Acts 27 Cross References - WNT

1 Now when it was decided that we should sail for Italy, they handed over Paul and a few other prisoners into the custody of Julius, a Captain of the Augustan battalion; 2 and going on board a ship of Adramyttium which was about to sail to the ports of the province of Asia, we put to sea; Aristarchus, the Macedonian, from Thessalonica, forming one of our party. 3 The next day we put in at Sidon. There Julius treated Paul with thoughtful kindness and allowed him to visit his friends and profit by their generous care. 4 Putting to sea again, we sailed under the lee of Cyprus, because the winds were against us; 5 and, sailing the whole length of the sea that lies off Cilicia and Pamphylia, we reached Myra in Lycia. 6 There Julius found an Alexandrian ship bound for Italy, and put us on board of her. 7 It took several days of slow sailing for us to come with difficulty off Cnidus; from which point, as the wind did not allow us to get on in the direct course, we ran under the lee of Crete by Salmone. 8 Then, coasting along with difficulty, we reached a place called 'Fair Havens,' near the town of Lasea. 9 Our voyage thus far had occupied a considerable time, and the navigation being now unsafe and the Fast also already over, Paul warned them. 10 "Sirs," he said, "I perceive that before long the voyage will be attended with danger and heavy loss, not only to the cargo and the ship but to our own lives also." 11 But Julius let himself be persuaded by the pilot and by the owner rather than by Paul's arguments; 12 and as the harbour was inconvenient for wintering in, the majority were in favour of putting out to sea, to try whether they could get to Phoenix--a harbour on the coast of Crete facing north-east and south-east--to winter there. 13 And a light breeze from the south sprang up, so that they supposed they were now sure of their purpose. So weighing anchor they ran along the coast of Crete, hugging the shore. 14 But it was not long before a furious north-east wind, coming down from the mountains, burst upon us and carried the ship out of her course. 15 She was unable to make headway against the gale; so we gave up and let her drive. 16 Then we ran under the lee of a little island called Cauda, where we managed with great difficulty to secure the boat; 17 and, after hoisting it on board, they used frapping-cables to undergird the ship, and, as they were afraid of being driven on the Syrtis quicksands, they lowered the gear and lay to. 18 But, as the storm was still violent, the next day they began to lighten the ship; 19 and, on the third day, with their own hands they threw the ship's spare gear overboard. 20 Then, when for several days neither sun nor stars were seen and the terrific gale still harassed us, the last ray of hope was now vanishing. 21 When for a long time they had taken but little food, Paul, standing up among them, said, "Sirs, you ought to have listened to me and not have sailed from Crete. You would then have escaped this suffering and loss. 22 But now take courage, for there will be no destruction of life among you, but of the ship only. 23 For there stood by my side, last night, an angel of the God to whom I belong, and whom also I worship, 24 and he said, "'Dismiss all fear, Paul, for you must stand before Caesar; and God has granted you the lives of all who are sailing with you.' 25 "Therefore, Sirs, take courage; for I believe God, and am convinced that things will happen exactly as I have been told. 26 But we are to be stranded on a certain island." 27 It was now the fourteenth night, and we were drifting through the Sea of Adria, when, about midnight, the sailors suspected that land was close at hand. 28 So they hove the lead and found twenty fathoms of water; and after a short time they hove again and found fifteen fathoms. 29 Then for fear of possibly running on rocks, they threw out four anchors from the stern and waited impatiently for daylight. 30 The sailors, however, wanted to make their escape from the ship, and had lowered the boat into the sea, pretending that they were going to lay out anchors from the bow. 31 But Paul, addressing Julius and the soldiers, said, "Your lives will be sacrificed, unless these men remain on board." 32 Then the soldiers cut the ropes of the ship's boat and let her fall off. 33 And continually, up till daybreak, Paul kept urging all on board to take some food. "This is the fourteenth day," he said, "that you have been anxiously waiting for the storm to cease, and have fasted, eating little or nothing. 34 I therefore strongly advise you to take some food. This is essential for your safety. For not a hair will perish from the head of any one of you." 35 Having said this he took some bread, and, after giving thanks to God for it before them all, he broke it in pieces and began to eat it. 36 This raised the spirits of all, and they too took food. 37 There were 276 of us, crew and passengers, all told. 38 After eating a hearty meal they lightened the ship by throwing the wheat overboard. 39 When daylight came, they tried in vain to recognise the coast. But an inlet with a sandy beach attracted their attention, and now their object was, if possible, to run the ship aground in this inlet. 40 So they cut away the anchors and left them in the sea, unloosing at the same time the bands which secured the paddle-rudders. Then, hoisting the foresail to the wind, they made for the beach. 41 But coming to a place where two seas met, they stranded the ship, and her bow sticking fast remained immovable, while the stern began to go to pieces under the heavy hammering of the sea. 42 Now the soldiers recommended that the prisoners should be killed, for fear some one of them might swim ashore and effect his escape. 43 But their Captain, bent on securing Paul's safety, kept them from their purpose and gave orders that those who could swim should first jump overboard and get to land; 44 and that the rest should follow, some on planks, and others on various things from the ship. In this way they all got safely to land.

Matthew 8:5-10

5 After His entry into Capernaum a Captain came to Him, and entreated Him. 6 "Sir," he said, "my servant at home is lying ill with paralysis, and is suffering great pain." 7 "I will come and cure him," said Jesus. 8 "Sir," replied the Captain, "I am not a fit person to receive you under my roof: merely say the word, and my servant will be cured. 9 For I myself am also under authority, and have soldiers under me. To one I say 'Go,' and he goes, to another 'Come,' and he comes, and to my slave 'Do this or that,' and he does it." 10 Jesus listened to this reply, and was astonished, and said to the people following Him, "I solemnly tell you that in no Israelite have I found faith as great as this.

Matthew 27:54

54 As for the Captain and the soldiers who were with Him keeping guard over Jesus, when they witnessed the earthquake and the other occurrences they were filled with terror, and exclaimed, "Assuredly he was God's Son."

Luke 7:2

2 Here the servant of a certain Captain, a man dear to his master, was ill and at the point of death;

Luke 23:47

47 The Captain, seeing what had happened, gave glory to God, saying, "Beyond question this man was innocent."

Acts 10:1

1 Now a Captain of the Italian Regiment, named Cornelius, was quartered at Caesarea.

Acts 10:22

22 Their reply was, "Cornelius, a Captain, an upright and God-fearing man, of whom the whole Jewish nation speaks well, has been divinely instructed by a holy angel to send for you to come to his house and listen to what you have to say."

Acts 16:10

10 So when he had seen the vision, we immediately looked out for an opportunity of passing on into Macedonia, confidently inferring that God had called us to proclaim the Good News to the people there.

Acts 18:2

2 Here he found a Jew, a native of Pontus, of the name of Aquila. He and his wife Priscilla had recently come from Italy because of Claudius's edict expelling all the Jews from Rome. So Paul paid them a visit;

Acts 19:21

21 When matters had reached this point, Paul decided in his own mind to travel through Macedonia and Greece, and go to Jerusalem. "After that," he said, "I must also see Rome."

Acts 21:32

32 He instantly sent for a few soldiers and their officers, and came down among the people with all speed. At the sight of the Tribune and the troops they ceased beating Paul.

Acts 22:26

26 On hearing this question, the Captain went to report the matter to the Tribune. "What are you intending to do?" he said. "This man is a Roman citizen."

Acts 23:11

11 The following night the Lord came and stood at Paul's side, and said, "Be of good courage, for as you have borne faithful witness about me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness in Rome."

Acts 23:17

17 and Paul called one of the Captains and said, "Take this young man to the Tribune, for he has information to give him."

Acts 24:23

23 And he gave orders to the Captain that Paul was to be kept in custody, but be treated with indulgence, and that his personal friends were not to be prevented from showing him kindness.

Acts 25:12

12 Then, after conferring with the Council, Festus replied, "To Caesar you have appealed: to Caesar you shall go."

Acts 25:25

25 I could not discover that he had done anything for which he deserved to die; but as he has himself appealed to the Emperor, I have decided to send him to Rome.

Acts 27:6

6 There Julius found an Alexandrian ship bound for Italy, and put us on board of her.

Acts 27:11

11 But Julius let himself be persuaded by the pilot and by the owner rather than by Paul's arguments;

Acts 27:43

43 But their Captain, bent on securing Paul's safety, kept them from their purpose and gave orders that those who could swim should first jump overboard and get to land;

Acts 28:16

16 Upon our arrival in Rome, Paul received permission to live by himself, guarded by a soldier.

Romans 15:22-29

22 And it is really this which has again and again prevented my coming to you. 23 But now, as there is no more unoccupied ground in this part of the world, and I have for years past been eager to pay you a visit, 24 I hope, as soon as ever I extend my travels into Spain, to see you on my way and be helped forward by you on my journey, when I have first enjoyed being with you for a time. 25 But at present I am going to Jerusalem to serve God's people, 26 for Macedonia and Greece have kindly contributed a certain sum in relief of the poor among God's people, in Jerusalem. 27 Yes, they have kindly done this, and, in fact, it was a debt they owed them. For seeing that the Gentiles have been admitted in to partnership with the Jews in their spiritual blessings, they in turn are under an obligation to render sacred service to the Jews in temporal things. 28 So after discharging this duty, and making sure that these kind gifts reach those for whom they are intended, I shall start for Spain, passing through Rome on my way there; 29 and I know that when I come to you it will be with a vast amount of blessing from Christ.

Hebrews 13:24

24 Greet all your leaders and all God's people. The brethren from Italy send you greetings.

Luke 8:22

22 One day He went on board a boat--both He and his disciples; and He said to them, "Let us cross over to the other side of the Lake." So they set sail.

Acts 2:9

9 Some of us are Parthians, Medes, Elamites. Some are inhabitants of Mesopotamia, of Judaea or Cappadocia, of Pontus or the Asian Province, of Phrygia or Pamphylia,

Acts 16:9-13

9 Here, one night, Paul saw a vision. There was a Macedonian who was standing, entreating him and saying, "Come over into Macedonia and help us." 10 So when he had seen the vision, we immediately looked out for an opportunity of passing on into Macedonia, confidently inferring that God had called us to proclaim the Good News to the people there. 11 Accordingly we put out to sea from Troas, and ran a straight course to Samothrace. The next day we came to Neapolis, 12 and thence to Philippi, which is a city in Macedonia, the first in its district, a Roman colony. And there we stayed some little time. 13 On the Sabbath we went beyond the city gate to the riverside, where we had reason to believe that there was a place for prayer; and sitting down we talked with the women who had come together.

Acts 16:17

17 She kept following close behind Paul and the rest of us, crying aloud, "These men are the bondservants of the Most High God, and are proclaiming to you the way of salvation."

Acts 17:1

1 Then, passing through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they went to Thessalonica. Here there was a synagogue of the Jews.

Acts 19:19

19 and not a few of those who had practised magical arts brought their books together and burnt them in the presence of all. The total value was reckoned and found to be 50,000 silver coins.

Acts 19:29

29 The riot and uproar spread through the whole city, till at last with one accord they rushed into the Theatre, dragging with them Gaius and Aristarchus, two Macedonians who were fellow travellers with Paul.

Acts 20:4-5

4 He was accompanied as far as the province of Asia by Sopater the Beroean, the son of Pyrrhus; by the Thessalonians, Aristarchus and Secundus; by Gaius of Derbe, and Timothy; and by the Asians, Tychicus and Trophimus. 5 These brethren had gone on and were waiting for us in the Troad.

Acts 20:15-16

15 Sailing from there, we arrived the next day off Chios. On the next we touched at Samos; and on the day following reached Miletus. 16 For Paul's plan was to sail past Ephesus, so as not to spend much time in the province of Asia; since he was very desirous of being in Jerusalem, if possible, on the day of the Harvest Festival.

Acts 21:1-3

1 When, at last, we had torn ourselves away and had set sail, we ran in a straight course to Cos; the next day to Rhodes, and from there to Patara. 2 Finding a ship bound for Phoenicia, we went on board and put to sea. 3 After sighting Cyprus and leaving that island on our left, we continued our voyage to Syria and put in at Tyre; for there the ship was to unload her cargo.

Acts 21:5

5 When, however, our time was up, we left and went on our way, all the disciples and their wives and children coming to see us off. Then, after kneeling down on the beach and praying,

Acts 28:2

2 The strange-speaking natives showed us remarkable kindness, for they lighted a fire and made us all welcome because of the pelting rain and the cold.

Acts 28:10

10 They also loaded us with honours, and when at last we sailed they put supplies on board for us.

Acts 28:12

12 At Syracuse we put in and stayed for two days.

Colossians 4:10

10 Aristarchus my fellow prisoner sends greeting to you, and so does Barnabas's cousin Mark. You have received instructions as to him; if he comes to you, give him a welcome.

Philemon 1:24

24 and from Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke, my fellow workers.

Matthew 11:21

21 "Alas for thee, Chorazin!" He cried. "Alas for thee, Bethsaida! For had the mighty works been done in Tyre and Sidon which have been done in both of you, they would long ere now have repented, covered with sackcloth and ashes.

Acts 12:20

20 Now the people of Tyre and Sidon had incurred Herod's violent displeasure. So they sent a large deputation to wait on him; and having secured the good will of Blastus, his treasurer, they begged the king to be friendly with them again, because their country was dependent on his for its food supply.

Acts 27:1

1 Now when it was decided that we should sail for Italy, they handed over Paul and a few other prisoners into the custody of Julius, a Captain of the Augustan battalion;

Matthew 14:24

24 Meanwhile the boat was far out on the Lake, buffeted and tossed by the waves, the wind being adverse.

Mark 6:48

48 But when He saw them distressed with rowing (for the wind was against them), towards morning He came towards them walking on the Lake, as if intending to pass them.

Acts 4:36

36 In this way Joseph, whom the Apostles gave the name of Bar-nabas--signifying 'Son of Encouragement' --a Levite, a native of Cyprus,

Acts 11:19-20

19 Those, however, who had been driven in various directions by the persecution which broke out on account of Stephen made their way to Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch, delivering the Message to none but Jews. 20 But some of them were Cyprians and Cyrenaeans, who, on coming to Antioch, spoke to the Greeks also and told them the Good News concerning the Lord Jesus.

Acts 13:4

4 They therefore, being thus sent out by the Holy Spirit, went down to Seleuceia, and from there sailed to Cyprus.

Acts 15:39

39 So there arose a serious disagreement between them, which resulted in their parting from one another, Barnabas taking Mark and setting sail for Cyprus.

Acts 21:3

3 After sighting Cyprus and leaving that island on our left, we continued our voyage to Syria and put in at Tyre; for there the ship was to unload her cargo.

Acts 21:16

16 Some of the disciples from Caesarea also joined our party, and brought with them Mnason, a Cyprian, one of the early disciples, at whose house we were to lodge.

Acts 27:7

7 It took several days of slow sailing for us to come with difficulty off Cnidus; from which point, as the wind did not allow us to get on in the direct course, we ran under the lee of Crete by Salmone.

Acts 2:10

10 of Egypt or of the parts of Africa towards Cyrene. Others are visitors from Rome--being either Jews or converts from heathenism--and others are Cretans or Arabians.

Acts 6:9

9 But some members of the so-called 'Synagogue of the Freed-men,' together with some Cyrenaeans, Alexandrians, Cilicians and men from Roman Asia, were roused to encounter Stephen in debate.

Acts 13:13

13 From Paphos, Paul and his party put out to sea and sailed to Perga in Pamphylia. John, however, left them and returned to Jerusalem.

Acts 15:23

23 and they took with them the following letter: "The Apostles and the elder brethren send greeting to the Gentile brethren throughout Antioch, Syria and Cilicia.

Acts 15:38

38 while Paul deemed it undesirable to have as their companion one who had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not gone on with them to the work.

Acts 15:41

41 and he passed through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the Churches.

Acts 21:39

39 "I am a Jew," replied Paul, "belonging to Tarsus in Cilicia, and am a citizen of no unimportant city. Give me leave, I pray you, to speak to the people."

Acts 22:3

3 "I am a Jew, born at Tarsus in Cilicia, but brought up in this city. I was carefully trained at the feet of Gamaliel in the Law of our forefathers, and, like all of you to-day, was zealous for God.

Galatians 1:21

21 Afterwards I visited Syria and Cilicia.

Acts 18:24

24 Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos came to Ephesus. He was a native of Alexandria, a man of great learning and well versed in the Scriptures.

Acts 28:11

11 Three months passed before we set sail in an Alexandrian vessel, called the 'Twin Brothers,' which had wintered at the island.

Acts 2:11

11 Yet we all alike hear these Galilaeans speaking in our own language about the wonderful things which God has done."

Acts 27:4

4 Putting to sea again, we sailed under the lee of Cyprus, because the winds were against us;

Acts 27:12-13

12 and as the harbour was inconvenient for wintering in, the majority were in favour of putting out to sea, to try whether they could get to Phoenix--a harbour on the coast of Crete facing north-east and south-east--to winter there. 13 And a light breeze from the south sprang up, so that they supposed they were now sure of their purpose. So weighing anchor they ran along the coast of Crete, hugging the shore.

Acts 27:21

21 When for a long time they had taken but little food, Paul, standing up among them, said, "Sirs, you ought to have listened to me and not have sailed from Crete. You would then have escaped this suffering and loss.

Titus 1:5

5 I have left you behind in Crete in order that you may set right the things which still require attention, and appoint Elders in every town, as I directed you to do;

Titus 1:12

12 One of their own number--a Prophet who is a countryman of theirs--has said, "Cretans are always liars, dangerous animals, idle gluttons."

Acts 27:20-26

20 Then, when for several days neither sun nor stars were seen and the terrific gale still harassed us, the last ray of hope was now vanishing. 21 When for a long time they had taken but little food, Paul, standing up among them, said, "Sirs, you ought to have listened to me and not have sailed from Crete. You would then have escaped this suffering and loss. 22 But now take courage, for there will be no destruction of life among you, but of the ship only. 23 For there stood by my side, last night, an angel of the God to whom I belong, and whom also I worship, 24 and he said, "'Dismiss all fear, Paul, for you must stand before Caesar; and God has granted you the lives of all who are sailing with you.' 25 "Therefore, Sirs, take courage; for I believe God, and am convinced that things will happen exactly as I have been told. 26 But we are to be stranded on a certain island."

Acts 27:31

31 But Paul, addressing Julius and the soldiers, said, "Your lives will be sacrificed, unless these men remain on board."

Acts 27:34

34 I therefore strongly advise you to take some food. This is essential for your safety. For not a hair will perish from the head of any one of you."

Acts 27:41-44

41 But coming to a place where two seas met, they stranded the ship, and her bow sticking fast remained immovable, while the stern began to go to pieces under the heavy hammering of the sea. 42 Now the soldiers recommended that the prisoners should be killed, for fear some one of them might swim ashore and effect his escape. 43 But their Captain, bent on securing Paul's safety, kept them from their purpose and gave orders that those who could swim should first jump overboard and get to land; 44 and that the rest should follow, some on planks, and others on various things from the ship. In this way they all got safely to land.

1 Peter 4:18

18 And if it is difficult even for a righteous man to be saved, what will become of irreligious men and sinners?

Hebrews 11:7

7 Through faith Noah, being divinely taught about things as yet unseen, reverently gave heed and built an ark for the safety of his family, and by this act he condemned the world, and became an heir of the righteousness which depends on faith.

Revelation 18:17

17 because in one short hour all this great wealth has been laid waste!' And every shipmaster and every passenger by sea and the crews and all who ply their trade on the sea,

Acts 27:8

8 Then, coasting along with difficulty, we reached a place called 'Fair Havens,' near the town of Lasea.

Luke 12:55

55 And when you see a south wind blowing, you say, 'It will be burning hot;' and it comes to pass.

Matthew 8:24

24 But suddenly there arose a great storm on the Lake, so that the waves threatened to engulf the boat; but He was asleep.

Mark 4:37

37 But a heavy squall came on, and the waves were now dashing into the boat, so that it was fast filling.

Acts 27:27

27 It was now the fourteenth night, and we were drifting through the Sea of Adria, when, about midnight, the sailors suspected that land was close at hand.

James 3:4

4 So too with ships, great as they are, and often driven along by strong gales, yet they can be steered with a very small rudder in whichever direction the caprice of the man at the helm chooses.

Acts 27:26

26 But we are to be stranded on a certain island."

Acts 27:29

29 Then for fear of possibly running on rocks, they threw out four anchors from the stern and waited impatiently for daylight.

Acts 27:41

41 But coming to a place where two seas met, they stranded the ship, and her bow sticking fast remained immovable, while the stern began to go to pieces under the heavy hammering of the sea.

Matthew 16:26

26 Why, what benefit will it be to a man if he gains the whole world but forfeits his life? Or what shall a man give to buy back his life?

Luke 16:8

8 "And the master praised the dishonest steward for his shrewdness; for, in relation to their own contemporaries, the men of this age are shrewder than the sons of Light.

Acts 27:19

19 and, on the third day, with their own hands they threw the ship's spare gear overboard.

Acts 27:38

38 After eating a hearty meal they lightened the ship by throwing the wheat overboard.

Philippians 3:7-8

7 Yet all that was gain to me--for Christ's sake I have reckoned it loss. 8 Nay, I even reckon all things as pure loss because of the priceless privilege of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. And for His sake I have suffered the loss of everything, and reckon it all as mere refuse, in order that I may win Christ and be found in union with Him,

Hebrews 12:1

1 Therefore, surrounded as we are by such a vast cloud of witnesses, let us fling aside every encumbrance and the sin that so readily entangles our feet. And let us run with patient endurance the race that lies before us,

Mark 8:35-37

35 For whoever is bent on securing his life will lose it, but he who loses his life for my sake, and for the sake of the Good News, will secure it. 36 Why, what does it benefit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? 37 For what could a man give to buy back his life?

Luke 9:24-25

24 For whoever desires to save his life shall lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake shall save it. 25 Why, what benefit is it to a man to have gained the whole world, but to have lost or forfeited his own self.

Matthew 8:24-25

24 But suddenly there arose a great storm on the Lake, so that the waves threatened to engulf the boat; but He was asleep. 25 So they came and woke Him, crying, "Master, save us, we are drowning!"

Matthew 24:29


2 Corinthians 11:25

25 Three times I have been beaten with Roman rods, once I have been stoned, three times I have been shipwrecked, once for full four and twenty hours I was floating on the open sea.

Ephesians 2:12

12 At that time you were living apart from Christ, estranged from the Commonwealth of Israel, with no share by birth in the Covenants which are based on the Promises, and you had no hope and no God, in all the world.

1 Thessalonians 4:13

13 Now, concerning those who from time to time pass away, we would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, lest you should mourn as others do who have no hope.

Acts 27:9-10

9 Our voyage thus far had occupied a considerable time, and the navigation being now unsafe and the Fast also already over, Paul warned them. 10 "Sirs," he said, "I perceive that before long the voyage will be attended with danger and heavy loss, not only to the cargo and the ship but to our own lives also."

Acts 27:33-35

33 And continually, up till daybreak, Paul kept urging all on board to take some food. "This is the fourteenth day," he said, "that you have been anxiously waiting for the storm to cease, and have fasted, eating little or nothing. 34 I therefore strongly advise you to take some food. This is essential for your safety. For not a hair will perish from the head of any one of you." 35 Having said this he took some bread, and, after giving thanks to God for it before them all, he broke it in pieces and began to eat it.

Acts 27:25

25 "Therefore, Sirs, take courage; for I believe God, and am convinced that things will happen exactly as I have been told.

Acts 27:36

36 This raised the spirits of all, and they too took food.

Acts 27:44

44 and that the rest should follow, some on planks, and others on various things from the ship. In this way they all got safely to land.

2 Corinthians 1:4-6

4 He comforts us in our every affliction so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction by means of the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 5 For just as we have more than our share of suffering for the Christ, so also through the Christ we have more than our share of comfort. 6 But if, on the one hand, we are enduring affliction, it is for your comfort and salvation; and if, on the other hand, we are receiving comfort, it is for your comfort which is produced within you through your patient fortitude under the same sufferings as those which we also are enduring.

2 Corinthians 4:8-9

8 We are hard pressed, yet never in absolute distress; perplexed, yet never utterly baffled; 9 pursued, yet never left unsuccoured; struck to the ground, yet never slain;

John 12:26

26 If a man wishes to be my servant, let him follow me; and where I am, there too shall my servant be. If a man wishes to be my servant, the Father will honour him.

John 17:9-10

9 "I am making request for them: for the world I do not make any request, but for those whom Thou hast given me. Because they are Thine, 10 and everything that is mine is Thine, and everything that is Thine is mine; and I am crowned with glory in them.

Acts 5:19

19 But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and brought them out, and said,

Acts 8:26

26 And an angel of the Lord said to Philip, "Rise and proceed south to the road that runs down from Jerusalem to Gaza, crossing the Desert."

Acts 12:8-11

8 "Fasten your girdle," said the angel, "and tie on your sandals." He did so. Then the angel said, "Throw your cloak round you, and follow me." 9 So Peter went out, following him, yet could not believe that what the angel was doing was real, but supposed that he saw a vision. 10 And passing through the first ward and the second, they came to the iron gate leading into the city. This opened to them of itself; and, going out, they passed on through one of the streets, and then suddenly the angel left him. 11 Peter coming to himself said, "Now I know for certain that the Lord has sent His angel and has rescued me from the power of Herod and from all that the Jewish people were anticipating."

Acts 12:23

23 Instantly an angel of the Lord struck him, because he had not given the glory to God, and being eaten up by worms, he died.

Acts 18:9

9 And, in a vision by night, the Lord said to Paul, "Dismiss your fears: go on speaking, and do not give up.

Romans 1:1

1 Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, called to be an Apostle, set apart to proclaim God's Good News,

Romans 1:9

9 I call God to witness--to whom I render priestly and spiritual service by telling the Good News about His Son-- how unceasingly I make mention of you in His presence,

Romans 6:22

22 But now that you have been set free from the tyranny of Sin, and have become the bondservants of God, you have your reward in being made holy, and you have the Life of the Ages as the final result.

1 Corinthians 6:20

20 And you are not your own, for you have been redeemed at infinite cost. Therefore glorify God in your bodies.

2 Timothy 1:3

3 I thank God, whom I serve with a pure conscience--as my forefathers did--that night and day I unceasingly remember you in my prayers,

2 Timothy 2:24

24 and a bondservant of the Lord must not quarrel, but must be inoffensive towards all men, a skilful teacher, and patient under wrongs.

2 Timothy 4:17

17 The Lord, however, stood by me and filled me with inward strength, that through me the Message might be fully proclaimed and that all the Gentiles might hear it; and I was rescued from the lion's jaws.

Titus 1:1

1 Paul, a bondservant of God and an Apostle of Jesus Christ for building up the faith of God's own people and spreading a full knowledge of the truths of religion,

Titus 2:14

14 who gave Himself for us to purchase our freedom from all iniquity, and purify for Himself a people who should be specially His own, zealous for doing good works.

Hebrews 1:14

14 Are not all angels spirits that serve Him--whom He sends out to render service for the benefit of those who, before long, will inherit salvation?

1 Peter 2:9-10

9 But you are a chosen race, a priesthood of kingly lineage, a holy nation, a people belonging specially to God, that you may make known the perfections of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light. 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God. Once you had not found mercy, but now you have.

Revelation 22:16

16 "I Jesus have sent My angel for him solemnly to declare these things to you among the Churches. I am the Root and the offspring of David, the bright Morning Star.

Matthew 10:18

18 and you will even be put on trial before governors and kings for my sake, to bear witness to them and to the Gentiles.

Matthew 10:28

28 "And do not fear those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul; but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.

John 11:9

9 "Are there not twelve hours in the day?" replied Jesus. "If any one walks in the daytime, he does not stumble--because he sees the light of this world.

Acts 9:15

15 "Go," replied the Lord; "he is a chosen instrument of Mine to carry My name to the Gentiles and to kings and to the descendants of Israel.

Acts 18:9-10

9 And, in a vision by night, the Lord said to Paul, "Dismiss your fears: go on speaking, and do not give up. 10 I am with you, and no one shall attack you to injure you; for I have very many people in this city."

Acts 25:11

11 If, however, I have done wrong and have committed any offence for which I deserve to die, I do not ask to be excused that penalty. But if there is no truth in what these men allege against me, no one has the right to give me up to them as a favour. I appeal to Caesar."

Acts 27:37

37 There were 276 of us, crew and passengers, all told.

2 Timothy 4:16-17

16 At my first defence I had no one at my side, but all deserted me. May it not be laid to their charge. 17 The Lord, however, stood by me and filled me with inward strength, that through me the Message might be fully proclaimed and that all the Gentiles might hear it; and I was rescued from the lion's jaws.

James 5:16

16 Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be cured. The heartfelt supplication of a righteous man exerts a mighty influence.

Revelation 1:17

17 When I saw Him, I fell at His feet as if I were dead. But He laid His right hand upon me and said, "Do not be afraid: I am the First and the Last, and the ever-living One.

Revelation 11:5-7

5 And if any one seeks to injure them--fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies; and if any one seeks to injure them, he will in this way certainly be killed. 6 They have power given to them to seal up the sky, so that no rain may fall so long as they continue to prophesy; and power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to smite the earth with various plagues whenever they choose to do so. 7 "And when they have fully delivered their testimony, the Wild Beast which is to rise out of the bottomless pit will make war upon them and overcome them and kill them.

Luke 1:45

45 And blessed is she who has believed, for the word spoken to her from the Lord shall be fulfilled."

Acts 27:21-22

21 When for a long time they had taken but little food, Paul, standing up among them, said, "Sirs, you ought to have listened to me and not have sailed from Crete. You would then have escaped this suffering and loss. 22 But now take courage, for there will be no destruction of life among you, but of the ship only.

Romans 4:20-21

20 Nor did he in unbelief stagger at God's promise, but became mighty in faith, giving glory to God, 21 and being absolutely certain that whatever promise He is bound by He is able also to make good.

2 Timothy 1:12

12 That indeed is the reason why I suffer as I do. But I am not ashamed, for I know in whom my trust reposes, and I am confident that He has it in His power to keep what I have entrusted to Him safe until that day.

Acts 27:17

17 and, after hoisting it on board, they used frapping-cables to undergird the ship, and, as they were afraid of being driven on the Syrtis quicksands, they lowered the gear and lay to.

Acts 28:1

1 Our lives having been thus preserved, we discovered that the island was called Malta.

Acts 27:30

30 The sailors, however, wanted to make their escape from the ship, and had lowered the boat into the sea, pretending that they were going to lay out anchors from the bow.

Acts 27:40-41

40 So they cut away the anchors and left them in the sea, unloosing at the same time the bands which secured the paddle-rudders. Then, hoisting the foresail to the wind, they made for the beach. 41 But coming to a place where two seas met, they stranded the ship, and her bow sticking fast remained immovable, while the stern began to go to pieces under the heavy hammering of the sea.

Hebrews 6:19

19 That hope we have as an anchor of the soul--an anchor that can neither break nor drag. It passes in behind the veil,

Acts 27:16

16 Then we ran under the lee of a little island called Cauda, where we managed with great difficulty to secure the boat;

Acts 27:32

32 Then the soldiers cut the ropes of the ship's boat and let her fall off.

Luke 1:34-35

34 "How can this be," Mary replied, "seeing that I have no husband?" 35 The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for this reason your holy offspring will be called 'the Son of God.'

Luke 4:9-12

9 Then he brought Him to Jerusalem and caused Him to stand on the roof of the Temple, and said to Him, "If you are God's Son, throw yourself down from here; for it is written, 10 'HE WILL GIVE ORDERS TO HIS ANGELS CONCERNING THEE, TO GUARD THEE SAFELY;' 11 and 'ON THEIR HANDS THEY SHALL BEAR THEE UP, LEST AT ANY MOMENT THOU SHOULDST STRIKE THY FOOT AGAINST A STONE.'" 12 The reply of Jesus was, "It is said, 'THOU SHALT NOT PUT THE LORD THEY GOD TO THE PROOF.'"

John 6:37

37 Every one whom the Father gives me will come to me, and him who comes to me I will never on any account drive away.

Acts 27:21-24

21 When for a long time they had taken but little food, Paul, standing up among them, said, "Sirs, you ought to have listened to me and not have sailed from Crete. You would then have escaped this suffering and loss. 22 But now take courage, for there will be no destruction of life among you, but of the ship only. 23 For there stood by my side, last night, an angel of the God to whom I belong, and whom also I worship, 24 and he said, "'Dismiss all fear, Paul, for you must stand before Caesar; and God has granted you the lives of all who are sailing with you.'

Acts 27:42-43

42 Now the soldiers recommended that the prisoners should be killed, for fear some one of them might swim ashore and effect his escape. 43 But their Captain, bent on securing Paul's safety, kept them from their purpose and gave orders that those who could swim should first jump overboard and get to land;

2 Thessalonians 2:13-14

13 And from us thanks are always due to God on your behalf--brethren whom the Lord loves--because God from the beginning has chosen you for salvation through the Spirit's sanctifying influence and your belief in the truth. 14 To this blessing God has called you by our Good News, so that you may have a share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Philippians 3:7-9

7 Yet all that was gain to me--for Christ's sake I have reckoned it loss. 8 Nay, I even reckon all things as pure loss because of the priceless privilege of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. And for His sake I have suffered the loss of everything, and reckon it all as mere refuse, in order that I may win Christ and be found in union with Him, 9 not having a righteousness of my own, derived from the Law, but that which arises from faith in Christ--the righteousness which comes from God through faith.

Matthew 10:30

30 But as for you, the very hairs on your heads are all numbered.

Matthew 15:32

32 But Jesus called His disciples to Him and said, "My heart yearns over this mass of people, for it is now the third day that they have been with me and they have nothing to eat. I am unwilling to send them away hungry, lest they should faint on the road."

Mark 8:2-3

2 "My heart yearns over the people," He said; "for this is now the third day they have remained with me, and they have nothing to eat. 3 If I were to send them home hungry, they would faint on the way, some of them having come a great distance."

Luke 12:7

7 But the very hairs on your heads are all counted. Away with fear: you are more precious than a multitude of sparrows.'

Luke 21:18

18 and yet not a hair of your heads shall perish.

Philippians 2:5

5 Let the same disposition be in you which was in Christ Jesus.

1 Timothy 5:23

23 (No longer be a water-drinker; but take a little wine for the sake of your digestion and your frequent ailments.)

Matthew 14:19

19 and He told all the people to sit down on the grass. Then He took the five loaves and the two fish, and after looking up to heaven and blessing them, He broke up the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples distributed them to the people.

Matthew 15:36

36 and He took the seven loaves and the fish, and after giving thanks He broke them up and then distributed them to the disciples, and they to the people.

Mark 8:6

6 So He passed the word to the people to sit down on the ground. Then taking the seven loaves He blessed them, and broke them into portions and proceeded to give them to His disciples for them to distribute, and they distributed them to the people.

Luke 24:30

30 But as soon as He had sat down with them, and had taken the bread and had blessed and broken it, and was handing it to them,

John 6:11

11 Then Jesus took the loaves, and after giving thanks He distributed them to those who were resting on the ground; and also the fish in like manner--as much as they desired.

John 6:23

23 Yet a number of small boats came from Tiberias to the neighbourhood of the place where they had eaten the bread after the Lord had given thanks.

Acts 2:46-47

46 And, day by day, attending constantly in the Temple with one accord, and breaking bread in private houses, they took their meals with great happiness and single-heartedness, 47 praising God and being regarded with favour by all the people. Also, day by day, the Lord added to their number those whom He was saving.

Romans 1:16

16 For I am not ashamed of the Good News. It is God's power which is at work for the salvation of every one who believes--the Jew first, and then the Gentile.

Romans 14:6

6 He who regards the day as sacred, so regards it for the Master's sake; and he who eats certain food eats it for the Master's sake, for he gives thanks to God; and he who refrains from eating it refrains for the Master's sake, and he also gives thanks to God.

1 Corinthians 10:30-31

30 If, so far as I am concerned, I partake with a grateful heart, why am I to be found fault with in regard to a thing for which I give thanks?" 31 Whether, then, you are eating or drinking, or whatever you are doing, let everything be done to the glory of God.

1 Timothy 4:3-4

3 forbidding people to marry, and insisting on abstinence from foods which God has created to be partaken of, with thankfulness, by those who believe and have a clear knowledge of the truth. 4 For everything that God has created is good, and nothing is to be cast aside, if only it is received with thanksgiving.

2 Timothy 1:8

8 Do not be ashamed then to bear witness for our Lord and for me His prisoner; but rather share suffering with me in the service of the Good News, strengthened by the power of God.

1 Peter 4:16

16 If, however, any one suffers because he is a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God for being permitted to bear that name.

Acts 27:22

22 But now take courage, for there will be no destruction of life among you, but of the ship only.

Acts 2:41

41 Those, therefore, who joyfully welcomed his Message were baptized; and on that one day about three thousand persons were added to them;

Acts 7:14

14 Then Joseph sent and invited his father Jacob and all his family, numbering seventy-five persons, to come to him,

Romans 13:1

1 Let every individual be obedient to those who rule over him; for no one is a ruler except by God's permission, and our present rulers have had their rank and power assigned to them by Him.

1 Peter 3:20

20 who in ancient times had been disobedient, while God's longsuffering was patiently waiting in the days of Noah during the building of the Ark, in which a few persons--eight in number--were brought safely through the water.

Matthew 6:25

25 For this reason I charge you not to be over-anxious about your lives, inquiring what you are to eat or what you are to drink, nor yet about your bodies, inquiring what clothes you are to put on. Is not the life more precious than its food, and the body than its clothing?

Acts 27:18-19

18 But, as the storm was still violent, the next day they began to lighten the ship; 19 and, on the third day, with their own hands they threw the ship's spare gear overboard.

Acts 27:29-30

29 Then for fear of possibly running on rocks, they threw out four anchors from the stern and waited impatiently for daylight. 30 The sailors, however, wanted to make their escape from the ship, and had lowered the boat into the sea, pretending that they were going to lay out anchors from the bow.

Acts 27:26-29

26 But we are to be stranded on a certain island." 27 It was now the fourteenth night, and we were drifting through the Sea of Adria, when, about midnight, the sailors suspected that land was close at hand. 28 So they hove the lead and found twenty fathoms of water; and after a short time they hove again and found fifteen fathoms. 29 Then for fear of possibly running on rocks, they threw out four anchors from the stern and waited impatiently for daylight.

2 Corinthians 11:25-26

25 Three times I have been beaten with Roman rods, once I have been stoned, three times I have been shipwrecked, once for full four and twenty hours I was floating on the open sea. 26 I have served Him by frequent travelling, amid dangers in crossing rivers, dangers from robbers; dangers from my own countrymen, dangers from the Gentiles; dangers in the city, dangers in the Desert, dangers by sea, dangers from spies in our midst;

Mark 15:15-20

15 So Pilate, wishing to satisfy the mob, released Barabbas for them, and after scourging Jesus handed Him over for crucifixion. 16 Then the soldiers led Him away into the court of the Palace (the Praetorium), and calling together the whole battalion 17 they arrayed Him in crimson, placed on His head a wreath of thorny twigs which they had twisted, 18 and went on to salute Him with shouts of "Long live the King of the Jews." 19 Then they began to beat Him on the head with a cane, to spit on Him, and to do Him homage on bended knees. 20 At last, having finished their sport, they took the robe off Him, put His own clothes on Him, and led Him out to crucify Him.

Luke 23:40-41

40 But the other, answering, reproved him. "Do you also not fear God," he said, "when you are actually suffering the same punishment? 41 And we indeed are suffering justly, for we are receiving due requital for what we have done. But He has done nothing amiss."

Acts 12:19

19 And when Herod had had him searched for and could not find him, after sharply questioning the guards he ordered them away to execution. He then went down from Judaea to Caesarea and remained there.

Acts 23:10

10 But when the struggle was becoming violent, the Tribune, fearing that Paul would be torn to pieces by the people, ordered the troops to go down and take him from among them by force and bring him into the barracks.

Acts 23:24

24 He further told them to provide horses to mount Paul on, so as to bring him safely to Felix the Governor.

Acts 27:3

3 The next day we put in at Sidon. There Julius treated Paul with thoughtful kindness and allowed him to visit his friends and profit by their generous care.

John 6:39-40

39 And this is the will of Him who sent me, that of all that He has given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it to life on the last day. 40 For this is my Father's will, that every one who fixes his gaze on the Son of God and believes in Him should have the Life of the Ages, and I will raise him to life on the last day."

Acts 27:24

24 and he said, "'Dismiss all fear, Paul, for you must stand before Caesar; and God has granted you the lives of all who are sailing with you.'

2 Corinthians 1:8-10

8 For as for our troubles which came upon us in the province of Asia, we would have you know, brethren, that we were exceedingly weighed down, and felt overwhelmed, so that we renounced all hope even of life. 9 Nay, we had, as we still have, the sentence of death within our own selves, in order that our confidence may repose, not on ourselves, but on God who raised the dead to life. 10 He it is who rescued us from so imminent a death, and will do so again; and we have a firm hope in Him that He will also rescue us in all the future,

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