of Israel returned euery man to his possession, into their owne cities. 2 And Hezekiah appoynted the courses of the Priests and Leuites by their turnes, euery man according to his office, both Priestes and Leuites, for the burnt offring and peace offrings, to minister and to giue thankes, and to prayse in the gates of the tentes of the Lord. 3 (And the Kings portion was of his owne substance for the burnt offrings, euen for ye burnt offrings of the morning and of the euening, and the burnt offrings for the Sabbaths, and for the new moones, and for the solemne feastes, as it is written in the Law of the Lord) 4 He commanded also the people that dwelt in Ierusalem, to giue a part to the Priestes, and Leuites, that they might be encouraged in the Law of the Lord. 5 And when the commandement was spread, the children of Israel brought abundance of first fruites, of corne, wine, and oyle, and honie, and of all the increase of the fielde, and the tithes of all things brought they abundantly. 6 And the children of Israel and Iudah that dwelt in ye cities of Iudah, they also brought the tithes of bullockes and sheepe, and the holy tithes which were consecrate vnto the Lord their God, and laide them on many heapes. 7 In the thirde moneth they beganne to lay the foundation of the heapes, and finished them in the seuenth moneth. 8 And when Hezekiah and the princes came, and saw the heapes, they blessed the Lord and his people Israel. 9 And Hezekiah questioned with the Priests and the Leuites concerning the heapes. 10 And Azariah the chiefe Priest of the house of Zadok answered him, and sayde, Since the people beganne to bring the offrings into the house of the Lord, we haue eaten and haue bene satisfied, and there is left in abundance: for the Lord hath blessed his people, and this abundance that is left. 11 And Hezekiah commanded to prepare chambers in the house of the Lord: and they prepared them, 12 And caryed in the first fruites, and the tithes, and the dedicate things faithfully: and ouer them was Conaniah the Leuite, the chiefe, and Shimei his brother the seconde. 13 And Iehiel, and Azariah, and Nahath, and Asahel, and Ierimoth, and Iozabad, and Eliel, and Ismachiah, and Mahath, and Benaiah were ouerseers by the appointment of Conaniah, and Shimei his brother, and by the commandement of Hezekiah the King, and of Azariah the chiefe of the house of God. 14 And Kore the sonne of Imnah the Leuite porter towarde the East, was ouer the things that were willingly offred vnto God, to distribute the oblations of the Lord, and the holy things that were consecrate. 15 And at his hande were Eden, and Miniamin, and Ieshua, and Shemaiah, Amariah, and Shechaniah, in the cities of the Priestes, to distribute with fidelitie to their brethren by courses, both to the great and small, 16 Their daily portion: beside their generation being males from three yeere olde and aboue, euen to all that entred into the house of the Lord to their office in their charge, according to their courses: 17 Both to the generation of the Priestes after the house of their fathers, and to the Leuites from twentie yeere olde and aboue, according to their charge in their courses: 18 And to the generation of all their children, their wiues, and their sonnes and their daughters throughout all ye Congregation: for by their fidelitie are they partakers of the holy things. 19 Also to the sonnes of Aaron, the Priestes, which were in the fieldes and suburbes of their cities, in euery citie the men that were appointed by names, shoulde giue portions to all the males of the Priestes, and to all the generation of the Leuites. 20 And thus did Hezekiah throughout al Iudah, and did well, and vprightly, and truely before the Lord his God. 21 And in all the workes that he began for the seruice of the house of God, both in the Law and in the commandements, to seeke his God, he did it with all his heart, and prospered.

2 Chronicles 32:1-33

1 After these things faithfully described, Saneherib King of Asshur came and entred into Iudah, and besieged the strong cities, and thought to winne them for him selfe. 2 When Hezekiah sawe that Saneherib was come, and that his purpose was to fight against Ierusalem, 3 Then he tooke counsell with his princes and his nobles, to stoppe the water of the fountaines without the citie: and they did helpe him. 4 So many of the people assembled themselues, and stopt all the fountaines, and the riuer that ranne through the middes of the countrey, saying, Why should the Kings of Asshur come, and finde much water? 5 And he tooke courage, and built all the broken wall, and made vp the towers, and another wall without, and repayred Millo in the citie of Dauid, and made many dartes and shields. 6 And he set captaines of warre ouer the people, and assembled them to him in the broade place of the gate of the citie, and spake comfortably vnto them, saying, 7 Be strong and couragious: feare not, neither be afraide for the King of Asshur, neither for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with vs, then is with him. 8 With him is an arme of flesh, but with vs is the Lord our God for to helpe vs, and to fight our battels. Then the people were confirmed by the wordes of Hezekiah King of Iudah. 9 After this, did Saneherib King of Asshur send his seruants to Ierusalem (while he was against Lachish, and all his dominion with him) vnto Hezekiah King of Iudah and vnto all Iudah that were at Ierusalem, saying, 10 Thus saith Saneherib the King of Asshur, Wherein doe ye trust, that ye will remaine in Ierusalem, during the siege? 11 Doeth not Hezekiah entice you to giue ouer your selues vnto death by famine and by thirst, saying, The Lord our God shall deliuer vs out of the hande of the King of Asshur? 12 Hath not the same Hezekiah taken away his hie places and his altars, and commanded Iudah and Ierusalem, saying, Ye shall worshippe before one altar, and burne incense vpon it? 13 Knowe ye not what I and my fathers haue done vnto all the people of other countreyes? were the gods of the nations of other landes able to deliuer their land out of mine hande? 14 Who is he of al the gods of those natios (that my fathers haue destroied) that could deliuer his people out of mine hande? that your God should be able to deliuer you out of mine hand? 15 Nowe therefore let not Hezekiah deceiue you, nor seduce you after this sort, neither beleeue ye him: for none of all the gods of any nation or kingdome was able to deliuer his people out of mine hande and out of the hande of my fathers: howe much lesse shall your gods deliuer you out of mine hande? 16 And his seruants spake yet more against the Lord God, and against his seruant Hezekiah. 17 He wrote also letters, blaspheming the Lord God of Israel and speaking against him, saying, As the gods of the nations of other countreies could not deliuer their people out of mine hand, so shall not the God of Hezekiah deliuer his people out of mine hande. 18 Then they cryed with a loude voyce in the Iewes speach vnto the people of Ierusalem that were on the wall, to feare them and to astonish them, that they might take the citie. 19 Thus they spake against the God of Ierusalem, as against the gods of the people of the earth, euen the workes of mans hands, 20 But Hezekiah the King, and the Prophet Isaiah the sonne of Amoz prayed against this and cryed to heauen. 21 And the Lord sent an Angel which destroyed all the valiant men, and the princes and captaines of the hoste of the King of Asshur: so he returned with shame to his owne lande. And when he was come into the house of his god, they that came foorth of his owne bowels, slewe him there with the sworde. 22 So the Lord saued Hezekiah and the inhabitants of Ierusalem from the hande of Saneherib King of Asshur, and from the hande of all other, and maintained them on euery side. 23 And many brought offrings vnto the Lord to Ierusalem, and presents to Hezekiah King of Iudah, so that he was magnified in the sight of all nations from thencefoorth. 24 In those dayes Hezekiah was sicke vnto the death, and prayed vnto the Lord, who spake vnto him, and gaue him a signe. 25 But Hezekiah did not render according to the rewarde bestowed vpon him: for his heart was lift vp, and wrath came vpon him, and vpon Iudah and Ierusalem. 26 Notwithstanding Hezekiah humbled him selfe (after that his heart was lifted vp) he and the inhabitants of Ierusalem, and the wrath of the Lord came not vpon them in the dayes of Hezekiah. 27 Hezekiah also had exceeding much riches and honour, and he gate him treasures of siluer, and of golde, and of precious stones, and of sweete odours, and of shieldes, and of all pleasant vessels: 28 And of store houses for the increase of wheat and wine and oyle, and stalles for all beasts, and rowes for the stables. 29 And he made him cities, and had possession of sheepe and oxen in abundance: for God had giuen him substance exceeding much. 30 This same Hezekiah also stopped the vpper water springs of Gihon, and led them streight vnderneath towarde the citie of Dauid Westwarde. so Hezekiah prospered in all his workes. 31 But because of the ambassadours of the princes of Babel, which sent vnto him to enquire of the wonder that was done in the lande, God left him to trie him, and to knowe all that was in his heart. 32 Concerning the rest of the actes of Hezekiah, and his goodnesse, beholde, they are written in the vision of Ishiah the Prophet, the sonne of Amoz, in the booke of the Kings of Iudah and Israel. 33 So Hezekiah slept with his fathers, and they buryed him in the highest sepulchre of the sonnes of Dauid: and all Iudah and the inhabitants of Ierusalem did him honour at his death: and Manasseh his sonne reigned in his stead.

2 Chronicles 36:14-16

14 All the chiefe of the Priestes also and of the people trespassed wonderfully, according to all the abominations of the heathen, and polluted the house of the Lord which he had sanctified in Ierusalem.

2 Chronicles 36:14

14 All the chiefe of the Priestes also and of the people trespassed wonderfully, according to all the abominations of the heathen, and polluted the house of the Lord which he had sanctified in Ierusalem. 15 Therefore the Lord God of their fathers sent to them by his messengers, rising earely and sending: for he had compassion on his people, and on his habitation. 16 But they mocked the messengers of God and despised his wordes, and misused his Prophets, vntill the wrath of the Lord arose against his people, and till there was no remedie.

Ezra 9:5

5 And at the euening sacrifice I arose vp from mine heauinesse, and when I had rent my clothes and my garment, I fell vpon my knees, and spred out mine hands vnto the Lord my God,

Nehemiah 9:34

34 And our kings and our princes, our Priests and our fathers haue not done thy Lawe, nor regarded thy commandements nor thy protestations, wherewith thou hast protested among them.

Nehemiah 11:1

1 And the rulers of the people dwelt in Ierusalem: the other people also cast lottes, to bring one out of ten to dwel in Ierusalem the holy citie, and nine partes to be in the cities.

Job 2:7-8

7 So Satan departed from the presence of the Lord, and smote Iob with sore boyles, from the sole of his foote vnto his crowne. 8 And he tooke a potsharde to scrape him, and he sate downe among the ashes.

Job 5:18

18 For he maketh the wound, and bindeth it vp: he smiteth, and his handes make whole.

Job 11:13-14

13 If thou prepare thine heart, and stretch out thine hands toward him: 14 If iniquitie be in thine hand, put it farre away, and let no wickednesse dwell in thy Tabernacle.

Job 27:8-9

8 For what hope hath the hypocrite when he hath heaped vp riches, if God take away his soule? 9 Will God heare his cry, when trouble commeth vpon him?

Job 27:18

18 He buildeth his house as the moth, and as a lodge that the watchman maketh.

Job 27:20

20 Terrours shall take him as waters, and a tempest shall cary him away by night.

Job 31:3

3 Is not destruction to the wicked and strange punishment to the workers of iniquitie?

Psalms 1:6

6 For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous, and the way of the wicked shall perish.

Psalms 5:6

6 Thou shalt destroy them that speake lyes: the Lord will abhorre the bloodie man and deceitfull.

Psalms 9:5

5 Thou hast rebuked the heathen: thou hast destroyed the wicked: thou hast put out their name for euer and euer.

Psalms 9:14

14 That I may shewe all thy praises within the gates of the daughter of Zion, and reioyce in thy saluation.

Psalms 26:6

6 I will wash mine handes in innocencie, O Lord, and compasse thine altar,

Psalms 34:14

14 Eschewe euill and doe good: seeke peace and follow after it.

Psalms 37:27

27 Flee from euill and doe good, and dwell for euer.

Psalms 37:38

38 But the transgressours shall be destroyed together, and the ende of the wicked shall bee cut off.

Psalms 38:3-5

3 There is nothing sound in my flesh, because of thine anger: neither is there rest in my bones because of my sinne. 4 For mine iniquities are gone ouer mine head, and as a weightie burden they are too heauie for me. 5 My woundes are putrified, and corrupt because of my foolishnes.

Psalms 40:6

6 Sacrifice and offering thou didest not desire: (for mine eares hast thou prepared) burnt offring and sinne offering hast thou not required.

Psalms 46:4

4 Yet there is a Riuer, whose streames shall make glad the citie of God: euen the Sanctuarie of the Tabernacles of the most High.

Psalms 48:1

1 A song or Psalme committed to the sonnes of Korah. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praysed, in the Citie of our God, euen vpon his holy Mountaine.

Psalms 48:8

8 As we haue heard, so haue we seene in the citie of the Lord of hostes, in the Citie of our God: God will stablish it for euer. Selah.

Psalms 50:4

4 Hee shall call the heauen aboue, and the earth to iudge his people.

Psalms 50:8

8 I wil not reproue thee for thy sacrifices, or thy burnt offerings, that haue not bene continually before me.

Psalms 51:7

7 Purge me with hyssope, and I shalbe cleane: wash me, and I shalbe whiter then snowe.

Psalms 51:16

16 For thou desirest no sacrifice, though I would giue it: thou delitest not in burnt offering.

Psalms 55:1

1 To him that excelleth on Neginoth. A Psalme of David to give instruction. Heare my prayer, O God, and hide not thy selfe from my supplication.

Psalms 58:3

3 The wicked are strangers from ye wombe: euen from the belly haue they erred, and speake lyes.

Psalms 66:18

18 If I regard wickednesse in mine heart, the Lord will not heare me.

Psalms 73:27

27 For loe, they that withdrawe themselues from thee, shall perish: thou destroyest all them that goe a whoring from thee.

Psalms 77:2

2 In the day of my trouble I sought ye Lord: my sore ranne and ceased not in the night: my soule refused comfort.

Psalms 78:8

8 And not to bee as their fathers, a disobedient and rebellious generation: a generation that set not their heart aright, and whose spirite was not faithfull vnto God.

Psalms 78:40

40 How oft did they prouoke him in the wildernes? and grieue him in the desert?

Psalms 82:3-4

3 Doe right to the poore and fatherlesse: doe iustice to the poore and needie. 4 Deliuer the poore and needie: saue them from the hand of the wicked.

Psalms 89:18

18 For our shield apperteineth to the Lord, and our King to the holy one of Israel. 19 Thou spakest then in a vision vnto thine Holy one, and saydest, I haue layde helpe vpon one that is mightie: I haue exalted one chosen out of the people.

Psalms 92:9

9 For loe, thine enemies, O Lord: for loe, thine enemies shall perish: all the workers of iniquitie shall be destroyed.

Psalms 94:8

8 Vnderstande ye vnwise among the people: and ye fooles, when will ye be wise?

Psalms 104:35

35 Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth, and the wicked till there be no more: O my soule, prayse thou the Lord. Prayse ye the Lord.

Psalms 107:34

34 And a fruitfull land into barrennes for the wickednes of them that dwell therein.

Psalms 107:39

39 Againe men are diminished, and brought lowe by oppression, euill and sorowe.

Psalms 125:5

5 But these that turne aside by their crooked wayes, them shall the Lord leade with the workers of iniquitie: but peace shalbe vpon Israel.

Psalms 132:2

2 Who sware vnto the Lord, and vowed vnto the mightie God of Iaakob, saying,

Psalms 134:2

2 Lift vp your hands to the Sanctuarie, and praise the Lord.

Proverbs 1:25-26

25 But ye haue despised all my counsell, and would none of my correction. 26 I will also laugh at your destruction, and mocke, when your feare commeth.

Proverbs 1:28

28 Then shall they call vpon me, but I will not answere: they shall seeke me early, but they shall not finde me,

Proverbs 6:6

6 Goe to the pismire, O sluggarde: beholde her waies, and be wise.

Proverbs 15:8

8 The sacrifice of the wicked is abomination to the Lord: but the prayer of the righteous is acceptable vnto him.

Proverbs 17:23

23 A wicked man taketh a gift out of the bosome to wrest the wayes of iudgement.

Proverbs 21:27

27 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination: how much more when he bringeth it with a wicked minde?

Proverbs 29:1

1 A man that hardeneth his necke when he is rebuked, shall suddenly be destroyed and can not be cured.

Proverbs 29:24

24 He that is partner with a thiefe, hateth his owne soule: he heareth cursing, and declareth it not.

Proverbs 31:9

9 Open thy mouth: iudge righteously, and iudge the afflicted, and the poore.

Ecclesiastes 5:1

1 Be not rash with thy mouth, nor let thine heart be hastie to vtter a thing before God: for God is in the heauens, and thou art on the earth: therefore let thy wordes be fewe.

Isaiah 1:21

21 Howe is the faithfull citie become an harlot? it was full of iudgement, and iustice lodged therein, but now they are murtherers. 22 Thy siluer is become drosse: thy wine is mixt with water. 23 Thy Princes are rebellious and companions of theeues: euery one loueth giftes, and followeth after rewards: they iudge not the fatherlesse, neither doeth the widowes cause come before them.

Isaiah 2:1

1 The worde that Isaiah the sonne of Amoz sawe vpon Iudah and Ierusalem.

Isaiah 3:8

8 Doubtlesse Ierusalem is fallen, and Iudah is fallen downe, because their tongue and workes are against the Lord, to prouoke the eyes of his glory. 9 The triall of their countenance testifieth against them, yea, they declare their sinnes as Sodom, they hide them not. Wo be vnto their soules: for they haue rewarded euil vnto themselues. 10 Say ye, Surely it shalbe well with the iust: for they shall eate the fruite of their workes. 11 Woe be to the wicked, it shalbe euill with him: for the reward of his handes shalbe giuen him.

Isaiah 3:14

14 The Lord shall enter into iudgement with the Ancients of his people and the princes thereof: for ye haue eaten vp the vineyarde: the spoyle of the poore is in your houses.

Isaiah 3:25

25 Thy men shall fall by the sworde, and thy strength in the battell.

Isaiah 4:4

4 When the Lord shall wash the filthines of the daughters of Zion, and purge the blood of Ierusalem out of the middes thereof by the spirite of iudgement, and by the spirit of burning.

Isaiah 5:1-2

1 Now will I sing to my beloued a song of my beloued to his vineyarde, My beloued had a vineyarde in a very fruitefull hill, 2 And hee hedged it, and gathered out the stones of it, and he planted it with the best plants, and hee builte a towre in the middes thereof, and made a wine presse therein: then hee looked that it should bring foorth grapes: but it brought foorth wilde grapes.

Isaiah 5:5-6

5 And nowe I will tell you what I will do to my vineyarde: I will take away the hedge thereof, and it shall be eaten vp: I will breake the wall thereof, and it shall be troden downe: 6 And I will laye it waste: it shall not be cut, nor digged, but briers, and thornes shall growe vp: I will also commande the cloudes that they raine no raine vpon it.

Isaiah 5:6

6 And I will laye it waste: it shall not be cut, nor digged, but briers, and thornes shall growe vp: I will also commande the cloudes that they raine no raine vpon it. 7 Surely the vineyard of the Lord of hostes is the house of Israel, and the men of Iudah are his pleasant plant, and hee looked for iudgement, but beholde oppression: for righteousnesse, but beholde a crying.

Isaiah 5:9

9 This is in mine cares, saith the Lord of hostes. Surely many houses shall be desolate, euen great, and faire without inhabitant.

Isaiah 5:12

12 And the harpe and viole, timbrel, and pipe, and wine are in their feastes: but they regard not the worke of the Lord, neither consider the worke of his handes.

Isaiah 5:16

16 And the Lord of hostes shalbe exalted in iudgement, and the holy God shalbe sanctified in iustice. 17 Then shall the lambes feede after their maner, and the strangers shall eate the desolate places of the fat.

Isaiah 5:19

19 Which say, Let him make speede: let him hasten his worke, that wee may see it: and let the counsell of the holy one of Israel draw neere and come, that we may knowe it.

Isaiah 5:24

24 Therefore as the flame of fire deuoureth the stubble, and as the chaffe is cosumed of the flame: so their roote shalbe as rottennesse, and their bud shall rise vp like dust, because they haue cast off the Lawe of the Lord of hostes, and contemned the word of the holy one of Israel.

Isaiah 6:1

1 In the yeere of the death of King Vzziah, I saw also the Lord sitting vpon an high throne, and lifted vp, and the lower partes thereof filled the Temple.

Isaiah 6:11

11 Then sayd I, Lord, howe long? And he answered, Vntill the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be vtterly desolate,

Isaiah 6:11-13

11 Then sayd I, Lord, howe long? And he answered, Vntill the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be vtterly desolate, 12 And the Lord haue remoued men farre away, and there be a great desolation in the mids of the land. 13 But yet in it shalbe a tenth, and shall returne, and shalbe eaten vp as an elme or an oke, which haue a substance in them, when they cast their leaues: so the holy seede shall be the substance thereof.

Isaiah 6:13-13

13 But yet in it shalbe a tenth, and shall returne, and shalbe eaten vp as an elme or an oke, which haue a substance in them, when they cast their leaues: so the holy seede shall be the substance thereof.

Isaiah 7:1

1 And in the dayes of Ahaz, the sonne of Iotham, the sonne of Vzziah king of Iudah, Rezin the King of Aram came vp, and Pekah the sonne of Remaliah King of Israel, to Ierusalem to fight against it, but he could not ouercome it.

Isaiah 7:13

13 Then he sayd, Heare you nowe, O house of Dauid, Is it a small thing for you to grieue men, that ye will also grieue my God?

Isaiah 8:8

8 And shall breake into Iudah, and shall ouerflowe and passe through, and shall come vp to the necke, and the stretching out of his wings shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Immanu-el.

Isaiah 8:17

17 Therefore I will waite vpon the Lord that hath hid his face from the house of Iaakob, and I wil looke for him.

Isaiah 8:20

20 To the Law, and to the testimonie, if they speake not according to this worde: it is because there is no light in them.

Isaiah 9:5

5 Surely euery battell of the warriour is with noyse, and with tumbling of garments in blood: but this shall be with burning and deuouring of fire.

Isaiah 9:13

13 For the people turneth not vnto him that smiteth them, neither doe they seeke the Lord of hostes.

Isaiah 9:19

19 By the wrath of the Lord of hostes shall the land be darkened, and the people shall be as the meate of ye fire: no man shall spare his brother.

Isaiah 9:21

21 Manasseh, Ephraim: and Ephraim Manasseh, and they both shall be against Iudah yet for all this his wrath is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

Isaiah 10:1-2

1 Woe vnto them that decree wicked decrees, and write grieuous things, 2 To keepe backe ye poore from iudgement, and to take away the iudgement of the poore of my people, that widowes may be their pray, and that they may spoyle the fatherlesse.

Isaiah 10:6

6 I will sende him to a dissembling nation, and I will giue him a charge against the people of my wrath to take the spoyle and to take the pray, and to treade them vnder feete like the mire in the streete.

Isaiah 10:20-22

20 And at that day shall the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Iaakob, stay no more vpon him that smote them, but shall stay vpon ye Lord, ye Holy one of Israel in trueth. 21 The remnant shall returne, euen the remnant of Iaakob vnto the mightie God. 22 For though thy people, O Israel, be as the sand of the sea, yet shall the remnant of them returne. The consumption decreed shall ouerflow with righteousnesse.

Isaiah 10:32

32 Yet there is a time that he will stay at Nob: he shall lift vp his hand towarde the mount of the daughter Zion, the hill of Ierusalem.

Isaiah 12:6

6 Cry out, and shoute, O inhabitant of Zion: for great is ye holy one of Israel in the middes of thee.

Isaiah 13:1

1 The burden of Babel, which Isaiah the sonne of Amoz did see.

Isaiah 14:20

20 Thou shalt not be ioyned with them in the graue, because thou hast destroied thine owne lande, and slaine thy people: the seede of the wicked shall not be renoumed for euer.

Isaiah 17:6

6 Yet a gathering of grapes shall be left in it, as the shaking of an oliue tree, two or three beries are in the top of the vpmost boughes, and foure or fiue in the hie branches of the fruite thereof, sayeth the Lord God of Israel.

Isaiah 21:2

2 A grieuous vision was shewed vnto me, The transgressour against a transgressour, and the destroyer against a destroyer. Goe vp Elam, besiege Media: I haue caused all the mourning thereof to cease.

Isaiah 24:10-12

10 The citie of vanitie is broken downe: euery house is shut vp, that no man may come in. 11 There is a crying for wine in the streetes: al ioy is darkened: the mirth of the world is gone away. 12 In the citie is left desolation, and the gate is smitten with destruction. 13 Surely thus shall it bee in the middes of the earth, among the people, as the shaking of an oliue tree, and as the grapes when the vintage is ended.

Isaiah 26:11

11 O Lord, they will not beholde thine hie hande: but they shall see it, and bee confounded with the zeale of the people, and the fire of thine enemies shall deuoure them.

Isaiah 27:4

4 Anger is not in mee: who would set the briers and the thornes against me in battel? I would go through them, I would burne them together.

Isaiah 27:11

11 When the boughes of it are drie, they shalbe broken: the women come, and set them on fire: for it is a people of none vnderstading: therefore hee that made them, shall not haue compassion of them, and he that formed them, shall haue no mercie on them.

Isaiah 28:14

14 Wherefore, heare the worde of the Lord, ye scornefull men that rule this people, which is at Ierusalem.

Isaiah 29:1

1 Ah altar, altar of the citie that Dauid dwelt in: adde yere vnto yere: let them kill lambs.

Isaiah 29:19

19 The meeke in the Lord shall receiue ioye againe, and the poore men shall reioyce in the holy one of Israel.

Isaiah 30:1

1 Wo to the rebellious children, sayth the Lord, that take counsell, but not of me, and couer with a couering, but not by my spirit, that they may lay sinne vpon sinne:

Isaiah 30:9

9 That it is a rebellious people, lying children, and children that would not heare the law of the Lord.

Isaiah 30:11-12

11 Depart out of the way: go aside out of the path: cause the holy one of Israel to cease from vs. 12 Therefoe thus saith the holy one of Israel, Because you haue cast off this worde, and trust in violence, and wickednes, and stay thereupon, 13 Therefore this iniquitie shalbe vnto you as a breach that falleth, or a swelling in an hie wall, whose breaking commeth suddenly in a moment.

Isaiah 30:15

15 For thus sayd the Lord God, the Holy one of Israel, In rest and quietnes shall ye be saued: in quietnes and in confidence shall be your strength, but ye would not.

Isaiah 30:22

22 And ye shall pollute the couering of the images of siluer, and the riche ornament of thine images of golde, and cast them away as a menstruous cloth, and thou shalt say vnto it, Get thee hence.

Isaiah 30:29

29 But there shall be a song vnto you as in the night, when solemne feast is kept: and gladnes of heart, as he that commeth with a pipe to goe vnto the mount of the Lord, to the mightie one of Israel.

Isaiah 31:6

6 O ye children of Israel, turne againe, in as much as ye are sunken deepe in rebellion. 7 For in that day euery man shall cast out his idoles of siluer, and his idoles of golde, which your handes haue made you, euen a sinne.

Isaiah 32:1-2

1 Behold, a King shall reigne in iustice, and the princes shall rule in iudgement. 2 And that man shall bee as an hiding place from the winde, and as a refuge for the tempest: as riuers of water in a drie place, and as the shadowe of a great rocke in a weary land.

Isaiah 33:5

5 The Lord is exalted: for hee dwelleth on hie: he hath filled Zion with iudgement and iustice.

Isaiah 33:14

14 The sinners in Zion are afraide: a feare is come vpon the hypocrites: who among vs shall dwel with the deuouring fire? who among vs shall dwell with the euerlasting burnings? 15 Hee that walketh in iustice, and speaketh righteous things, refusing gaine of oppression, shaking his handes from taking of gifts, stopping his eares from hearing of blood, and shutting his eyes from seeing euill.

Isaiah 33:24

24 And none inhabitant shall say, I am sicke: the people that dwell therein, shall haue their iniquitie forgiuen.

Isaiah 34:9

9 And the riuers thereof shall be turned into pitche, and the dust thereof into brimstone, and the land thereof shalbe burning pitch.

Isaiah 34:9-10

9 And the riuers thereof shall be turned into pitche, and the dust thereof into brimstone, and the land thereof shalbe burning pitch. 10 It shall not be quenched night nor day: the smoke thereof shall goe vp euermore: it shall be desolate from generation to generation: none shall passe through it for euer.

Isaiah 35:4

4 Say vnto them that are fearefull, Bee you strong, feare not: beholde, your God commeth with vengeance: euen God with a recompense, he will come and saue you.

Isaiah 37:4

4 If so be the Lord thy God hath heard the wordes of Rabshakeh, whom the King of Asshur his master hath sent to raile on the liuing God, and to reproch him with wordes which the Lord thy God hath heard, then lift thou vp thy prayer for the remnant that are left.

Isaiah 37:22

22 This is the worde that the Lord hath spoken against him, the virgine, the daughter of Zion, hath despised thee, and laughed thee to scorne: the daughter of Ierusalem, hath shaken her head at thee. 23 Whome hast thou railed on and blasphemed? and against whome hast thou exalted thy voyce, and lifted vp thine eyes on hie? euen against the holy one of Israel.

Isaiah 37:31-32

31 And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Iudah, shall againe take roote downward and beare fruite vpward. 32 For out of Ierusalem shall goe a remnant, and they that escape out of mount Zion: the zeale of the Lord of hostes shall doe this.

Isaiah 40:5

5 And the glory of the Lord shalbe reueiled, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.

Isaiah 40:9

9 O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee vp into the hie mountaine: O Ierusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift vp thy voyce with strength: lift it vp, be not afraide: say vnto the cities of Iudah, Beholde your God.

Isaiah 41:1

1 Keep silence before mee, O ylands, and let the people renue their strength: let the come neere, and let them speake: let vs come together into iudgement.

Isaiah 41:14

14 Feare not, thou worme, Iaakob, and ye men of Israel: I wil helpe thee, sayth the Lord and thy redeemer the holy one of Israel.

Isaiah 41:16

16 Thou shalt fanne them, and the winde shall carie them away, and the whirlewinde shall scatter them: and thou shalt reioyce in the Lord, and shalt glory in the holy one of Israel.

Isaiah 41:20

20 Therefore let them see and knowe, and let them consider and vnderstande together that the hand of the Lord hath done this, and the holy one of Israel hath created it. 21 Stand to your cause, saith the Lord: bring forth your strong reasons, saith ye King of Iaakob.

Isaiah 43:17

17 When hee bringeth out the charet and horse, the armie and the power lie together, and shall not rise: they are extinct, and quenched as towe.

Isaiah 43:24

24 Thou boughtest mee no sweete sauour with money, neither hast thou made mee drunke with the fatte of thy sacrifices, but thou hast made mee to serue with thy sinnes, and wearied mee with thine iniquities.

Isaiah 43:24-26

24 Thou boughtest mee no sweete sauour with money, neither hast thou made mee drunke with the fatte of thy sacrifices, but thou hast made mee to serue with thy sinnes, and wearied mee with thine iniquities. 25 I, euen I am he that putteth away thine iniquities for mine owne sake, and will not remember thy sinnes. 26 Put me in remembrance: let vs be iudged together: count thou that thou maist be iustified.

Isaiah 44:18

18 They haue not knowen, nor vnderstand: for God hath shut their eyes that they cannot see, and their heartes, that they cannot vnderstand.

Isaiah 44:22

22 I haue put away thy transgressions like a cloude, and thy sinnes, as a mist: turne vnto me, for I haue redeemed thee.

Isaiah 45:16

16 All they shalbe ashamed and also confounded: they shall goe to confusion together, that are the makers of images.

Isaiah 45:21-25

21 Tell ye and bring them, and let them take counsell together, who hath declared this from the beginning? or hath tolde it of olde? Haue not I the Lord? and there is none other God beside me, a iust God, and a Sauiour: there is none beside me. 22 Looke vnto me, and ye shall be saued: all the endes of the earth shall be saued: for I am God, and there is none other. 23 I haue sworne by my selfe: the worde is gone out of my mouth in righteousnesse, and shall not returne, That euery knee shall bowe vnto me, and euery tongue shall sweare by me. 24 Surely he shall say, In the Lord haue I righteousnesse and strength: he shall come vnto him, and all that prouoke him, shall be ashamed. 25 The whole seede of Israel shall be iustified, and glorie in the Lord.

Isaiah 46:3-4

3 Heare ye me, O house of Iaakob, and all that remaine of the house of Israel, which are borne of me from the wombe, and brought vp of me from the birth. 4 Therefore vnto olde age, I the same, euen I will beare you vntill the hoare heares: I haue made you: I will also beare you, and I will cary you and I will deliuer you.

Isaiah 48:2

2 For they are called of the holy citie, and staie themselues vpon the God of Israel, whose Name is the Lord of hostes.

Isaiah 49:26

26 And will feede them that spoile thee, with their owne flesh, and they shall be drunken with their owne bloode, as with sweete wine: and all flesh shall know that I the Lord am thy sauiour and thy redeemer, the mighty one of Iaakob.

Isaiah 50:11

11 Beholde, all you kindle a fire, and are compassed about with sparkes: walke in the light of your fire, and in the sparkes that ye haue kindled. This shall ye haue of mine hand: ye shall lye downe in sorowe.

Isaiah 52:11

11 Depart, depart ye: goe out from thence and touche no vncleane thing: goe out of the middes of her: be ye cleane, that beare the vessels of the Lord.

Isaiah 55:1-3

1 Ho, euery one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and ye that haue no siluer, come, bye and eate: come, I say, bye wine and milke without siluer and without money. 2 Wherefore doe ye lay out siluer and not for bread? and your labour without being satisfied? hearken diligently vnto me, and eate that which is good, and let your soule delite in fatnes. 3 Encline your eares, and come vnto me: heare, and your soule shall liue, and I will make an euerlasting couenant with you, euen the sure mercies of Dauid.

Isaiah 55:6-7

6 Seeke ye the Lord while he may be found: call ye vpon him while he is neere. 7 Let the wicked forsake his wayes, and the vnrighteous his owne imaginations, and returne vnto the Lord, and he wil haue mercy vpon him: and to our God, for hee is very ready to forgiue.

Isaiah 57:3-4

3 But you witches children, come hither, the seede of the adulterer and of the whore.

Isaiah 57:3-9

3 But you witches children, come hither, the seede of the adulterer and of the whore. 4 On whome haue ye iested? vpon whome haue ye gaped and thrust out your tongue? are not ye rebellious children, and a false seede?

Isaiah 57:4-9

4 On whome haue ye iested? vpon whome haue ye gaped and thrust out your tongue? are not ye rebellious children, and a false seede? 5 Inflamed with idoles vnder euery greene tree? and sacrificing the children in the valleys vnder the tops of the rocks?

Isaiah 57:5

5 Inflamed with idoles vnder euery greene tree? and sacrificing the children in the valleys vnder the tops of the rocks? 6 Thy portion is in the smooth stones of the riuer: they, they are thy lot: euen to them hast thou powred a drinke offering: thou hast offered a sacrifice. Should I delite in these? 7 Thou hast made thy bed vpon a very hie mountaine: thou wentest vp thither, euen thither wentest thou to offer sacrifice. 8 Behinde the doores also and postes hast thou set vp thy remembrance: for thou hast discouered thy selfe to another then me, and wentest vp, and diddest enlarge thy bed, and make a couenant betweene thee and them, and louedst their bed in euery place where thou sawest it. 9 Thou wentest to the Kings with oyle, and diddest increase thine oyntments and sende thy messengers farre off, and diddest humble thy selfe vnto hell.

Isaiah 58:1-2

1 Crye aloude, spare not: lift vp thy voyce like a trumpet, and shewe my people their transgression, and to the house of Iaakob, their sinnes. 2 Yet they seeke me dayly, and will knowe my wayes, euen as a nation that did righteously, and had not forsaken the statutes of their God: they aske of me the ordinances of iustice: they wil drawe neere vnto God, saying,

Isaiah 58:7

7 Is it not to deale thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poore that wander, vnto thine house? when thou seest the naked, that thou couer him, and hide not thy selfe from thine owne flesh?

Isaiah 58:11

11 And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfie thy soule in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watred garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters faile not.

Isaiah 58:14

14 Then shalt thou delite in the Lord, and I wil cause thee to mount vpon the hie places of the earth, and feede thee with the heritage of Iaakob thy father: for the mouth of ye Lord hath spoken it.

Isaiah 59:2-3

2 But your iniquities haue separated betweene you and your God, and your sinnes haue hidde his face from you, that he will not heare. 3 For your handes are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquitie: your lips haue spoken lies and your tongue hath murmured iniquitie.

Isaiah 60:14

14 The sonnes also of them that afflicted thee, shall come and bowe vnto thee: and all they that despised thee, shall fall downe at the soles of thy feete: and they shall call thee, The citie of the Lord, Zion of the Holy one of Israel.

Isaiah 60:16

16 Thou shalt also sucke ye milke of the Gentiles, and shalt sucke the breastes of Kings: and thou shalt know, that I the Lord am thy Sauiour, and thy Redeemer, the mightie one of Iaakob. 17 For brasse will I bring golde, and for yron will I bring siluer, and for wood brasse, and for stones yron. I will also make thy gouernement peace, and thine exactours righteousnesse. 18 Violence shall no more be heard of in thy land, neither desolation, nor destruction within thy borders: but thou shalt call saluation, thy walles, and praise, thy gates.

Isaiah 60:21

21 Thy people also shalbe all righteous: they shall possesse the land for euer, the grasse of my planting shalbe the worke of mine handes, that I may be glorified.

Isaiah 61:2

2 To preache the acceptable yeere of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all that mourne,

Isaiah 61:8

8 For I the Lord loue iudgement and hate robberie for burnt offering, and I wil direct their worke in trueth, and will make an euerlasting couenant with them.

Isaiah 62:1-2

1 For Zions sake I will not holde my tongue, and for Ierusalems sake I wil not rest, vntil the righteousnes thereof breake foorth as the light, and saluation thereof as a burning lampe. 2 And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousnesse, and all Kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name.

Isaiah 62:11

11 Beholde, the Lord hath proclaimed vnto the endes of the world: tell the daughter Zion, Beholde, thy Sauiour commeth: beholde, his wages is with him, and his worke is before him. 12 And they shall call them, The holy people, the redeemed of the Lord, and thou shalt be named, A citie sought out and not forsaken.

Isaiah 63:4

4 For the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the yeere of my redeemed is come.

Isaiah 63:9-10

9 In all their troubles he was troubled, and the Angel of his presence saued them: in his loue and in his mercie he redeemed them, and he bare them and caried them alwayes continually. 10 But they rebelled and vexed his holy Spirit: therefore was hee turned to be their enemie and he fought against them.

Isaiah 65:2

2 I haue spred out mine handes all the day vnto a rebellious people, which walked in a way that was not good, euen after their owne imaginations: 3 A people that prouoked me euer vnto my face: that sacrificeth in gardens, and burneth incense vpon brickes.

Isaiah 65:11

11 But ye are they that haue forsaken the Lord and forgotten mine holy Mountaine, and haue prepared a table for the multitude, and furnish the drinke offerings vnto the number. 12 Therefore wil I number you to the sword, and all you shall bowe downe to the slaughter, because I called, and ye did not answere: I spake, and ye heard not, but did euil in my sight, and did chuse that thing which I would not.

Isaiah 66:3

3 He that killeth a bullocke, is as if he slewe a man: he that sacrificeth a sheepe, as if he cut off a dogges necke: he that offereth an oblation, as if he offered swines blood: he that remembreth incense, as if he blessed an idole: yea, they haue chosen their owne wayes, and their soule deliteth in their abominations.

Isaiah 66:17

17 They that sanctifie themselues, and purifie themselues in the gardens behinde one tree in the middes eating swines flesh, and such abomination, euen the mouse, shall be consumed together, sayeth the Lord.

Isaiah 66:24

24 And they shall goe forth, and looke vpon the carkases of the men that haue transgressed against me: for their worme shall not dye, neither shall their fire be quenched, and they shalbe an abhorring vnto all flesh.

Jeremiah 2:5-13

5 Thus sayeth the Lord, What iniquitie haue your fathers founde in mee, that they are gone farre from mee, and haue walked after vanitie, and are become vaine?

Jeremiah 2:5

5 Thus sayeth the Lord, What iniquitie haue your fathers founde in mee, that they are gone farre from mee, and haue walked after vanitie, and are become vaine? 6 For they saide not, Where is the Lord that brought vs vp out of the lande of Egypt? that led vs through the wildernesse, through a desert, and waste land, through a drie land, and by the shadow of death, by a land that no man passed through, and where no man dwelt? 7 And I brought you into a plentifull countrey, to eat the fruit thereof, and the commodities of the same: but when yee entred, yee defiled my land, and made mine heritage an abomination. 8 The priests said not, Where is the Lord? and they that should minister the Lawe, knewe me not: the pastours also offended against me, and the Prophets prophesied in Baal, and went after things that did not profite. 9 Wherefore I wil yet plead with you, saith the Lord, and I will pleade with your childrens children. 10 For goe ye to the yles of Chittim, and beholde, and sende vnto Kedar. and take diligent heede, and see whether there be such things. 11 Hath any nation changed their gods, which yet are no gods? but my people haue chaged their glorie, for that which doeth not profite. 12 O yee heauens, be astonied at this: bee afraid and vtterly confounded, sayeth the Lord. 13 For my people haue committed two euils: they haue forsaken mee the fountaine of liuing waters, to digge them pittes, euen broken pittes, that can holde no water.

Jeremiah 2:13

13 For my people haue committed two euils: they haue forsaken mee the fountaine of liuing waters, to digge them pittes, euen broken pittes, that can holde no water.

Jeremiah 2:15

15 The lions roared vpon him and yelled, and they haue made his land waste: his cities are burnt without an inhabitant.

Jeremiah 2:17

17 Hast not thou procured this vnto thy selfe, because thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God, when he led thee by the way?

Jeremiah 2:19

19 Thine owne wickednes shall correct thee, and thy turnings backe shall reprooue thee: know therefore and beholde, that it is an euil thing, and bitter, that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God, and that my feare is not in thee, sayeth the Lord God of hostes. 20 For of olde time I haue broken thy yoke, and burst thy bondes, and thou saidest, I will no more transgresse, but like an harlot thou runnest about vpon al hie hilles, and vnder all greene trees.

Jeremiah 2:20

20 For of olde time I haue broken thy yoke, and burst thy bondes, and thou saidest, I will no more transgresse, but like an harlot thou runnest about vpon al hie hilles, and vnder all greene trees. 21 Yet I had planted thee, a noble vine, whose plants were all natural: howe then art thou turned vnto me into the plants of a strange vine?

Jeremiah 2:30

30 I haue smitten your children in vaine, they receiued no correction: your owne sworde hath deuoured your Prophets like a destroying lyon. 31 O generation, take heede to the worde of the Lord: haue I bene as a wildernesse vnto Israel? or a lande of darkenesse? Wherefore sayeth my people then, We are lordes, we will come no more vnto thee?

Jeremiah 2:33

33 Why doest thou prepare thy way, to seeke amitie? euen therefore will I teach thee, that thy waies are wickednesse.

Jeremiah 3:1

1 They say, If a man put away his wife, and she goe from him, and become another mans, shall hee returne againe vnto her? shall not this land be polluted? but thou hast played the harlot with many louers: yet turne againe to mee, sayeth the Lord.

Jeremiah 3:6

6 The Lord saide also vnto me, in the daies of Iosiah the King, Hast thou seene what this rebell Israel hath done? for she hath gone vp vpon euery high mountaine, and vnder euery greene tree, and there plaied the harlot.

Jeremiah 3:12-14

12 Goe and crie these woordes towarde the North and say, Thou disobedient Israel, returne, sayeth the Lord, and I will not let my wrath fall vpon you: for I am mercifull, sayeth the Lord, and I will not alway keepe mine anger. 13 But knowe thine iniquitie: for thou hast rebelled against the Lord thy God, and hast scattered thy waies to the straunge gods vnder euery greene tree, but yee woulde not obey my voyce, sayeth the Lord. 14 O yee disobedient children, turne againe, sayeth the Lord, for I am your Lord, and I will take you one of a citie, and two of a tribe and wil bring you to Zion,

Jeremiah 4:14

14 O Ierusalem, wash thine heart from wickednes, that thou maiest be saued: how long shall thy wicked thoughtes remaine within thee?

Jeremiah 4:17

17 They haue compassed her about as the watchmen of the fielde, because it hath prouoked me to wrath, saith the Lord.

Jeremiah 4:22

22 For my people is foolish, they haue not knowen me: they are foolish children, and haue none vnderstanding: they are wise to doe euill, but to doe well they haue no knowledge.

Jeremiah 5:3

3 O Lord, are not thine eyes vpon the trueth? thou hast striken them, but they haue not sorowed: thou hast consumed them, but they haue refused to receiue correction: they haue made their faces harder then a stone, and haue refused to returne.

Jeremiah 5:5

5 I will get me vnto the great men, and will speake vnto them: for they haue knowen the way of the Lord, and the iudgement of their God: but these haue altogether broken the yoke, and burst the bondes.

Jeremiah 5:28-29

28 They are waxen fat and shining: they doe ouerpasse the deedes of the wicked: they execute no iudgement, no not the iudgement of the fatherlesse: yet they prosper, though they execute no iudgement for the poore. 29 Shall I not visite for these things, sayth the Lord? or shall not my soule be auenged on such a nation as this?

Jeremiah 5:31

31 The Prophets prophesie lies, and ye Priests receiue giftes in their handes, and my people delite therein. What will ye then doe in the ende thereof?

Jeremiah 6:8

8 Be thou instructed, O Ierusalem, lest my soule depart from thee, lest I make thee desolate as a land, that none inhabiteth.

Jeremiah 6:14

14 They haue healed also ye hurt of the daughter of my people with sweete woordes, saying, Peace, peace, when there is no peace.

Jeremiah 6:19

19 Heare, O earth, beholde, I will cause a plague to come vpon this people, euen the fruite of their owne imaginations: because they haue not taken heede vnto my woordes, nor to my Lawe, but cast it off. 20 To what purpose bringest thou mee incense from Sheba, and sweete calamus from a farre countrey? Your burnt offerings are not pleasant, nor your sacrifices sweete vnto me.

Jeremiah 6:28-30

28 They are all rebellious traitours, walking craftily: they are brasse, and yron, they all are destroyers. 29 The bellowes are burnt: the lead is consumed in the fire: the founder melteth in vaine: for the wicked are not taken away.

Jeremiah 6:29

29 The bellowes are burnt: the lead is consumed in the fire: the founder melteth in vaine: for the wicked are not taken away. 30 They shall call them reprobate siluer, because the Lord hath reiected them.

Jeremiah 7:8-10

8 Beholde, you trust in lying woordes, that can not profite. 9 Will you steale, murder, and commit adulterie, and sweare falsely and burne incense vnto Baal, and walke after other gods whome yee knowe not? 10 And come and stande before mee in this House, whereupon my Name is called, and saye, We are deliuered, though we haue done all these abominations?

Jeremiah 7:19

19 Doe they prouoke me to anger, sayeth the Lord, and not themselues to the confusion of their owne faces?

Jeremiah 7:21

21 Thus sayth the Lord of hostes, the God of Israel, Put your burnt offerings vnto your sacrifices, and eat the flesh.

Jeremiah 7:26

26 Yet would they not heare me nor encline their eare, but hardened their necke and did worse then their fathers.

Jeremiah 8:7

7 Euen the storke in the aire knoweth her appointed times, and the turtle and the crane and the swallowe obserue the time of their comming, but my people knoweth not the iudgement of the Lord.

Jeremiah 8:21-22

21 I am sore vexed for the hurt of ye daughter of my people: I am heauie, and astonishment hath taken me. 22 Is there no balme at Gilead? is there no Physition there? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recouered.

Jeremiah 9:3-6

3 And they bende their tongues like their bowes for lyes: but they haue no courage for the trueth vpon the earth: for they proceede from euill to worse, and they haue not knowen mee, sayth the Lord.

Jeremiah 9:3

3 And they bende their tongues like their bowes for lyes: but they haue no courage for the trueth vpon the earth: for they proceede from euill to worse, and they haue not knowen mee, sayth the Lord. 4 Let euery one take heede of his neighbour, and trust you not in any brother: for euery brother will vse deceite, and euery friend will deale deceitfully, 5 And euery one wil deceiue his friende, and wil not speake the trueth: for they haue taught their tongues to speake lies, and take great paynes to do wickedly. 6 Thine habitation is in the middes of deceiuers: because of their deceit they refuse to know me, sayth the Lord. 7 Therefore thus sayth the Lord of hostes, Behold, I wil melt them, and trie them: for what should I els do for the daughter of my people?

Jeremiah 9:26

26 Egypt and Iudah, and Edom, and the children of Ammon, and Moab, and all the vtmost corners of them that dwell in the wildernesse: for all these nations are vncircumcised, and al the house of Israel are vncircumcised in the heart.

Jeremiah 10:8

8 But, altogether they dote, and are foolish: for the stocke is a doctrine of vanitie.

Jeremiah 10:14

14 Euery man is a beast by his owne knowledge: euery founder is confounded by the grauen image: for his melting is but falsehood, and there is no breath therein.

Jeremiah 13:15

15 Heare and giue eare, be not proude: for the Lord hath spoken it.

Jeremiah 14:12

12 When they fast, I will not heare their cry, and when they offer burnt offering, and an oblation, I will not accept them: but I will consume them by the sworde, and by the famine and by the pestilence.

Jeremiah 16:11-12

11 Then shalt thou say vnto them, Because your fathers haue forsaken me, sayth the Lord, and haue walked after other gods, and haue serued them, and worshipped them, and haue forsaken me, and haue not kept my Law, 12 (And ye haue done worse then your fathers: for beholde, you walke euery one after the stubbernesse of his wicked heart, and will not heare me)

Jeremiah 17:5-6

5 Thus saith the Lord, Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arme, and withdraweth his heart from the Lord. 6 For he shall be like the heath in the wildernesse, and shall not see when any good commeth, but shall inhabite the parched places in the wildernesse, in a salt land, and not inhabited.

Jeremiah 22:3

3 Thus saith the Lord, Execute ye iudgement and righteousnes, and deliuer the oppressed from the hande of the oppressor, and vexe not the stranger, the fatherlesse, nor the widowe: doe no violence, nor sheade innocent blood in this place.

Jeremiah 22:15-16

15 Shalt thou reigne, because thou closest thy selfe in cedar? did not thy father eate and drinke and prosper, when he executed iudgement and iustice? 16 When he iudged the cause of the afflicted and the poore, he prospered: was not this because he knewe me, saith the Lord? 17 But thine eyes and thine heart are but only for thy couetousnesse, and for to sheade innocent blood, and for oppression, and for destruction, euen to doe this.

Jeremiah 22:29

29 O earth, earth, earth, heare the worde of the Lord.

Jeremiah 23:14

14 I haue seene also in the prophets of Ierusalem filthines: they commit adulterie and walke in lies: they strengthen also the hands of the wicked that none can returne from his wickednesse: they are all vnto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorah.

Jeremiah 23:16

16 Thus sayth ye Lord of hosts, Heare not the wordes of the prophets that prophecie vnto you, and teach you vanitie: they speake the vision of their owne heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord.

Jeremiah 25:5

5 They sayde, Turne againe now euery one from his euill way, and from the wickednes of your inuentions, and ye shall dwell in the lande that the Lord hath giuen vnto you, and to your fathers for euer and euer.

Jeremiah 30:12

12 For thus saith the Lord, Thy bruising is incurable, and thy wound is dolorous.

Jeremiah 31:9

9 They shall come weeping, and with mercie will I bring them againe: I will lead them by the riuers of water in a straight way, wherein they shall not stumble: for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my first borne.

Jeremiah 31:12

12 Therefore they shall come, and reioyce in the height of Zion, and shall runne to the bountifulnes of the Lord, euen for the wheat and for the wine, and for the oyle, and for the increase of sheepe, and bullocks: and their soule shalbe as a watered garden, and they shall haue no more sorow.

Jeremiah 31:18-20

18 I haue heard Ephraim lamenting thus, Thou hast corrected me, and I was chastised as an vntamed calfe: conuert thou me, and I shalbe conuerted: for thou art the Lord my God. 19 Surely after that I conuerted, I repented: and after that I was instructed, I smote vpon my thigh: I was ashamed, yea, euen confounded, because I did beare the reproch of my youth. 20 Is Ephraim my deare sonne or pleasant childe? yet since I spake vnto him, I still remembred him: therefore my bowels are troubled for him: I wil surely haue compassion vpon him, saith the Lord.

Jeremiah 31:23

23 Thus saith the Lord of hostes, the God of Israel, Yet shall they say this thing in the land of Iudah, and in the cities thereof, when I shall bring againe their captiuitie, The Lord blesse thee, O habitation of iustice and holy mountaine.

Jeremiah 33:6

6 Behold, I will giue it health and amendment: for I wil cure them, and will reueile vnto them the abundance of peace, and trueth. 7 And I wil cause the captiuitie of Iudah and the captiuitie of Israel to returne, and will build them as at the first.

Jeremiah 33:11

11 The voyce of ioy and the voyce of gladnes, the voyce of the bridegrome, and the voyce of the bride, the voyce of them that shall say, Prayse the Lord of hostes, because the Lord is good: for his mercy endureth for euer, and of them that offer the sacrifice of prayse in the House of the Lord, for I will cause to returne the captiuitie of the land, as at the first, sayth the Lord.

Jeremiah 33:15-17

15 In those dayes and at that time, wil I cause the branch of righteousnesse to growe vp vnto Dauid, and he shall execute iudgement, and righteousnes in the land. 16 In those dayes shall Iudah be saued, and Ierusalem shall dwell safely, and hee that shall call her, is the Lord our righteousnesse. 17 For thus sayth the Lord, Dauid shall neuer want a man to sit vpon the throne of the house of Israel.

Jeremiah 50:29

29 Call vp the archers against Babel: al ye that bend the bow, besiege it rounde about: let none thereof escape: recompence her according to her worke, and according to all that she hath done, doe vnto her: for she hath bene proud against the Lord, euen against the holy one of Israel.

Jeremiah 50:34

34 But their strong redeemer, whose Name is the Lord of hostes, he shall maintaine their cause, that he may giue rest to the lande, and disquiet the inhabitants of Babel.

Jeremiah 51:5

5 For Israel hath bene no widowe, nor Iudah from his God, from the Lord of hostes, though their lande was filled with sinne against the holy one of Israel.

Lamentations 1:8-9

8 Ierusalem hath grieuously sinned, therefore shee is in derision: all that honoured her, despise her, because they haue seene her filthinesse: yea, she sigheth and turneth backeward. 9 Her filthinesse is in her skirts: she remembred not her last ende, therefore she came downe wonderfully: she had no comforter: O Lord, behold mine affliction: for the enemie is proud.

Lamentations 2:1

1 How hath the Lord darkened the daughter of Zion in his wrath! and hath cast downe from heauen vnto the earth the beautie of Israel, and remembred not his footestoole in the day of his wrath!

Lamentations 2:6

6 For hee hath destroyed his Tabernacle, as a garden, hee hath destroyed his Congregation: the Lord hath caused the feastes and Sabbathes to bee forgotten in Zion, and hath despised in the indignation of his wrath the King and the Priest.

Lamentations 3:22

22 It is the Lordes mercies that wee are not consumed, because his compassions faile not.

Lamentations 4:1-2

1 How is the golde become so dimme? the most fine golde is changed, and the stones of the Sanctuarie are scattered in the corner of euery streete. 2 The noble men of Zion coparable to fine golde, howe are they esteemed as earthen pitchers, euen the worke of the handes of the potter!

Lamentations 4:6

6 For the iniquitie of the daughter of my people is become greater then the sinne of Sodom, that was destroyed as in a moment, and none pitched campes against her.

Lamentations 5:2

2 Our inheritance is turned to the strangers, our houses to the aliants.

Ezekiel 5:13

13 Thus shall mine anger bee accomplished, and I will cause my wrath to cease in them, and I will be comforted: and they shall knowe, that I the Lord haue spoke it in my zeale, when I haue accomplished my wrath in them.

Ezekiel 6:8

8 Yet will I leaue a remnant, that you may haue some that shall escape the sword among the nations, when you shalbe scattred through the countreyes.

Ezekiel 6:13

13 Then ye shall knowe, that I am ye Lord, when their slaine men shalbe among their idoles round about their altars, vpon euerie hie hill in al the toppes of the mountaines, and vnder euery greene tree, and vnder euerie thicke oke, which is the place where they did offer sweete sauour to all their idoles.

Ezekiel 8:17-18

17 The he said vnto me, Hast thou seene this, O sonne of man? Is it a small thing to the house of Iudah to commit these abominations which they do here? for they haue filled the land with crueltie, and haue returned to prouoke mee: and loe, they haue cast out stinke before their noses. 18 Therefore will I also execute my wrath: mine eye shall not spare them, neither will I haue pitie, and though they crie in mine eares with a loude voyce, yet will I not heare them.

Ezekiel 14:22

22 Yet beholde, therein shalbe left a remnant of them that shalbe caryed away both sonnes and daughters: behold, they shall come forth vnto you, and ye shall see their way, and their enterprises: and ye shall be comforted, concerning the euill that I haue brought vpon Ierusalem, euen concerning al that I haue brought vpon it.

Ezekiel 16:1-63

1 Again, the worde of the Lord came vnto me, saying, 2 Sonne of man, cause Ierusalem to knowe her abominations, 3 And say, Thus saith the Lord God vnto Ierusalem, Thine habitation and thy kindred is of the land of Canaan: thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother an Hittite. 4 And in thy natiuitie whe thou wast borne, thy nauell was not cut: thou wast not washed in water to soften thee: thou wast not salted with salt, nor swadled in cloutes. 5 None eye pitied thee to do any of these vnto thee, for to haue compassion vpon thee, but thou wast cast out in the open fielde to the contempt of thy person in ye day that thou wast borne. 6 And when I passed by thee, I saw thee polluted in thine owne blood, and I said vnto thee, whe thou wast in thy blood, Thou shalt liue: euen when thou wast in thy blood, I saide vnto thee, Thou shalt liue.

Ezekiel 16:6-63

6 And when I passed by thee, I saw thee polluted in thine owne blood, and I said vnto thee, whe thou wast in thy blood, Thou shalt liue: euen when thou wast in thy blood, I saide vnto thee, Thou shalt liue. 7 I haue caused thee to multiplie as the bud of the fielde, and thou hast increased and waxen great, and thou hast gotten excellent ornaments: thy breastes are facioned, thine heare is growen, where as thou wast naked and bare.

Ezekiel 16:7-63

7 I haue caused thee to multiplie as the bud of the fielde, and thou hast increased and waxen great, and thou hast gotten excellent ornaments: thy breastes are facioned, thine heare is growen, where as thou wast naked and bare. 8 Nowe when I passed by thee, and looked vpon thee, beholde, thy time was as the time of loue, and I spred my skirtes ouer thee, and couered thy filthines: yea, I sware vnto thee, and entred into a couenant with thee, saith the Lord God, and thou becamest mine.

Ezekiel 16:8-63

8 Nowe when I passed by thee, and looked vpon thee, beholde, thy time was as the time of loue, and I spred my skirtes ouer thee, and couered thy filthines: yea, I sware vnto thee, and entred into a couenant with thee, saith the Lord God, and thou becamest mine. 9 Then washed I thee with water: yea, I washed away thy blood from thee, and I anointed thee with oyle.

Ezekiel 16:9-63

9 Then washed I thee with water: yea, I washed away thy blood from thee, and I anointed thee with oyle. 10 I clothed thee also with broydred worke, and shod thee with badgers skin: and I girded thee about with fine linen, and I couered thee with silke.

Ezekiel 16:10-63

10 I clothed thee also with broydred worke, and shod thee with badgers skin: and I girded thee about with fine linen, and I couered thee with silke. 11 I decked thee also with ornaments, and I put bracelets vpon thine handes, and a chaine on thy necke.

Ezekiel 16:11-63

11 I decked thee also with ornaments, and I put bracelets vpon thine handes, and a chaine on thy necke. 12 And I put a frontlet vpon thy face, and earings in thine eares, and a beautifull crowne vpon thine head.

Ezekiel 16:12-63

12 And I put a frontlet vpon thy face, and earings in thine eares, and a beautifull crowne vpon thine head. 13 Thus wast thou deckt with gold and siluer, and thy rayment was of fine linen, and silke, and broydred worke: thou didest eate fine floure, and honie and oyle, and thou wast very beautifull, and thou didest grow vp into a kingdome.

Ezekiel 16:13-63

13 Thus wast thou deckt with gold and siluer, and thy rayment was of fine linen, and silke, and broydred worke: thou didest eate fine floure, and honie and oyle, and thou wast very beautifull, and thou didest grow vp into a kingdome. 14 And thy name was spred among the heathen for thy beautie: for it was perfite through my beautie which I had set vpon thee, saith the Lord God.

Ezekiel 16:14-63

14 And thy name was spred among the heathen for thy beautie: for it was perfite through my beautie which I had set vpon thee, saith the Lord God. 15 Nowe thou didest trust in thine owne beautie, and playedst the harlot, because of thy renowne, and hast powred out thy fornications on euery one that passed by, thy desire was to him. 16 And thou didest take thy garments, and deckedst thine hie places with diuers colours, and playedst the harlot thereupon: the like thinges shall not come, neither hath any done so. 17 Thou hast also taken thy faire iewels made of my golde and of my siluer, which I had giuen thee, and madest to thy selfe images of men, and didest commit whoredome with them, 18 And tookest thy broydred garments, and coueredst them: and thou hast set mine oyle and my perfume before them. 19 My meate also, which I gaue thee, as fine floure, oyle, and honie, wherewith I fedde thee, thou hast euen set it before them for a sweete sauour: thus it was, saith the Lord God. 20 Moreouer thou hast taken thy sonnes and thy daughters, whome thou hast borne vnto me, and these hast thou sacrificed vnto them, to be deuoured: is this thy whoredome a small matter? 21 That thou hast slaine my children, and deliuered them to cause them to passe through fire for them? 22 And in all thine abominations and whoredomes thou hast not remembred the dayes of thy youth, when thou wast naked and bare, and wast polluted in thy blood. 23 And beside all thy wickednes (wo, wo vnto thee, saith the Lord God) 24 Thou hast also built vnto thee an hie place, and hast made thee an hie place in euery streete. 25 Thou hast built thine hie place at euery corner of the way, and hast made thy beautie to be abhorred: thou hast opened thy feete to euery one that passed by, and multiplied thy whoredome. 26 Thou hast also committed fornication with the Egyptians thy neighbours, which haue great members, and hast encreased thy whoredome, to prouoke me. 27 Beholde, therefore I did stretche out mine hand ouer thee, and will diminish thine ordinarie, and deliuer thee vnto the will of them that hate thee, euen to the daughters of the Philistims, which are ashamed of thy wicked way. 28 Thou hast played the whore also with the Assyrians, because thou wast insaciable: yea, thou hast played the harlot with them, and yet couldest not be satisfied. 29 Thou hast moreouer multiplied thy fornication from the land of Canaan vnto Caldea, and yet thou wast not satisfied herewith. 30 Howe weake is thine heart, saith the Lord God, seeing thou doest all these thinges, euen the worke of a presumptuous whorish woman? 31 In that thou buildest thine hie place in the corner of euery way, and makest thine hie place in euery streete, and hast not bene as an harlot that despiseth a reward, 32 But as a wife that playeth the harlot, and taketh others for her husband: 33 They giue giftes to all other whores, but thou giuest giftes vnto all thy louers, and rewardest them, that they may come vnto thee on euery side for thy fornication.

Ezekiel 16:33-63

33 They giue giftes to all other whores, but thou giuest giftes vnto all thy louers, and rewardest them, that they may come vnto thee on euery side for thy fornication. 34 And the contrary is in thee from other women in thy fornications, neither the like fornication shall be after thee: for in that thou giuest a rewarde, and no reward is giuen vnto thee, therefore thou art contrary. 35 Wherefore, O harlot, heare the worde of the Lord. 36 Thus sayeth the Lord God, Because thy shame was powred out, and thy filthinesse discouered through thy fornications with thy louers, and with all the idoles of thine abominations, and by the blood of thy children, which thou didest offer vnto them, 37 Beholde, therefore I wil gather all thy louers, with whom thou hast taken pleasure, and all them that thou hast loued, with al them that thou hast hated: I will euen gather them round about against thee, and will discouer thy filthines vnto them, that they may see all thy filthines. 38 And I wil iudge thee after ye maner of them that are harlots, and of them that shead blood, and I wil giue thee the blood of wrath and ielousie. 39 I will also giue thee into their handes, and they shall destroy thine hie place, and shall breake downe thine hie places. they shall strippe thee also out of thy clothes, and shall take thy faire iewels, and leaue thee naked and bare. 40 They shall also bring vp a company against thee, and they shall stone thee with stones, and thrust thee through with their swordes. 41 And they shall burne vp thine houses with fire, and execute iudgements vpon thee in the sight of many women: and I will cause thee to cease from playing the harlot, and thou shalt giue no reward any more. 42 So will I make my wrath towarde thee to rest, and my ielousie shall depart from thee, and I will cease and be no more angrie.

Ezekiel 16:42

42 So will I make my wrath towarde thee to rest, and my ielousie shall depart from thee, and I will cease and be no more angrie. 43 Because thou hast not remembred the dayes of thy youth, but hast prouoked me with all these things, behold, therefore I also haue brought thy way vpon thine head, sayeth the Lord God: yet hast not thou had consideration of all thine abominations. 44 Beholde, all that vse prouerbes, shall vse this prouerbe against thee, saying, As is the mother, so is her daughter. 45 Thou art thy mothers daughter, that hath cast off her husband and her children, and thou art the sister of thy sisters, which forsooke their husbands and their children: your mother is an Hittite, and your father an Amorite. 46 And thine elder sister is Samaria, and her daughters, that dwell at thy left hand, and thy yong sister, that dwelleth at thy right hand, is Sodom, and her daughters.

Ezekiel 16:46-63

46 And thine elder sister is Samaria, and her daughters, that dwell at thy left hand, and thy yong sister, that dwelleth at thy right hand, is Sodom, and her daughters. 47 Yet hast thou not walked after their wayes, nor done after their abominations: but as it had bene a very little thing, thou wast corrupted more then they in all thy wayes. 48 As I liue, saith the Lord God, Sodom thy sister hath not done, neither shee nor her daughters, as thou hast done and thy daughters. 49 Beholde, this was the iniquitie of thy sister Sodom, Pride, fulnesse of bread, and aboundance of idlenesse was in her, and in her daughters: neither did shee strengthen the hande of the poore and needie.

Ezekiel 16:49-63

49 Beholde, this was the iniquitie of thy sister Sodom, Pride, fulnesse of bread, and aboundance of idlenesse was in her, and in her daughters: neither did shee strengthen the hande of the poore and needie. 50 But they were hautie, and committed abomination before mee: therefore I tooke them away, as pleased me. 51 Neither hath Samaria committed halfe of thy sinnes, but thou hast exceeded them in thine abominations, and hast iustified thy sisters in all thine abominations, which thou hast done. 52 Therefore thou which hast iustified thy sisters, beare thine owne shame for thy sinnes, that thou hast committed more abominable then they which are more righteous then thou art: be thou therefore confounded also, and beare thy shame, seeing that thou hast iustified thy sisters. 53 Therefore I will bring againe their captiuitie with the captiuitie of Sodom, and her daughters, and with the captiuitie of Samaria, and her daughters: euen the captiuitie of thy captiues in the middes of them, 54 That thou mayest beare thine owne shame, and mayest bee confounded in all that thou hast done, in that thou hast comforted them. 55 And thy sister Sodom and her daughters shall returne to their former state: Samaria also and her daughters shall returne to their former state, when thou and thy daughters shall returne to your former state. 56 For thy sister Sodom was not heard of by thy report in the day of thy pride, 57 Before thy wickednes was discouered, as in that same time of the reproch of the daughters of Aram, and of all the daughters of the Philistims round about her which despise thee on all sides. 58 Thou hast borne therefore thy wickednesse and thine abomination, saith the Lord. 59 For thus saith the Lord God, I might euen deale with thee, as thou hast done: when thou didest despise the othe, in breaking the couenant. 60 Neuerthelesse, I wil remember my couenant made with thee in ye dayes of thy youth, and I wil confirme vnto thee an euerlasting couenant. 61 Then thou shalt remember thy wayes, and be ashamed, when thou shalt receiue thy sisters, both thy elder and thy yonger, and I will giue them vnto thee for daughters, but not by thy couenat. 62 And I wil establish my couenant with thee, and thou shalt knowe that I am the Lord, 63 That thou mayest remember, and be ashamed, and neuer open thy mouth any more: because of thy shame when I am pacified toward thee, for all that thou hast done, saith the Lord God.

Ezekiel 16:63

63 That thou mayest remember, and be ashamed, and neuer open thy mouth any more: because of thy shame when I am pacified toward thee, for all that thou hast done, saith the Lord God.

Ezekiel 17:9-10

9 Say thou, Thus saith the Lord God, Shall it prosper? shall he not pull vp the rootes thereof, and destroy the fruite thereof, and cause them to drie? all the leaues of her bud shall wither without great power, or many people, to plucke it vp by the rootes thereof. 10 Beholde, it was planted: but shall it prosper? shall it not be dried vp, and wither? when the East winde shall touch it, it shall wither in the trenches, where it grewe.

Ezekiel 17:24

24 And all the trees of the fielde shall knowe that I the Lord haue brought downe the hie tree, and exalted the lowe tree, that I haue dried vp the greene tree, and made the drie tree to florish: I the Lord haue spoken it, and haue done it.

Ezekiel 18:30-31

30 Therefore I will iudge you, O house of Israel, euery one according to his wayes, sayth the Lord God: returne therefore and cause others to turne away from all your transgressions: so iniquitie shall not be your destruction. 31 Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby ye haue transgressed, and make you a newe heart and a new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

Ezekiel 20:5-32

5 And say vnto them, Thus saith the Lord God, In the day when I chose Israel, and lift vp mine hand vnto the seede of the house of Iaakob, and made my selfe knowen vnto them in the land of Egypt, when I lift vp mine hand vnto them, and sayd, I am the Lord your God, 6 In the day that I lift vp mine hand vnto them to bring them forth of the land of Egypt, into a land that I had prouided for them, flowing with milke and hony which is pleasant among all lands, 7 Then sayd I vnto them, Let euery man cast away the abominations of his eyes, and defile not your selues with the idols of Egypt: for I am the Lord your God. 8 But they rebelled against me, and would not heare me: for none cast away the abominations of their eyes, neither did they forsake the idoles of Egypt: then I thought to powre out mine indignation vpon them, and to accomplish my wrath against them in the mids of the land of Egypt. 9 But I had respect to my Name, that it should not be polluted before the heathen, among whome they were, and in whose sight I made my selfe knowen vnto them in bringing them forth of the land of Egypt. 10 Nowe I caried them out of the land of Egypt, and brought them into the wildernes. 11 And I gaue them my statutes, and declared my iudgements vnto them, which if a man doe, he shall liue in them. 12 Moreouer I gaue them also my Sabbaths to be a signe betweene me and them, that they might knowe that I am the Lord, that sanctifie them. 13 But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the wildernes: they walked not in my statutes, and they cast away my iudgements, which if a man doe, he shall liue in them, and my Sabbaths haue they greatly polluted: then I thought to powre out mine indignation vpon them in the wildernes to consume them, 14 But I had respect to my Name, that it shoulde not bee polluted before the heathen in whose sight I brought them out. 15 Yet neuerthelesse, I lift vp mine hande vnto them in the wildernes that I would not bring them into the lande, which I had giuen them, flowing with milke and hony, which was pleasant aboue all landes, 16 Because they cast away my iudgments, and walked not in my statutes, but haue polluted my Sabbaths: for their heart went after their idoles. 17 Neuerthelesse, mine eye spared them, that I would not destroye them, neither would I consume them in the wildernes. 18 But I said vnto their children in the wildernes, Walke ye not in the ordinances of your fathers, neither obserue their maners, nor defile your selues with their idoles. 19 I am the Lord your God: walke in my statutes, and keepe my iudgements and doe them, 20 And sanctifie my Sabbaths, and they shall bee a signe betweene mee and you, that ye may knowe that I am the Lord your God. 21 Notwithstanding the children rebelled against mee: they walked not in my statutes, nor kept my iudgements to doe them, which if a man doe, hee shall liue in them, but they polluted my Sabbaths: then I thought to powre out mine indignation vpon them, and to accomplish my wrath against them in the wildernes. 22 Neuerthelesse I withdrew mine hand and had respect to my Name that it should not be polluted before the heathen, in whose sight I brought them foorth. 23 Yet I lift vp mine hande vnto them in the wildernes, that I would scatter them among the heathen, and disperse them through the countreys, 24 Because they had not executed my iudgements, but had cast away my statutes and had polluted my Sabbaths, and their eyes were after their fathers idoles. 25 Wherefore I gaue them also statutes that were not good, and iudgements, wherein they should not liue. 26 And I polluted them in their owne giftes in that they caused to passe by the fire all that first openeth ye wombe, that I might destroy them, to the ende, that they might know that I am ye Lord. 27 Therefore, sonne of man, speake vnto the house of Israel, and say vnto them, Thus saith the Lord God, Yet in this your fathers haue blasphemed me, though they had before grieuously transgressed against me. 28 For when I had brought them into the land, for the which I lifted vp mine hand to giue it to them, then they saw euery hie hill, and all the thicke trees, and they offred there their sacrifices, and there they presented their offering of prouocation: there also they made their sweete sauour, and powred out there their drinke offerings. 29 Then I saide vnto them, What is the hie place whereunto ye goe? And the name thereof was called Bamah vnto this day. 30 Wherefore, say vnto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord God, Are ye not polluted after the maner of your fathers? and commit ye not whoredome after their abominations? 31 For when you offer your giftes, and make your sonnes to passe through the fire, you pollute your selues with all your idoles vnto this day: shall I answere you when I am asked, O house of Israel? As I liue, saith the Lord God, I wil not answere you when I am asked. 32 Neither shall that be done that commeth into your minde: for ye say, We wil be as the heathen, and as the families of the countreys, and serue wood, and stone.

Ezekiel 20:38

38 And I wil chuse out from among you the rebels, and them that transgresse against mee: I will bring them out of the land where they dwel, and they shall not enter into the lande of Israel, and you shall knowe that I am the Lord. 39 As for you, O house of Israel, thus saith the Lord God, Goe you, and serue euery one his idole, seeing that ye will not obey me, and pollute mine holy Name no more with your giftes and with your idoles.

Ezekiel 20:47-48

47 And say to the forest of the South, Heare the worde of the Lord: thus saith the Lord God, Beholde, I will kindle a fire in thee, and it shall deuoure all the greene wood in thee, and all the drie wood: the continuall flame shall not bee quenched, and euery face from the South to the North shall be burnt therein. 48 And all flesh shall see, that I the Lord haue kindled it, and it shall not bee quenched. Then saide I, Ah Lord God, they say of me, Doeth not he speake parables?

Ezekiel 21:17

17 I wil also smite mine hands together, and wil cause my wrath to cease. I the Lord haue said it.

Ezekiel 22:1-23

1 Moreover, the worde of the Lord came vnto me, saying, 2 Now thou sonne of man, wilt thou iudge, wilt thou iudge this bloody citie? wilt thou shew her all her abominations? 3 Then say, Thus sayth the Lord God, The citie sheddeth blood in the middes of it, that her time may come, and maketh idols against her selfe to pollute her selfe. 4 Thou hast offended in thy blood, that thou hast shed, and hast polluted thy selfe in thine idols, which thou hast made, and thou hast caused thy dayes to draw neere, and art come vnto thy terme: therefore haue I made thee a reproch to the heathen, and a mocking to all countreys. 5 Those that be neere, and those that be farre from thee, shall mocke thee, which art vile in name and sore in affliction. 6 Beholde, the princes of Israel euery one in thee was ready to his power, to shed blood.

Ezekiel 22:6-12

6 Beholde, the princes of Israel euery one in thee was ready to his power, to shed blood. 7 In thee haue they despised father and mother: in the middes of thee haue they oppressed the stranger: in thee haue they vexed the fatherlesse and the widowe.

Ezekiel 22:7-12

7 In thee haue they despised father and mother: in the middes of thee haue they oppressed the stranger: in thee haue they vexed the fatherlesse and the widowe. 8 Thou hast despised mine holy things, and hast polluted my Sabbaths.

Ezekiel 22:8-12

8 Thou hast despised mine holy things, and hast polluted my Sabbaths. 9 In thee are men that cary tales to shed blood: in thee are they that eate vpon the mountaines: in ye mids of thee they comit abomination.

Ezekiel 22:9-12

9 In thee are men that cary tales to shed blood: in thee are they that eate vpon the mountaines: in ye mids of thee they comit abomination. 10 In thee haue they discouered their fathers shame: in thee haue they vexed her that was polluted in her floures.

Ezekiel 22:10-12

10 In thee haue they discouered their fathers shame: in thee haue they vexed her that was polluted in her floures. 11 And euery one hath committed abomination with his neighbours wife, and euery one hath wickedly defiled his daughter in lawe, and in thee hath euery man forced his owne sister, euen his fathers daughter.

Ezekiel 22:11-12

11 And euery one hath committed abomination with his neighbours wife, and euery one hath wickedly defiled his daughter in lawe, and in thee hath euery man forced his owne sister, euen his fathers daughter. 12 In thee haue they taken giftes to shed blood: thou hast taken vsurie and the encrease, and thou hast defrauded thy neighbours by extortion, and hast forgotten me, saith the Lord God.

Ezekiel 22:12-12

12 In thee haue they taken giftes to shed blood: thou hast taken vsurie and the encrease, and thou hast defrauded thy neighbours by extortion, and hast forgotten me, saith the Lord God. 13 Beholde, therefore I haue smitten mine hands vpon thy couetousnesse, that thou hast vsed, and vpon the blood, which hath bene in the middes of thee. 14 Can thine heart endure, or can thine hands be strong, in the dayes that I shall haue to doe with thee? I the Lord haue spoken it, and will doe it. 15 And I wil scatter thee among the heathen, and disperse thee in the countreys, and will cause thy filthines to cease from thee. 16 And thou shalt take thine inheritance in thy selfe in the sight of the heathen, and thou shalt knowe that I am the Lord. 17 And the worde of the Lord came vnto me, saying, 18 Sonne of man, the house of Israel is vnto me as drosse: all they are brasse, and tinne, and yron, and leade in the mids of the fornace: they are euen the drosse of siluer.

Ezekiel 22:18-22

18 Sonne of man, the house of Israel is vnto me as drosse: all they are brasse, and tinne, and yron, and leade in the mids of the fornace: they are euen the drosse of siluer. 19 Therefore, thus sayth the Lord God, Because ye are all as drosse, beholde, therefore I will gather you in the middes of Ierusalem.

Ezekiel 22:19-22

19 Therefore, thus sayth the Lord God, Because ye are all as drosse, beholde, therefore I will gather you in the middes of Ierusalem. 20 As they gather siluer and brasse, and yron, and leade, and tinne into the middes of the fornace, to blowe the fire vpon it to melt it, so wil I gather you in mine anger and in my wrath, and wil put you there and melt you.

Ezekiel 22:20-22

20 As they gather siluer and brasse, and yron, and leade, and tinne into the middes of the fornace, to blowe the fire vpon it to melt it, so wil I gather you in mine anger and in my wrath, and wil put you there and melt you.

Ezekiel 22:20

20 As they gather siluer and brasse, and yron, and leade, and tinne into the middes of the fornace, to blowe the fire vpon it to melt it, so wil I gather you in mine anger and in my wrath, and wil put you there and melt you. 21 I wil gather you, I say, and blowe the fire of my wrath vpon you, and you shalbe melted in the mids thereof.

Ezekiel 22:21-22

21 I wil gather you, I say, and blowe the fire of my wrath vpon you, and you shalbe melted in the mids thereof. 22 As siluer is melted in the mids of the fornace, so shall ye be melted in the mids thereof, and ye shall knowe, that I the Lord haue powred out my wrath vpon you.

Ezekiel 22:22-22

22 As siluer is melted in the mids of the fornace, so shall ye be melted in the mids thereof, and ye shall knowe, that I the Lord haue powred out my wrath vpon you.

Ezekiel 22:22

22 As siluer is melted in the mids of the fornace, so shall ye be melted in the mids thereof, and ye shall knowe, that I the Lord haue powred out my wrath vpon you. 23 And the worde of the Lord came vnto me, saying,

Ezekiel 24:13

13 Thou remainest in thy filthines and wickednes: because I would haue purged thee, and thou wast not purged, thou shalt not be purged from thy filthines, till I haue caused my wrath to light vpon thee.

Ezekiel 30:12

12 And I will make the riuers drye, and fell the land into the hands of the wicked, and I will make the land waste, and all that therein is by the hands of strangers: I the Lord haue spoken it.

Ezekiel 31:4-18

4 The waters nourished him, and the deepe exalted him on hie with her riuers running round about his plants, and sent out her litle riuers vnto all the trees of the fielde. 5 Therefore his height was exalted aboue all the trees of the fielde, and his boughes were multiplied, and his branches were long, because of the multitude of the waters, which the deepe sent out. 6 All the foules of the heauen made their nestes in his boughes, and vnder his branches did all the beastes of the fielde bring foorth their yong, and vnder his shadowe dwelt all mightie nations. 7 Thus was he faire in his greatnesse, and in the length of his branches: for his roote was neere great waters. 8 The cedars in the garden of God coulde not hide him: no firre tree was like his branches, and the chessenut trees were not like his boughes: all the trees in the garden of God were not like vnto him in his beautie. 9 I made him faire by the multitude of his branches: so that all the trees of Eden, that were in the garden of God, enuied him. 10 Therefore thus sayeth the Lord God, Because he is lift vp on high, and hath shot vp his toppe among the thicke boughes, and his heart is lift vp in his height, 11 I haue therefore deliuered him into the handes of the mightiest among the heathen: he shall handle him, for I haue cast him away for his wickednesse. 12 And the strangers haue destroyed him, euen the terrible nations, and they haue left him vpon the mountaines, and in all the valleis his branches are fallen, and his boughes are broken by all the riuers of the land: and all the people of the earth are departed from his shadowe, and haue forsaken him. 13 Vpon his ruine shall all the foules of the heauen remaine, and all the beastes of the fielde shall be vpon his branches, 14 So that none of all the trees by the waters shalbe exalted by their height, neither shall shoote vp their toppe among the thicke boughes, neither shall their leaues stand vp in their height, which drinke so much water: for they are all deliuered vnto death in the nether partes of the earth in the middes of the children of men among them that goe downe to the pit. 15 Thus saith the Lord God, In the day when he went downe to hell, I caused them to mourne, and I couered the deepe for him, and I did restreine the floods thereof, and the great waters were stayed: I caused Lebanon to mourne for him, and all the trees of the fielde fainted. 16 I made the nations to shake at the sound of his fall, when I cast him downe to hell with them that descend into the pit, and all the excellent trees of Eden, and the best of Lebanon: euen all that are nourished with waters, shall be comforted in the nether partes of the earth. 17 They also went downe to hell with him vnto them that be slaine with the sworde, and his arme, and they that dwelt vnder his shadowe in the middes of the heathen. 18 To whom art thou thus like in glorie and in greatnesse among the trees of Eden? yet thou shalt be cast downe with the trees of Eden vnto the nether partes of the earth: thou shalt sleepe in the middes of the vncircumcised, with them that be slaine by the sworde: this is Pharaoh and all his multitude, sayth the Lord God.

Ezekiel 32:21

21 The most mighty and strong shall speake to him out of the mids of hell with them that helpe her: they are gone downe and sleepe with the vncircumcised that be slaine by the sworde.

Ezekiel 34:23-24

23 And I wil set vp a shepherd ouer them, and he shall feede them, euen my seruant Dauid, he shall feede them, and he shalbe their shepherd. 24 And I the Lord will be their God, and my seruant Dauid shalbe the prince amog them. I the Lord haue spoken it.

Ezekiel 36:4

4 Therefore ye mountaines of Israel, heare the worde of the Lord God, Thus sayth the Lord God to the mountaines and to the hilles, to the riuers, and to the valleys, and to the waste, and desolate places, and to the cities that are forsaken: which are spoyled and had in derision of the residue of the heathen that are round about.

Ezekiel 36:31

31 Then shall ye remember your owne wicked wayes, and your deedes that were not good, and shall iudge your selues worthie to haue bene destroyed for your iniquities, and for your abominations.

Ezekiel 37:24-25

24 And Dauid my seruant shalbe king ouer them, and they all shall haue one shepheard: they shall also walke in my iudgements, and obserue my statutes, and doe them. 25 And they shall dwell in the lande, that I haue giuen vnto Iaakob my seruant, where your fathers haue dwelt, and they shall dwel therein, euen they, and their sonnes, and their sonnes sonnes for euer, and my seruant Dauid shall bee their prince for euer.

Ezekiel 45:8

8 In this lande shalbe his possession in Israel: and my princes shall no more oppresse my people, and the rest of the land shall they giue to ye house of Israel, according to their tribes.

Daniel 4:27

27 And the King spake and sayde, Is not this great Babel, that I haue built for the house of the kingdome by the might of my power, and for the honour of my maiestie?

Daniel 9:5-6

5 We haue sinned, and haue committed iniquitie and haue done wickedly, yea, we haue rebelled, and haue departed from thy precepts, and from thy iudgements. 6 For we would not obey thy seruants the Prophets, which spake in thy Name to our Kings, to our princes, and to our fathers, and to all the people of the land.

Daniel 9:8-11

8 O Lord, vnto vs apperteineth open shame, to our Kings, to our princes, and to our fathers, because we haue sinned against thee. 9 Yet compassion and forgiuenesse is in the Lord our God, albeit we haue rebelled against him. 10 For we haue not obeyed the voyce of the Lord our God, to walke in his lawes, which he had laide before vs by the ministerie of his seruants the Prophets. 11 Yea, all Israel haue transgressed thy Lawe, and are turned backe, and haue not heard thy voyce: therefore the curse is powred vpon vs, and the othe that is written in the Lawe of Moses the seruant of God, because we haue sinned against him.

Hosea 1:1

1 The worde of the Lord that came vnto Hosea the sonne of Beeri, in the daies of Vzziah, Iotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah Kings of Iudah, and in the daies of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioash king of Israel.

Hosea 4:13

13 They sacrifice vpon the toppes of ye mountaines, and burne incense vpon the hilles vnder the okes, and the poplar tree, and the elme, because the shadow thereof is good: therefore your daughters shall be harlots, and your spouses shall be whores.

Hosea 4:18

18 Their drunkennes stinketh: they haue committed whoredome: their rulers loue to say with shame, Bring ye.

Hosea 5:12-13

12 Therefore wil I be vnto Ephraim as a moth, and to the house of Iudah as a rottennesse. 13 When Ephraim sawe his sickenes, and Iudah his wound, then went Ephraim vnto Asshur, and sent vnto King Iareb: yet coulde hee not heale you, nor cure you of your wound.

Hosea 6:4

4 O Ephraim, what shall I doe vnto thee? O Iudah, how shall I intreate thee? for your goodnesse is as a morning cloude, and as the morning dewe it goeth away.

Hosea 7:3-5

3 They make the King glad with their wickednesse, and the princes with their lies. 4 They are all adulterers, and as a very ouen heated by ye baker, which ceaseth from raysing vp, and from kneading ye dough vntill it be leauened. 5 This is the day of our King: the princes haue made him sicke with flagons of wine: he stretcheth out his hand to scorners.

Hosea 7:9

9 Strangers haue deuoured his strength, and he knoweth it not: yea, gray heares are here and there vpon him, yet he knoweth not.

Hosea 8:7

7 For they haue sowne the winde, and they shall reape the whirlewind: it hath no stalke: the budde shall bring foorth no meale: if so be it bring forth, the strangers shall deuoure it.

Hosea 9:15

15 All their wickednesse is in Gilgal: for there doe I hate them: for the wickednesse of their inuentions, I will cast them out of mine House: I will loue them no more: all their princes are rebels.

Hosea 11:12

12 Ephraim copasseth me about with lies, and the house of Israel with deceit: but Iudah yet ruleth with God, and is faithfull with the Saints.

Hosea 14:1-4

1 Samaria shalbe desolate: for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sworde: their infants shalbe dashed in pieces, and their women with childe shalbe ript. 2 O Israel, returne vnto the Lord thy God: for thou hast fallen by thine iniquitie. 3 Take vnto you words, and turne to the Lord, and say vnto him, Take away all iniquitie, and receiue vs graciously: so wil we render the calues of our lippes.

Hosea 14:3

3 Take vnto you words, and turne to the Lord, and say vnto him, Take away all iniquitie, and receiue vs graciously: so wil we render the calues of our lippes. 4 Asshur shall not saue vs, neither wil we ride vpon horses, neither will we say any more to the worke of our handes, Ye are our gods: for in thee the fatherlesse findeth mercie.

Hosea 14:8

8 They that dwel vnder his shadow, shall returne: they shall reuiue as the corne, and florish as the vine: the sent thereof shalbe as the wine of Lebanon.

Joel 1:14

14 Sanctifie you a fast: call a solemne assemblie: gather the Elders, and all the inhabitants of the land into the House of the Lord your God, and cry vnto the Lord,

Joel 2:15

15 Blowe the trumpet in Zion, sanctifie a fast, call a solemne assembly.

Joel 2:26

26 So you shall eate and be satisfied and praise the Name of the Lord your God, that hath dealt marueilously with you: and my people shall neuer be ashamed.

Joel 2:32

32 But whosoeuer shall call on the Name of the Lord, shalbe saued: for in mount Zion, and in Ierusale shalbe deliuerance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant, whom the Lord shall call.

Amos 1:1

1 The wordes of Amos, who was among the heardmen at Tecoa, which he sawe vpon Israel, in the dayes of Vzziah king of Iudah, and in the dayes of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioash King of Israel, two yeere before the earthquake.

Amos 2:13

13 Behold, I am pressed vnder you as a cart is pressed that is full of sheaues.

Amos 3:1

1 Heare this worde that the Lord pronounceth against you, O children of Israel, euen against the whole familie which I brought vp from the land of Egypt, saying,

Amos 3:8

8 The lyon hath roared: who will not bee afraide? the Lord God hath spoken: who can but prophecie?

Amos 4:11

11 I haue ouerthrowe you, as God ouerthrew Sodom and Gomorah: and ye were as a firebrand pluckt out of the burning: yet haue ye not returned vnto me, saith the Lord.

Amos 5:15

15 Hate the euil, and loue the good, and establish iudgement in the gate: it may bee that the Lord God of hostes will be mercifull vnto the remnant of Ioseph.

Amos 5:21

21 I hate and abhorre your feast dayes, and I wil not smelll in your solemne assemblies.

Amos 9:7

7 Are ye not as the Ethiopians vnto mee, O children of Israel, sayeth the Lord? haue not I brought vp Israel out of the land of Egypt? and the Philistims from Caphtor, and Aram from Kir?

Micah 1:1

1 The word of the Lord, that came vnto Micah the Morashite in the dayes of Iotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah Kings of Iudah, which he sawe concerning Samaria, and Ierusalem. 2 Heare, al ye people: hearke thou, O earth, and all that therein is, and let the Lord God be witnes against you, euen ye Lord from his holy Teple.

Micah 3:1-3

1 And I sayd, Heare, I pray you, O heads of Iaakob, and yee princes of the house of Israel: should not ye knowe iudgement? 2 But they hate the good, and loue the euill: they plucke off their skinnes from them, and their flesh from their bones. 3 And they eate also the flesh of my people, and flay off their skinne from them, and they breake their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron. 4 Then shall they crye vnto the Lord, but he will not heare them: he wil euen hide his face from them at that time, because they haue done wickedly in their workes.

Micah 3:8

8 Yet notwithstanding I am full of power by the Spirite of the Lord, and of iudgement, and of strength to declare vnto Iaakob his transgression, and to Israel his sinne.

Micah 3:8-12

8 Yet notwithstanding I am full of power by the Spirite of the Lord, and of iudgement, and of strength to declare vnto Iaakob his transgression, and to Israel his sinne. 9 Heare this, I pray you, ye heades of the house of Iaakob, and princes of the house of Israel: they abhorre iudgement, and peruert all equitie.

Micah 3:9-11

9 Heare this, I pray you, ye heades of the house of Iaakob, and princes of the house of Israel: they abhorre iudgement, and peruert all equitie. 10 They build vp Zion with blood, and Ierusalem with iniquitie.

Micah 3:10-11

10 They build vp Zion with blood, and Ierusalem with iniquitie. 11 The heads thereof iudge for rewardes, and the Priestes thereof teache for hyre, and the prophets thereof prophecie for money: yet wil they leane vpon the Lord, and say, Is not the Lord among vs? no euill can come vpon vs.

Micah 3:11-11

11 The heads thereof iudge for rewardes, and the Priestes thereof teache for hyre, and the prophets thereof prophecie for money: yet wil they leane vpon the Lord, and say, Is not the Lord among vs? no euill can come vpon vs.

Micah 3:11

11 The heads thereof iudge for rewardes, and the Priestes thereof teache for hyre, and the prophets thereof prophecie for money: yet wil they leane vpon the Lord, and say, Is not the Lord among vs? no euill can come vpon vs. 12 Therefore shall Zion for your sake bee plowed as a field, and Ierusalem shalbe an heape, and the mountaine of the house, as the hye places of the forest.

Micah 4:4

4 But they shall sit euery man vnder his vine, and vnder his figge tree, and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the Lord of hostes hath spoken it.

Micah 6:1-2

1 Hearken ye nowe what the Lord sayth, Arise thou, and contende before the mountaines, and let the hilles heare thy voyce. 2 Heare ye, O mountaynes, the Lordes quarel, and ye mightie foundations of the earth: for the Lord hath a quarell against his people, and he will pleade with Israel.

Micah 6:2

2 Heare ye, O mountaynes, the Lordes quarel, and ye mightie foundations of the earth: for the Lord hath a quarell against his people, and he will pleade with Israel.

Micah 6:7

7 Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousand riuers of oyle? shall I giue my first borne for my transgression, euen the fruite of my bodie, for the sinne of my soule? 8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good, and what the Lord requireth of thee: surely to doe iustly, and to loue mercie, and to humble thy selfe, to walke with thy God.

Micah 7:3

3 To make good for the euil of their hands, the prince asked, and the iudge iudgeth for a reward: therefore the great man he speaketh out the corruption of his soule: so they wrapt it vp.

Micah 7:18-19

18 Who is a God like vnto thee, that taketh away iniquitie, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage! He reteineth not his wrath for euer, because mercie pleaseth him. 19 He will turne againe, and haue compassion vpon vs: he will subdue our iniquities, and cast all their sinnes into the bottome of the sea.

Nahum 1:1

1 The burden of Nineueh. The booke of the vision of Nahum the Elkeshite.

Nahum 3:19

19 There is no healing of thy wounde: thy plague is grieuous: all that heare the brute of thee, shall clap the handes ouer thee: for vpon whome hath not thy malice passed continually?

Habakkuk 2:2

2 And the Lord answered me, and sayde, Write the vision, and make it plaine vpon tables, that he may runne that readeth it.

Habakkuk 3:2

2 O Lord, I haue heard thy voyce, and was afraide: O Lord, reuiue thy worke in the mids of the people, in the mids of the yeeres make it knowen: in wrath remember mercy.

Zephaniah 1:4-6

4 I will also stretch out mine hand vpon Iudah, and vpon all the inhabitants of Ierusalem, and I wil cut off the remnant of Baal from this place, and the name of the Chemarims with ye Priestes, 5 And them that worship the hoste of heauen vpon the house tops, and them that worship and sweare by the Lord, and sweare by Malcham, 6 And them that are turned backe from the Lord, and those that haue not sought the Lord, nor inquired for him.

Zephaniah 2:3

3 Seeke yee the Lord all the meeke of the earth, which haue wrought his iudgement: seeke righteousnesse, seeke lowlinesse, if so bee that ye may be hid in the day of the Lords wrath.

Zephaniah 2:9

9 Therefore, as I liue, saith the Lord of hostes, the God of Israel, Surely Moab shall bee as Sodom, and the children of Ammon as Gomorah, euen the breeding of nettels and salt pittes, and a perpetuall desolation: the residue of my folke shall spoyle them, and the remnant of my people shall possesse them.

Zephaniah 3:1-4

1 Woe to her that is filthie and polluted, to the robbing citie.

Zephaniah 3:1-3

1 Woe to her that is filthie and polluted, to the robbing citie. 2 She heard not the voyce: she receiued not correction: she trusted not in the Lord: she drew not neere to her God.

Zephaniah 3:2-3

2 She heard not the voyce: she receiued not correction: she trusted not in the Lord: she drew not neere to her God. 3 Her princes within her are as roaring lyons: her iudges are as wolues in the euening, which leaue not the bones till the morow.

Zephaniah 3:3-3

3 Her princes within her are as roaring lyons: her iudges are as wolues in the euening, which leaue not the bones till the morow. 4 Her prophets are light, and wicked persons: her priests haue polluted the Sanctuarie: they haue wrested the Lawe.

Zephaniah 3:9

9 Surely then will I turne to the people a pure language, that they may all call vpon the Name of the Lord, to serue him with one cosent.

Zephaniah 3:11

11 In that day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy workes, wherein thou hast transgressed against mee: for then I will take away out of the middes of thee them that reioyce of thy pride, and thou shalt no more be proude of mine holy Mountaine.

Zephaniah 3:13

13 The remnant of Israel shall do none iniquitie, nor speake lies: neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth: for they shalbe fed, and lie downe, and none shall make them afraide.

Zechariah 1:3-4

3 Therefore say thou vnto them, Thus sayth the Lord of hostes, Turne ye vnto me, saith the Lord of hostes, and I will turne vnto you, saith the Lord of hostes. 4 Be ye not as your fathers, vnto whome the former prophets haue cried, saying, Thus sayth the Lord of hostes, Turne you nowe from your euill wayes, and from your wicked workes: but they would not heare, nor hearken vnto me, saith the Lord.

Zechariah 2:10

10 Reioyce, and be glad, O daughter Zion: for loe, I come, and will dwell in the middes of thee, saith the Lord.

Zechariah 7:9-10

9 Thus speaketh the Lord of hostes, saying, Execute true iudgement, and shewe mercy and compassion, euery man to his brother, 10 And oppresse not the widowe, nor the fatherles, the stranger nor the poore, and let none of you imagine euil against his brother in your heart.

Zechariah 7:10

10 And oppresse not the widowe, nor the fatherles, the stranger nor the poore, and let none of you imagine euil against his brother in your heart.

Zechariah 7:13

13 Therefore it is come to passe, that as he cried, and they would not heare, so they cried, and I would not heare, sayth the Lord of hostes.

Zechariah 8:3

3 Thus saith the Lord, I wil returne vnto Zion, and wil dwel in the mids of Ierusalem: and Ierusalem shalbe called a citie of trueth, and the Mountaine of the Lord of hostes, the holy Mountaine.

Zechariah 8:8

8 And I wil bring them, and they shall dwel in the mids of Ierusalem, and they shalbe my people, and I wil be their God in trueth, and in righteousnes.

Zechariah 8:16

16 These are ye things that ye shall doe. Speake ye euery man the trueth vnto his neighbour: execute iudgement truely and vprightly in your gates,

Zechariah 9:9

9 Reioyce greatly, O daughter Zion: shoute for ioy, O daughter Ierusalem: beholde, thy King commeth vnto thee: he is iust and saued himselfe, poore and riding vpon an asse, and vpon a colt the foale of an asse.

Zechariah 11:8

8 Three shepherdes also I cut off in one moneth, and my soule lothed them, and their soule abhorred me.

Zechariah 13:7-9

7 Arise, O sword, vpon my shepheard, and vpon the man, that is my fellow, sayth the Lord of hostes: smite the shepheard, and the sheepe shall be scattered: and I will turne mine hand vpon the litle ones. 8 And in all the land, sayeth the Lord, two partes therein shall be cut off, and die: but the third shall be left therein. 9 And I will bring that third part thorowe the fire, and will fine them as the siluer is fined, and will trye them as golde is tryed: they shall call on my Name, and I will heare them: I will say, It is my people, and they shall say, The Lord is my God.

Malachi 1:6

6 A sonne honoureth his father, and a seruant his master. If then I be a father, where is mine honour? and if I be a master, where is my feare, sayth the Lord of hostes vnto you, O Priestes, that despise my Name? and yee say, Wherein haue we despised thy Name?

Malachi 1:10

10 Who is there euen among you, that would shut the doores? and kindle not fire on mine altar in vaine, I haue no pleasure in you, sayeth the Lord of hostes, neither will I accept an offering at your hande.

Malachi 2:17

17 Yee haue wearied the Lord with your woordes: yet yee say, Wherein haue we wearied him? When ye say, Euery one that doeth euill, is good in the sight of the Lord, and he deliteth in them. Or where is the God of iudgement?

Malachi 3:3

3 And he shall sit downe to trye and fine the siluer: he shall euen fine the sonnes of Leui and purifie them as golde and siluer, that they may bring offerings vnto the Lord in righteousnesse.

Malachi 3:5

5 And I will come neere to you to iudgement, and I will be a swift witnesse against the southsayers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that wrongfully keepe backe the hirelings wages, and vexe the widowe, and the fatherlesse, and oppresse the stranger, and feare not me, sayth the Lord of hostes.

Malachi 4:1

1 For behold, the day commeth that shall burne as an ouen, and all the proude, yea, and all that doe wickedly, shall be stubble, and the day that commeth, shall burne them vp, sayeth the Lord of hostes, and shall leaue them neither roote nor branche. 2 But vnto you that feare my Name, shall the sunne of righteousnesse arise, and health shall be vnder his wings, and ye shall goe forth, and growe vp as fat calues.

Matthew 3:7

7 Now when he sawe many of the Pharises, and of the Sadduces come to his baptisme, he said vnto them, O generations of vipers, who hath forewarned you to flee from the anger to come? 8 Bring foorth therefore fruite worthy amendment of life.

Matthew 3:10

10 And now also is the axe put to the roote of the trees: therfore euery tree which bringeth not forth good fruit, is hewen downe, and cast into ye fire.

Matthew 3:12

12 Which hath his fanne in his hand, and wil make cleane his floore, and gather his wheate into his garner, but will burne vp the chaffe with vnquenchable fire.

Matthew 6:7

7 Also when ye pray, vse no vaine repetitions as the Heathen: for they thinke to be heard for their much babbling.

Matthew 7:14

14 Because the gate is streight, and the way narowe that leadeth vnto life, and fewe there be that finde it.

Matthew 9:12

12 Nowe when Iesus heard it, hee sayde vnto them, The whole neede not a Physition, but they that are sicke. 13 But goe yee and learne what this is, I will haue mercie, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but the sinners to repentance.

Matthew 11:28

28 Come vnto me, all ye that are wearie and laden, and I will ease you.

Matthew 13:13-15

13 Therefore speake I to them in parables, because they seeing, doe not see: and hearing, they heare not, neither vnderstand. 14 So in them is fulfilled the prophecie of Esaias, which prophecie saieth, By hearing, ye shall heare, and shall not vnderstand, and seeing, ye shall see, and shall not perceiue. 15 For this peoples heart is waxed fat, and their eares are dull of hearing, and with their eyes they haue winked, lest they should see with their eyes, and heare with their eares, and should vnderstand with their hearts, and should returne, that I might heale them.

Matthew 13:19

19 Whensoeuer any man heareth the woorde of that kingdome, and vnderstandeth it not, that euil one commeth, and catcheth away that which was sowen in his heart: and this is he which hath receiued the seede by the way side.

Matthew 15:9

9 But in vaine they worship me, teaching for doctrines, mens precepts.

Matthew 17:9

9 And as they came downe from the moutaine, Iesus charged them, saying, Shewe the vision to no man, vntil the Sonne of man rise againe from the dead.

Matthew 21:13

13 And said to them, it is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer: but ye haue made it a denne of theeues.

Matthew 21:19

19 And seeing a figge tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaues onely, and said to it, Neuer fruite grow on thee henceforwards. And anon the figge tree withered.

Matthew 21:28-32

28 But what thinke ye? A certaine man had two sonnes, and came to the elder, and saide, Sonne, goe and worke to day in my vineyarde. 29 But he answered, and said, I will not: yet afterward he repented himselfe, and went. 30 Then came he to the second, and said likewise. And he answered, and said, I will, Syr: yet he went not. 31 Whether of them twaine did the will of the father? They saide vnto him, The first. Iesus saide vnto them, Verely I say vnto you, that the Publicanes and the harlots goe before you into the kingdome of God. 32 For Iohn came vnto you in the way of righteousnes, and yee beleeued him not: but the Publicanes, and the harlots beleeued him, and ye, though ye sawe it, were not mooued with repentance afterward, that ye might beleeue him.

Matthew 23:5

5 All their workes they doe for to be seene of men: for they make their phylacteries broad, and make long the frindges of their garments,

Matthew 23:13

13 Wo therefore be vnto you, Scribes and Pharises, hypocrites, because ye shut vp the kingdome of heauen before men: for ye your selues go not in, neither suffer ye them that would enter, to come in.

Matthew 23:33

33 O serpents, the generation of vipers, howe should ye escape the damnation of hell!

Mark 9:43-49

43 Wherefore, if thine hand cause thee to offend, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life, maimed, then hauing two hands, to goe into hell, into the fire that neuer shalbe quenched, 44 Where their worme dyeth not, and the fire neuer goeth out. 45 Likewise, if thy foote cause thee to offend, cut it off: it is better for thee to go halt into life, then hauing two feete, to be cast into hell, into the fire that neuer shalbe quenched, 46 Where their worme dyeth not, and the fire neuer goeth out. 47 And if thine eye cause thee to offende, plucke it out: it is better for thee to goe into the kingdome of God with one eye, then hauing two eyes, to be cast into hell fire, 48 Where their worme dyeth not, and the fire neuer goeth out. 49 For euery man shalbe salted with fire: and euery sacrifice shalbe salted with salt.

Mark 11:17

17 And he taught, saying vnto them, Is it not written, Mine house shalbe called the house of prayer vnto all nations? but you haue made it a denne of theeues.

Luke 10:34

34 And went to him, and bound vp his wounds, and powred in oyle and wine, and put him on his owne beast, and brought him to an Inne, and made prouision for him.

Luke 11:42

42 But wo be to you, Pharises: for ye tithe the mynt and the rewe, and all maner herbs, and passe ouer iudgement and the loue of God: these ought yee to haue done, and not to haue left the other vndone.

Luke 12:45-46

45 But if that seruant say in his heart, My master doeth deferre his comming, and ginne to smite the seruants, and maydens, and to eate, and drinke, and to be drunken, 46 The master of that seruant will come in a day when he thinketh not, and at an houre when he is not ware of, and will cut him off, and giue him his portion with the vnbeleeuers.

Luke 13:25-28

25 When the good man of the house is risen vp, and hath shut to the doore, and ye begin to stand without, and to knocke at the doore, saying, Lord, Lord, open to vs, and he shall answere and say vnto you, I know you not whence ye are, 26 Then shall ye begin to say, We haue eaten and drunke in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streetes. 27 But he shall say, I tell you, I knowe you not whence ye are: depart from me, all ye workers of iniquitie. 28 There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth when ye shall see Abraham and Isaac, and Iacob, and all the Prophets in the kingdome of God, and your selues thrust out at doores.

Luke 13:34

34 O Hierusalem, Hierusalem, which killest the Prophets, and stonest them that are sent to thee, howe often would I haue gathered thy children together, as the henne gathereth her brood vnder her wings, and ye would not!

Luke 16:20-21

20 Also there was a certaine begger named Lazarus, which was laide at his gate full of sores, 21 And desired to bee refreshed with the crommes that fell from the riche mans table: yea, and the dogges came and licked his sores.

Luke 17:29-30

29 But in the day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heauen, and destroyed them all. 30 After these ensamples shall it be in the day when the Sonne of man is reueiled.

Luke 18:2-5

2 Saying, There was a iudge in a certaine citie, which feared not God, neither reuereced man. 3 And there was a widowe in that citie, which came vnto him, saying, Doe mee iustice against mine aduersarie. 4 And hee would not of a long time: but afterward he said with himselfe, Though I feare not God, nor reuerence man, 5 Yet because this widowe troubleth mee, I will doe her right, lest at the last shee come and make me wearie.

Luke 19:43-44

43 For the dayes shall come vpon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compasse thee round, and keepe thee in on euery side, 44 And shall make thee euen with ye ground, and thy children which are in thee, and they shall not leaue in thee a stone vpon a stone, because thou knewest not that season of thy visitation.

Luke 19:46

46 Saying vnto them, It is written, Mine house is the house of prayer, but ye haue made it a denne of theeues.

John 12:15

15 Feare not, daughter of Sion: behold, thy King commeth sitting on an asses colte.

Acts 4:5-11

5 And it came to passe on the morow, that their rulers, and Elders, and Scribes, were gathered together at Hierusalem, 6 And Annas the chiefe Priest, and Caiaphas, and Iohn, and Alexander, and as many as were of the kindred of the hie Priestes. 7 And whe they had set them before them, they asked, By what power, or in what Name haue ye done this? 8 Then Peter ful of the holy Ghost, said vnto them, Ye rulers of the people, and Elders of Israel, 9 For as much as we this day are examined of the good deede done to the impotent man, to wit, by what meanes he is made whole, 10 Be it knowen vnto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye haue crucified, whome God raised againe from the dead, euen by him doth this man stand here before you, whole. 11 This is the stone cast aside of you builders which is become the head of the corner.

Acts 4:20

20 For we cannot but speake the things which we haue seene and heard.

Acts 7:51-52

51 Ye stiffenecked and of vncircumcised heartes and eares, ye haue alwayes resisted the holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do you. 52 Which of the Prophets haue not your fathers persecuted? and they haue slaine them, which shewed before of the comming of that Iust, of whome ye are now the betrayers and murtherers,

Acts 7:52

52 Which of the Prophets haue not your fathers persecuted? and they haue slaine them, which shewed before of the comming of that Iust, of whome ye are now the betrayers and murtherers,

Acts 10:17

17 Nowe while Peter douted in himselfe what this vision which he had seene, meant, beholde, the men which were sent from Cornelius, had inquired for Simons house, and stoode at the gate,

Acts 17:2

2 And Paul, as his maner was, went in vnto them, and three Sabbath daies disputed with them by the Scriptures,

Acts 18:4

4 And he disputed in the Synagogue euery Sabbath day, and exhorted the Iewes, and the Grecians.

Acts 22:16

16 Now therefore why tariest thou? Arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sinnes, in calling on the Name of the Lord.

Acts 24:25

25 And as he disputed of righteousnes and temperance, and of the iudgement to come, Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time, and when I haue conuenient time, I will call for thee.

Acts 26:19

19 Wherefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient vnto the heauenly vision,

Romans 1:28

28 For as they regarded not to acknowledge God, euen so God deliuered them vp vnto a reprobate minde, to doe those things which are not conuenient,

Romans 3:1-2

1 What is then the preferment of the Iewe? or what is the profite of circumcision? 2 Much euery maner of way: for chiefly, because vnto them were of credite committed the oracles of God.

Romans 3:24-26

24 And are iustified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus, 25 Whom God hath set forth to be a reconciliation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousnes, by the forgiuenesse of the sinnes that are passed, 26 Through the patience of God, to shewe at this time his righteousnesse, that hee might be iust, and a iustifier of him which is of the faith of Iesus.

Romans 5:20

20 Moreouer the Law entred thereupon that the offence shoulde abound: neuerthelesse, where sinne abounded, there grace abounded much more:

Romans 6:21

21 What fruit had ye then in those things, whereof ye are nowe ashamed? For the ende of those things is death.

Romans 8:7

7 Because the wisedome of the flesh is enimitie against God: for it is not subiect to the Lawe of God, neither in deede can be.

Romans 9:4-5

4 Which are the Israelites, to whome perteineth the adoption, and the glory, and the Couenants, and the giuing of the Lawe, and the seruice of God, and the promises. 5 Of whome are the fathers, and of whome concerning the flesh, Christ came, who is God ouer all, blessed for euer, Amen.

Romans 9:27

27 Also Esaias cryeth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel were as the sand of the sea, yet shall but a remnant be saued.

Romans 9:29

29 And as Esaias sayde before, Except the Lord of hostes had left vs a seede, we had bene made as Sodom, and had bene like to Gomorrha.

Romans 11:4-6

4 But what saith the answere of God to him? I haue reserued vnto my selfe seuen thousand men, which haue not bowed the knee to Baal. 5 Euen so then at this present time is there a remnant according to the election of grace. 6 And if it be of grace, it is no more of workes: or els were grace no more grace: but if it be of workes, it is no more grace: or els were worke no more worke.

Romans 11:26-27

26 And so all Israel shalbe saued, as it is written, The deliuerer shall come out of Sion, and shall turne away the vngodlinesse from Iacob. 27 And this is my couenant to them, When I shall take away their sinnes.

Romans 12:9

9 Let loue be without dissimulation. Abhorre that which is euill, and cleaue vnto that which is good.

1 Corinthians 1:30

30 But ye are of him in Christ Iesus, who of God is made vnto vs wisedome and righteousnesse, and sanctification, and redemption,

1 Corinthians 10:22

22 Doe we prouoke the Lord to anger? are we stronger then he?

1 Corinthians 11:17

17 Nowe in this that I declare, I prayse you not, that ye come together, not with profite, but with hurt.

2 Corinthians 2:17

17 For wee are not as many, which make marchandise of the woorde of God: but as of sinceritie, but as of God in ye sight of God speake we in Christ.

2 Corinthians 5:21

21 For he hath made him to be sinne for vs, which knewe no sinne, that we should be made the righteousnesse of God in him.

2 Corinthians 7:1

1 Seing then we haue these promises, dearely beloued, let vs clense our selues from all filthinesse of the flesh and spirit, and finish our sanctification in the feare of God.

2 Corinthians 12:1

1 It is not expedient for me no doubt to reioyce: for I will come to visions and reuelations of the Lord.

Ephesians 1:6-8

6 To the prayse of the glory of his grace, wherewith he hath made vs freely accepted in his beloued, 7 By whom we haue redemption through his blood, euen the forgiuenes of sinnes, according to his rich grace: 8 Whereby he hath bene aboundant toward vs in all wisedome and vnderstanding,

Ephesians 4:22-29

22 That is, that yee cast off, concerning the conuersation in time past, that olde man, which is corrupt through the deceiueable lustes, 23 And be renued in the spirit of your minde, 24 And put on ye new man, which after God is created vnto righteousnes, and true holines. 25 Wherefore cast off lying, and speake euery man truth vnto his neighbour: for we are members one of another. 26 Bee angrie, but sinne not: let not the sunne goe downe vpon your wrath, 27 Neither giue place to the deuill. 28 Let him that stole, steale no more: but let him rather labour, and worke with his handes the thing which is good, that hee may haue to giue vnto him that needeth. 29 Let no corrupt comunication proceed out of your mouths: but that which is good, to ye vse of edifying, that it may minister grace vnto the hearers. 30 And grieue not the holy Spirit of God, by whom ye are sealed vnto ye day of redemption.

Philippians 1:15

15 Some preache. Christ euen through enuie and strife, and some also of good will.

Colossians 1:24

24 Now reioyce I in my suffrings for you, and fulfill the rest of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh, for his bodies sake, which is the Church,

1 Thessalonians 5:3

3 For when they shall say, Peace, and safetie, then shall come vpon them sudden destruction, as the trauaile vpon a woman with childe, and they shall not escape,

2 Thessalonians 1:8-9

8 In flaming fire, rendring vengeance vnto them, that doe not know God, and which obey not vnto the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ, 9 Which shall be punished with euerlasting perdition, from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power,

1 Timothy 2:8

8 I will therefore that the men pray, euery where lifting vp pure hands without wrath, or douting.

Titus 1:2

2 Vnto the hope of eternall life, which God that cannot lie, hath promised before the world began:

Titus 2:11-14

11 For that grace of God, that bringeth saluation vnto all men, hath appeared, 12 And teacheth vs that we should denie vngodlinesse and worldly lusts, and that we should liue soberly and righteously, and godly in this present world, 13 Looking for that blessed hope, and appearing of that glorie of that mightie God, and of our Sauiour Iesus Christ, 14 Who gaue him selfe for vs, that hee might redeeme vs from all iniquitie, and purge vs to bee a peculiar people vnto himselfe, zealous of good woorkes.

Titus 2:14

14 Who gaue him selfe for vs, that hee might redeeme vs from all iniquitie, and purge vs to bee a peculiar people vnto himselfe, zealous of good woorkes.

Hebrews 2:1-3

1 Wherefore wee ought diligently to giue heede to the thinges which wee haue heard, lest at any time we runne out. 2 For if the worde spoken by Angels was stedfast, and euery transgression, and disobedience receiued a iust recompence of reward, 3 How shall we escape, if we neglect so great saluation, which at the first began to be preached by the Lord, and afterward was confirmed vnto vs by them that heard him,

Hebrews 5:9

9 And being consecrate, was made the authour of eternall saluation vnto all them that obey him:

Hebrews 10:13

13 And from hencefoorth tarieth, till his enemies be made his footestoole.

Hebrews 12:5-8

5 And ye haue forgotten the consolation, which speaketh vnto you as vnto children, My sonne, despise not the chastening of the Lord, neither faint when thou art rebuked of him. 6 For whom the Lord loueth, he chasteneth: and he scourgeth euery sonne that he receiueth: 7 If ye endure chastening, God offereth him selfe vnto you as vnto sonnes: for what sonne is it whom the father chasteneth not? 8 If therefore ye be without correction, whereof al are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sonnes.

Hebrews 12:22

22 But ye are come vnto the mount Sion, and to the citie of the liuing God, the celestiall Hierusalem, and to ye company of innumerable Angels,

James 4:8

8 Drawe neere to God, and he will drawe neere to you. Clense your handes, ye sinners, and purge your hearts, ye double minded.

1 Peter 1:18-19

18 Knowing that yee were not redeemed with corruptible things, as siluer and golde, from your vaine conuersation, receiued by the traditions of the fathers, 19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a Lambe vndefiled, and without spot.

1 Peter 2:1

1 Wherefore, laying aside all maliciousnes, and all guile, and dissimulation, and enuie, and all euill speaking,

1 Peter 3:11

11 Let him eschew euil, and do good: let him seeke peace, and follow after it.

2 Peter 1:21

21 For the prophecie came not in olde time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moued by the holy Ghost.

2 Peter 2:6

6 And turned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrhe into ashes, condemned them and ouerthrewe them, and made them an ensample vnto them that after should liue vngodly,

2 Peter 3:5

5 For this they willingly know not, that the heauens were of olde, and the earth that was of the water and by the water, by the word of God.

2 Peter 3:7

7 But the heauens and earth, which are nowe, are kept by the same word in store, and reserued vnto fire against the day of condemnation, and of the destruction of vngodly men.

Revelation 3:19

19 As many as I loue, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore and amend.

Revelation 6:14-17

14 And heauen departed away, as a scroule, when it is rolled, and euery mountaine and yle were mooued out of their places. 15 And the Kinges of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chiefe captaines, and the mighty men, and euery bondman, and euery free man, hid themselues in dennes, and among the rockes of the mountaines, 16 And said to the mountaines and rocks, Fal on vs, and hide vs from the presence of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lambe. 17 For the great day of his wrath is come, and who can stand?

Revelation 7:14

14 And I saide vnto him, Lord, thou knowest. And he saide to me, These are they, which came out of great tribulation, and haue washed their long robes, and haue made their long robes white in the blood of the Lambe.

Revelation 11:2

2 But the court which is without the temple cast out, and mete it not: for it is giuen vnto the Gentiles, and the holy citie shall they treade vnder foote, two and fourtie moneths.

Revelation 11:8

8 And their corpses shall lie in the streetes of the great citie, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where our Lord also was crucified.

Revelation 14:10-11

10 The same shall drinke of the wine of ye wrath of God, yea, of the pure wine, which is powred into the cup of his wrath, and he shalbe tormented in fire and brimstone before the holy Angels, and before the Lambe. 11 And the smoke of their torment shall ascend euermore: and they shall haue no rest day nor night, which worship the beast and his image, and whosoeuer receiueth the print of his name.

Revelation 16:8-11

8 And the fourth Angel powred out his viall on the sunne, and it was giuen vnto him to torment men with heate of fire, 9 And men boyled in great heate, and blasphemed the Name of God, which hath power ouer these plagues, and they repented not, to giue him glorie. 10 And the fifth Angel powred out his viall vpon the throne of the beast, and his kingdome waxed darke, and they gnawed their tongues for sorowe, 11 And blasphemed the God of heauen for their paines, and for their sores, and repented not of their workes.

Revelation 18:5

5 For her sinnes are come vp into heauen, and God hath remembred her iniquities.

Revelation 18:8

8 Therefore shall her plagues come at one day, death, and sorowe, and famine, and she shalbe burnt with fire: for that God which condemneth her, is a strong Lord.

Revelation 19:20

20 But ye beast was taken, and with him that false prophet that wrought miracles before him, whereby he deceiued them that receiued ye beastes marke, and them that worshipped his image. These both were aliue cast into a lake of fire, burning with brimstone.

Revelation 20:10

10 And the deuill that deceiued them, was cast into a lake of fire and brimstone, where that beast and that false prophet are, and shall be tormented euen day and night for euermore.

Revelation 21:8

8 But the fearful and vnbeleeuing, and the abominable and murtherers, and whoremogers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars shall haue their part in the lake, which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.

Revelation 21:27

27 And there shall enter into it none vncleane thing, neither whatsoeuer woorketh abomination or lies: but they which are written in ye Lambes booke of life.

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