2 Peter 2:14 Cross References - JMNT

14 people always having bulging eyes very full of an adulteress (= for nothing but adultery), and being unceasing regarding sin and error; people by habit using bait to entrap unstable souls (= people); folks constantly having a heart that has been exercised (trained in gymnastic discipline) regarding greed (desire for advantage and riches); children of a cursing (or: having the qualities and character of [the] curse).

Matthew 5:28

28 "Yet I, Myself, am now saying to you people that every man who is continuing in, or, repeatedly looking at and observing (constantly watching or leering at; = fantasizing over) a [married] woman, with a view toward the [situation, or, condition] to crave her (to experience strong passion for her, or, to desire to rush in a heat of emotion upon her), has already committed adultery with her, within his heart!

Matthew 12:34

34 "Offspring ([You] effects of the births) of poisonous snakes (vipers; serpents; [comment: perhaps equating them to satan])! How are you able to habitually say good and virtuous things, being inherently good-for-nothing and useless folks (being worthless and knavish; being folks in a sorry plight and oppressed by grievous toils; existing being base and wicked; continuously being ones characterized by evil)? You see, from out of the midst of the effect of the excess from the heart's surrounding abundance, the mouth is continually speaking.

Matthew 25:41

41 "At that point, He will also proceed saying to those at the places on [His] left, ' [You] folks having been brought under the curse, continue proceeding on your way, away from Me, into the eonian fire (or: fire for an undetermined period of time; the fire which comes with the Age [of Messiah]; the fire pertaining to and having its source in the Age; the age-lasting fire; the fire having the quality and characteristics of the Age) the one having been prepared and made ready in (or: by; with; for) the person who thrusts [something] through [folks] (the adversary; one who casts [something] through the midst and causes division; the 'devil') as well as in (or: by; with; for) his agents (messengers).

Mark 13:22

22 "You see, false 'Christs' (false anointed ones; counterfeit anointings) and false prophets will continue being roused and raised up (perhaps = come to prominence) and they will be repeatedly providing signs and miracles (wonders; portents) [aiming] toward the accomplishment of leading-astrayif [they are] able – the chosen ones (or: with a view to the situation for the selected and picked-out folks to wander off [the path] – since [it is] possible and [they are] having power).

John 5:44

44 "How are you folks, yourselves, able to trust or believe, when habitually getting a reputation and receiving fame (or: repeatedly taking opinions and glory) from one another, and yet you folks are not constantly seeking the glory (or: reputation; opinion; manifestation which calls forth praise) which comes from the only God (or: from God alone)?

Romans 16:18

18 for such folks are not habitually performing as slaves for our Lord Christ, but rather for their own belly (cavity; bowels or stomach; = appetite), and through the useful smooth talk (profitable words) and complimentary speech (blessings!) they continuously deceive (mislead; seduce) the hearts of the folks without malice (those with no bad qualities; blameless and innocent ones).

1 Corinthians 11:19

19 Then you see, it also continues to be necessary and binding for there constantly to be choices and options among you folks, to the end that those who have been examined and tested among you may also come to be (or: be birthed) manifested ones (folks shown in clear light).

Ephesians 2:3

3 immersedamong which folks we all also were once twisted up (or: entangled; overturned; upset) within the cravings (full longings; over-desires) of our flesh (= the estranged human nature, or the alienated self; or: = system of our works and sacrificial religion), continually doing the will (or: producing the intentions) of the flesh (= our existence while in bondage, or the duties of religion), and of the divided thoughts and things passing through the mind. Furthermore, we were continuously existing in essence (in natural condition; by instinct) being children of natural impulse (natural disposition; inherent fervor and swelling passion; teeming desire; or: anger; wrath) even as (or: as also) the rest (the remaining ones) [were].

Ephesians 4:14

14 to the end that no longer (or: no more) wouldor shouldwe exist beinginfants (immature folks; not-yet-speaking ones), continuously being tossed by (= being caused to fluctuate from) [successive] waves and repeatedly being carried hither and thither (or: around in circles) by every wind of the teaching (or: from what is taught) within the caprice (the throw of the dice; versatile artifice; games of chance; the trickery) of mankind, in readiness to do anything (amoral craftiness; working everything; or: = while stopping at nothing) with a viewtoward and leading to the methodical treatment (or: the systematizing or technical procedure) of The Wandering (the straying; the deception).

Colossians 2:18

18 Let no one be acting as an umpire, or an arbiter in the public games, so as to decide down against you, or to disqualify you, in regard to the prize (or: to award the prize [to you] unjustly – Eduard Lohse) – in lowness of understanding, intellect, frame of mind and deportment, continuously wanting [you] also [to be] in ritual-relating to the agents (or: constantly delighting in religious activity originating from the messengers [note: e.g., old covenant rituals]; or: repeatedly taking pleasure by cultic religious service about, or external worship of or through the "angels"), while continuously stepping randomly and rashly into (or: entering purposelessly, thoughtlessly or feignedly into; or: = being initiated into) things which he has [other MSS: he has not] seen [note: this may refer to being initiated into cultic secrets or mysteries], progressively being made natural and instinctual by the inner senses and perceptions of his flesh (or: habitually being puffed up under [the influence of] the mind of his flesh [= his natural abilities and conditions, or by his alienated self, or by the human nature that has been conformed to the System]),

James 1:8

8 A two-souled (or: = divided-willed; or: = emotionally split) adult male [is] unstable (unfixed; inconstant; turbulent) in all his ways.

2 Peter 2:3

3 and in greed (desire to take advantage in order to have more), by formed (molded; fabricated, and thus, counterfeit) words, they will constantly exploit you (use you for business; market you; use you in trade and travel by sea), to whom (or: for which folks) the sentence (or: the result of the evaluation; the effect of a separating process) [coming] from long ago (or: out of old times; forth from old) is not continuing inactive (is not constantly unemployed; is not remaining idle), and their loss (or: destruction) is not nodding in sleep or taking a nap.

2 Peter 2:18

18 For you see, in continuously uttering over-swollen (over-weighted; extravagant; pompous) things pertaining to emptiness (vanity; futility), they are constantly using bait to trap – in the midst of cravings (or: full passions) of flesh (= alienated human nature) by outrageous (or: licentious) behavior – those folks scarcely [other MSS: actually] fleeing from the people habitually twisting themselves up in deception (in wandering),

2 Peter 3:16

16 even as in all the letters, habitually speaking in them concerning these things, in which certain things are misunderstood (or: imperceptible to the mind; hard to understand), which the unlearned folks and unstable ones (unfounded ones; people not set fast and firm) repeatedly distort, as by twisting them out of place on a rack – as also the rest of the writings (or: Scriptures) – toward their own loss (or: ruin; destruction).

1 John 2:16

16 because everything within the world (ordered but dominating System of the secular and the religious) – the flesh's over-desire (full passion of the alienated human nature; lust of the estranged self; earnest wants of the false persona that was conformed to the System), and the eyes' over-desire, and the arrogant ostentation (haughty, presumptuous or pretentious egoism) pertaining to living (= the biological and sociological life we live), is not out of the Father as a source (or: does not proceed from the Father), but rather is continuously forth from out of the world (the ordered System of society, culture and religion),

Jude 1:11

11 Alas (or: Tragic is the fate) for them, because they pass along by the way of Cain, and they are (or: were) poured out to the wandering (or: deception) of Balaam's wages, and they lose and destroy themselves in Korah's contradiction (opposing idea; anti-word; message in place of the Logos).

Revelation 12:9

9 And so thrown (or: hurled; cast; tossed) is (or: was) the great dragon, the serpent from the very beginning (or: the original, or ancient, serpent) – the one being continuously called "slanderer" (one who thrusts something through [folks]; false accuser; separator; a "devil;" one who casts something throughout the midst [to cause division]) and the adversary (the opponent; the satan; [p47 and other MSS: one who stands in opposition; a counter-worker]), the one continuously causing the whole inhabited area of the earth to wander (or: that which causes straying; the one continually deceiving). It was (or: is) hurled (thrown; cast; tossed) into the earth (or: Land), and its agents were (or: are) thrown (cast; tossed) with it.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.