Mark 10:24 Cross References - JMNT

24 Now the disciples began being affected by an emotion of astonishment in which awe is mixed with fear, upon [hearing] His words which expressed His thoughts and reasoning. So Jesus, giving a considered response, continues again by saying to them, "Children, how difficult and fretful [a thing] it is (or: [the situation or process] continues to be [Texts omit, but other MSS add: {for} those having placed their confidence upon money or the effects of wealth]) to enter into the kingdom of God (the sovereign actions and influences from God).

Matthew 19:25

25 Now upon listening and hearing [this], the disciples continued for a while being exceedingly struck out of themselves (= surprised and astonished so as to be knocked out of their normal perceptions and assessments of life), one after another saying, "Who, consequently, is normally able to be kept safe or rescued (delivered or saved)?"

Luke 12:16-21

16 And so He told an illustrative story (a parable) to them, saying, "The farming space (or: cultivated tracts of fields; the region) belonging to a certain rich person produced well. 17 "Consequently he reasoned and debated within himself, presently saying, 'What should (or: shall) I do, [seeing] that I am not presently having [a place, or, room] where I will continue gathering (or: collecting and storing) my fruits (= crops)?' 18 "And so he said, 'I will proceed doing this: I will progressively pull (or: tear) down my barns (storehouses; granaries) and I will progressively build bigger ones. After that I will continue gathering and storing there all my grain and goods. 19 "'Then I will proceed saying to my soul (interior self and life), Soul, you are now possessing (having and holding) many goods (or: good things) [that] continue lying [in storage] on unto (or: into; = for) many years. Continue resting and taking it easy: eat, drink, continue easy-minded and keep on being merry.' 20 "But God said to him, 'O senseless (foolish; imprudent) man, on this night they are presently requesting (or: demanding) your soul (interior self; person; or: = life) from you. So whose will the things which prepare and make ready continue being?' 21 "This is how it is (or: So it goes) [with; for] the person constantly laying up treasure (amassing and hording goods) for (or: to; in) himself, while not becoming progressively rich with regard to God (or: in [proceeding] into God)."

Luke 16:14

14 Now the Pharisees, habitually being inherently fond of silver (= money-lovers), were listening to all these things, and so began turning out and up their noses while contemptuously sneering at Him.

Luke 18:26-27

26 So the folks hearing [that] said, "And so who is now able (or: continues with power) to be saved or rescued (kept safe; restored to health and wholeness; returned to their original state or condition)?" 27 But He said, "The things [that are] impossible (powerless; incapable) from humanity's side [of the issue] continuously exist being (or: are) possible (empowered; capable) from God's side."

John 6:60

60 Therefore, many from out of His disciples (the learners following His teachings), upon hearing [this], said, "This word (message; saying; thought; idea) is hard and rough – who is able to continue hearing from it (or: listening to its [message])?"

John 13:33

33 "Little children, I am with you yet a little while (or: longer). You folks will proceed to be seeking, and trying to find Me, and just as I said to the Jews (= Jewish leaders), 'To the place that I Myself progressively lead under (or: am going away), you yourselves are continuing unable (still have no power) to go (or: come),' I am also now saying to you right now (at present).

John 21:5

5 Jesus then says to them, "Lads (or: Fellows), are you not holding anything eatable (or: Boys, do you have nothing, such as fish, to add to your bread)?" They considered, and replied to Him, "No."

Galatians 4:19

19 O my little children (born ones), with whom I am progressing, again, in childbirth labor (travail; labor pains) until Christ may be suddenly formed (= until the Anointing would be at some point birthed) within you folks!

1 Timothy 6:17

17 Pass along the notice (or: be announcing) to those rich (or: wealthy) within the present age (the current eon) to not be habitually high-minded (proud; arrogant; or: to ponder high things), neither to have put expectation upon, and thus rely on, the uncertainty (insecurity; non-evidence) of riches (or: wealth), but rather, upon God, the One continuously holding all things alongside for us (or: the One constantly offering and providing all thing to us) richly, unto [our] enjoyment (or: into beneficial participation; unto the obtaining of a portion to enjoy; [leading] into pleasure),

James 5:1-3

1 Continue leading on now, you wealthy folks, burst into tears while continuously uttering cries of distress upon your repeatedly recurring hardships (difficulties and wretchedness which must be endured). 2 Your riches have rotted; your garments have come to be moth-eaten. 3 Your gold and silver have been corrupted with poison (or: corroded and covered with oxidation), and their venom (or: corrosion) will proceed being unto you a witness (or: evidence) and will progressively eat your flesh (= the enslaved and alienated self; = the human nature that has been molded by and conformed to the System) as fire. You folks pile up a treasure hoard in the midst of last days!

1 John 2:1

1 My little children (born ones), I am writing these things to you (or: for you) to the end that you may not fail to hit the target (deviate from the goal; sin). And if anyone should at some point fail (or: suddenly commit sin, make a mistake or deviate), we constantly have One called alongside to help, give relief and guide us toward the Father (or: we continuously possess a Paraclete, face to face with the Father): Jesus Christ, [the] One in accord with the Way pointed out (or: a Just One; [the] Righteous One; [the] Fair One who is in right relationship with all; a Rightwised One; [the] right one; a Person that is turned in the right direction).

1 John 4:4

4 Little children (born ones), you continuously exist from out of God (or: you exist with God as your source; you originate your being from God), and you have conquered (overcome) and are now victorious over them, because greater is the One (or: He) within you than the one within the ordered System (the person in union with the world of religion, culture, society, economy and government; or: the individual centered in either the secular or the religious).

1 John 5:21

21 Little children (born ones) keep yourselves in custody (or: guarded)! – away from the idols (the external appearances; the forms; or: = false concepts)! [written circa A.D. 60-65 – Based on the critical analysis of John A.T. Robinson]

Revelation 3:17

17 Because your are habitually saying, "I am rich and have acquired wealth and continuously have need of nothing, " and you have not seen to know (or: are not aware) that you continue being wretched (or: miserable; in hardship) and pitiful and poor and blind and naked,

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.