Lamentations Cross References - Geneva

1 Howe doeth the citie remaine solitarie that was full of people? she is as a widowe: she that was great among the nations, and princesse among the prouinces, is made tributarie. 2 She weepeth continually in the night, and her teares runne downe by her cheekes: among all her louers, she hath none to comfort her: all her friendes haue delt vnfaithfully with her, and are her enemies. 3 Iudah is caried away captiue because of affliction, and because of great seruitude: shee dwelleth among the heathen, and findeth no rest: all her persecuters tooke her in the straites. 4 The wayes of Zion lament, because no man commeth to the solemne feastes: all her gates are desolate: her Priests sigh: her virgins are discomfited, and she is in heauinesse. 5 Her aduersaries are the chiefe, and her enemies prosper: for the Lord hath afflicted her, for the multitude of her transgressions, and her children are gone into captiuitie before the enemie. 6 And from the daughter of Zion all her beautie is departed: her princes are become like harts that finde no pasture, and they are gone without strength before the pursuer. 7 Ierusalem remembred the dayes of her affliction, and of her rebellion, and all her pleasant things, that shee had in times past, when her people fell into the hande of the enemie, and none did helpe her: the aduersarie sawe her, and did mocke at her Sabbaths. 8 Ierusalem hath grieuously sinned, therefore shee is in derision: all that honoured her, despise her, because they haue seene her filthinesse: yea, she sigheth and turneth backeward. 9 Her filthinesse is in her skirts: she remembred not her last ende, therefore she came downe wonderfully: she had no comforter: O Lord, behold mine affliction: for the enemie is proud. 10 The enemie hath stretched out his hande vpon al her pleasant things: for she hath seene the heathen enter into her Sanctuarie, whom thou diddest commande, that they shoulde not enter into thy Church. 11 All her people sigh and seeke their bread: they haue giuen their pleasant thinges for meate to refresh the soule: see, O Lord, and consider: for I am become vile. 12 Haue ye no regarde, all yee that passe by this way? behold, and see, if there be any sorowe like vnto my sorowe, which is done vnto mee, wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce wrath. 13 From aboue hath hee sent fire into my bones, which preuaile against them: he hath spred a net for my feete, and turned me backe: hee hath made me desolate, and daily in heauinesse. 14 The yoke of my transgressions is bounde vpon his hand: they are wrapped, and come vp vpon my necke: hee hath made my strength to fall: the Lord hath deliuered me into their hands, neither am I able to rise vp. 15 The Lord hath troden vnder foote all my valiant men in the middes of me: he hath called an assembly against me to destroy my yong men: the Lord hath troden the wine presse vpon the virgine the daughter of Iudah. 16 For these things I weepe: mine eye, euen mine eye casteth out water, because the comforter that should refresh my soule, is farre from me: my children are desolate, because the enemie preuailed. 17 Zion stretcheth out her handes, and there is none to comfort her: the Lord hath appoynted the enemies of Iaakob rounde about him: Ierusalem is as a menstruous woman in the middes of them. 18 The Lord is righteous: for I haue rebelled against his commandement: heare, I pray you, all people, and behold my sorowe: my virgins and my yong men are gone into captiuitie. 19 I called for my louers, but they deceiued me: my Priestes and mine Elders perished in the citie while they sought their meate to refresh their soules. 20 Behold, O Lord, howe I am troubled: my bowels swell: mine heart is turned within me, for I am ful of heauinesse: the sword spoyleth abroad, as death doeth at home. 21 They haue heard that I mourne, but there is none to comfort mee: all mine enemies haue heard of my trouble, and are glad, that thou hast done it: thou wilt bring the day, that thou hast pronounced, and they shalbe like vnto me. 22 Let all their wickednes come before thee: do vnto them, as thou hast done vnto me, for all my transgressions: for my sighes are many, and mine heart is heauy.

Exodus 3:7

7 Then the Lord said, I haue surely seene the trouble of my people, which are in Egypt, and haue heard their crie, because of their taskemasters: for I knowe their sorowes.

Exodus 3:17

17 Therefore I did say, I wil bring you out of the affliction of Egypt vnto the land of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hiuites, and the Iebusites, vnto a lande that floweth with milke and honie.

Exodus 4:31

31 And the people beleeued, and when they heard that the Lord had visited the children of Israel, and had looked vpon their tribulation, they bowed downe, and worshipped.

Exodus 9:27

27 Then Pharaoh sent and called for Moses and Aaron, and said vnto them, I haue now sinned: the Lord is righteous, but I and my people are wicked.

Leviticus 15:19-27

19 Also when a woman shall haue an issue, and her issue in her flesh shalbe blood, she shalbe put apart seuen dayes: and whosoeuer toucheth her, shalbe vncleane vnto the euen. 20 And whatsoeuer she lieth vpon in her separation, shalbe vncleane, and euery thing that she sitteth vpon, shalbe vncleane. 21 Whosoeuer also toucheth her bedde, shall wash his clothes, and wash himselfe with water, and shalbe vncleane vnto the euen. 22 And whosoeuer toucheth any thing that she sate vpon, shall wash his clothes, and wash him selfe in water, and shalbe vncleane vnto the euen: 23 So that whether he touche her bed, or any thing whereon shee hath sit, he shalbe vncleane vnto the euen. 24 And if a man lye with her, and the flowers of her separation touch him, he shalbe vncleane seuen dayes, and all the whole bed whereon he lieth, shalbe vncleane. 25 Also when a womans issue of blood runneth long time besides the time of her floures, or when she hath an issue, longer then her floures, all the dayes of the issue of her vncleannesse shee shalbe vncleane, as in the time of her floures. 26 Euery bed whereon shee lyeth (as long as her issue lasteth) shalbe to her as her bed of her separation: and whatsoeuer she sitteth vpon, shalbe vncleane, as her vncleannes whe she is put apart. 27 And whosoeuer toucheth these things, shall be vncleane, and shall wash his clothes, and wash him selfe in water, and shalbe vncleane vnto the euen.

Leviticus 26:15-46

15 And if ye shall despise mine ordinances, either if your soule abhorre my lawes, so that yee will not do all my commandements, but breake my couenant, 16 Then wil I also do this vnto you, I wil appoint ouer you fearefulnes, a consumption, and the burning ague to consume the eyes, and make the heart heauie, and you shall sowe your seede in vaine: for your enemies shall eate it: 17 And I will set my face against you, and ye shall fal before your enemies, and they that hate you, shall raigne ouer you, and yee shall flee when none pursueth you. 18 And if ye wil not for these things obey me, then wil I punish you seuen times more, according to your sinnes, 19 And I wil breake the pride of your power, and I will make your heauen as yron, and your earth as brasse: 20 And your strength shalbe spent in vaine: neither shall your lande giue her increase, neither shall the trees of the land giue their fruite. 21 And if ye walke stubburnly against me, and will not obey mee, I will then bring seuen times more plagues vpon you, according to your sinnes. 22 I will also sende wilde beastes vpon you, which shall spoyle you, and destroy your cattell, and make you fewe in number: so your hye waies shalbe desolate. 23 Yet if by these ye will not be reformed by me, but walke stubburnly against me, 24 Then wil I also walke stubburnly against you, and I will smite you yet seuen times for your sinnes: 25 And I wil send a sword vpon you, that shall auenge the quarel of my couenant: and when ye are gathered in your cities, I wil send the pestilence among you, and ye shall be deliuered into the hand of the enemie. 26 When I shall breake the staffe of your bread, then ten women shall bake your breade in one ouen, and they shall deliuer your bread againe by weight, and ye shall eate, but not be satisfied. 27 Yet if ye will not for this obey mee, but walke against me stubburnly, 28 Then will I walke stubburnly in mine anger against you, and I will also chastice you seuen times more according to your sinnes. 29 And ye shall eate ye flesh of your sonnes, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye deuoure. 30 I will also destroy your hye places, and cut away your images, and cast your carkeises vpon the bodies of your idoles, and my soule shall abhorre you. 31 And I will make your cities desolate, and bring your Sanctuarie vnto nought, and will not smelll the sauour of your sweete odours. 32 I will also bring the land vnto a wildernes, and your enemies, which dwell therein, shalbe astonished thereat. 33 Also I wil scatter you among the heathen, and will drawe out a sworde after you, and your land shalbe waste, and your cities shalbe desolate. 34 Then shall the land inioy her Sabbaths, as long as it lieth voide, and yee shalbe in your enemies land: then shall the land rest, and enioy her Sabbaths. 35 All the dayes that it lieth voide, it shall rest, because it did not rest in your Sabbaths, when ye dwelt vpon it. 36 And vpon them that are left of you, I will send euen a faintnes into their hearts in ye land of their enemies, and the sounde of a leafeshaken shall chase them, and they shall flee as fleeing from a sword, and they shall fall, no man pursuing them.

Leviticus 26:36-46

36 And vpon them that are left of you, I will send euen a faintnes into their hearts in ye land of their enemies, and the sounde of a leafeshaken shall chase them, and they shall flee as fleeing from a sword, and they shall fall, no man pursuing them.

Leviticus 26:36-37

36 And vpon them that are left of you, I will send euen a faintnes into their hearts in ye land of their enemies, and the sounde of a leafeshaken shall chase them, and they shall flee as fleeing from a sword, and they shall fall, no man pursuing them. 37 They shall fall also one vpon another, as before a sword, though none pursue them, and ye shall not be able to stand before your enemies:

Leviticus 26:37-46

37 They shall fall also one vpon another, as before a sword, though none pursue them, and ye shall not be able to stand before your enemies:

Leviticus 26:37-37

37 They shall fall also one vpon another, as before a sword, though none pursue them, and ye shall not be able to stand before your enemies: 38 And ye shall perish among the heathen, and the land of your enemies shall eate you vp.

Leviticus 26:38-46

38 And ye shall perish among the heathen, and the land of your enemies shall eate you vp. 39 And they that are left of you, shall pine away for their iniquitie, in your enemies landes, and for the iniquities of their fathers shall they pine away with them also.

Leviticus 26:39-46

39 And they that are left of you, shall pine away for their iniquitie, in your enemies landes, and for the iniquities of their fathers shall they pine away with them also. 40 Then they shall confesse their iniquitie, and the wickednes of their fathers for their trespasse, which they haue trespassed against mee, and also because they haue walked stubburnly against me.

Leviticus 26:40-42

40 Then they shall confesse their iniquitie, and the wickednes of their fathers for their trespasse, which they haue trespassed against mee, and also because they haue walked stubburnly against me. 41 Therefore I wil walke stubburnly against them, and bring them into the land of their enemies: so then their vncircumcised hearts shalbe humbled, and then they shalt willingly beare the punishment of their iniquitie.

Leviticus 26:41-42

41 Therefore I wil walke stubburnly against them, and bring them into the land of their enemies: so then their vncircumcised hearts shalbe humbled, and then they shalt willingly beare the punishment of their iniquitie. 42 Then I will remember my couenant with Iaakob, and my couenant also with Izhak, and also my couenant with Abraham will I remember, and will remember the land.

Leviticus 26:42-42

42 Then I will remember my couenant with Iaakob, and my couenant also with Izhak, and also my couenant with Abraham will I remember, and will remember the land. 43 The land also in the meane season shalbe left of them, and shall enioye her Sabbaths while she lieth waste without them, but they shall willingly suffer the punishment of their iniquitie, because they despised my lawes, and because their soule abhorred mine ordinances. 44 Yet notwithstanding this, when they shalbe in the lande of their enemies, I wil not cast them away, neither will I abhorre them, to destroy them vtterly, nor to breake my couenant with them: for I am the Lord their God: 45 But I will remember for them the couenant of olde when I brought them out of ye land of Egypt in the sight of the heathen that I might be their God: I am the Lord. 46 These are the ordinances, and the iudgements, and the lawes, which the Lord made betweene him, and the children of Israel in mount Sinai, by the hand of Moses.

Deuteronomy 4:7-8

7 For what nation is so great, vnto whome the gods come so neere vnto them, as the Lord our God is neere vnto vs, in all that we call vnto him for? 8 And what nation is so great, that hath ordinances and lawes so righteous, as all this Lawe, which I set before you this day?

Deuteronomy 4:25-27

25 When thou shalt beget children and childrens children, and shalt haue remained long in the land, if ye corrupt your selues, and make any grauen image, or likenes of any thing, and worke euill in the sight of the Lord thy God, to prouoke him to anger, 26 I call heauen and earth to record against you this day, that ye shall shortly perish from the land, whereunto ye goe ouer Iorden to possesse it: ye shall not prolong your dayes therein, but shall vtterly be destroyed. 27 And the Lord shall scatter you among the people, and ye shall be left few in nomber among the nations, whither the Lord shall bring you:

Deuteronomy 4:34-37

34 Or hath God assayed to go and take him a nation from among nations, by tentations, by signes, and by wonders, and by warre, and by a mightie hand, and by a stretched out arme, and by great feare, according vnto all that the Lord your God did vnto you in Egypt before your eyes? 35 Vnto thee it was shewed, that thou mightest knowe, that the Lord hee is God, and that there is none but he alone. 36 Out of heauen hee made thee heare his voyce to instruct thee, and vpon earth he shewed thee his great fire, and thou heardest his voyce out of the middes of the fire. 37 And because hee loued thy fathers, therefore hee chose their seede after them, and hath brought thee out of Egypt in his sight by his mightie power,

Deuteronomy 8:7-9

7 For the Lord thy God bringeth thee into a good land, a land in the which are riuers of water and fountaines, and depthes that spring out of valleis and mountaines: 8 A land of wheate and barley, and of vineyards, and figtrees, and pomegranates: a land of oyle oliue and hony: 9 A land wherein thou shalt eate bread without scarcitie, neither shalt thou lacke any thing therein: a land whose stones are yron, and out of whose mountaines thou shalt digge brasse.

Deuteronomy 23:3

3 The Ammonites and the Moabites shall not enter into the Congregation of the Lord: euen to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the Congregation of the Lord for euer,

Deuteronomy 26:7

7 But when we cried vnto the Lord God of our fathers, the Lord heard our voyce, and looked on our aduersitie, and on our labour, and on our oppression.

Deuteronomy 28:15-68

15 But if thou wilt not obey the voyce of the Lord thy God, to keepe and to do all his commandementes and his ordinances, which I command thee this day, then al these curses shall come vpon thee, and ouertake thee. 16 Cursed shalt thou bee in the towne, and cursed also in the fielde. 17 Cursed shall thy basket be, and thy dough. 18 Cursed shall be the fruite of thy body, and the fruite of thy land, the increase of thy kine, and the flockes of thy sheepe. 19 Cursed shalt thou be when thou commest in, and cursed also when thou goest out. 20 The Lord shall sende vpon thee cursing, trouble, and shame, in all that which thou settest thine hand to do, vntil thou be destroyed, and perish quickely, because of the wickednesse of thy workes whereby thou hast forsaken me. 21 The Lord shall make the pestilence cleaue vnto thee, vntill he hath consumed thee from the land, whither thou goest to possesse it. 22 The Lord shall smite thee with a consumption, and with the feuer, and with a burning ague, and with feruent heate, and with the sworde, and with blasting, and with the mildew, and they shall pursue thee vntill thou perish. 23 And thine heauen that is ouer thine head, shall be brasse, and the earth that is vnder thee, yron. 24 The Lord shall giue thee for the rayne of thy land, dust and ashes: euen from heauen shall it come downe vpon thee, vntil thou be destroyed. 25 And the Lord shall cause thee to fall before thine enemies: thou shalt come out one way against them, and shalt flee seuen wayes before them, and shalt be scattered through all the kingdomes of the earth.

Deuteronomy 28:25

25 And the Lord shall cause thee to fall before thine enemies: thou shalt come out one way against them, and shalt flee seuen wayes before them, and shalt be scattered through all the kingdomes of the earth. 26 And thy carkeis shall be meate vnto all foules of the ayre, and vnto the beasts of the earth, and none shall fray them away. 27 The Lord wil smite thee with the botch of Egypt, and with the emeroids, and with the skab, and with the itche, that thou canst not be healed. 28 And ye Lord shall smite thee with madnes, and with blindnes, and with astonying of heart. 29 Thou shalt also grope at noone daies, as the blinde gropeth in darknes, and shalt not prosper in thy wayes: thou shalt neuer but bee oppressed with wrong and be powled euermore, and no man shall succour thee. 30 Thou shalt betroth a wife, and another man shall lye with her: thou shalt builde an house, and shalt not dwell therein: thou shalt plant a vineyard, and shalt not eate the fruite. 31 Thine oxe shalbe slayne before thine eyes, and thou shalt not eate thereof: thine asse shall be violently taken away before thy face, and shall not be restored to thee: thy sheepe shalbe giuen vnto thine enemies, and no man shall rescue them for thee. 32 Thy sonnes and thy daughters shalbe giuen vnto another people, and thine eyes shall still looke for them, euen till they fall out, and there shalbe no power in thine hand.

Deuteronomy 28:32-41

32 Thy sonnes and thy daughters shalbe giuen vnto another people, and thine eyes shall still looke for them, euen till they fall out, and there shalbe no power in thine hand. 33 The fruite of thy land and all thy labours shall a people, which thou knowest not, eate, and thou shalt neuer but suffer wrong, and violence alway:

Deuteronomy 28:33

33 The fruite of thy land and all thy labours shall a people, which thou knowest not, eate, and thou shalt neuer but suffer wrong, and violence alway:

Deuteronomy 28:33-41

33 The fruite of thy land and all thy labours shall a people, which thou knowest not, eate, and thou shalt neuer but suffer wrong, and violence alway: 34 So that thou shalt be madde for the sight which thine eyes shall see.

Deuteronomy 28:34-41

34 So that thou shalt be madde for the sight which thine eyes shall see. 35 The Lord shall smite thee in the knees, and in the thighes, with a sore botche, that thou canst not be healed: euen from the sole of thy foote vnto the top of thine head.

Deuteronomy 28:35-41

35 The Lord shall smite thee in the knees, and in the thighes, with a sore botche, that thou canst not be healed: euen from the sole of thy foote vnto the top of thine head. 36 The Lord shall bring thee and thy King (which thou shalt set ouer thee) vnto a nation, which neither thou nor thy fathers haue knowen, and there thou shalt serue other gods: euen wood and stone,

Deuteronomy 28:36-41

36 The Lord shall bring thee and thy King (which thou shalt set ouer thee) vnto a nation, which neither thou nor thy fathers haue knowen, and there thou shalt serue other gods: euen wood and stone, 37 And thou shalt be a wonder, a prouerbe and a common talke among all people, whither the Lord shall carie thee.

Deuteronomy 28:37-41

37 And thou shalt be a wonder, a prouerbe and a common talke among all people, whither the Lord shall carie thee. 38 Thou shalt carie out much seede into the fielde, and shalt gather but litle in: for the grashoppers shall destroy it.

Deuteronomy 28:38-41

38 Thou shalt carie out much seede into the fielde, and shalt gather but litle in: for the grashoppers shall destroy it. 39 Thou shalt plant a vineyard, and dresse it, but shalt neither drinke of the wine, nor gather the grapes: for the wormes shall eate it.

Deuteronomy 28:39-41

39 Thou shalt plant a vineyard, and dresse it, but shalt neither drinke of the wine, nor gather the grapes: for the wormes shall eate it. 40 Thou shalt haue Oliue trees in all thy coastes, but shalt not anoynt thy selfe with the oyle: for thine oliues shall fall.

Deuteronomy 28:40-41

40 Thou shalt haue Oliue trees in all thy coastes, but shalt not anoynt thy selfe with the oyle: for thine oliues shall fall. 41 Thou shalt beget sonnes, and daughters, but shalt not haue them: for they shall goe into captiuitie.

Deuteronomy 28:41-41

41 Thou shalt beget sonnes, and daughters, but shalt not haue them: for they shall goe into captiuitie. 42 All thy trees and fruite of thy land shall the grashopper consume. 43 The straunger that is among you, shall clime aboue thee vp on hie, and thou shalt come downe beneath alow. 44 He shall lend thee, and thou shalt not lend him: he shalbe the head, and thou shalt be ye tayle. 45 Moreouer, all these curses shall come vpon thee, and shall pursue thee and ouertake thee, till thou be destroyed, because thou obeyedst not the voyce of the Lord thy God, to keepe his commandements, and his ordinances, which he commanded thee: 46 And they shalbe vpon thee for signes and wonders, and vpon thy seede for euer, 47 Because thou seruedst not the Lord thy God with ioyfulnesse and with a good heart for the abundance of all things. 48 Therefore thou shalt serue thine enemies which the Lord shall send vpon thee, in hunger and in thirst, and in nakednesse, and in neede of all things? and he shall put a yoke of yron vpon thy necke vntill he haue destroyed thee.

Deuteronomy 28:48

48 Therefore thou shalt serue thine enemies which the Lord shall send vpon thee, in hunger and in thirst, and in nakednesse, and in neede of all things? and he shall put a yoke of yron vpon thy necke vntill he haue destroyed thee. 49 The Lord shall bring a nation vpon thee from farre, euen from the ende of the world, flying swift as an Egle: a nation whose tongue thou shalt not vnderstand: 50 A nation of a fierce countenance, which will not regarde the person of the olde, nor haue compassion of the yong. 51 The same shall eate the fruit of thy cattell, and the fruite of thy land vntill thou be destroyed, and he shall leaue thee neyther wheate, wine, nor oyle, neither the increase of thy kyne, nor the flockes of thy sheepe, vntill he haue brought thee to nought. 52 And he shall besiege thee in all thy cities, vntill thine hie and strong walles fall downe, wherein thou trustedst in all the lande: and hee shall besiege thee in all thy cities throughout all thy lande, which the Lord thy God hath giuen thee.

Deuteronomy 28:52-57

52 And he shall besiege thee in all thy cities, vntill thine hie and strong walles fall downe, wherein thou trustedst in all the lande: and hee shall besiege thee in all thy cities throughout all thy lande, which the Lord thy God hath giuen thee. 53 And thou shalt eate the fruite of thy bodie: euen the flesh of thy sonnes and thy daughters, which the Lord thy God hath giuen thee, during the siege and straitnesse wherein thine enemie shall inclose thee:

Deuteronomy 28:53-57

53 And thou shalt eate the fruite of thy bodie: euen the flesh of thy sonnes and thy daughters, which the Lord thy God hath giuen thee, during the siege and straitnesse wherein thine enemie shall inclose thee: 54 So that the man (that is tender and exceeding deintie among you) shalbe grieued at his brother, and at his wife, that lieth in his bosome, and at the remnant of his children, which hee hath yet left,

Deuteronomy 28:54-57

54 So that the man (that is tender and exceeding deintie among you) shalbe grieued at his brother, and at his wife, that lieth in his bosome, and at the remnant of his children, which hee hath yet left, 55 For feare of giuing vnto any of them of the flesh of his children, whom he shall eate, because he hath nothing left him in that siege, and straitnesse, wherewith thine enemie shall besiege thee in all thy cities.

Deuteronomy 28:55-57

55 For feare of giuing vnto any of them of the flesh of his children, whom he shall eate, because he hath nothing left him in that siege, and straitnesse, wherewith thine enemie shall besiege thee in all thy cities. 56 The tender and deintie woman among you, which neuer woulde venture to set the sole of her foote vpon the grounde (for her softnesse and tendernesse) shalbe grieued at her husband that lieth in her bosome, and at her sonne, and at her daughter,

Deuteronomy 28:56-57

56 The tender and deintie woman among you, which neuer woulde venture to set the sole of her foote vpon the grounde (for her softnesse and tendernesse) shalbe grieued at her husband that lieth in her bosome, and at her sonne, and at her daughter, 57 And at her afterbirth (that shall come out from betweene her feete) and at her childre, which she shall beare: for when all things lacke, she shall eate them secretly, during the siege and straitnesse, wherewith thine enemie shall besiege thee in thy cities.

Deuteronomy 28:57-57

57 And at her afterbirth (that shall come out from betweene her feete) and at her childre, which she shall beare: for when all things lacke, she shall eate them secretly, during the siege and straitnesse, wherewith thine enemie shall besiege thee in thy cities. 58 If thou wilt not keepe and doe all the wordes of the Lawe (that are written in this booke) and feare this glorious and feareful name The Lord Thy God, 59 The the Lord wil make thy plagues wonderfull, and the plagues of thy seede, euen great plagues and of long continuance, and sore diseases, and of long durance. 60 Moreouer, he will bring vpon thee all the diseases of Egypt, whereof thou wast afraide, and they shall cleaue vnto thee. 61 And euery sickenesse, and euery plague, which is not written in the booke of this Lawe, will the Lord heape vpon thee, vntill thou be destroyed. 62 And ye shall be left few in nomber, where ye were as the starres of heauen in multitude, because thou wouldest not obey the voyce of the Lord thy God. 63 And as the Lord hath reioyced ouer you, to doe you good, and to multiply you, so he will reioyce ouer you, to destroy you, and bring you to nought, and ye shalbe rooted out of the land, whither thou goest to possesse it. 64 And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from the one ende of the worlde vnto the other, and there thou shalt serue other gods, which thou hast not knowen nor thy fathers, euen wood and stone.

Deuteronomy 28:64-68

64 And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from the one ende of the worlde vnto the other, and there thou shalt serue other gods, which thou hast not knowen nor thy fathers, euen wood and stone. 65 Also among these nations thou shalt finde no rest, neither shall the sole of thy foote haue rest: for the Lord shall giue thee there a trembling heart, and looking to returne till thine eyes fall out, and a sorowfull minde.

Deuteronomy 28:65-68

65 Also among these nations thou shalt finde no rest, neither shall the sole of thy foote haue rest: for the Lord shall giue thee there a trembling heart, and looking to returne till thine eyes fall out, and a sorowfull minde.

Deuteronomy 28:65

65 Also among these nations thou shalt finde no rest, neither shall the sole of thy foote haue rest: for the Lord shall giue thee there a trembling heart, and looking to returne till thine eyes fall out, and a sorowfull minde. 66 And thy life shall hang before thee, and thou shalt feare both night and day, and shalt haue none assurance of thy life.

Deuteronomy 28:66-68

66 And thy life shall hang before thee, and thou shalt feare both night and day, and shalt haue none assurance of thy life. 67 In the morning thou shalt say, Woulde God it were euening, and at the euening thou shalt say, Would God it were morning, for ye feare of thine heart, which thou shalt feare, and for the sight of thine eyes, which thou shalt see.

Deuteronomy 28:67-68

67 In the morning thou shalt say, Woulde God it were euening, and at the euening thou shalt say, Would God it were morning, for ye feare of thine heart, which thou shalt feare, and for the sight of thine eyes, which thou shalt see. 68 And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt againe with shippes by the way, whereof I saide vnto thee, Thou shalt see it no more againe: and there yee shall sell your selues vnto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and there shalbe no byer.

Deuteronomy 29:18-28

18 That there should not be among you man nor woman, nor familie, nor tribe, which should turne his heart away this day from the Lord our God, to goe and serue the gods of these nations, and that there shoulde not be among you any roote that bringeth forth gall and wormewood, 19 So that when he heareth the words of this curse, he blesse him selfe in his heart, saying, I shall haue peace, although I walke according to the stubburnes of mine owne heart, thus adding drunkennesse to thirst. 20 The Lord will not be mercifull vnto him, but then the wrath of the Lord and his ielousie shall smoke against that man, and euery curse that is written in this booke, shall light vpon him, and the Lord shall put out his name from vnder heauen, 21 And the Lord shall separate him vnto euil out of all the tribes of Israel, according vnto all the curses of the couenant, that is written in the booke of this Lawe. 22 So that the generatio to come, euen your children, that shall rise vp after you, and the stranger, that shall come from a farre lande, shall say, when they shall see the plagues of this lande, and the diseases thereof, wherewith the Lord shall smite it: 23 (For all that land shall burne with brimstone and salt: it shall not be sowen, nor bring forth, nor any grasse shall growe therein, like as in the ouerthrowing of Sodom, and Gomorah, Admah, and Zeboim, which the Lord ouerthrewe in his wrath and in his anger) 24 Then shall all nations say, Wherefore hath the Lord done thus vnto this lande? how fierce is this great wrath? 25 And they shall answere, Because they haue forsaken the couenant of the Lord God of their fathers, which he had made with them, when he brought them out of the land of Egypt, 26 And went and serued other gods and worshipped them: euen gods which they knewe not, and which had giuen them nothing, 27 Therefore the wrath of the Lord waxed hot against this land, to bring vpon it euery curse that is written in this booke. 28 And ye Lord hath rooted them out of their land in anger, and in wrath, and in great indignation, and hath cast them into another land, as appeareth this day.

Deuteronomy 31:16-18

16 And the Lord said vnto Moses, Behold, thou shalt sleepe with thy fathers, and this people will rise vp, and goe a whoring after the gods of a strange land (whither they goe to dwell therein) and will forsake me, and breake my couenant which I haue made with them. 17 Wherefore my wrath will waxe hote against them at that day, and I will forsake them, and will hide my face from them: then they shalbe consumed, and many aduersities and tribulations shall come vpon them: so then they will say, Are not these troubles come vpon me, because God is not with me? 18 But I will surely hide my face in that day, because of all the euill, which they shall commit, in that they are turned vnto other gods.

Deuteronomy 31:29

29 For I am sure that after my death ye will vtterly be corrupt and turne from the way, which I haue commanded you: therefore euill will come vpon you at the length, because ye will comit euill in the sight of the Lord, by prouoking him to anger through the worke of your hands.

Deuteronomy 32:4

4 Perfect is the worke of the mighty God: for all his wayes are iudgement. God is true, and without wickednesse: iust, and righteous is he.

Deuteronomy 32:15-27

15 But he that should haue bene vpright, when he waxed fat, spurned with his heele: thou art fat, thou art grosse, thou art laden with fatnes: therefore he forsooke God that made him, and regarded not the strong God of his saluation. 16 They prouoked him with strange gods: they prouoked him to anger with abominations. 17 They offred vnto deuils, not to God, but to gods whome they knew not: new gods that came newly vp, whome their fathers feared not. 18 Thou hast forgotten the mightie God that begate thee, and hast forgotten God that formed thee. 19 The Lord then sawe it, and was angrie, for the prouocation of his sonnes and of his daughters. 20 And he said, I will hide my face from the: I will see what their ende shalbe: for they are a frowarde generation, children in who is no faith. 21 They haue moued me to ielousie with that which is not God: they haue prouoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will moue them to ielousie with those which are no people: I wil prouoke them to anger with a foolish nation.

Deuteronomy 32:21-25

21 They haue moued me to ielousie with that which is not God: they haue prouoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will moue them to ielousie with those which are no people: I wil prouoke them to anger with a foolish nation. 22 For fire is kindled in my wrath, and shall burne vnto the bottome of hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountaines.

Deuteronomy 32:22-25

22 For fire is kindled in my wrath, and shall burne vnto the bottome of hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountaines. 23 I will spend plagues vpon them: I will bestowe mine arrowes vpon them.

Deuteronomy 32:23-25

23 I will spend plagues vpon them: I will bestowe mine arrowes vpon them. 24 They shalbe burnt with hunger, and consumed with heate, and with bitter destruction: I will also sende the teeth of beastes vpon them, with the venime of serpents creeping in the dust.

Deuteronomy 32:24-25

24 They shalbe burnt with hunger, and consumed with heate, and with bitter destruction: I will also sende the teeth of beastes vpon them, with the venime of serpents creeping in the dust. 25 The sworde shall kill them without, and in the chambers feare: both the yong man and the yong woman, the suckeling with the man of gray heare.

Deuteronomy 32:25-25

25 The sworde shall kill them without, and in the chambers feare: both the yong man and the yong woman, the suckeling with the man of gray heare.

Deuteronomy 32:25

25 The sworde shall kill them without, and in the chambers feare: both the yong man and the yong woman, the suckeling with the man of gray heare. 26 I haue said, I would scatter them abroade: I would make their remembrance to cease from among men, 27 Saue that I feared the furie of the enemie, least their aduersaries should waxe proude, and least they should say, Our hie hande and not the Lord hath done all this:

Deuteronomy 32:27

27 Saue that I feared the furie of the enemie, least their aduersaries should waxe proude, and least they should say, Our hie hande and not the Lord hath done all this:

Deuteronomy 32:29

29 Oh that they were wise, then they would vnderstand this: they would consider their latter ende. 30 How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousande to flight, except their strong God had sold the, and the Lord had shut them vp?

Deuteronomy 32:41-43

41 If I whet my glittering sworde, and mine hand take holde on iudgement, I will execute vengeance on mine enemies, and will rewarde them that hate me. 42 I will make mine arrowes drunke with blood, (and my sword shall eate flesh) for the blood of the slaine, and of the captiues, when I beginne to take vengeance of the enemie. 43 Ye nations, praise his people: for he will auenge the blood of his seruants, and will execute vengeance vpon his aduersaries, and will bee mercifull vnto his lande, and to his people.

Joshua 7:12-13

12 Therefore ye children of Israel cannot stand before their enemies, but haue turned their backes before their enemies, because they be execrable: neither will I bee with you any more, except ye destroy the excommunicate from among you. 13 Vp therefore, sanctifie the people, and say, Sanctifie your selues against to morowe: for thus saith the Lord God of Israel, There is an execrable thing among you, O Israel, therefore ye cannot stand against your enemies, vntill ye haue put the execrable thing from among you.

Judges 1:7

7 And Adoni-bezek said, Seuentie Kings hauing the thumbes of their hands and of their feete cut off, gathered bread vnder my table: as I haue done, so God hath rewarded me. so they brought him to Ierusalem, and there he died.

Judges 10:8

8 Who from that yere vexed and oppressed the children of Israel eighteene yeres, euen all the children of Israel that were beyond Iorden, in the land of the Amorites, which is in Gilead.

1 Samuel 1:11

11 Also she vowed a vowe, and sayd, O Lord of hostes, if thou wilt looke on the trouble of thine handmaide, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaide, but giue vnto thine handmaide a manchilde, then I will giue him vnto the Lord all the dayes of his life, and there shall no rasor come vpon his head.

1 Samuel 2:30

30 Wherefore the Lord God of Israel saith, I saide, that thine house and the house of thy father should walke before mee for euer: but nowe the Lord saith, It shall not be so: for them that honour me, I will honour, and they that despise me, shall be despised.

1 Samuel 12:14-15

14 If ye wil feare the Lord and serue him, and heare his voyce, and not disobey the worde of the Lord, both yee, and the King that reigneth ouer you, shall follow the Lord your God. 15 But if yee will not obey the voyce of the Lord, but disobey the Lordes mouth, then shall the hand of the Lord be vpon you, and on your fathers.

1 Samuel 15:23

23 For rebellion is as the sinne of withcraft, and transgression is wickednesse and idolatrie. Because thou hast cast away the worde of the Lord, therefore hee hath cast away thee from being King.

1 Samuel 30:11-12

11 And they found an Egyptian in the fielde, and brought him to Dauid, and gaue him bread and he did eat, and they gaue him water to drinke. 12 Also they gaue him a fewe figges, and two clusters of raisins: and when he had eaten, his spirite came againe to him: for he had eaten no bread, nor drunke any water in three dayes, and three nightes.

2 Samuel 4:11-12

11 How much more, when wicked men haue slaine a righteous person in his owne house, and vpon his bed? shall I not now therfore require his blood at your hand, and take you from the earth? 12 Then Dauid commanded his yong men, and they slew them, and cut off their hands and their feete, and hanged them vp ouer the poole in Hebron: but they tooke the head of Ishbosheth, and buried it in the sepulchre of Abner in Hebron.

2 Samuel 16:12

12 It may be that the Lord will looke on mine affliction, and doe me good for his cursing this day.

1 Kings 4:21

21 And Salomon reigned ouer all kingdomes, from the Riuer vnto the lande of the Philistims, and vnto the border of Egypt, and they brought presents, and serued Salomon all the dayes of his life.

1 Kings 8:22

22 Then Salomon stoode before the altar of the Lord in the sight of all the Congregation of Israel, and stretched out his handes towarde heauen,

1 Kings 8:38

38 Then what prayer, and supplication so euer shalbe made of any man or of all thy people Israel, when euery one shall knowe the plague in his owne heart, and stretch foorth his handes in this house,

1 Kings 8:46-47

46 If they sinne against thee, ( for there is no man that sinneth not) and thou be angry with them, and deliuer them vnto the enemies, so that they cary them away prisoners vnto the land of the enemies, either farre or neere, 47 Yet if they turne againe vnto their heart in the lande (to the which they be caryed away captiues) and returne and pray vnto thee in the lande of them that caryed them away captiues, saying, We haue sinned, we haue transgressed, and done wickedly,

1 Kings 8:47-50

47 Yet if they turne againe vnto their heart in the lande (to the which they be caryed away captiues) and returne and pray vnto thee in the lande of them that caryed them away captiues, saying, We haue sinned, we haue transgressed, and done wickedly, 48 If they turne againe vnto thee with all their heart, and with all their soule in the lande of their enemies, which led them away captiues, and pray vnto thee toward the way of their land, which thou gauest vnto their fathers, and toward the citie which thou hast chosen, and the house, which I haue built for thy Name, 49 Then heare thou their prayer and their supplication in heauen thy dwelling place, and iudge their cause, 50 And be mercifull vnto thy people that haue sinned against thee, and vnto all their iniquities (wherein they haue transgressed against thee) and cause that they, which led them away captiues, may haue pitie and compassion on them:

1 Kings 9:7

7 Then will I cutte off Israel from the lande, which I haue giuen them, and the house which I haue halowed for my Name, will I cast out of my sight, and Israel shall be a prouerbe, and a common talke among all people. 8 Euen this hie house shall bee so: euery one that passeth by it, shalbe astonied, and shall hisse, and they shall say, Why hath the Lord done thus vnto this land and to this house? 9 And they shall answere, Because they forsooke the Lord their God, which brought their fathers out of the land of Egypt, and haue taken holde vpon other gods, and haue worshipped them, and serued them, therfore hath the Lord brought vpon them all this euill.

1 Kings 9:9-9

9 And they shall answere, Because they forsooke the Lord their God, which brought their fathers out of the land of Egypt, and haue taken holde vpon other gods, and haue worshipped them, and serued them, therfore hath the Lord brought vpon them all this euill.

1 Kings 13:21

21 And hee cried vnto the man of God that came from Iudah, saying, Thus sayeth the Lord, Because thou hast disobeyed the mouth of the Lord, and hast not kept the commandement which the Lord thy God commanded thee,

2 Kings 6:25

25 So there was a great famine in Samaria: for loe, they besieged it vntill an asses head was at foure score pieces of siluer, and the fourth part of a kab of doues doung at fiue pieces of siluer.

2 Kings 9:33

33 And he sayde, Cast her downe: and they cast her downe, and hee sprinkled of her blood vpon the wall, and vpon the horses, and he trode her vnder foote.

2 Kings 14:26

26 For the Lord saw the exceeding bitter affliction of Israel, so that there was none shutte vp, nor any left, neyther yet any that could helpe Israel.

2 Kings 19:21

21 This is the worde that the Lord hath spoken against him, O Virgine, daughter of Zion, he hath despised thee, and laughed thee to scorne: O daughter of Ierusalem, he hath shaken his head at thee.

2 Kings 23:33

33 And Pharaoh Nechoh put him in bondes at Riblah in the lande of Hamath, while he reigned in Ierusalem, and put the lande to a tribute of an hundreth talents of siluer, and a talent of golde.

2 Kings 23:35

35 And Iehoiakim gaue the siluer and the golde to Pharaoh, and taxed the land to giue the money, according to the commadement of Pharaoh: he leuyed of euery man of the people of the lande, according to his value, siluer and golde to giue vnto Pharaoh Nechoh.

2 Kings 24:2-4

2 And the Lord sent against him bandes of the Caldees, and bands of the Aramites, and bands of the Moabites, and bandes of the Ammonites, and he sent them against Iudah to destroy it, according to the worde of the Lord, which he spake by his seruants the Prophets. 3 Surely by the commandement of the Lord came this vpon Iudah, that he might put them out of his sight for the sinnes of Manasseh, according to all that he did, 4 And for the innocent blood that he shed, (for he filled Ierusalem with innocent blood) therefore the Lord would not pardon it.

2 Kings 24:14-15

14 And he caryed away all Ierusalem, and all the princes, and all the strong men of warre, euen ten thousande into captiuitie, and all the workemen, and cunning men: so none remained sauing the poore people of the lande.

2 Kings 24:14-16

14 And he caryed away all Ierusalem, and all the princes, and all the strong men of warre, euen ten thousande into captiuitie, and all the workemen, and cunning men: so none remained sauing the poore people of the lande. 15 And he caryed away Iehoiachin into Babel, and the Kings mother, and the Kinges wiues, and his eunuches, and the mightie of the lande caryed he away into captiuitie from Ierusalem to Babel,

2 Kings 24:15-16

15 And he caryed away Iehoiachin into Babel, and the Kings mother, and the Kinges wiues, and his eunuches, and the mightie of the lande caryed he away into captiuitie from Ierusalem to Babel, 16 And al the men of warre, euen seuen thousand, and carpenters, and lockesmithes a thousande: all that were strong and apt for warre, did the King of Babel bring to Babel captiues.

2 Kings 25:1

1 And in the ninth yeere of his reigne, the tenth moneth and tenth day of the moneth Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel came, he, and all his hoste against Ierusalem, and pitched against it, and they built fortes against it round about it.

2 Kings 25:4-7

4 Then the citie was broken vp, and all the men of warre fled by night, by the way of the gate, which is betweene two walles that was by the Kings garden: nowe the Caldees were by the citie round about: and the King went by the way of the wildernesse. 5 But the armie of the Caldees pursued after the King, and tooke him in the desertes of Iericho, and all his hoste was scattered from him. 6 Then they tooke the King, and caried him vp to the King of Babel to Riblah, where they gaue iudgement vpon him. 7 And they slew the sonnes of Zedekiah before his eyes, and put out the eyes of Zedekiah, and bounde him in chaines, and caried him to Babel.

2 Kings 25:11

11 And the rest of the people that were left in the citie, and those that were fled and fallen to the King of Babel, with the remnant of the multitude, did Nebuzar-adan chiefe steward carie away captiue.

2 Kings 25:21

21 And the King of Babel smote them, and slew them at Riblah in the land of Hamath. So Iudah was caried away captiue out of his owne land.

2 Chronicles 9:26

26 And he reigned ouer all the Kings from the Riuer euen vnto the land of the Philistims, and to the border of Egypt.

2 Chronicles 36:14-16

14 All the chiefe of the Priestes also and of the people trespassed wonderfully, according to all the abominations of the heathen, and polluted the house of the Lord which he had sanctified in Ierusalem. 15 Therefore the Lord God of their fathers sent to them by his messengers, rising earely and sending: for he had compassion on his people, and on his habitation. 16 But they mocked the messengers of God and despised his wordes, and misused his Prophets, vntill the wrath of the Lord arose against his people, and till there was no remedie.

2 Chronicles 36:20-21

20 And they that were left by the sworde, caryed he away to Babel, and they were seruants to him and to his sonnes, vntill the kingdome of the Persians had rule, 21 To fulfill the worde of the Lord by the mouth of Ieremiah, vntill the lande had her fill of her Sabbaths: for all the dayes that she lay desolate, she kept Sabbath, to fulfill seuentie yeeres.

Ezra 4:20

20 There haue bene mightie kings also ouer Ierusalem, which haue ruled ouer all beyonde the Riuer, and tolle, tribute, and custome was giuen vnto them.

Ezra 9:13

13 And after all that is come vpon vs for our euill deedes, and for our great trespasses, (seeing that thou our God hast stayed vs from being beneath for our iniquities, and hast giuen vs such deliuerance)

Nehemiah 1:6-8

6 I pray thee, let thine eares be attet, and thine eies open, to heare the praier of thy seruat, which I pray before thee dayly, day and night for ye childre of Israel thy seruats, and confesse the sinnes of the children of Israel, which we haue sinned against thee, both I and my fathers house haue sinned: 7 We haue grieuously sinned against thee, and haue not kept the commandements, nor the statutes, nor the iudgements, which thou commandedst thy seruant Moses. 8 I beseeche thee, remember the worde that thou commandedst thy seruant Moses, saying, Ye wil transgresse, and I will scatter you abroade among the people.

Nehemiah 4:4-5

4 Heare, O our God (for we are despised) and turne their shame vpon their owne head, and giue them vnto a pray in the lande of their captiuitie, 5 And couer not their iniquitie, neither let their sinne be put out in thy presence: for they haue prouoked vs before the builders.

Nehemiah 5:4

4 There were also that said, We haue borowed money for the Kings tribute vpon our landes and our vineyardes.

Nehemiah 9:26

26 Yet they were disobedient, and rebelled against thee, and cast thy Lawe behinde their backes, and slewe thy Prophets (which protested among them to turne them vnto thee) and committed great blasphemies.

Nehemiah 9:32

32 Nowe therefore our God, thou great God, mightie and terrible, that keepest couenant and mercie, let not all the affliction that hath come vnto vs, seeme a litle before thee, that is, to our Kings, to our princes, and to our Priests, and to our Prophets, and to our fathers, and to all thy people since the time of the Kings of Asshur vnto this day. 33 Surely thou art iust in all that is come vpon vs: for thou hast dealt truely, but we haue done wickedly.

Nehemiah 9:33

33 Surely thou art iust in all that is come vpon vs: for thou hast dealt truely, but we haue done wickedly. 34 And our kings and our princes, our Priests and our fathers haue not done thy Lawe, nor regarded thy commandements nor thy protestations, wherewith thou hast protested among them.

Nehemiah 9:37

37 And it yeeldeth much fruit vnto the kings whom thou hast set ouer vs, because of our sinnes: and they haue dominion ouer our bodyes and ouer our cattell at their pleasure, and we are in great affliction.

Nehemiah 13:1

1 And on that day did they reade in the booke of Moses, in the audience of the people, and it was found written therein, that the Ammonite, and the Moabite should not enter into the Congregation of God,

Job 6:15

15 My brethre haue deceiued me as a brook, and as the rising of the riuers they passe away.

Job 7:3

3 So haue I had as an inheritance the moneths of vanitie, and painefull nights haue bene appointed vnto me.

Job 18:8

8 For hee is taken in the net by his feete, and he walketh vpon the snares.

Job 19:6

6 Know nowe, that God hath ouerthrowen me, and hath compassed me with his net.

Job 19:13-14

13 He hath remooued my brethre farre from me, and also mine acquaintance were strangers vnto me.

Job 19:13-19

13 He hath remooued my brethre farre from me, and also mine acquaintance were strangers vnto me. 14 My neighbours haue forsaken me, and my familiars haue forgotten me.

Job 19:14-19

14 My neighbours haue forsaken me, and my familiars haue forgotten me. 15 They that dwel in mine house, and my maydes tooke me for a stranger: for I was a stranger in their sight. 16 I called my seruant, but he would not answere, though I prayed him with my mouth. 17 My breath was strange vnto my wife, though I prayed her for the childrens sake of mine owne body. 18 The wicked also despised mee, and when I rose, they spake against me. 19 All my secret friends abhorred me, and they whome I loued, are turned against me.

Job 29:2-30:1

2 Oh that I were as in times past, when God preserued me!

Job 30:27

27 My bowels did boyle without rest: for the dayes of affliction are come vpon me.

Job 30:30

30 My skinne is blacke vpon me, and my bones are burnt with heate.

Job 33:27

27 He looketh vpon men, and if one say, I haue sinned, and peruerted righteousnesse, and it did not profite me,

Job 40:4

4 Or hast thou an arme like God? or doest thou thunder with a voyce like him?

Psalms 6:6

6 I fainted in my mourning: I cause my bed euery night to swimme, and water my couch with my teares.

Psalms 22:14

14 I am like water powred out, and all my bones are out of ioynt: mine heart is like waxe: it is molten in the middes of my bowels.

Psalms 25:15-19

15 Mine eyes are euer towarde the Lord: for he will bring my feete out of the net. 16 Turne thy face vnto mee, and haue mercie vpon me: for I am desolate and poore. 17 The sorowes of mine heart are enlarged: drawe me out of my troubles. 18 Looke vpon mine affliction and my trauel, and forgiue all my sinnes.

Psalms 25:18-19

18 Looke vpon mine affliction and my trauel, and forgiue all my sinnes. 19 Beholde mine enemies, for they are manie, and they hate me with cruell hatred.

Psalms 31:10

10 For my life is wasted with heauinesse, and my yeeres with mourning: my strength faileth for my paine, and my bones are consumed. 11 I was a reproch among all mine enemies, but specially among my neighbours: and a feare to mine acquaintance, who seeing me in the streete, fled from me.

Psalms 35:4

4 Let them be confounded and put to shame, that seeke after my soule: let them be turned backe, and brought to confusion, that imagine mine hurt.

Psalms 35:15

15 But in mine aduersitie they reioyced, and gathered them selues together: the abiects assembled themselues against me, and knewe not: they tare me and ceased not,

Psalms 37:13

13 But the Lord shall laugh him to scorne: for he seeth, that his day is comming.

Psalms 38:16

16 For I said, Heare me, least they reioyce ouer me: for when my foote slippeth, they extol themselues against me.

Psalms 42:4

4 When I remembred these things, I powred out my very heart, because I had gone with the multitude, and ledde them into the House of God with the voyce of singing, and prayse, as a multitude that keepeth a feast.

Psalms 44:9-11

9 But now thou art farre off, and puttest vs to confusion, and goest not forth with our armies. 10 Thou makest vs to turne backe from the aduersary, and they, which hate vs, spoile for theselues. 11 Thou giuest vs as sheepe to bee eaten, and doest scatter vs among the nations.

Psalms 48:2-3

2 Mount Zion, lying Northwarde, is faire in situation: it is the ioy of the whole earth, and the Citie of the great King. 3 In the palaces thereof God is knowen for a refuge.

Psalms 50:2

2 Out of Zion, which is the perfection of beautie, hath God shined.

Psalms 51:3-4

3 For I know mine iniquities, and my sinne is euer before me. 4 Against thee, against thee onely haue I sinned, and done euill in thy sight, that thou mayest be iust when thou speakest, and pure when thou iudgest.

Psalms 66:11

11 Thou hast brought vs into the snare, and layed a strait chaine vpon our loynes.

Psalms 69:20

20 Rebuke hath broken mine heart, and I am full of heauinesse, and I looked for some to haue pitie on me, but there was none: and for comforters, but I found none.

Psalms 70:2-3

2 Let them be confounded and put to shame, that seeke my soule: let them bee turned backewarde and put to rebuke, that desire mine hurt. 3 Let them be turned backe for a rewarde of their shame, which said, Aha, aha.

Psalms 74:4-8

4 Thine aduersaries roare in the middes of thy Congregation, and set vp their banners for signes. 5 He that lifted the axes vpon the thicke trees, was renowmed, as one, that brought a thing to perfection: 6 But nowe they breake downe the carued worke thereof with axes and hammers. 7 They haue cast thy Sanctuarie into the fire, and rased it to the grounde, and haue defiled the dwelling place of thy Name. 8 They saide in their hearts, Let vs destroy them altogether: they haue burnt all the Synagogues of God in the land.

Psalms 74:8-8

8 They saide in their hearts, Let vs destroy them altogether: they haue burnt all the Synagogues of God in the land. 9 We see not our signes: there is not one Prophet more, nor any with vs that knoweth howe long.

Psalms 74:22-23

22 Arise, O God: mainteine thine owne cause: remember thy dayly reproche by the foolish man. 23 Forget not the voyce of thine enemies: for the tumult of them, that rise against thee, ascendeth continually.

Psalms 77:2-6

2 In the day of my trouble I sought ye Lord: my sore ranne and ceased not in the night: my soule refused comfort. 3 I did thinke vpon God, and was troubled: I praied, and my spirit was full of anguish. Selah.

Psalms 77:3

3 I did thinke vpon God, and was troubled: I praied, and my spirit was full of anguish. Selah. 4 Thou keepest mine eyes waking: I was astonied and could not speake. 5 Then I considered the daies of olde, and the yeeres of ancient time.

Psalms 77:5-9

5 Then I considered the daies of olde, and the yeeres of ancient time. 6 I called to remembrance my song in the night: I communed with mine owne heart, and my spirit searched diligently.

Psalms 77:6-9

6 I called to remembrance my song in the night: I communed with mine owne heart, and my spirit searched diligently. 7 Will the Lord absent him selfe for euer? and will he shewe no more fauour? 8 Is his mercie cleane gone for euer? doeth his promise faile for euermore? 9 Hath God forgotten to be mercifull? hath he shut vp his teder mercies in displeasure? Selah.

Psalms 79:1-7

1 A Psalme committed to Asaph. O God, the heathen are come into thine inheritance: thine holy Temple haue they defiled, and made Ierusalem heapes of stones. 2 The dead bodies of thy seruats haue they giuen to be meat vnto foules of ye heauen: and the flesh of thy Saintes vnto the beastes of the earth. 3 Their blood haue they shead like waters rounde about Ierusalem, and there was none to burie them. 4 Wee are a reproche to our neighbours, euen a scorne and derision vnto them that are round about vs.

Psalms 79:4-7

4 Wee are a reproche to our neighbours, euen a scorne and derision vnto them that are round about vs. 5 Lord, howe long wilt thou be angrie, for euer? shall thy gelousie burne like fire? 6 Powre out thy wrath vpon the heathen that haue not knowen thee, and vpon the kingdomes that haue not called vpon thy Name. 7 For they haue deuoured Iaakob and made his dwelling place desolate.

Psalms 80:6

6 Thou hast made vs a strife vnto our neighbours, and our enemies laugh at vs among themselues.

Psalms 89:42

42 Thou hast set vp the right hand of his enemies, and made all his aduersaries to reioyce.

Psalms 90:7-8

7 For we are consumed by thine anger, and by thy wrath are we troubled. 8 Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, and our secret sinnes in the light of thy countenance.

Psalms 96:9

9 Worship the Lord in the glorious Sanctuarie: tremble before him all the earth.

Psalms 102:3-5

3 For my dayes are consumed like smoke, and my bones are burnt like an herthe. 4 Mine heart is smitten and withereth like grasse, because I forgate to eate my bread. 5 For the voyce of my groning my bones doe cleaue to my skinne.

Psalms 107:11

11 Because they rebelled against the wordes of the Lord, and despised the counsell of the most High,

Psalms 109:14-15

14 Let the iniquitie of his fathers bee had in remembrance with the Lord: and let not the sinne of his mother be done away. 15 But let them alway be before the Lord, that he may cut off their memorial from ye earth.

Psalms 119:75

75 I knowe, O Lord, that thy iudgements are right, and that thou hast afflicted me iustly.

Psalms 119:118

118 Thou hast troden downe all them that depart from thy statutes: for their deceit is vaine.

Psalms 119:136

136 Mine eyes gush out with riuers of water, because they keepe not thy Lawe.

Psalms 119:153

153 RESH. Beholde mine affliction, and deliuer mee: for I haue not forgotten thy Lawe.

Psalms 122:4

4 Whereunto the Tribes, euen the Tribes of the Lord go vp according to the testimonie to Israel, to prayse the Name of the Lord.

Psalms 129:5

5 They that hate Zion, shalbe all ashamed and turned backward.

Psalms 132:12-13

12 If thy sonnes keepe my couenant, and my testimonies, that I shall teach them, their sonnes also shall sit vpon thy throne for euer. 13 For the Lord hath chosen Zion, and loued to dwell in it, saying,

Psalms 137:3-4

3 Then they that ledde vs captiues, required of vs songs and mirth, when wee had hanged vp our harpes, saying, Sing vs one of the songs of Zion. 4 Howe shall we sing, said we, a song of the Lord in a strange land?

Psalms 137:7-9

7 Remember the children of Edom, O Lord, in the day of Ierusalem, which saide, Rase it, rase it to the foundation thereof. 8 O daughter of Babel, worthy to be destroyed, blessed shall he be that rewardeth thee, as thou hast serued vs. 9 Blessed shall he be that taketh and dasheth thy children against the stones.

Psalms 140:8

8 Let not the wicked haue his desire, O Lord: performe not his wicked thought, least they be proude. Selah.

Psalms 145:17

17 The Lord is righteous in all his wayes, and holy in all his workes.

Psalms 147:19-20

19 He sheweth his word vnto Iaakob, his statutes and his iudgements vnto Israel. 20 He hath not dealt so with euery nation, neither haue they knowen his iudgements. Prayse ye the Lord.

Proverbs 5:22

22 His owne iniquities shall take the wicked himselfe, and he shall be holden with the cordes of his owne sinne.

Proverbs 19:7

7 All the brethren of the poore doe hate him: howe much more will his friends depart farre from him? though hee be instant with wordes, yet they will not.

Proverbs 28:13

13 He that hideth his sinnes, shall not prosper: but he that confesseth, and forsaketh them, shall haue mercy.

Ecclesiastes 4:1

1 So I turned and considered all the oppressions that are wrought vnder the sunne, and beholde the teares of the oppressed, and none comforteth them: and lo, the strength is of the hand of them that oppresse them, and none comforteth them.

Isaiah 1:15

15 And when you shall stretch out your hands, I wil hide mine eyes from you: and though ye make many prayers, I wil not heare: for your hands are full of blood.

Isaiah 1:21

21 Howe is the faithfull citie become an harlot? it was full of iudgement, and iustice lodged therein, but now they are murtherers.

Isaiah 3:8

8 Doubtlesse Ierusalem is fallen, and Iudah is fallen downe, because their tongue and workes are against the Lord, to prouoke the eyes of his glory.

Isaiah 3:26

26 Then shall her gates mourne and lament, and she, being desolate, shall sit vpon the ground.

Isaiah 4:5

5 And the Lord shall create vpon euery place of mount Zion, and vpon the assemblies thereof, a cloude and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for vpon all the glory shall be a defence.

Isaiah 5:1-4

1 Now will I sing to my beloued a song of my beloued to his vineyarde, My beloued had a vineyarde in a very fruitefull hill, 2 And hee hedged it, and gathered out the stones of it, and he planted it with the best plants, and hee builte a towre in the middes thereof, and made a wine presse therein: then hee looked that it should bring foorth grapes: but it brought foorth wilde grapes. 3 Now therefore, O inhabitants of Ierusalem and men of Iudah, iudge, I pray you, betweene me, and my vineyarde. 4 What coulde I haue done any more to my vineyard that I haue not done vnto it? why haue I looked that it should bring foorth grapes, and it bringeth foorth wilde grapes? 5 And nowe I will tell you what I will do to my vineyarde: I will take away the hedge thereof, and it shall be eaten vp: I will breake the wall thereof, and it shall be troden downe:

Isaiah 5:13-14

13 Therefore my people is gone into captiuitie, because they had no knowledge, and the glorie thereof are men famished, and the multitude thereof is dried vp with thirst. 14 Therefore hell hath inlarged it selfe, and hath opened his mouth, without measure, and their glorie, and their multitude, and their pompe, and hee that reioyceth among them, shall descend into it.

Isaiah 12:6

6 Cry out, and shoute, O inhabitant of Zion: for great is ye holy one of Israel in the middes of thee.

Isaiah 13:1-14

1 The burden of Babel, which Isaiah the sonne of Amoz did see. 2 Lift vp a standard vpon the hie mountaine: lift vp the voyce vnto them: wagge the hand, that they may goe into the gates of the nobles. 3 I haue commanded them, that I haue sanctified: and I haue called ye mightie to my wrath, and them that reioyce in my glorie. 4 The noyse of a multitude is in the mountaines, like a great people: a tumultuous voyce of the kingdomes of the nations gathered together: the Lord of hostes nombreth the hoste of the battell. 5 They come from a farre countrey, from the end of the heauen: euen the Lord with the weapons of his wrath to destroy the whole land. 6 Howle you, for the day of the Lord is at hande: it shall come as a destroier from the Almightie. 7 Therefore shall all hands be weakened, and all mens hearts shall melt,

Isaiah 13:7

7 Therefore shall all hands be weakened, and all mens hearts shall melt, 8 And they shalbe afraid: anguish and sorowe shall take them, and they shall haue paine, as a woman that trauaileth: euery one shall be amased at his neighbour, and their faces shalbe like flames of fire. 9 Beholde, the day of the Lord commeth, cruel, with wrath and fierce anger to lay the land wast: and he shall destroy the sinners out of it. 10 For the starres of heauen and the planets thereof shall not giue their light: the sunne shalbe darkened in his going foorth, and the moone shall not cause her light to shine. 11 And I will visite the wickednes vpon the worlde, and their iniquitie vpon the wicked, and I wil cause the arrogancie of the proud to cease, and will cast downe the pride of tyrants. 12 I will make a man more precious then fine golde, euen a man aboue the wedge of golde of Ophir. 13 Therefore I will shake the heauen, and the earth shall remooue out of her place in the wrath of the Lord of hostes, and in the day of his fierce anger.

Isaiah 13:13-14

13 Therefore I will shake the heauen, and the earth shall remooue out of her place in the wrath of the Lord of hostes, and in the day of his fierce anger. 14 And it shall be as a chased doe, and as a sheepe that no man taketh vp. euery man shall turne to his owne people, and flee eche one to his owne lande.

Isaiah 14:12

12 How art thou fallen from heauen, O Lucifer, sonne of the morning? and cutte downe to the grounde, which didest cast lottes vpon the nations?

Isaiah 14:25

25 That I will breake to pieces Asshur in my land, and vpon my mountaines will I treade him vnder foote: so that his yoke shall depart from them, and his burden shall be taken from off their shoulder.

Isaiah 16:11

11 Wherefore, my bowels shall sounde like an harpe for Moab, and mine inwarde partes for Ker-haresh.

Isaiah 22:2

2 Thou that art full of noise, a citie full of brute, a ioyous citie: thy slaine men shall not bee slaine with sworde, nor die in battell.

Isaiah 24:4-6

4 The earth lamenteth and fadeth away: the world is feeble and decaied: the proude people of the earth are weakened. 5 The earth also deceiueth, because of the inhabitantes thereof: for they transgressed the lawes: they changed the ordinances, and brake the euerlasting couenant. 6 Therefore hath the curse deuoured the earth, and the inhabitantes thereof are desolate. Wherefore the inhabitants of the land are burned vp, and fewe men are left.

Isaiah 28:18

18 And your couenant with death shalbe disanulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand: when a scourge shall runne ouer and passe through, then shall ye be trode downe by it.

Isaiah 32:9-14

9 Rise vp, ye women that are at ease: heare my voyce, ye carelesse daughters: hearken to my wordes. 10 Yee women, that are carelesse, shall be in feare aboue a yeere in dayes: for the vintage shall faile, and the gatherings shall come no more. 11 Yee women, that are at ease, be astonied: feare, O yee carelesse women: put off the clothes: make bare, and girde sackcloth vpon the loynes. 12 Men shall lament for the teates, euen for the pleasant fieldes, and for the fruitefull vine. 13 Vpon the lande of my people shall growe thornes and briers: yea, vpon all the houses of ioye in the citie of reioysing, 14 Because the palace shalbe forsaken, and the noise of the citie shalbe left: the towre and fortresse shalbe dennes for euer, and the delite of wilde asses, and a pasture for flockes,

Isaiah 37:4

4 If so be the Lord thy God hath heard the wordes of Rabshakeh, whom the King of Asshur his master hath sent to raile on the liuing God, and to reproch him with wordes which the Lord thy God hath heard, then lift thou vp thy prayer for the remnant that are left.

Isaiah 37:17

17 Encline thine eare, O Lord, and heare: open thine eyes, O Lord, and see, and heare all the wordes of Saneherib, who hath sent to blaspheme the liuing God.

Isaiah 37:23

23 Whome hast thou railed on and blasphemed? and against whome hast thou exalted thy voyce, and lifted vp thine eyes on hie? euen against the holy one of Israel.

Isaiah 37:29

29 Because thou ragest against me, and thy tumult is come vnto mine eares, therefore will I put mine hooke in thy nostrels, and my bridle in thy lips, and wil bring thee backe againe the same way thou camest.

Isaiah 38:14

14 Like a crane or a swallow, so did I chatter: I did mourne as a doue: mine eies were lift vp on high: O Lord, it hath oppressed me, comfort me.

Isaiah 40:2

2 Speake comfortably to Ierusalem, and crye vnto her, that her warrefare is accomplished, that her iniquitie is pardoned: for she hath receiued of the Lords hand double for all her sinnes.

Isaiah 41:2

2 Who raised vp iustice from the East, and called him to his foote? and gaue the nations before him, and subdued the Kings? he gaue them as dust to his sword, and as scattered stubble vnto his bowe.

Isaiah 42:17

17 They shall be turned backe: they shall be greatly ashamed, that trust in grauen images, and say to the molten images, Yee are our gods.

Isaiah 47:1-15

1 Come downe and sit in the dust: O virgine, daughter Babel, sit on the ground: there is no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called, Tender and delicate. 2 Take the mill stones, and grinde meale: loose thy lockes: make bare the feete: vncouer the legge, and passe through the floods. 3 Thy filthinesse shall be discouered, and thy shame shall be seene: I will take vengeance, and I will not meete thee as a man.

Isaiah 47:3

3 Thy filthinesse shall be discouered, and thy shame shall be seene: I will take vengeance, and I will not meete thee as a man. 4 Our redeemer, the Lord of hostes is his Name, the holy one of Israel. 5 Sit still, and get thee into darkenesse, O daughter of the Chaldeas: for thou shalt no more be called, The ladie of kingdomes. 6 I was wroth with my people: I haue polluted mine inheritance, and giuen them into thine had: thou diddest shew them no mercy, but thou didest lay thy very heauy yoke vpon the ancient.

Isaiah 47:6

6 I was wroth with my people: I haue polluted mine inheritance, and giuen them into thine had: thou diddest shew them no mercy, but thou didest lay thy very heauy yoke vpon the ancient. 7 And thou saidest, I shall be a ladie for euer, so that thou diddest not set thy mind to these things, neither diddest thou remember ye latter end therof.

Isaiah 47:7

7 And thou saidest, I shall be a ladie for euer, so that thou diddest not set thy mind to these things, neither diddest thou remember ye latter end therof. 8 Therefore nowe heare, thou that art giuen to pleasures, and dwellest carelesse, Shee sayeth in her heart, I am and none els: I shall not sit as a widowe, neither shall knowe the losse of children. 9 But these two thinges shall come to thee suddenly on one day, the losse of children and widowhoode: they shall come vpon thee in their perfection, for the multitude of thy diuinations, and for the great abundance of thine inchanters. 10 For thou hast trusted in thy wickednesse: thou hast sayd, None seeth me. Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, they haue caused thee to rebel, and thou hast saide in thine heart, I am, and none els. 11 Therefore shall euill come vpon thee, and thou shalt not knowe the morning thereof: destruction shall fal vpon thee, which thou shalt not be able to put away: destruction shall come vpon thee suddenly, or thou beware. 12 Stand now among thine inchanters, and in the multitude of thy southsaiers (with whome thou hast wearied thy selfe from thy youth) if so be thou maist haue profit, or if so be thou maist haue strength. 13 Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels: let now the astrologers, the starre gasers, and prognosticatours stand vp, and saue thee from these things, that shall come vpon thee. 14 Beholde, they shall be as stubble: the fire shall burne them: they shall not deliuer their owne liues from the power of the flame: there shalbe no coles to warme at, nor light to sit by. 15 Thus shall they serue thee, with whom thou hast wearied thee, euen thy marchants from thy youth: euery one shall wander to his owne quarter: none shall saue thee.

Isaiah 50:5

5 The Lord God hath opened mine eare and I was not rebellious, neither turned I backe.

Isaiah 51:18-19

18 There is none to guide her among all the sonnes, whome she hath brought foorth: there is none that taketh her by the hand of all the sonnes that she hath brought vp. 19 These two thinges are come vnto thee: who will lament thee? desolation and destruction and famine, and the sworde: by whome shall I comfort thee?

Isaiah 51:22-23

22 Thus saith thy Lord God, euen God that pleadeth the cause of his people, Beholde, I haue taken out of thine hande the cuppe of trembling, euen the dregges of the cuppe of my wrath: thou shalt drinke it no more. 23 But I will put it into their hande that spoile thee: which haue said to thy soule, Bowe downe, that wee may goe ouer, and thou hast layde thy bodie as the grounde, and as the streete to them that went ouer.

Isaiah 52:2

2 Shake thy selfe from the dust: arise, and sit downe, O Ierusalem: loose the bandes of thy necke, O thou captiue daughter, Zion.

Isaiah 52:7

7 How beautifull vpon the mountaines are the feete of him, that declareth and publisheth peace? that declareth good tidings, and publisheth saluation, saying vnto Zion, Thy God reigneth?

Isaiah 54:4

4 Feare not: for thou shalt not be ashamed, neither shalt thou be confounded: for thou shalt not bee put to shame: yea, thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, and shalt not remember the reproch of thy widdowhoode any more.

Isaiah 54:11

11 O thou afflicted and tossed with tempest, that hast no comfort, beholde, I wil lay thy stones with the carbuncle, and lay thy foundation with saphirs,

Isaiah 59:2-13

2 But your iniquities haue separated betweene you and your God, and your sinnes haue hidde his face from you, that he will not heare. 3 For your handes are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquitie: your lips haue spoken lies and your tongue hath murmured iniquitie. 4 No man calleth for iustice: no man contendeth for trueth: they trust in vanitie, and speake vaine things: they conceiue mischiefe, and bring foorth iniquitie. 5 They hatch cockatrice egges, and weaue the spiders webbe: he that eateth of their egges, dieth, and that which is trode vpon, breaketh out into a serpent. 6 Their webbes shall be no garment, neither shall they couer themselues with their labours: for their workes are workes of iniquitie, and the worke of crueltie is in their handes. 7 Their feete runne to euill, and they make haste to shed innocent blood: their thoughts are wicked thoughts: desolation and destruction is in their paths. 8 The way of peace they knowe not, and there is none equitie in their goings: they haue made them crooked paths: whosoeuer goeth therein, shall not knowe peace. 9 Therefore is iudgement farre from vs, neither doeth iustice come neere vnto vs: we waite for light, but loe, it is darkenesse: for brightnesse, but we walke in darkenesse. 10 Wee grope for the wall like the blinde, and we grope as one without eyes: we stumble at the noone day as in the twilight: we are in solitarie places, as dead men. 11 We roare all like beares, and mourne like dooues: wee looke for equitie, but there is none: for health, but it is farre from vs. 12 For our trespasses are many before thee, and our sinnes testifie against vs: for our trespasses are with vs, and we knowe our iniquities 13 In trespassing and lying against the Lord, and wee haue departed away from our God, and haue spoken of crueltie and rebellion, conceiuing and vttering out of the heart false matters.

Isaiah 63:3

3 I haue troden the wine presse alone, and of all people there was none with mee: for I will treade them in mine anger, and tread them vnder foote in my wrath, and their blood shalbe sprinkled vpon my garments, and I will staine all my raiment.

Isaiah 63:18

18 The people of thine holinesse haue possessed it, but a litle while: for our aduersaries haue troden downe thy Sanctuarie.

Isaiah 64:10-11

10 Thine holy cities lye waste: Zion is a wildernes, and Ierusalem a desart. 11 The House of our Sanctuarie and of our glorie, where our fathers praysed thee, is burnt vp with fire and all our pleasant things are wasted.

Jeremiah 2:28

28 But where are thy gods, that thou hast made thee? let them arise, if they can helpe thee in the time of thy trouble: for according to the nomber of thy cities, are thy gods, O Iudah.

Jeremiah 2:34

34 Also in thy wings is founde the bloud of the soules of ye poore innocents: I haue not found it in holes, but vpon all these places. 35 Yet thou saiest, Because I am giltles, surely his wrath shall turne from mee: beholde, I will enter with thee into iudgement, because thou saiest, I haue not sinned.

Jeremiah 3:1

1 They say, If a man put away his wife, and she goe from him, and become another mans, shall hee returne againe vnto her? shall not this land be polluted? but thou hast played the harlot with many louers: yet turne againe to mee, sayeth the Lord.

Jeremiah 3:13

13 But knowe thine iniquitie: for thou hast rebelled against the Lord thy God, and hast scattered thy waies to the straunge gods vnder euery greene tree, but yee woulde not obey my voyce, sayeth the Lord.

Jeremiah 4:19-29

19 My bely, my bely, I am pained, euen at the very heart: mine heart is troubled within me: I cannot be still: for my soule hath heard the sounde of the trumpet, and the alarme of the battell.

Jeremiah 4:19

19 My bely, my bely, I am pained, euen at the very heart: mine heart is troubled within me: I cannot be still: for my soule hath heard the sounde of the trumpet, and the alarme of the battell. 20 Destruction vpon destruction is cryed, for the whole lande is wasted: suddenly are my tents destroyed, and my curtaines in a moment. 21 Howe long shall I see the standert, and heare the sounde of the trumpet? 22 For my people is foolish, they haue not knowen me: they are foolish children, and haue none vnderstanding: they are wise to doe euill, but to doe well they haue no knowledge. 23 I haue looked vpon the earth, and loe, it was without forme and voide: and to the heauens, and they had no light. 24 I behelde the mountaines: and loe, they trembled and all the hilles shooke. 25 I behelde, and loe, there was no man, and all the birdes of the heauen were departed. 26 I behelde, and loe, the fruitfull place was a wildernesse, and all the cities thereof were broken downe at the presence of the Lord, and by his fierce wrath. 27 For thus hath the Lord saide, The whole lande shall be desolate: yet will I not make a full ende. 28 Therefore shall the earth mourne, and the heauens aboue shall be darkened, because I haue pronounced it: I haue thought it, and will not repent, neither will I turne backe from it. 29 The whole citie shall flee, for the noyse of the horsemen and bowemen: they shall goe into thickets, and clime vp vpon the rockes: euery citie shall be forsaken, and not a man dwell therein. 30 And when thou shalt be destroyed, what wilt thou doe? Though thou clothest thy selfe with skarlet, though thou deckest thee with ornaments of golde, though thou paintest thy face with colours, yet shalt thou trimme thy selfe in vaine: for thy louers will abhorre thee and seeke thy life. 31 For I haue heard a noyse as of a woman trauailing, or as one labouring of her first child, euen the voyce of the daughter Zion that sigheth and stretcheth out her handes: woe is me nowe: for my soule fainteth because of the murtherers.

Jeremiah 5:3-9

3 O Lord, are not thine eyes vpon the trueth? thou hast striken them, but they haue not sorowed: thou hast consumed them, but they haue refused to receiue correction: they haue made their faces harder then a stone, and haue refused to returne. 4 Therefore I saide, Surely they are poore, they are foolish, for they know not the way of the Lord, nor the iudgement of their God. 5 I will get me vnto the great men, and will speake vnto them: for they haue knowen the way of the Lord, and the iudgement of their God: but these haue altogether broken the yoke, and burst the bondes. 6 Wherefore a lyon out of the forest shall slay them, and a wolfe of the wildernesse shall destroy them: a leopard shall watch ouer their cities: euery one that goeth out thence, shall be torne in pieces, because their trespasses are many, and their rebellions are increased. 7 Howe should I spare thee for this? thy children haue forsaken me, and sworne by them that are no gods: though I fed them to the full, yet they committed adulterie, and assembled them selues by companies in the harlots houses. 8 They rose vp in the morning like fed horses: for euery man neyed after his neighbours wife. 9 Shall I not visite for these things, saith the Lord? Shall not my soule be auenged on such a nation as this?

Jeremiah 5:29

29 Shall I not visite for these things, sayth the Lord? or shall not my soule be auenged on such a nation as this?

Jeremiah 5:31

31 The Prophets prophesie lies, and ye Priests receiue giftes in their handes, and my people delite therein. What will ye then doe in the ende thereof?

Jeremiah 6:3

3 The pastors with their flockes shall come vnto her: they shall pitche their tentes rounde about by her, and euery one shall feede in his place.

Jeremiah 6:28

28 They are all rebellious traitours, walking craftily: they are brasse, and yron, they all are destroyers.

Jeremiah 8:18

18 I would haue comforted my selfe against sorowe, but mine heart is heauie in me.

Jeremiah 9:1

1 Oh, that mine head were full of water and mine eyes a fountaine of teares, that I might weepe day and night for the slayne of the daughter of my people.

Jeremiah 9:10

10 Vpon the mountaines will I take vp a weeping and a lamentation, and vpon the fayre places of the wildernes a mourning, because they are burnt vp: so that none can passe through them, neyther can men heare the voyce of the flocke: both the foule of the aire, and the beast are fled away and gone. 11 And I wil make Ierusalem an heape, and a den of dragons, and I will make the cities of Iudah waste, without an inhabitant.

Jeremiah 9:17-19

17 Thus sayeth the Lord of hostes, Take heede, and call for the mourning women, that they may come, and send for skilfull women that they may come, 18 And let them make haste, and let them take vp a lamentation for vs, that our eyes may cast out teares and our eye liddes gush out of water. 19 For a lamentable noyse is heard out of Zion, Howe are we destroyed, and vtterly confounded, for we haue forsaken the land, and our dwellings haue cast vs out.

Jeremiah 9:21

21 For death is come vp into our windowes, and is entred into our palaces, to destroy the children without, and the yong men in the streetes.

Jeremiah 9:21-22

21 For death is come vp into our windowes, and is entred into our palaces, to destroy the children without, and the yong men in the streetes. 22 Speake, thus sayth the Lord, The carkeises of men shall lye, euen as the doung vpon the fielde, and as the handfull after the mower, and none shall gather them.

Jeremiah 10:22

22 Beholde, the noyse of the brute is come, and a great commotion out of the North countrey to make the cities of Iudah desolate, and a denne of dragons.

Jeremiah 10:25

25 Powre out thy wrath vpon the heathen, that knowe thee not, and vpon the families that call not on thy Name: for they haue eaten vp Iaakob and deuoured him and consumed him, and haue made his habitation desolate.

Jeremiah 12:1

1 O Lord, if I dispute with thee, thou art righteous: yet let mee talke with thee of thy iudgements: wherefore doeth the way of the wicked prosper? why are all they in wealth that rebelliously transgresse?

Jeremiah 12:7

7 I haue forsaken mine house: I haue left mine heritage: I haue giuen the dearely beloued of my soule into the hands of her enemies.

Jeremiah 13:17

17 But if ye will not heare this, my soule shall weepe in secrete for your pride, and mine eye shall weepe and drop downe teares, because the Lords flocke is caried away captiue.

Jeremiah 13:17-18

17 But if ye will not heare this, my soule shall weepe in secrete for your pride, and mine eye shall weepe and drop downe teares, because the Lords flocke is caried away captiue. 18 Say vnto the King and to the Queene, Humble yourselues, sit downe, for the crowne of your glory shall come downe from your heads.

Jeremiah 13:18-18

18 Say vnto the King and to the Queene, Humble yourselues, sit downe, for the crowne of your glory shall come downe from your heads. 19 The cities of the South shall be shut vp, and no man shall open them: all Iudah shall be caried away captiue: it shall be wholy caried away captiue.

Jeremiah 13:22

22 And if thou say in thine heart, Wherefore come these things vpon me? For the multitude of thine iniquities are thy skirts discouered and thy heeles made bare.

Jeremiah 13:26

26 Therefore I haue also discouered thy skirts vpon thy face, that thy shame may appeare. 27 I haue seene thine adulteries, and thy neiings, the filthinesse of thy whoredome on the hils in the fieldes, and thine abominations. Wo vnto thee, O Ierusalem: wilt thou not bee made cleane? when shall it once be?

Jeremiah 14:2

2 Iudah hath mourned, and the gates thereof are desolate, they haue bene brought to heauinesse vnto the grounde, and the cry of Ierusalem goeth vp.

Jeremiah 14:5-6

5 Yea, the hinde also calued in the fielde, and forsooke it, because there was no grasse. 6 And the wilde asses did stande in the hygh places, and drew in their winde like dragons their eyes did faile, because there was no grasse.

Jeremiah 14:15-18

15 Therefore thus saith the Lord, Concerning the prophets that prophecie in my Name, whom I haue not sent, yet they say, Sworde and famine shall not be in this land, by sword and famine shall those prophets be consumed. 16 And the people to whome these prophets doe prophecie, shalbe cast out in the streetes of Ierusalem, because of the famine, and the sword, and there shall be none to bury them, both they, and their wiues, and their sonnes, and their daughters: for I wil powre their wickednes vpon them. 17 Therefore thou shalt say this worde vnto them, Let mine eyes drop downe teares night and day without ceasing: for the virgine daughter of my people is destroyed with a great destruction, and with a sore grieuous plague.

Jeremiah 14:17-18

17 Therefore thou shalt say this worde vnto them, Let mine eyes drop downe teares night and day without ceasing: for the virgine daughter of my people is destroyed with a great destruction, and with a sore grieuous plague. 18 For if I go into the field, behold the slaine with the sworde: and if I enter into the citie, behold them that are sicke for hunger also: moreouer the Prophet also and the Priest go a wandring into a land that they know not.

Jeremiah 14:18

18 For if I go into the field, behold the slaine with the sworde: and if I enter into the citie, behold them that are sicke for hunger also: moreouer the Prophet also and the Priest go a wandring into a land that they know not.

Jeremiah 15:4

4 I will scatter them also in all kingdomes of the earth, because of Manasseh the sonne of Hezekiah King of Iudah, for that which he did in Ierusalem.

Jeremiah 15:13

13 Thy substance and thy treasures wil I giue to be spoyled without gaine, and that for all thy sinnes euen in all thy borders.

Jeremiah 16:6

6 Both the great, and the small shall die in this land: they shall not be buried, neither shall men lament for them nor cut themselues, nor make themselues balde for them. 7 They shall not stretch out the hands for the in the mourning to comfort them for the dead, neither shall they giue them the cup of consolation to drinke for their father or for their mother.

Jeremiah 16:16

16 Behold, sayth the Lord, I wil send out many fishers, and they shall fish them, and after, will I send out many hunters, and they shall hunt them from euery mountaine and from euery hill, and out of the caues of the rockes.

Jeremiah 18:16

16 To make their land desolate and a perpetual derision, so that euery one that passeth thereby, shalbe astonished and wagge his head,

Jeremiah 18:21

21 Therefore, deliuer vp their children to famine, and let them drop away by the force of the sworde, and let their wiues be robbed of their children, and be widowes: and let their husbands be put to death, and let their yong men be slayne by the sword in the battell.

Jeremiah 18:23

23 Yet Lord thou knowest al their counsel against me tendeth to death: forgiue not their iniquitie, neither put out their sinne from thy sight, but let them be ouerthrowen before thee: deale thus with them in the time of thine anger.

Jeremiah 19:9

9 And I will feede the with the flesh of their sonnes and with the flesh of their daughters, and euery one shall eate the flesh of his friende in the siege and straitnesse, wherewith their enemies that seeke their liues, shall hold them strait.

Jeremiah 20:5

5 Moreouer, I will deliuer all the substance of this citie, and all the labours thereof, and al the precious things thereof, and all the treasures of the Kings of Iudah will I giue into the hande of their enemies, which shall spoyle them, and take them away and cary them to Babel.

Jeremiah 21:4-5

4 Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Behold, I will turne backe the weapons of warre that are in your hands, wherewith ye fight against the King of Babel, and against the Caldeans, which besiege you without the walles, and I will assemble them into the middes of this citie. 5 And I my selfe will fight against you with an outstretched hand, and with a mighty arme, eue in anger and in wrath, and in great indignation.

Jeremiah 22:8-9

8 And many nations shall passe by this citie, and they shall say euery man to his neighbour, Wherefore hath the Lord done thus vnto this great citie? 9 Then shall they answere, Because they haue forsaken the couenant of the Lord their God, and worshipped other gods, and serued them.

Jeremiah 22:20-22

20 Goe vp to Lebanon, and cry: showte in Bashan and crye by the passages: for all thy louers are destroyed. 21 I spake vnto thee when thou wast in prosperitie: but thou saidest, I will not heare: this hath bene thy maner from thy youth, that thou wouldest not obey my voyce. 22 The wind shall feede all thy pastors, and thy louers shall goe into captiuitie: and then shalt thou be ashamed and confounded of al thy wickednesse.

Jeremiah 23:11-15

11 For both the prophet and the Priest doe wickedly: and their wickednesse haue I found in mine House, saith the Lord. 12 Wherefore their way shalbe vnto them as slipperie wayes in the darknesse: they shalbe driuen foorth and fall therein: for I will bring a plague vpon them, euen the yeere of their visitation, saith the Lord. 13 And I haue seene foolishnesse in the prophets of Samaria, that prophecied in Baal, and caused my people Israel to erre. 14 I haue seene also in the prophets of Ierusalem filthines: they commit adulterie and walke in lies: they strengthen also the hands of the wicked that none can returne from his wickednesse: they are all vnto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorah.

Jeremiah 23:14-15

14 I haue seene also in the prophets of Ierusalem filthines: they commit adulterie and walke in lies: they strengthen also the hands of the wicked that none can returne from his wickednesse: they are all vnto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorah. 15 Therefore thus saith the Lord of hostes concerning the prophets, Beholde, I will feede them with wormewood, and make them drinke the water of gall: for from the prophets of Ierusalem is wickednesse gone forth into all the lande.

Jeremiah 24:9

9 I will euen giue them for a terrible plague to all the kingdomes of the earth, and for a reproche, and for a prouerbe, for a common talke, and for a curse, in all places where I shall cast them.

Jeremiah 25:9

9 Beholde, I will send and take to mee all the families of the North, saith the Lord, and Nebuchad-nezzar the King of Babel my seruant, and will bring them against this lande, and against the inhabitantes thereof, and against all these nations rounde about, and will destroy them, and make them an astonishment and an hissing, and a continuall desolation.

Jeremiah 25:17-29

17 Then tooke I the cup at the Lordes hand, and made all people to drinke, vnto whome the Lord had sent me: 18 Euen Ierusalem, and the cities of Iudah, and the Kings thereof, and the princes thereof, to make them desolate, an astonishment, an hissing, and a curse, as appeareth this day: 19 Pharaoh also, King of Egypt, and his seruants, and his princes, and all his people: 20 And all sortes of people, and all the Kings of the lande of Vz: and all the Kings of the lande of the Philistims, and Ashkelon, and Azzah, and Ekron, and the remnant of Ashdod: 21 Edom, and Moab, and the Ammonites, 22 And all the Kings of Tyrus, and all the kings of Zidon, and the Kings of the Yles, that are beyonde the Sea, 23 And Dedan, and Tema, and Buz, and all that dwell in the vttermost corners, 24 And all the Kings of Arabia, and all the Kings of Arabia, that dwell in the desert, 25 And all the Kings of Zimri, and all the Kings of Elam, and all the Kings of the Medes, 26 And all the Kings of the North, farre and neere one to another, and all the kingdomes of the worlde, which are vpon the earth, and the king of Sheshach shall drinke after them. 27 Therefore say thou vnto them, Thus saith the Lord of hostes, the God of Israel, Drinke and bee drunken, and spewe and fall, and rise no more, because of the sworde, which I will sende among you. 28 But if they refuse to take the cuppe at thine hande to drinke, then tell them, Thus saith the Lord of hostes, Ye shall certainely drinke. 29 For loe, I beginne to plague the citie, where my Name is called vpon, and shoulde you goe free? Ye shall not goe quite: for I will call for a sword vpon al the inhabitants of the earth, saith the Lord of hostes.

Jeremiah 27:8

8 And the nation and kingdome which will not serue the same Nebuchad-nezzar king of Babel, and that will not put their necke vnder the yoke of the King of Babel, the same nation will I visite, saith the Lord, with the sworde, and with the famine, and with the pestilence, vntill I haue wholy giuen them into his hands.

Jeremiah 27:12

12 I spake also to Zedekiah king of Iudah according to all these wordes, saying, Put your neckes vnder the yoke of the King of Babel, and serue him and his people, that ye may liue. 13 Why will ye dye, thou, and thy people by the sworde, by the famine, and by the pestilence, as the Lord hath spoken against the nation, that will not serue the King of Babel? 14 Therefore heare not the words of the prophets, that speake vnto you, saying, Ye shall not serue the King of Babel: for they prophecie a lie vnto you. 15 For I haue not sent them, saith the Lord, yet they prophecie a lie in my name, that I might cast you out, and that ye might perish, both you, and the prophets that prophecie vnto you.

Jeremiah 28:14

14 For thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel, I haue put a yoke of yron vpon the necke of all these nations, that they may serue Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel: for they shall serue him, and I haue giuen him the beasts of the fielde also.

Jeremiah 29:4

4 Thus hath the Lord of hostes the God of Israel spoken vnto all that are caryed away captiues, whome I haue caused to be caryed away captiues from Ierusalem vnto Babel:

Jeremiah 30:14

14 All thy louers haue forgotten thee: they seeke thee not: for I haue striken thee with the wound of an enemie, and with a sharpe chastisement for ye multitude of thine iniquities, because thy sinnes were increased.

Jeremiah 30:14-15

14 All thy louers haue forgotten thee: they seeke thee not: for I haue striken thee with the wound of an enemie, and with a sharpe chastisement for ye multitude of thine iniquities, because thy sinnes were increased. 15 Why cryest thou for thine affliction? thy sorowe is incurable, for the multitude of thine iniquities: because thy sinnes were increased, I haue done these things vnto thee. 16 Therefore all they that deuoure thee, shall be deuoured, and all thine enemies euery one shall goe into captiuitie: and they that spoyle thee, shalbe spoyled, and all they that robbe thee, wil I giue to be robbed.

Jeremiah 30:24

24 The fierce wrath of the Lord shall not returne, vntill he haue done, and vntill he haue performed the intents of his heart: in the latter dayes ye shall vnderstand it.

Jeremiah 31:20

20 Is Ephraim my deare sonne or pleasant childe? yet since I spake vnto him, I still remembred him: therefore my bowels are troubled for him: I wil surely haue compassion vpon him, saith the Lord.

Jeremiah 32:5

5 And he shall lead Zedekiah to Babel, and there shall he be, vntil I visit him, saith ye Lord: though ye fight with the Caldeans, ye shall not prosper.

Jeremiah 33:10-12

10 Thus sayth the Lord, Againe there shalbe heard in this place (which ye say shalbe desolate, without man, and without beast, euen in the cities of Iudah, and in the streetes of Ierusalem, that are desolate without man, and without inhabitant, and without beast) 11 The voyce of ioy and the voyce of gladnes, the voyce of the bridegrome, and the voyce of the bride, the voyce of them that shall say, Prayse the Lord of hostes, because the Lord is good: for his mercy endureth for euer, and of them that offer the sacrifice of prayse in the House of the Lord, for I will cause to returne the captiuitie of the land, as at the first, sayth the Lord. 12 Thus sayth the Lord of hostes, Againe in this place, which is desolate, without man, and without beast, and in all the cities thereof there shall be dwelling for shepheards to rest their flockes.

Jeremiah 34:17

17 Therefore thus saith the Lord, Ye haue not obeyed mee, in proclayming freedome euery man to his brother, and euery man to his neighbour: beholde, I proclaime a libertie for you, saith the Lord, to the sworde, to the pestilence, and to the famine, and I will make you a terrour to all the kingdomes of the earth.

Jeremiah 34:20-21

20 I wil euen giue them into the hand of their enemies, and into the handes of them that seeke their life: and their dead bodies shalbe for meate vnto the foules of the heauen, and to the beastes of the earth. 21 And Zedekiah King of Iudah, and his princes will I giue into the hand of their enemies, and into the hande of them that seeke their life, and into the hande of the King of Babels hoste, which are gone vp from you. 22 Beholde, I will commande, saith the Lord, and cause them to returne to this citie, and they shall fight against it, and take it, and burne it with fire: and I will make the cities of Iudah desolate without an inhabitant.

Jeremiah 37:7

7 Thus sayth the Lord God of Israel, Thus shall ye say to the King of Iudah, that sent you vnto me to inquire of me, Behold, Pharaohs hoste, which is come forth to helpe you, shall returne to Egypt into their owne land.

Jeremiah 37:7-9

7 Thus sayth the Lord God of Israel, Thus shall ye say to the King of Iudah, that sent you vnto me to inquire of me, Behold, Pharaohs hoste, which is come forth to helpe you, shall returne to Egypt into their owne land. 8 And the Caldeans shall come againe, and fight against this citie, and take it and burne it with fire. 9 Thus sayth the Lord, Deceiue not your selues, saying, The Caldeans shall surely depart from vs: for they shall not depart. 10 For though ye had smitten the whole hoste of the Caldeans that fight against you, and there remained but wounded men among them, yet should euery man rise vp in his tent, and burne this citie with fire.

Jeremiah 37:17

17 Then Zedekiah the King sent, and tooke him out, and the King asked him secretly in his house, and said, Is there any worde from the Lord? And Ieremiah sayd, Yea: for, sayd he, thou shalt be deliuered into the hand of the King of Babel.

Jeremiah 38:9

9 My lorde the King, these men haue done euill in all that they haue done to Ieremiah the Prophet, whom they haue cast into the dungeon, and he dyeth for hunger in the place where he is: for there is no more bread in the citie.

Jeremiah 39:1-9

1 In the ninth yeere of Zedekiah King of Iudah in the tenth moneth, came Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel and all his hoste against Ierusalem, and they besieged it. 2 And in the eleuenth yeere of Zedekiah in the fourth moneth, the ninth day of the moneth, the citie was broken vp. 3 And all the princes of the King of Babel came in, and sate in the middle gate, euen Neregal, Sharezer, Samgar-nebo, Sarsechim, Rab-saris, Neregal, Sharezer, Rab-mag with all the residue of the princes of the King of Babel. 4 And when Zedekiah the King of Iudah saw them, and all the men of warre, then they fled, and went out of the citie by night, through the Kings garden, and by the gate betweene the two walles, and he went toward the wildernes. 5 But the Caldeans hoste pursued after them, and ouertooke Zedekiah in the desart of Iericho: and when they had taken him, they brought him to Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel vnto Riblah in the land of Hamath, where he gaue iudgement vpon him. 6 Then the King of Babel slewe the sonnes of Zedekiah in Riblah before his eyes: also the King of Babel slewe all the nobles of Iudah. 7 Moreouer he put out Zedekiahs eyes, and bound him in chaines, to cary him to Babel. 8 And the Caldeans burnt the Kings house, and the houses of the people with fire, and brake downe the walles of Ierusalem. 9 Then Nebuzar-adan the chiefe stewarde caried away captiue into Babel the remnant of the people, that remained in the citie, and those that were fled and fallen vnto him, with the rest of the people that remained.

Jeremiah 39:9-9

9 Then Nebuzar-adan the chiefe stewarde caried away captiue into Babel the remnant of the people, that remained in the citie, and those that were fled and fallen vnto him, with the rest of the people that remained.

Jeremiah 40:9

9 And Gedaliah the sonne of Ahikam, the sonne of Shaphan sware vnto them, and to their men, saying, Feare not to serue the Caldeans: dwell in the lande, and serue the King of Babel, and it shall be well with you.

Jeremiah 44:6

6 Wherefore my wrath, and mine anger was powred foorth and was kindled in the cities of Iudah, and in the streetes of Ierusalem, and they are desolate, and wasted, as appeareth this day.

Jeremiah 44:21-22

21 Did not the Lord remember the incense, that yee burnt in the cities of Iudah, and in the streetes of Ierusalem, both you, and your fathers, your Kinges, and your princes, and the people of the land, and hath he not considered it? 22 So that the Lord could no longer forbeare, because of the wickednes of your inuentions, and because of the abominations, which ye haue committed: therefore is your lande desolate and an astonishment, and a curse and without inhabitant, as appeareth this day.

Jeremiah 46:1-28

1 The wordes of the Lord, which came to Ieremiah the Prophet against the Gentiles, 2 As against Egypt, against ye armie of Pharaoh Necho King of Egypt, which was by the riuer Perath in Carchemish, which Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel smote in the fourth yere of Iehoiakim the sonne of Iosiah King of Iudah. 3 Make readie buckler and shielde, and goe forth to battell. 4 Make readie the horses, and let the horsemen get vp, and stande vp with your sallets, fourbish the speares, and put on the brigandines. 5 Wherefore haue I seene them afraid, and driuen backe? for their mighty men are smitten, and are fled away, and looke not backe: for feare was rounde about, sayeth the Lord. 6 The swift shall not flee away, nor the strong man escape: they shall stumble, and fall towarde the North by the riuer Perath. 7 Who is this, that commeth vp, as a flood, whose waters are mooued like the riuers? 8 Egypt riseth vp like the flood, and his waters are mooued like the riuers, and he sayth, I wil goe vp, and will couer the earth: I wil destroy the citie with them that dwell therein. 9 Come vp, ye horses, and rage ye charets, and let the valiant men come foorth, the blacke Mores, and the Lybians that beare the shield, and the Lydians that handle and bend the bowe. 10 For this is the day of ye Lord God of hostes, and a day of vengeance, that he may auenge him of his enemies: for the sworde shall deuoure, and it shall be saciate, and made drunke with their blood: for the Lord God of hosts hath a sacrifice in the North countrey by the Riuer Perath. 11 Goe vp vnto Gilead, and take balme, O virgine, the daughter of Egypt: in vaine shalt thou vse many medicines: for thou shalt haue no health. 12 The nations haue heard of thy shame, and thy crie hath filled the lande: for the strong hath stumbled against the strong and they are fallen both together. 13 The woorde that the Lord spake to Ieremiah the Prophet, howe Nebuchad-nezzar king of Babel shoulde come and smite the lande of Egypt. 14 Publish in Egypt and declare in Migdol, and proclaime in Noph, and in Tahpanhes, and say, Stand still, and prepare thee: for the sworde shall deuoure rounde about thee. 15 Why are thy valiant men put backe? they could not stand, because the Lord did driue them. 16 Hee made many to fall, and one fell vpon another: and they saide, Arise, let vs goe againe to our owne people, and to the land of our natiuitie from the sworde of the violent. 17 They did cry there, Pharaoh King of Egypt, and of a great multitude hath passed the time appointed. 18 As I liue, saith the King, whose Name is the Lord of hostes, surely as Tabor is in the mountaines, and as Carmel is in the sea: so shall it come. 19 O thou daughter dwelling in Egypt, make thee geare to goe into captiuitie: for Noph shall be waste and desolate, without an inhabitant. 20 Egypt is like a faire calfe, but destruction commeth: out of the North it commeth. 21 Also her hired men are in the middes of her like fat calues: they are also turned backe and fled away together: they could not stand, because the day of their destruction was come vpon them, and the time of their visitation. 22 The voyce thereof shall goe foorth like a serpent: for they shall march with an armie, and come against her with axes, as hewers of wood. 23 They shall cut downe her forest, saith the Lord: for they cannot be counted, because they are moe then ye grashoppers, and are innumerable. 24 The daughter of Egypt shall be confounded: she shall be deliuered into the handes of the people of the North. 25 Thus saith the Lord of hostes, the God of Israel, Behold, I will visite the common people of No and Pharaoh, and Egypt, with their gods and their Kings, euen Pharaoh, and al them that trust in him, 26 And I will deliuer them into the handes of those, that seeke their liues, and into the hand of Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel, and into the handes of his seruants, and afterwarde she shall dwell as in the olde time, saith the Lord. 27 But feare not thou, O my seruant Iaakob, and be not thou afraid, O Israel: for behold, I will deliuer thee from a farre countrey, and thy seede from the land of their captiuitie, and Iaakob shall returne and be in rest, and prosperitie, and none shall make him afraid. 28 Feare thou not, O Iaakob my seruant, saith the Lord: for I am with thee, and I will vtterly destroy all the nations, whither I haue driuen thee: but I will not vtterly destroy thee, but correct thee by iudgement, and not vtterly cut thee off.

Jeremiah 47:3

3 At the noise and stamping of ye hoofes of his strong horses, at the noise of his charets, and at the rumbling of his wheeles: ye fathers shall not looke backe to their children, for feeblenes of handes,

Jeremiah 48:26

26 Make ye him drunken: for he magnified himselfe against the Lord: Moab shall wallowe in his vomite, and he also shalbe in derision. 27 For diddest not thou deride Israel, as though he had bene found among theeues? for when thou speakest of him, thou art moued.

Jeremiah 48:36

36 Therefore mine heart shall sounde for Moab like a shaume, and mine heart shall sound like a shaume for the men of Ker-heres, because the riches that he hath gotten, is perished.

Jeremiah 48:41

41 The cities are taken, and the strong holdes are wonne, and ye mightie mens hearts in Moab at that day shalbe as ye heart of a woman in trauaile.

Jeremiah 49:12

12 For thus sayth the Lord, Beholde, they whose iudgement was not to drinke of the cuppe, haue assuredly drunken, and art thou he that shall escape free? thou shalt not goe free, but thou shalt surely drinke of it.

Jeremiah 50:11

11 Because yee were glad and reioyced in destroying mine heritage, and because ye are growen fatte, as the calues in the grasse, and neied like strong horses,

Jeremiah 50:15

15 Crie against her round about: she hath giuen her hand: her foundations are fallen, and her walles are destroyed: for it is the vengeance of the Lord: take vengeance vpon her: as she hath done, doe vnto her.

Jeremiah 50:23

23 Howe is the hammer of the whole world destroied, and broken! howe is Babel become desolate among the nations!

Jeremiah 50:26

26 Come against her from the vtmost border: open her store houses: treade on her as on sheaues, and destroy her vtterly: let nothing of her be left.

Jeremiah 50:29

29 Call vp the archers against Babel: al ye that bend the bow, besiege it rounde about: let none thereof escape: recompence her according to her worke, and according to all that she hath done, doe vnto her: for she hath bene proud against the Lord, euen against the holy one of Israel.

Jeremiah 50:31

31 Beholde, I come vnto thee, O proude man, saith the Lord God of hostes: for thy day is come, euen the time that I will visite thee.

Jeremiah 51:24

24 And I will render vnto Babel, and to all the inhabitants of the Caldeans all their euil, that they haue done in Zion, euen in your sight, sayth the Lord.

Jeremiah 51:30-32

30 The strong men of Babel haue ceased to fight: they haue remayned in their holdes: their strength hath fayled, and they were like women: they haue burnt her dwelling places, and her barres are broken. 31 A post shall runne to meete the post, and a messenger to meete the messenger, to shew the King of Babel, that his citie is taken on a side thereof, 32 And that the passages are stopped, and the reedes burnt with fire, and the me of war troubled.

Jeremiah 51:34

34 Nebuchad-nezzar the King of Babel hath deuoured me, and destroyed me: he hath made me an emptie vessel: he swallowed mee vp like a dragon, and filled his belly with my delicates, and hath cast me out. 35 The spoyle of me, and that which was left of me, is brought vnto Babel, shall the inhabitant of Zion say: and my blood vnto the inhabitantes of Caldea, shall Ierusalem say.

Jeremiah 51:49

49 As Babel caused the slaine of Israel to fal, so by Babel the slaine of all the earth did fall.

Jeremiah 51:51

51 Wee are confounded because wee haue heard reproch: shame hath couered our faces, for straungers are come into the Sanctuaries of the Lordes House.

Jeremiah 52:6

6 Now in the fourth moneth, the ninth day of the moneth, the famine was sore in ye citie, so that there was no more bread for ye people of the land. 7 Then the citie was broken vp and all the men of warre fled, and went out of the citie by night, by the way of the gate betweene the two walles, which was by the kings garden: (now the Caldeans were by the citie round about) and they went by the way of the wildernes. 8 But the army of the Caldeans pursued after the king, and tooke Zedekiah in the desert of Iericho, and all his host was scattered from him.

Jeremiah 52:8-8

8 But the army of the Caldeans pursued after the king, and tooke Zedekiah in the desert of Iericho, and all his host was scattered from him.

Jeremiah 52:11

11 Then he put out the eyes of Zedekiah, and the king of Babel bound him in chaines, and caried him to Babel, and put him in pryson till the day of his death.

Jeremiah 52:13

13 And burnt the House of the Lord, and the Kings house, and all the houses of Ierusalem, and all the great houses burnt he with fire.

Jeremiah 52:15

15 Then Nebuzar-adan the chiefe steward caried away captiue certaine of the poore of the people, and the residue of the people that remayned in the citie, and those that were fled, and fallen to the king of Babel, with the rest of the multitude.

Jeremiah 52:17-20

17 Also the pillars of brasse that were in the House of the Lord, and the bases, and the brasen Sea, that was in the house of ye Lord, the Caldeans brake, and caried all the brasse of them to Babel. 18 The pots also and the besomes, and the instruments of musicke, and the basins, and the incense dishes, and all the vessels of brasse wherewith they ministred, tooke they away. 19 And the bowles, and the ashpannes, and the basins, and the pots, and the candlestickes, and the incense dishes, and the cuppes, and all that was of golde, and that was of siluer, tooke the chiefe steward away, 20 With the two pillars, one Sea, and twelue brasen bulles, that were vnder the bases, which King Salomon had made in ye house of ye Lord: the brasse of all these vessels was without weight.

Jeremiah 52:27-30

27 And the king of Babel smote them, and slewe them in Riblah, in the lande of Hamath: thus Iudah was caried away captiue out of his owne land. 28 This is the people, whome Nebuchad-nezzar caried away captiue, in the seuenth yeere, euen three thousande Iewes, and three and twentie. 29 In the eightenth yere of Nebuchad-nezzar he caried away captiue from Ierusalem eight hundreth thirtie and two persons. 30 In the three and twentieth yeere of Nebuchad-nezzar, Nebuzar-adan the chiefe stewarde caried away captiue of the Iewes seuen hundreth fourtie and fiue persons: all the persons were foure thousand and sixe hundreth.

Lamentations 1:1-2

1 Howe doeth the citie remaine solitarie that was full of people? she is as a widowe: she that was great among the nations, and princesse among the prouinces, is made tributarie. 2 She weepeth continually in the night, and her teares runne downe by her cheekes: among all her louers, she hath none to comfort her: all her friendes haue delt vnfaithfully with her, and are her enemies.

Lamentations 1:2

2 She weepeth continually in the night, and her teares runne downe by her cheekes: among all her louers, she hath none to comfort her: all her friendes haue delt vnfaithfully with her, and are her enemies.

Lamentations 1:4-5

4 The wayes of Zion lament, because no man commeth to the solemne feastes: all her gates are desolate: her Priests sigh: her virgins are discomfited, and she is in heauinesse.

Lamentations 1:4

4 The wayes of Zion lament, because no man commeth to the solemne feastes: all her gates are desolate: her Priests sigh: her virgins are discomfited, and she is in heauinesse. 5 Her aduersaries are the chiefe, and her enemies prosper: for the Lord hath afflicted her, for the multitude of her transgressions, and her children are gone into captiuitie before the enemie.

Lamentations 1:5-6

5 Her aduersaries are the chiefe, and her enemies prosper: for the Lord hath afflicted her, for the multitude of her transgressions, and her children are gone into captiuitie before the enemie. 6 And from the daughter of Zion all her beautie is departed: her princes are become like harts that finde no pasture, and they are gone without strength before the pursuer. 7 Ierusalem remembred the dayes of her affliction, and of her rebellion, and all her pleasant things, that shee had in times past, when her people fell into the hande of the enemie, and none did helpe her: the aduersarie sawe her, and did mocke at her Sabbaths. 8 Ierusalem hath grieuously sinned, therefore shee is in derision: all that honoured her, despise her, because they haue seene her filthinesse: yea, she sigheth and turneth backeward. 9 Her filthinesse is in her skirts: she remembred not her last ende, therefore she came downe wonderfully: she had no comforter: O Lord, behold mine affliction: for the enemie is proud.

Lamentations 1:11-12

11 All her people sigh and seeke their bread: they haue giuen their pleasant thinges for meate to refresh the soule: see, O Lord, and consider: for I am become vile.

Lamentations 1:11

11 All her people sigh and seeke their bread: they haue giuen their pleasant thinges for meate to refresh the soule: see, O Lord, and consider: for I am become vile. 12 Haue ye no regarde, all yee that passe by this way? behold, and see, if there be any sorowe like vnto my sorowe, which is done vnto mee, wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce wrath.

Lamentations 1:12

12 Haue ye no regarde, all yee that passe by this way? behold, and see, if there be any sorowe like vnto my sorowe, which is done vnto mee, wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce wrath. 13 From aboue hath hee sent fire into my bones, which preuaile against them: he hath spred a net for my feete, and turned me backe: hee hath made me desolate, and daily in heauinesse.

Lamentations 1:16-17

16 For these things I weepe: mine eye, euen mine eye casteth out water, because the comforter that should refresh my soule, is farre from me: my children are desolate, because the enemie preuailed.

Lamentations 1:16

16 For these things I weepe: mine eye, euen mine eye casteth out water, because the comforter that should refresh my soule, is farre from me: my children are desolate, because the enemie preuailed. 17 Zion stretcheth out her handes, and there is none to comfort her: the Lord hath appoynted the enemies of Iaakob rounde about him: Ierusalem is as a menstruous woman in the middes of them.

Lamentations 1:17

17 Zion stretcheth out her handes, and there is none to comfort her: the Lord hath appoynted the enemies of Iaakob rounde about him: Ierusalem is as a menstruous woman in the middes of them. 18 The Lord is righteous: for I haue rebelled against his commandement: heare, I pray you, all people, and behold my sorowe: my virgins and my yong men are gone into captiuitie.

Lamentations 1:18

18 The Lord is righteous: for I haue rebelled against his commandement: heare, I pray you, all people, and behold my sorowe: my virgins and my yong men are gone into captiuitie. 19 I called for my louers, but they deceiued me: my Priestes and mine Elders perished in the citie while they sought their meate to refresh their soules.

Lamentations 1:19-20

19 I called for my louers, but they deceiued me: my Priestes and mine Elders perished in the citie while they sought their meate to refresh their soules. 20 Behold, O Lord, howe I am troubled: my bowels swell: mine heart is turned within me, for I am ful of heauinesse: the sword spoyleth abroad, as death doeth at home.

Lamentations 1:20-22

20 Behold, O Lord, howe I am troubled: my bowels swell: mine heart is turned within me, for I am ful of heauinesse: the sword spoyleth abroad, as death doeth at home. 21 They haue heard that I mourne, but there is none to comfort mee: all mine enemies haue heard of my trouble, and are glad, that thou hast done it: thou wilt bring the day, that thou hast pronounced, and they shalbe like vnto me.

Lamentations 1:21-22

21 They haue heard that I mourne, but there is none to comfort mee: all mine enemies haue heard of my trouble, and are glad, that thou hast done it: thou wilt bring the day, that thou hast pronounced, and they shalbe like vnto me. 22 Let all their wickednes come before thee: do vnto them, as thou hast done vnto me, for all my transgressions: for my sighes are many, and mine heart is heauy.

Lamentations 1:22

22 Let all their wickednes come before thee: do vnto them, as thou hast done vnto me, for all my transgressions: for my sighes are many, and mine heart is heauy.

Lamentations 2:1

1 How hath the Lord darkened the daughter of Zion in his wrath! and hath cast downe from heauen vnto the earth the beautie of Israel, and remembred not his footestoole in the day of his wrath!

Lamentations 2:1-7

1 How hath the Lord darkened the daughter of Zion in his wrath! and hath cast downe from heauen vnto the earth the beautie of Israel, and remembred not his footestoole in the day of his wrath!

Lamentations 2:1-8

1 How hath the Lord darkened the daughter of Zion in his wrath! and hath cast downe from heauen vnto the earth the beautie of Israel, and remembred not his footestoole in the day of his wrath! 2 The Lord hath destroyed al the habitations of Iaakob, and not spared: he hath throwen downe in his wrath ye strong holds of the daughter of Iudah: he hath cast the downe to ye ground: he hath polluted the kingdome and the princes thereof.

Lamentations 2:2-8

2 The Lord hath destroyed al the habitations of Iaakob, and not spared: he hath throwen downe in his wrath ye strong holds of the daughter of Iudah: he hath cast the downe to ye ground: he hath polluted the kingdome and the princes thereof. 3 Hee hath cut off in his fierce wrath all the horne of Israel: he hath drawen backe his right hand from before the enemie, and there was kindled in Iaakob like a flame of fire, which deuoured rounde about.

Lamentations 2:3-4

3 Hee hath cut off in his fierce wrath all the horne of Israel: he hath drawen backe his right hand from before the enemie, and there was kindled in Iaakob like a flame of fire, which deuoured rounde about.

Lamentations 2:3-8

3 Hee hath cut off in his fierce wrath all the horne of Israel: he hath drawen backe his right hand from before the enemie, and there was kindled in Iaakob like a flame of fire, which deuoured rounde about. 4 He hath bent his bowe like an enemie: his right hand was stretched vp as an aduersarie, and slewe al that was pleasant to the eye in the tabernacle of the daughter of Zion: he powred out his wrath like fire.

Lamentations 2:4-4

4 He hath bent his bowe like an enemie: his right hand was stretched vp as an aduersarie, and slewe al that was pleasant to the eye in the tabernacle of the daughter of Zion: he powred out his wrath like fire.

Lamentations 2:4-8

4 He hath bent his bowe like an enemie: his right hand was stretched vp as an aduersarie, and slewe al that was pleasant to the eye in the tabernacle of the daughter of Zion: he powred out his wrath like fire. 5 The Lord was as an enemie: he hath deuoured Israel, and consumed all his palaces: hee hath destroyed his strong holdes, and hath increased in the daughter of Iudah lamentation and mourning.

Lamentations 2:5-8

5 The Lord was as an enemie: he hath deuoured Israel, and consumed all his palaces: hee hath destroyed his strong holdes, and hath increased in the daughter of Iudah lamentation and mourning. 6 For hee hath destroyed his Tabernacle, as a garden, hee hath destroyed his Congregation: the Lord hath caused the feastes and Sabbathes to bee forgotten in Zion, and hath despised in the indignation of his wrath the King and the Priest.

Lamentations 2:6-8

6 For hee hath destroyed his Tabernacle, as a garden, hee hath destroyed his Congregation: the Lord hath caused the feastes and Sabbathes to bee forgotten in Zion, and hath despised in the indignation of his wrath the King and the Priest. 7 The Lord hath forsaken his altar: he hath abhorred his Sanctuarie: he hath giue into the hand of the enemie the walles of her palaces: they haue made a noyse in the House of the Lord, as in the day of solemnitie.

Lamentations 2:7-8

7 The Lord hath forsaken his altar: he hath abhorred his Sanctuarie: he hath giue into the hand of the enemie the walles of her palaces: they haue made a noyse in the House of the Lord, as in the day of solemnitie. 8 The Lord hath determined to destroy the wall of the daughter of Zion: hee stretched out a lyne: hee hath not withdrawen his hande from destroying: therefore hee made the rampart and the wall to lament: they were destroyed together. 9 Her gates are sunke to the grounde: he hath destroyed and broken her barres: her King and her princes are among the Gentiles: the Lawe is no more, neither can her Prophets receiue any vision from the Lord.

Lamentations 2:9-11

9 Her gates are sunke to the grounde: he hath destroyed and broken her barres: her King and her princes are among the Gentiles: the Lawe is no more, neither can her Prophets receiue any vision from the Lord. 10 The Elders of the daughter of Zion sit vpon the grounde, and keepe silence: they haue cast vp dust vpon their heades: they haue girded them selues with sackecloth: the virgines of Ierusalem hang downe their heades to the ground.

Lamentations 2:10-11

10 The Elders of the daughter of Zion sit vpon the grounde, and keepe silence: they haue cast vp dust vpon their heades: they haue girded them selues with sackecloth: the virgines of Ierusalem hang downe their heades to the ground. 11 Mine eyes doe saile with teares: my bowels swell: my liuer is powred vpon the earth, for the destruction of the daughter of my people, because the children and sucklings swoone in the streetes of the citie.

Lamentations 2:11-11

11 Mine eyes doe saile with teares: my bowels swell: my liuer is powred vpon the earth, for the destruction of the daughter of my people, because the children and sucklings swoone in the streetes of the citie. 12 They haue sayd to their mothers, Where is bread and drinke? when they swooned as the wounded in the streetes of the citie, and whe they gaue vp the ghost in their mothers bosome. 13 What thing shall I take to witnesse for thee? what thing shall I compare to thee, O daughter Ierusalem? what shall I liken to thee, that I may comfort thee, O virgine daughter Zion? for thy breach is great like ye sea: who can heale thee?

Lamentations 2:15-16

15 All that passe by the way, clap their hands at thee: they hisse and wagge their head vpon the daughter Ierusalem, saying, Is this the citie that men call, The perfection of beautie, and the ioye of the whole earth?

Lamentations 2:15

15 All that passe by the way, clap their hands at thee: they hisse and wagge their head vpon the daughter Ierusalem, saying, Is this the citie that men call, The perfection of beautie, and the ioye of the whole earth? 16 All thine enemies haue opened their mouth against thee: they hisse and gnashe the teeth, saying, Let vs deuoure it: certainely this is the day that we looked for: we haue founde and seene it. 17 The Lord hath done that which he had purposed: he hath fulfilled his worde that he had determined of old time: he hath throwen downe, and not spared: hee hath caused thine enemie to reioyce ouer thee, and set vp the horne of thine aduersaries.

Lamentations 2:17-22

17 The Lord hath done that which he had purposed: he hath fulfilled his worde that he had determined of old time: he hath throwen downe, and not spared: hee hath caused thine enemie to reioyce ouer thee, and set vp the horne of thine aduersaries. 18 Their heart cryed vnto the Lord, O wall of the daughter Zion, let teares runne downe like a riuer, day and night: take thee no rest, neither let the apple of thine eye cease.

Lamentations 2:18

18 Their heart cryed vnto the Lord, O wall of the daughter Zion, let teares runne downe like a riuer, day and night: take thee no rest, neither let the apple of thine eye cease.

Lamentations 2:18-22

18 Their heart cryed vnto the Lord, O wall of the daughter Zion, let teares runne downe like a riuer, day and night: take thee no rest, neither let the apple of thine eye cease. 19 Arise, cry in the night: in the beginning of the watches powre out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord: lift vp thine handes towarde him for the life of thy yong children, that faint for hunger in the corners of all the streetes.

Lamentations 2:19-21

19 Arise, cry in the night: in the beginning of the watches powre out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord: lift vp thine handes towarde him for the life of thy yong children, that faint for hunger in the corners of all the streetes.

Lamentations 2:19-22

19 Arise, cry in the night: in the beginning of the watches powre out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord: lift vp thine handes towarde him for the life of thy yong children, that faint for hunger in the corners of all the streetes. 20 Beholde, O Lord, and consider to whome thou hast done thus: shall the women eate their fruite, and children of a spanne long? shall the Priest and the Prophet be slaine in the Sanctuarie of the Lord?

Lamentations 2:20

20 Beholde, O Lord, and consider to whome thou hast done thus: shall the women eate their fruite, and children of a spanne long? shall the Priest and the Prophet be slaine in the Sanctuarie of the Lord?

Lamentations 2:20-22

20 Beholde, O Lord, and consider to whome thou hast done thus: shall the women eate their fruite, and children of a spanne long? shall the Priest and the Prophet be slaine in the Sanctuarie of the Lord? 21 The yong and the olde lie on the ground in the streetes: my virgins and my yong men are fallen by the sworde: thou hast slaine them in the day of thy wrath: thou hast killed and not spared.

Lamentations 2:21-22

21 The yong and the olde lie on the ground in the streetes: my virgins and my yong men are fallen by the sworde: thou hast slaine them in the day of thy wrath: thou hast killed and not spared. 22 Thou hast called as in a solemne daye my terrours rounde about, so that in the day of the Lordes wrath none escaped nor remained: those that I haue nourished and brought vp, hath mine enemie consumed.

Lamentations 3:34

34 In stamping vnder his feete all the prisoners of the earth,

Lamentations 3:39-43

39 Wherefore then is the liuing man sorowfull? man suffreth for his sinne. 40 Let vs search and try our wayes, and turne againe to the Lord. 41 Let vs lift vp our hearts with our handes vnto God in the heauens. 42 We haue sinned, and haue rebelled, therefore thou hast not spared.

Lamentations 3:42

42 We haue sinned, and haue rebelled, therefore thou hast not spared. 43 Thou hast couered vs with wrath, and persecuted vs: thou hast slaine and not spared.

Lamentations 3:46

46 All our enemies haue opened their mouth against vs.

Lamentations 3:48-49

48 Mine eye casteth out riuers of water, for the destruction of the daughter of my people. 49 Mine eye droppeth without stay and ceaseth not,

Lamentations 4:1

1 How is the golde become so dimme? the most fine golde is changed, and the stones of the Sanctuarie are scattered in the corner of euery streete. 2 The noble men of Zion coparable to fine golde, howe are they esteemed as earthen pitchers, euen the worke of the handes of the potter! 3 Euen the dragons draw out the breastes, and giue sucke to their yong, but the daughter of my people is become cruell like the ostriches in the wildernesse. 4 The tongue of the sucking childe cleaueth to the roofe of his mouth for thirst: the yong children aske bread, but no man breaketh it vnto them. 5 They that did feede delicately, perish in the streetes: they that were brought vp in skarlet, embrace the dongue. 6 For the iniquitie of the daughter of my people is become greater then the sinne of Sodom, that was destroyed as in a moment, and none pitched campes against her.

Lamentations 4:6-11

6 For the iniquitie of the daughter of my people is become greater then the sinne of Sodom, that was destroyed as in a moment, and none pitched campes against her. 7 Her Nazarites were purer then the snowe, and whiter then ye milke: they were more ruddie in bodie, then the redde precious stones; they were like polished saphir.

Lamentations 4:7-11

7 Her Nazarites were purer then the snowe, and whiter then ye milke: they were more ruddie in bodie, then the redde precious stones; they were like polished saphir.

Lamentations 4:7-9

7 Her Nazarites were purer then the snowe, and whiter then ye milke: they were more ruddie in bodie, then the redde precious stones; they were like polished saphir. 8 Nowe their visage is blacker then a cole: they can not knowe them in the streetes: their skinne cleaueth to their bones: it is withered like a stocke.

Lamentations 4:8-11

8 Nowe their visage is blacker then a cole: they can not knowe them in the streetes: their skinne cleaueth to their bones: it is withered like a stocke.

Lamentations 4:8-9

8 Nowe their visage is blacker then a cole: they can not knowe them in the streetes: their skinne cleaueth to their bones: it is withered like a stocke. 9 They that be slaine with the sword are better, then they that are killed with hunger: for they fade away as they were striken through for the fruites of the fielde.

Lamentations 4:9-11

9 They that be slaine with the sword are better, then they that are killed with hunger: for they fade away as they were striken through for the fruites of the fielde.

Lamentations 4:9-9

9 They that be slaine with the sword are better, then they that are killed with hunger: for they fade away as they were striken through for the fruites of the fielde. 10 The hands of the pitifull women haue sodden their owne children, which were their meate in the destruction of the daughter of my people.

Lamentations 4:10-11

10 The hands of the pitifull women haue sodden their owne children, which were their meate in the destruction of the daughter of my people. 11 The Lord hath accomplished his indignation: he hath powred out his fierce wrath, he hath kindled a fire in Zion, which hath deuoured the foundations thereof.

Lamentations 4:15-16

15 But they cried vnto them, Depart, ye polluted, depart, depart, touch not: therefore they fled away, and wandered: they haue sayd among the heathen, They shall no more dwell there.

Lamentations 4:15

15 But they cried vnto them, Depart, ye polluted, depart, depart, touch not: therefore they fled away, and wandered: they haue sayd among the heathen, They shall no more dwell there. 16 The anger of the Lord hath scattered them, he will no more regard them: they reuerenced not the face of the Priestes, nor had compassion of the Elders. 17 Whiles we waited for our vaine helpe, our eyes failed: for in our waiting we looked for a nation that could not saue vs.

Lamentations 4:17-20

17 Whiles we waited for our vaine helpe, our eyes failed: for in our waiting we looked for a nation that could not saue vs. 18 They hunt our steppes that we cannot goe in our streetes: our ende is neere, our dayes are fulfilled, for our ende is come.

Lamentations 4:18-20

18 They hunt our steppes that we cannot goe in our streetes: our ende is neere, our dayes are fulfilled, for our ende is come. 19 Our persecuters are swifter then the eagles of the heauen: they pursued vs vpon the mountaines, and layed waite for vs in the wildernes.

Lamentations 4:19-20

19 Our persecuters are swifter then the eagles of the heauen: they pursued vs vpon the mountaines, and layed waite for vs in the wildernes. 20 The breath of our nostrels, the Anoynted of the Lord was taken in their nets, of whome we sayde, Vnder his shadowe we shalbe preserued aliue among the heathen. 21 Reioyce and be glad, O daughter Edom, that dwellest in the lande of Vz, the cuppe also shall passe through vnto thee: thou shalt be drunken and vomit.

Lamentations 4:21-22

21 Reioyce and be glad, O daughter Edom, that dwellest in the lande of Vz, the cuppe also shall passe through vnto thee: thou shalt be drunken and vomit. 22 Thy punishment is accomplished, O daughter Zion: he will no more carie thee away into captiuitie, but he will visite thine iniquitie, O daughter Edom, he wil discouer thy sinnes.

Lamentations 5:12-16

12 The princes are hanged vp by their hande: the faces of the elders were not had in honour.

Lamentations 5:12

12 The princes are hanged vp by their hande: the faces of the elders were not had in honour. 13 They tooke the yong men to grinde, and the children fell vnder the wood.

Lamentations 5:13-16

13 They tooke the yong men to grinde, and the children fell vnder the wood. 14 The Elders haue ceased from the gate and the yong men from their songs. 15 The ioy of our heart is gone, our daunce is turned into mourning. 16 The crowne of our head is fallen: wo nowe vnto vs, that we haue sinned.

Lamentations 5:16-16

16 The crowne of our head is fallen: wo nowe vnto vs, that we haue sinned. 17 Therefore our heart is heauy for these things, our eyes are dimme,

Ezekiel 4:15-17

15 Then he said vnto me, Loe, I haue giuen thee bullockes dongue for mans dongue, and thou shalt prepare thy bread therewith. 16 Moreouer, he said vnto me, Sonne of man, beholde, I will breake the staffe of bread in Ierusalem, and they shall eate bread by weight, and with care, and they shall drinke water by measure, and with astonishment. 17 Because that bread and water shall faile, they shalbe astonied one with another, and shall consume away for their iniquitie.

Ezekiel 5:12

12 The third part of thee shall die with the pestilence, and with famine shall they bee consumed in the middes of thee: and another third part shall fall by the sword round about thee: and I will scatter the last third part into all windes, and I will drawe out a sword after them.

Ezekiel 5:16-17

16 When I shall sende vpon them the euill arrowes of famine, which shalbe for their destruction, and which I will sende to destroy you: and I will encrease the famine vpon you, and wil breake your staffe of bread. 17 So will I send vpon you famine, and euill beastes, and they shall spoyle thee, and pestilence and blood shall passe through thee, and I will bring the sworde vpon thee: I the Lord haue spoken it.

Ezekiel 7:15

15 The sword is without, and the pestilence, and the famine within: he that is in the field, shall dye with the sword, and he that is in the citie, famine and pestilence shall deuoure him.

Ezekiel 7:20-22

20 He had also set the beautie of his ornament in maiestie: but they made images of their abominations, and of their idoles therein: therefore haue I set it farre from them. 21 And I will giue it into the handes of the strangers to be spoyled, and to the wicked of the earth to be robbed, and they shall pollute it. 22 My face will I turne also from them, and they shall pollute my secret place: for the destroyers shall enter into it, and defile it.

Ezekiel 7:22

22 My face will I turne also from them, and they shall pollute my secret place: for the destroyers shall enter into it, and defile it. 23 Make a chaine: for the lande is full of the iudgement of blood, and the citie is full of crueltie. 24 Wherefore I will bring the most wicked of the heathen, and they shall possesse their houses: I will also make the pompe of the mightie to cease, and their holie places shalbe defiled.

Ezekiel 8:17-18

17 The he said vnto me, Hast thou seene this, O sonne of man? Is it a small thing to the house of Iudah to commit these abominations which they do here? for they haue filled the land with crueltie, and haue returned to prouoke mee: and loe, they haue cast out stinke before their noses. 18 Therefore will I also execute my wrath: mine eye shall not spare them, neither will I haue pitie, and though they crie in mine eares with a loude voyce, yet will I not heare them.

Ezekiel 9:7

7 And he sayde vnto them, Defile the house, and fill the courtes with the slaine, then goe foorth: and they went out, and slewe them in the citie.

Ezekiel 9:9

9 Then saide he vnto me, The iniquitie of the house of Israel, and Iudah is exceeding great, so that the lande is full of blood, and the citie full of corrupt iudgement: for they say, The Lord hath forsaken the earth, and the Lord seeth vs not.

Ezekiel 11:9

9 And I will bring you out of the middes thereof, and deliuer you into the hands of strangers, and will execute iudgements among you.

Ezekiel 11:22-23

22 Then did the Cherubims lift vp their wings, and the wheeles besides them, and the glorie of the God of Israel was vpon them on hie. 23 And the glorie of the Lord went vp from the middes of the citie, and stoode vpon the moutaine which is towarde the East side of the citie.

Ezekiel 12:13

13 My net also will I spread vpon him, and he shall be taken in my net, and I will bring him to Babel to the lande of the Caldeans, yet shall he not see it, though he shall dye there.

Ezekiel 14:13-21

13 Sonne of man, when ye land sinneth against me by committing a trespasse, then will I stretch out mine hand vpon it, and will breake the staffe of the bread thereof, and will send famine vpon it, and I will destroy man and beast forth of it. 14 Though these three men Noah, Daniel, and Iob were among them, they shoulde deliuer but their owne soules by their righteousnes, saith the Lord God. 15 If I bring noysome beastes into the lande and they spoyle it, so that it bee desolate, that no man may passe through, because of beastes, 16 Though these three men were in the mids thereof, As I liue, sayth the Lord God, they shall saue neither sonnes nor daughters: they onely shalbe deliuered, but the land shall be waste. 17 Or if I bring a sworde vpon this land, and say, Sword, go through the land, so that I destroy man and beast out of it, 18 Though these three men were in the mids thereof, As I liue, sayth the Lord God, they shall deliuer neither sonnes nor daughters, but they onely shall be deliuered themselues. 19 Or if I send a pestilence into this land, and powre out my wrath vpon it in blood, to destroy out of it man and beast, 20 And though Noah, Daniel and Iob were in the middes of it, As I liue, sayth the Lord God, they shall deliuer neither sonne nor daughter: they shall but deliuer their owne soules by their righteousnes. 21 For thus saith the Lord God, Howe much more when I sende my foure sore iudgements vpon Ierusalem, euen the sworde, and famine, and the noysome beast and pestilence, to destroy man and beast out of it? 22 Yet beholde, therein shalbe left a remnant of them that shalbe caryed away both sonnes and daughters: behold, they shall come forth vnto you, and ye shall see their way, and their enterprises: and ye shall be comforted, concerning the euill that I haue brought vpon Ierusalem, euen concerning al that I haue brought vpon it. 23 And they shall comfort you, when yee see their way and their enterprises: and ye shall know, that I haue not done without cause all that I haue done in it, saith the Lord God.

Ezekiel 16:37

37 Beholde, therefore I wil gather all thy louers, with whom thou hast taken pleasure, and all them that thou hast loued, with al them that thou hast hated: I will euen gather them round about against thee, and will discouer thy filthines vnto them, that they may see all thy filthines.

Ezekiel 16:37-39

37 Beholde, therefore I wil gather all thy louers, with whom thou hast taken pleasure, and all them that thou hast loued, with al them that thou hast hated: I will euen gather them round about against thee, and will discouer thy filthines vnto them, that they may see all thy filthines. 38 And I wil iudge thee after ye maner of them that are harlots, and of them that shead blood, and I wil giue thee the blood of wrath and ielousie. 39 I will also giue thee into their handes, and they shall destroy thine hie place, and shall breake downe thine hie places. they shall strippe thee also out of thy clothes, and shall take thy faire iewels, and leaue thee naked and bare.

Ezekiel 17:20

20 And I wil spread my net vpon him, and he shalbe taken in my net, and I wil bring him to Babel, and will enter into iudgement with him there for his trespas that he hath committed against me.

Ezekiel 21:31

31 And I wil powre out mine indignation vpon thee, and will blowe against thee in the fire of my wrath, and deliuer thee into the hand of beastly men, and skilfull to destroy.

Ezekiel 22:2-15

2 Now thou sonne of man, wilt thou iudge, wilt thou iudge this bloody citie? wilt thou shew her all her abominations? 3 Then say, Thus sayth the Lord God, The citie sheddeth blood in the middes of it, that her time may come, and maketh idols against her selfe to pollute her selfe. 4 Thou hast offended in thy blood, that thou hast shed, and hast polluted thy selfe in thine idols, which thou hast made, and thou hast caused thy dayes to draw neere, and art come vnto thy terme: therefore haue I made thee a reproch to the heathen, and a mocking to all countreys. 5 Those that be neere, and those that be farre from thee, shall mocke thee, which art vile in name and sore in affliction. 6 Beholde, the princes of Israel euery one in thee was ready to his power, to shed blood. 7 In thee haue they despised father and mother: in the middes of thee haue they oppressed the stranger: in thee haue they vexed the fatherlesse and the widowe. 8 Thou hast despised mine holy things, and hast polluted my Sabbaths. 9 In thee are men that cary tales to shed blood: in thee are they that eate vpon the mountaines: in ye mids of thee they comit abomination. 10 In thee haue they discouered their fathers shame: in thee haue they vexed her that was polluted in her floures. 11 And euery one hath committed abomination with his neighbours wife, and euery one hath wickedly defiled his daughter in lawe, and in thee hath euery man forced his owne sister, euen his fathers daughter. 12 In thee haue they taken giftes to shed blood: thou hast taken vsurie and the encrease, and thou hast defrauded thy neighbours by extortion, and hast forgotten me, saith the Lord God. 13 Beholde, therefore I haue smitten mine hands vpon thy couetousnesse, that thou hast vsed, and vpon the blood, which hath bene in the middes of thee. 14 Can thine heart endure, or can thine hands be strong, in the dayes that I shall haue to doe with thee? I the Lord haue spoken it, and will doe it. 15 And I wil scatter thee among the heathen, and disperse thee in the countreys, and will cause thy filthines to cease from thee.

Ezekiel 22:24-31

24 Sonne of man, say vnto her; Thou art the land, that is vncleane, and not rained vpon in the day of wrath. 25 There is a conspiracie of her prophets in the mids thereof like a roaring lyon, rauening the praye: they haue deuoured soules: they haue taken the riches and precious things: they haue made her many widowes in the mids thereof. 26 Her Priests haue broken my Lawe, and haue defiled mine holy things: they haue put no difference betweene the holy and prophane, neither discerned betweene the vncleane, and the cleane, and haue hid their eyes from my Sabbaths, and I am prophaned among them. 27 Her princes in the mids thereof are like wolues, rauening the praye to shed blood, and to destroy soules for their owne couetous lucre. 28 And her prophets haue dawbed them with vntempered morter, seeing vanities, and diuining lies vnto them, saying, Thus sayth the Lord God, when the Lord had not spoken. 29 The people of the land haue violently oppressed by spoyling and robbing, and haue vexed the poore and the needy: yea, they haue oppressed the stranger against right. 30 And I sought for a man among them, that should make vp the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none. 31 Therefore haue I powred out mine indignation vpon them, and consumed them with the fire of my wrath: their owne wayes haue I rendred vpon their heads, sayth the Lord God.

Ezekiel 23:22-25

22 Therefore, O Aholibah, thus sayeth the Lord God, Beholde, I will raise vp thy louers against thee, from whome thine heart is departed, and I will bring them against thee on euery side, 23 To wit, the Babylonians, and all the Caldeans, Peked, and Shoah, and Koa, and all the Assyrians with them: they were all pleasant yong men, captaines and princes: all they were valiant and renoumed, riding vpon horses. 24 Euen these shall come against thee with charets, waggons, and wheeles, and with a multitude of people, which shall set against thee, buckler and shield, and helmet round about: and I will leaue the punishment vnto them, and they shall iudge thee according to their iudgements. 25 And I wil lay mine indignation vpon thee, and they shall deale cruelly with thee: they shall cut off thy nose and thine eares, and thy remnant shall fall by the sword: they shall cary away thy sonnes and thy daughters, and thy residue shall be deuoured by the fire.

Ezekiel 23:28

28 For thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I wil deliuer thee into the hand of them, whome thou hatest: euen into the hands of them from whome thine heart is departed. 29 And they shall handle thee despitefully, and shall take away all thy labour, and shall leaue thee naked and bare, and the shame of thy fornications shalbe discouered, both thy wickednes, and thy whoredome.

Ezekiel 23:46

46 Wherefore thus sayth the Lord God, I will bring a multitude vpon them, and will giue them vnto the tumult, and to the spoyle,

Ezekiel 24:12-13

12 She hath wearied her selfe with lyes, and her great skomme went not out of her: therefore her skomme shall be consumed with fire. 13 Thou remainest in thy filthines and wickednes: because I would haue purged thee, and thou wast not purged, thou shalt not be purged from thy filthines, till I haue caused my wrath to light vpon thee.

Ezekiel 24:21

21 Speake vnto the house of Israel, Thus sayth the Lord God, Behold, I will pollute my Sanctuarie, euen the pride of your power, the pleasure of your eyes, and your hearts desire, and your sonnes, and your daughters whom ye haue left, shall fall by the sworde.

Ezekiel 24:25

25 Also, thou sonne of man, shall it not be in the day when I take from them their power, ye ioy of their honor, ye pleasure of their eyes, and the desire of their heart, their sonnes and their daughters?

Ezekiel 25:1-17

1 The worde of the Lord came againe vnto me, saying, 2 Sonne of man, set thy face against the Ammonites, and prophecie against them, 3 And say vnto the Ammonites, Heare the word of the Lord God, Thus saith the Lord God, Because thou saydest, Ha, ha, against my Sanctuarie, when it was polluted, and against the land of Israel, when it was desolate, and against the house of Iudah, when they went into captiuitie, 4 Beholde, therefore I will deliuer thee to the men of the East for a possession, and they shall set their palaces in thee, and make their dwellings in thee: they shall eate thy fruite, and they shall drinke thy milke.

Ezekiel 25:4-17

4 Beholde, therefore I will deliuer thee to the men of the East for a possession, and they shall set their palaces in thee, and make their dwellings in thee: they shall eate thy fruite, and they shall drinke thy milke. 5 And I will make Rabbah a dwelling place for camels, and the Ammonites a sheepecote, and ye shall knowe that I am the Lord. 6 For thus saith the Lord God, Because thou hast clapped the hands, and stamped with the feete, and reioyced in heart with all thy despite against the land of Israel, 7 Beholde, therefore I will stretche out mine hand vpon thee, and will deliuer thee to be spoyled of the heathen, and I will roote thee out from the people, and I will cause thee to be destroyed out of the countreys, and I will destroy thee, and thou shalt know that I am the Lord.

Ezekiel 25:7-17

7 Beholde, therefore I will stretche out mine hand vpon thee, and will deliuer thee to be spoyled of the heathen, and I will roote thee out from the people, and I will cause thee to be destroyed out of the countreys, and I will destroy thee, and thou shalt know that I am the Lord. 8 Thus saith the Lord God, Because that Moab and Seir doe say, Beholde, the house of Iudah is like vnto all the heathen, 9 Therefore, beholde, I will open the side of Moab, euen of the cities of his cities, I say, in his frontiers with the pleasant countrey, Beth-ieshimoth, Baal-meon, and Karia-thaim. 10 I will call the men of the East against the Ammonites, and will giue them in possession, so that the Ammonites shall no more be remembred among the nations, 11 And I will execute iudgements vpon Moab, and they shall knowe that I am the Lord. 12 Thus sayth the Lord God, Because that Edom hath done euill by taking vengeance vpon the house of Iudah, and hath committed great offence, and reuenged himselfe vpon them, 13 Therefore thus saith the Lord God, I will also stretch out mine hand vpon Edom, and destroy man and beast out of it, and I will make it desolate from Teman, and they of Dedan shall fall by the sworde. 14 And I will execute my vengeance vpon Edom by the hand of my people Israel, and they shall doe in Edom according to mine anger, and according to mine indignation, and they shall know my vengeance, sayth the Lord God. 15 Thus sayth the Lord God, Because the Philistims haue executed vengeance, and reuenged themselues with a despitefull heart, to destroy it for the olde hatred, 16 Therefore thus sayth the Lord God, Behold, I will stretche out mine hand vpon the Philistims, and I will cut off the Cherethims, and destroy the remnant of the sea coast. 17 And I will execute great vengeance vpon them with rebukes of mine indignation, and they shall knowe that I am the Lord, when I shall lay my vengeance vpon them.

Ezekiel 26:2

2 Sonne of man, because that Tyrus hath said against Ierusalem, Aha, the gate of the people is broken: it is turned vnto me: for seeing she is desolate, I shall be replenished,

Ezekiel 26:16

16 Then all the princes of the sea shall come downe from their thrones: they shall lay away their robes, and put off their broydered garments, and shall clothe themselues with astonishment: they shall sitte vpon the ground, and be astonished at euery moment, and be amased at thee.

Ezekiel 32:3

3 Thus sayth the Lord God, I will therefore spread my net ouer thee with a great multitude of people, and they shall make thee come vp into my net.

Ezekiel 36:17

17 Sonne of man, when the house of Israel dwelt in their owne lande, they defiled it by their owne wayes, and by their deedes: their way was before me as the filthinesse of the menstruous.

Ezekiel 44:7

7 Seeing that yee haue brought into my Sanctuarie strangers, vncircumcised in heart, and vncircumcised in flesh, to bee in my Sanctuarie, to pollute mine house, when yee offer my bread, euen fat, and blood: and they haue broken my couenant, because of all your abominations.

Daniel 3:13

13 Then Nebuchad-nezzar in his anger and wrath commanded that they should bring Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: so these men were brought before the King.

Daniel 9:7-16

7 O Lord, righteousnes belongeth vnto thee, and vnto vs open shame, as appeareth this day vnto euery man of Iudah, and to the inhabitants of Ierusalem: yea, vnto all Israel, both neere and farre off, through all the countreys, whither thou hast driuen them, because of their offences, that they haue committed against thee.

Daniel 9:7

7 O Lord, righteousnes belongeth vnto thee, and vnto vs open shame, as appeareth this day vnto euery man of Iudah, and to the inhabitants of Ierusalem: yea, vnto all Israel, both neere and farre off, through all the countreys, whither thou hast driuen them, because of their offences, that they haue committed against thee. 8 O Lord, vnto vs apperteineth open shame, to our Kings, to our princes, and to our fathers, because we haue sinned against thee. 9 Yet compassion and forgiuenesse is in the Lord our God, albeit we haue rebelled against him. 10 For we haue not obeyed the voyce of the Lord our God, to walke in his lawes, which he had laide before vs by the ministerie of his seruants the Prophets. 11 Yea, all Israel haue transgressed thy Lawe, and are turned backe, and haue not heard thy voyce: therefore the curse is powred vpon vs, and the othe that is written in the Lawe of Moses the seruant of God, because we haue sinned against him. 12 And he hath confirmed his wordes, which he spake against vs, and against our iudges that iudged vs, by bringing vpon vs a great plague: for vnder the whole heauen hath not bene the like, as hath bene brought vpon Ierusalem.

Daniel 9:12

12 And he hath confirmed his wordes, which he spake against vs, and against our iudges that iudged vs, by bringing vpon vs a great plague: for vnder the whole heauen hath not bene the like, as hath bene brought vpon Ierusalem. 13 All this plague is come vpon vs, as it is written in the Lawe of Moses: yet made we not our prayer before the Lord our God, that we might turne from our iniquities and vnderstand thy trueth. 14 Therefore hath the Lord made ready the plague, and brought it vpon vs: for the Lord our God is righteous in all his works which he doeth: for we would not heare his voyce. 15 And nowe, O Lord our God, that hast brought thy people out of the land of Egypt with a mightie hand, and hast gotten thee renoume, as appeareth this day, we haue sinned, we haue done wickedly. 16 O Lord, according to all thy righteousnes, I beseech thee, let thine anger and thy wrath be turned away from thy citie Ierusalem thine holy Mountaine: for because of our sinnes, and for the iniquities of our fathers, Ierusalem and thy people are a reproche to all that are about vs. 17 Nowe therefore, O our God, heare the prayer of thy serunant, and his supplications, and cause thy face to shine vpon thy Sanctuarie, that lyeth waste for the Lords sake. 18 O my God, encline thine eare and heare: open thine eyes, and beholde our desolations, and the citie whereupon thy Name is called: for we doe not present our supplications before thee for our owne righteousnes, but for thy great tender mercies. 19 O Lord, heare, O Lord forgiue, O Lord consider, and doe it: deferre not, for thine owne sake, O my God: for thy Name is called vpon thy citie, and vpon thy people.

Hosea 2:3

3 Lest I strippe her naked, and set her as in the day that shee was borne, and make her as a wildernes, and leaue her like a drie land, and slaie her for thirst.

Hosea 2:7

7 Though shee follow after her louers, yet shall shee not come at them: though shee seeke them, yet shall shee not finde them: then shall she say, I will goe and returne to my first husband: for at that time was I better then nowe.

Hosea 2:10

10 And now will I discouer her lewdnes in the sight of her louers, and no man shall deliuer her out of mine hand.

Hosea 2:14

14 Therefore beholde, I will allure her, and bring her into the wildernesse, and speake friendly vnto her.

Hosea 5:14

14 For I will be vnto Ephraim as a lyon, and as a lyons whelpe to the house of Iudah: I, euen I will spoyle, and goe away: I will take away, and none shall rescue it.

Hosea 7:12

12 But when they shall go, I will spred my net vpon them, and drawe them downe as the foules of the heauen: I will chastice them as their congregation hath heard.

Hosea 8:8

8 Israel is deuoured, now shall they be among the Gentiles as a vessell wherein is no pleasure.

Hosea 9:12

12 Though they bring vp their children, yet I will depriue them from being men: yea, woe to them, when I depart from them.

Hosea 11:8

8 Howe shall I giue thee vp, Ephraim? howe shall I deliuer thee, Israel? how shall I make thee, as Admah? howe shall I set thee, as Zeboim? mine heart is turned within mee: my repentings are rouled together.

Joel 1:8-13

8 Mourne like a virgine girded with sackcloth for the husband of her youth. 9 The meate offring, and the drinke offring is cut off from the House of the Lord: the Priests the Lords ministers mourne. 10 The fielde is wasted: the lande mourneth: for the corne is destroyed: the new wine is dried vp, and the oyle is decayed. 11 Be ye ashamed, O husband men: howle, O ye vine dressers for the wheate, and for the barly, because the haruest of the fielde is perished. 12 The vine is dried vp, and the figge tree is decayed: the pomegranate tree and the palme tree, and the apple tree, euen all the trees of the fielde are withered: surely the ioy is withered away from the sonnes of men. 13 Girde your selues and lament, ye Priests: howle ye ministers of the altar: come, and lie all night in sackecloth, ye ministers of my God: for the meate offring, and the drinke offring is taken away from the house of your God.

Joel 3:14

14 O multitude, O multitude, come into the valley of threshing: for the day of the Lord is neere in the valley of threshing.

Amos 1:1-15

1 The wordes of Amos, who was among the heardmen at Tecoa, which he sawe vpon Israel, in the dayes of Vzziah king of Iudah, and in the dayes of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioash King of Israel, two yeere before the earthquake. 2 And he saide, The Lord shall roare from Zion, and vtter his voyce from Ierusalem, and the dwelling places of the shepheards shall perish, and the top of Carmel shall wither, 3 Thus saith the Lord, For three transgressions of Damascus, and for foure I will not turne to it, because they haue threshed Gilead with threshing instruments of yron. 4 Therefore will I sende a fire into the house of Hazael, and it shall deuoure the palaces of Ben-hadad. 5 I will breake also the barres of Damascus, and cut off the inhabitant of Bikeath-auen: and him that holdeth the scepter out of Beth-eden, and the people of Aram shall goe into captiuitie vnto Kir, sayth the Lord. 6 Thus sayth the Lord, For three transgressions of Azzah, and for foure, I will not turne to it, because they caried away prisoners the whole captiuitie to shut them vp in Edom. 7 Therefore will I sende a fire vpon the walles of Azzah, and it shall deuoure the palaces thereof. 8 And I will cut off the inhabitant from Ashdod, and him that holdeth the scepter from Ashkelon, and turne mine hande to Ekron, and the remnant of the Philistims shall perish, sayth the Lord God. 9 Thus sayth the Lord, For three transgressions of Tyrus, and for foure, I will not turne to it, because they shut the whole captiuitie in Edom, and haue not remembred the brotherly couenant. 10 Therefore wil I send a fire vpon ye walles of Tyrus, and it shall deuoure the palaces thereof. 11 Thus sayeth the Lord, For three transgressions of Edom, and for foure, I will not turne to it, because hee did pursue his brother with the sworde, and did cast off all pitie, and his anger spoyled him euermore, and his wrath watched him alway. 12 Therefore will I send a fire vpon Teman, and it shall deuoure the palaces of Bozrah. 13 Thus sayth ye Lord, For three transgressions of the children of Ammon, and for foure, I will not turne to it, because they haue ript vp the women with child of Gilead, that they might enlarge their border. 14 Therefore will I kindle a fire in the wall of Rabbah, and it shall deuoure the palaces thereof, with shouting in the day of battell, and with a tempest in the day of the whirlewinde. 15 And their King shall go into captiuitie, he and his princes together, saith the Lord.

Amos 9:1-4

1 I sawe the Lord standing vpon the altar, and he sayde, Smite the lintel of the doore, that the postes may shake: and cut them in pieces, euen the heads of them all, and I will slay the last of them with the sword: he that fleeth of them, shall not flee away: and he that escapeth of them, shall not be deliuered. 2 Though they digge into the hell, thence shall mine hande take them: though they clime vp to heauen, thence will I bring them downe. 3 And though they hide them selues in the toppe of Carmel, I will search and take them out thence: and though they be hid from my sight in the bottome of the sea, thence will I commande the serpent, and he shall bite them. 4 And though they goe into captiuitie before their enemies, thence wil I commande the sword, and it shall slay them: and I will set mine eyes vpon them for euill, and not for good.

Obadiah 1:12-13

12 But thou shouldest not haue beholden the day of thy brother, in the day that hee was made a stranger, neither shouldest thou haue reioyced ouer the children of Iudah, in the day of their destruction: thou shouldest not haue spoken proudly in the day of affliction. 13 Thou shouldest not haue entred into the gate of my people, in the day of their destruction, neither shouldest thou haue once looked on their affliction in the day of their destruction, nor haue layde hands on their substance in the day of their destruction.

Micah 3:9-12

9 Heare this, I pray you, ye heades of the house of Iaakob, and princes of the house of Israel: they abhorre iudgement, and peruert all equitie. 10 They build vp Zion with blood, and Ierusalem with iniquitie. 11 The heads thereof iudge for rewardes, and the Priestes thereof teache for hyre, and the prophets thereof prophecie for money: yet wil they leane vpon the Lord, and say, Is not the Lord among vs? no euill can come vpon vs. 12 Therefore shall Zion for your sake bee plowed as a field, and Ierusalem shalbe an heape, and the mountaine of the house, as the hye places of the forest.

Micah 3:12-12

12 Therefore shall Zion for your sake bee plowed as a field, and Ierusalem shalbe an heape, and the mountaine of the house, as the hye places of the forest.

Micah 4:11

11 Nowe also many nations are gathered against thee, saying, Zion shalbe condemned and our eye shall looke vpon Zion.

Micah 7:5

5 Trust ye not in a friend, neither put ye confidence in a counseller: keepe the doores of thy mouth from her that lyeth in thy bosome.

Micah 7:8-10

8 Reioyce not against me, O mine enemie: though I fall, I shall arise: when I shall sit in darkenesse, the Lord shalbe a light vnto me. 9 I will beare the wrath of the Lord because I haue sinned against him, vntill he pleade my cause, and execute iudgement for me: then will he bring me foorth to the light, and I shall see his righteousnesse. 10 Then she that is mine enemie, shall looke vpon it, and shame shall couer her, which said vnto me, Where is the Lord thy God? Mine eyes shall behold her: now shall she be troden downe as the myre of the streetes.

Micah 7:10

10 Then she that is mine enemie, shall looke vpon it, and shame shall couer her, which said vnto me, Where is the Lord thy God? Mine eyes shall behold her: now shall she be troden downe as the myre of the streetes.

Nahum 1:6

6 Who can stande before his wrath? or who can abide in the fiercenesse of his wrath? his wrath is powred out like fire, and the rockes are broken by him.

Habakkuk 2:15-17

15 Wo vnto him that giueth his neighbour drinke: thou ioynest thine heate, and makest him drunken also, that thou mayest see their priuities. 16 Thou art filled with shame for glorie: drinke thou also, and be made naked: the cup of the Lords right hand shall be turned vnto thee, and shamefull spuing shalbe for thy glory. 17 For the crueltie of Lebanon shall couer thee: so shall the spoyle of the beastes, which made them afraide, because of mens blood, and for the wrong done in the land, in the citie, and vnto all that dwell therein.

Habakkuk 3:16

16 When I heard, my bellie trembled: my lippes shooke at the voyce: rottennesse entred into my bones, and I trembled in my selfe, that I might rest in the day of trouble: for whe he commeth vp vnto the people, he shall destroy them.

Zephaniah 2:10

10 This shall they haue for their pride, because they haue reproched and magnified themselues against the Lord of hostes people.

Zephaniah 2:15

15 This is the reioycing citie that dwelt carelesse, that said in her heart, I am, and there is none besides me: how is she made waste, and the lodging of the beastes! euery one that passeth by her, shall hisse and wagge his hand.

Zephaniah 3:1-8

1 Woe to her that is filthie and polluted, to the robbing citie. 2 She heard not the voyce: she receiued not correction: she trusted not in the Lord: she drew not neere to her God. 3 Her princes within her are as roaring lyons: her iudges are as wolues in the euening, which leaue not the bones till the morow. 4 Her prophets are light, and wicked persons: her priests haue polluted the Sanctuarie: they haue wrested the Lawe. 5 The iust Lord is in the middes thereof: he will doe none iniquitie: euery morning doeth hee bring his iudgement to light, he faileth not: but the wicked will not learne to be ashamed.

Zephaniah 3:5

5 The iust Lord is in the middes thereof: he will doe none iniquitie: euery morning doeth hee bring his iudgement to light, he faileth not: but the wicked will not learne to be ashamed. 6 I haue cut off the nations: their towres are desolate: I haue made their streetes waste, that none shall passe by: their cities are destroyed without man and without inhabitant. 7 I said, Surely thou wilt feare me: thou wilt receiue instruction: so their dwelling shoulde not be destroyed howsoeuer I visited them, but they rose earely and corrupted all their workes. 8 Therefore wait ye vpon me, saith the Lord, vntill the day that I rise vp to the praye: for I am determined to gather the nations, and that I will assemble the kingdomes to powre vpon them mine indignation, euen all my fierce wrath: for all the earth shall be deuoured with the fire of my ielousie.

Zephaniah 3:14-17

14 Reioyce, O daughter Zion: be ye ioyfull, O Israel: be glad and reioyce with all thine heart, O daughter Ierusalem. 15 The Lord hath taken away thy iudgements: hee hath cast out thine enemie: the King of Israel, euen the Lord is in the middes of thee: thou shalt see no more euill. 16 In that day it shalbe said to Ierusalem, Feare thou not, O Zion: let not thine handes be faint. 17 The Lord thy God in the middes of thee is mightie: hee will saue, hee will reioyce ouer thee with ioye: he will quiet himselfe in his loue: he will reioyce ouer thee with ioy.

Zechariah 8:4-5

4 Thus sayth the Lord of hostes, There shall yet olde men and olde women dwell in the streetes of Ierusalem, and euery man with his staffe in his hand for very age. 5 And the streetes of the citie shalbe full of boyes and girles, playing in the streetes thereof.

Malachi 4:3

3 And ye shall treade downe the wicked: for they shall be dust vnder the soles of your feete in the day that I shall doe this, sayeth the Lord of hostes.

Matthew 24:21

21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not from the beginning of the worlde to this time, nor shalbe.

Mark 13:14

14 Moreouer, when ye shall see the abomination of desolation (spoken of by Daniel the Prophet) set where it ought not, (let him that readeth, consider it) then let them that be in Iudea, flee into the mountaines,

Luke 15:17

17 Then he came to him selfe, and said, Howe many hired seruaunts at my fathers haue bread ynough, and I die for hunger? 18 I wil rise and goe to my father, and say vnto him, Father, I haue sinned against heaue, and before thee, 19 And am no more worthy to be called thy sonne: make me as one of thy hired seruants.

Luke 16:25

25 But Abraham saide, Sonne, remember that thou in thy life time receiuedst thy pleasures, and likewise Lazarus paines: now therefore is he comforted, and thou art tormented.

Luke 18:13-14

13 But the Publican standing a farre off, woulde not lift vp so much as his eyes to heauen, but smote his brest, saying, O God, be mercifull to me a sinner. 14 I tell you, this man departed to his house iustified, rather then the other: for euery man that exalteth himselfe, shall be brought lowe, and he that humbleth himselfe, shalbe exalted.

Luke 19:41-44

41 And when he was come neere, he behelde the Citie, and wept for it, 42 Saying, O if thou haddest euen knowen at the least in this thy day those things, which belong vnto thy peace! but nowe are they hid from thine eyes. 43 For the dayes shall come vpon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compasse thee round, and keepe thee in on euery side, 44 And shall make thee euen with ye ground, and thy children which are in thee, and they shall not leaue in thee a stone vpon a stone, because thou knewest not that season of thy visitation.

Luke 21:22-23

22 For these be the dayes of vengeance, to fulfill all things that are written. 23 But woe be to them that be with childe, and to them that giue sucke in those dayes: for there shalbe great distresse in this land, and wrath ouer this people. 24 And they shall fall on the edge of the sword, and shalbe led captiue into all nations, and Hierusalem shalbe troden vnder foote of the Gentiles, vntill the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

Luke 23:28-31

28 But Iesus turned backe vnto them, and said, Daughters of Hierusalem, weepe not for me, but weepe for your selues, and for your children. 29 For behold, the dayes wil come, when men shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombes that neuer bare, and the pappes which neuer gaue sucke. 30 Then shall they begin to say to the mountaines, Fall on vs: and to the hilles, Couer vs. 31 For if they doe these things to a greene tree, what shalbe done to the drie?

Luke 23:31

31 For if they doe these things to a greene tree, what shalbe done to the drie?

John 11:19

19 And many of ye Iewes were come to Martha and Marie to comfort them for their brother.

Romans 2:5

5 But thou, after thine hardnesse, and heart that canot repent, heapest vp as a treasure vnto thy selfe wrath against the day of wrath, and of the declaration of the iust iudgement of God,

Romans 3:19

19 Now we know that whatsoeuer ye Lawe saieth, it saieth it to them which are vnder ye Law, that euery mouth may bee stopped, and all the world be subiect to the iudgement of God.

Romans 9:1-3

1 I say the trueth in Christ, I lye not, my conscience bearing mee witnes in the holy Ghost, 2 That I haue great heauinesse, and continuall sorow in mine heart. 3 For I woulde wish my selfe to be separate from Christ, for my brethren that are my kinsemen according to the flesh,

Ephesians 3:13

13 Wherefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for your sakes, which is your glory.

2 Thessalonians 1:8

8 In flaming fire, rendring vengeance vnto them, that doe not know God, and which obey not vnto the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ,

2 Thessalonians 2:4-8

4 Which is an aduersarie, and exalteth him selfe against all that is called God, or that is worshipped: so that he doeth sit as God in the Temple of God, shewing him selfe that he is God. 5 Remember ye not, that when I was yet with you, I tolde you these things? 6 And nowe ye knowe what withholdeth that he might be reueiled in his time. 7 For the mysterie of iniquitie doeth already worke: onely he which nowe withholdeth, shall let till he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that wicked man be reueiled, whome the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of his mouth, and shall abolish with the brightnes of his comming,

Hebrews 10:29

29 Of howe much sorer punishment suppose ye shall hee be worthy, which treadeth vnder foote the Sonne of God, and counteth the blood of the Testament as an vnholy thing, wherewith he was sanctified, and doeth despite the Spirit of grace?

Hebrews 12:29

29 For euen our God is a consuming fire.

1 Peter 4:17

17 For the time is come, that iudgement must beginne at the house of God. If it first beginne at vs, what shall the ende be of them which obey not the Gospel of God?

Revelation 3:18

18 I counsell thee to bye of me gold tried by the fire, that thou maiest bee made rich: and white raiment, that thou maiest be clothed, and that thy filthie nakednesse doe not appeare: and anoynt thine eyes with eye salue, that thou maiest see.

Revelation 6:10

10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, Lord, which art holie and true! doest not thou iudge and auenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?

Revelation 14:19-20

19 And the Angel thrust in his sharpe sickle on the earth, and cut downe the vines of the vineyard of the earth, and cast them into that great wine presse of the wrath of God. 20 And the wine presse was troden without the citie, and blood came out of the wine presse, vnto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and sixe hundreth furlongs.

Revelation 15:3-4

3 And they sung the song of Moses the seruant of God, and the song of the Lambe, saying, Great and marueilous are thy workes, Lord God almightie: iust and true are thy wayes, King of Saints. 4 Who shall not feare thee, O Lord, and glorifie thy Name! for thou onely art holy, and all nations shall come and worship before thee: for thy iudgements are made manifest.

Revelation 16:5-7

5 And I heard the Angel of the waters say, Lord, thou art iust, Which art, and Which wast: and Holy, because thou hast iudged these things. 6 For they shed the blood of the Saints, and Prophets, and therefore hast thou giuen them blood to drinke: for they are worthy. 7 And I heard another out of the Sanctuarie say, Euen so, Lord God almightie, true and righteous are thy iudgements.

Revelation 17:13

13 These haue one minde, and shall giue their power, and authoritie vnto the beast.

Revelation 17:16

16 And the tenne hornes which thou sawest vpon the beast, are they that shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eate her flesh, and burne her with fire.

Revelation 18:6

6 Rewarde her, euen as she hath rewarded you, and giue her double according to her workes: and in the cup that she hath filled to you, fill her ye double. 7 In as much as she glorified her selfe, and liued in pleasure, so much giue ye to her torment and sorow: for she saith in her heart, I sit being a queene, and am no widowe, and shall see no mourning.

Revelation 18:16-17

16 And saying, Alas, alas, that great citie, that was clothed in fine linnen and purple, and skarlet, and gilded with gold, and precious stones, and pearles. 17 For in one houre so great riches are come to desolation. And euery shipmaster, and all the people that occupie shippes, and shipmen, and whosoeuer traffike on the sea, shall stand a farre off,

Revelation 19:15

15 And out of his mouth went out a sharpe sworde, that with it he should smite the heathen: for he shall rule them with a rod of yron: for he it is that treadeth the wine presse of the fiercenesse and wrath of almightie God.

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