G3203 - Strong's Greek Lexicon Number

LSJ Gloss:
i. q.
I made,
He exceeded,
I took for myself,
They two pour the water out,
The stomachs of the cattle,
He took a substitute,
He was,
He bent his head down towards the ground;
He kept a girl carefully concealed from view:
He moved about his hand at the mouth of the hole of the
He swallowed it
making wide
The fire became kindled;
The boy's giving testimony against those that are full grown is allowable, when they
He vied,
He made,
The land began to show its plants,
They alighted at their abode as guests, and they entertained them honourably
The wolf was,
He made him to be.
He harassed and distressed him;
He took for himself, got, gained,
A calamity befell him from which he will not recover
He exerted himself much,
He came
He made a contract,
They bought a sheep
He lowered his head,
His arm would not be stretched forth;
contr. of
The blossom
He knew the thing at the last,
He opened,
I shall come to the gate of Paradise and seek,
He gave to drink to the camels,
He magnified him,
The serpent was,
He made him,
He kept to shady places, and to ease,
He contracted his face much; made it much contracted,
I revealed,
He held fast by his covenant:
He agitated the water; put it in motion,
collecting of odoriferous substances,
He intervened between him and the object at which he desired to shoot
The blackness of the land became mixed with redness.
The she-camel eats the thorns.
And that was not a crime,
God rendered benefits,
The beasts of prey leaped
His central incisor became broken.
The enemy will not say much respecting us.
He rectified the language;
The cattle became swollen,
He found the well to be what is termed
He made him,
He found him
He tied the udder of the camel.
The beast remained not in its accustomed place.
wrangling, quarrelling,
syn. with
Fatigavit, molestia affecit.
He journeyed in the time of the
How persistent,
He affected to be like,
He cut off
He interlarded,
He fell short of doing what was requisite,
I hold to be true, right,
He took her mouth within his lips in kissing
Between them is speech with which they reprove, blame,
He receded,
Alvum dejecit:
He searched,
He played with the dust,
He made
He preferred him,
The summoning another to the judge, and litigating;
He made the expression brief,
They appealed to the lawyer for the notifying of the decision of the law.
He continued the fasting uninterruptedly.
i. q.
He put a ball
He yields his property with pain,
He found the door stuck fast
She secreted milk in her udder a little before her bringing forth
He made it to fall off.
His camel,
i. q.
He ate
i. q.
He contended with him in scattering, strewing,
contr. of
The land produced
They aided,
He combed his head
I threw down the thing from the thing:
She desired the ram;
He endeavoured to avail himself of his
I fixed him,
He entered upon the period termed
I let down the curtain
The clouds closed together and spread so as to cover the sky.
He vied with him,
It gave light; shone;
The day was,
The waves dashed against each other.
They pushed, pressed, crowded,
They two were,
He explained, expounded,
He took a horse for the purpose of tying him,
He vied with him,
He adduced,
The clouds burst with rain:
He made
He acquainted him with a thing.
Lighten thou the travellingapparatus of thy riding-camel.
He pressed heavily,
The exciting discord,
The trees were,
He held it to be,
He entered upon the cool time of the evening:
If I be not skilful, verily I do according to the degree of my knowledge.
The year became one of drought, barrenness,
He made him a promise in anticipation; without his asking it of him.
He fouled
He returned.
His head remained unpurified of its dirt
being cautious, wary,
He branded the camels on their thighs with the mark called
He made his nose to bleed.
It gladdened me by its cooing.
He made him to acknowledge,
The heal reached has
He played with him the
It was,
She became relaxed by reason of last:
My eyes flowed with tears.
The horses entered the town by little and little.
He wore a
He was,
The land had trees such as are termed
He abstained from milking the she-camel:
I kindled war.
The stallion pressed vehemently upon the female.
He sipped:
They raised cries, shouts, noises, a clamour,
“ Rupit, perdidit; ”
He demands, and seeks to obtain, the remainder of that which he wants.
He repulsed him
They vied with each other in throwing in the manner described in the first sentence above.
The seed-produce became hard in the grain,
He put the end of the
The drinking an evening draught; such as is termed a
He behaved proudly, haughtily,
He sighed vehemently;
He found his mother to hold back from him;
They were destitute of aid,
She was,
Advance thou,
They poured forth,
He repaired the
He bore
He obtained a gift.
He drew the property,
He applied
Any killing:
I contended,
He filled the provinces,
Whiteness of the hair became glistening
Its herbs
He reckoned,
He made it,
He mediated,
i. q.
The language was,
He domineered over us.
The eating less than what would satisfy the stomach.
The prescribed castigations shall be,
He chose, selected,
determining the quantity, measure, size,
He made his speech,
He was extravagant in expenditure;
He manifested weakness:
I held myself to have fallen short of my duty to such a one;
The heat came speedily,
I desired,
It had,
He despatched him;
The she-camel had much milk.
These are stones that break into small and large pieces.
He made him to go on foot; to go step by step; to step along;
The beasts hastened,
She preceded.
He persevered,
He acted,
God caused his camels,
He cooled the water;
He pinched him, being pinched by him.
He found new tidings
being quick
He bound upon the camel's mouth the
His property went away.
He conceived,
He inclined to play, sport,
They lent and received loans, each to and from the other.
They stayed,
And if they like,
The colocynth-plant bore,
He gilded it; did it over with gold.
He sewed the garment,
He provided,
I made him to have authority and power over me,
He asserted himself to be free from it;
He made it a provision against the casualties of fortune:
He vied with me,
The love of the present world took away,
He bound his arms beneath his legs:
He searched,
He made him to drink
He drew his sword,
I made the camels to drink until they were satisfied with drinking;
The garment,
He made plain, level, smooth, soft,
The making deeds to deviate from the right,
He made it incumbent,
The clouds expanded,
It is equal in weight; is equiponderant
It exceeded such a thing.
God established,
We came upon a land destitute of herbage:
The horse went along raising his tail toward the sky:
I winnowed the dust of the mine to separate its gold:
He incited him,
He gave
An army of which one part presses upon another;
They directed their course to,
He extirpated it; eradicated it.
He deviated,
He carried off their families and their goods.
He made him to be driven away,
He asserted his relationship to his father,
The wind blew
He determined,
It was,
The exceeding the limits of the
He pierced him
They ate
He importuned him,
Such a one superintends, manages,
It was made conditional,
He gave him
An udder in which are incisions
The thing comprised, comprehended,
I made beverage bitter to,
He made,
He put his hand
He put
He made a sign with his sword
Their cattle multiplied,
He descended into the well
His eye was sleepless,
He sold a ewe
His ear became folded,
He was regardful of those things pertaining to him
It filled me with awe,
He made him to swallow the water.
They leap,
He collected
The land produced fresh,
It called for, demanded, required,
It was all plundered, taken,
praying for
The clouds appeared as though they were retreating, by reason of the heaviness,
He filled it up
The camels beat
He cut off vehemently,
The people possessed milk;
Such a one affects to be clever,
He fell short of doing what he ought to have done in his affair,
selling a part
They blamed,
He took the nearest road,
I brought to light, made visible, discovered,
He put the bit into the mouth of the horse;
He spoke evil of him;
He expanded his tongue:
I went forth with him taking a different way from his until we both met in one place:
He besought, entreated, petitioned,
He stretched forth the thing to him.
i. q.
He said to him
He made it
This affair,
The grape-vine had the sap running in it,
The land produced small plants
The wool of thy sheep,
The grape-vine became in a state of commotion preparatory to its putting forth its leaves.
His sight was suddenly taken away.
No one has been given what such a one has been given,
He cast forth his urine,
She stripped herself of her clothes.
He drove him, compelled him,
God rendered the bed,
They collected themselves together in a rank,
She sent children before her
He found his bed,
Such a one's beneficence and kindness are not caught at,
being collected together.
requiting with beneficence.
He desired me,
He poured it forth,
He cut
His arms,
The bees make, prepare,
I derived,
He alighted at their abode
They divided among themselves the spoil.
I overcame him by my speech.
I gave him,
A pestilence
He made it yellow:
He poured it out,
Take ye him away and
His sinews dried up.
He vied with him in patience,
He made his gift large.
Her thinness increased in thinness.
He bound two of the teats of his she-camel with the
He burns with hunger
It burned,
He aspersed his honour,
I saw him deny,
He journeyed far and wide in the countries.
He took a portion of the cattle,
He sent
They followed one another continuously in it;
He prayed for a reward for him from God:
The making a sound with the hand
i. q.
The people came in consecutive companies;
He made it rough, harsh,
He abased him; rendered him abject;
He reviled him,
The camels sought out the first sprouts of the herbage with their mouths:
The withdrawing,
He chose a
When the sun shall be wound round
I vied with him in fear
The ground became softened
The sun spread,
He opposed him
The waves,
Such a thing assumed a form,
He exalted himself;
Such a one almost bursts asunder with wrath,
I put a
He carried on
The palm-trees had hard green dates, which are termed
Hoariness rendered his hair white and black in equal proportions;
He cut it,
He made him to eat
He vied,
He took care of it,
He forged,
I vied, competed,
I mounted, or ascended, the greater part of the sand:
He came behind him;
He mixed the wine,
He gave him a bone with flesh upon it,
Walk thou in the shade of my she-camel, and profit by it, little and little.
He took the she-camel and tied the cord called
They were excessive,
He considered repeatedly his saying,
How proud, vain, boastful,
He sought to find in such a one something that he should be ashamed to expose,
The men,
His hair became separated,
His belly became prominent,
exciting, instigating;
He expatiated,
The nightly resting-place of their camels was,
He affected an inclining of his body,
He contended with me for superiority
The hair fell off and became scattered from the skin,
He expressed pain, grief,
raising the leg
He put down the cooking-pot
He made him to return
He put the things one within another.
Their beasts on which they rode were,
He was,
He divested himself,
The poison crept into him,
He consumed what was in the vessel;
They mutually folded together.
The thing,
He cut, abandoned,
He looked at it to see if it quitted its place.
The tree,
The wind carried away the dust; made it to fly away.
He ruffled the feathers around his neck
It went away,
The sword cuts,
The people,
Sleep came upon him and overpowered him;
They shunned
Their camels took fright and ran away at random,
They shunned
I accepted his intercession
syn. with
He contracted his shirt; he raised it,
Punishment pressed severely,
He addressed to him the question with the desire of causing him to make a mistake:
He pronounced him,
They invited him to marry a woman of their family:
The information,
The two coldest,
The people,
He deemed it
He supped,
bringing together:
He helped,
The rain dug up the stones of the earth by its vehemence.
Clamorem ac murmur excitavit,
He uttered,
It flowed:
He declared him,
He warmed his hand with the fire.
They went apart, away,
He eagerly desires the affair like as one eagerly desires spoil.
He separated himself from his partner, with the latter's concurrence;
He assigned to it a known and fixed price:
He excited and annoyed us by leaping,
He clad him with a
He sang,
He was in no need of him,
putting forth colours.
They were,
He prepared himself for him
His camel's feet became thin;
The heat departed,
He drank all that was in the vessel;
He silvered
He made the gift large.
I took for myself,
The colt was,
He hid himself from a creditor,
I made the milk to become such as is termed
The asserting one's relationship by saying
He tended, repaired,
He trod such a country, and knew its tidings.
The pen spirtled the ink.
He made the horse to sweat by urging him with his feet.
He guards against things forbidden.
The full-grown unripe dates showed in them a redness.
Such a one strove with me in walking,
It was,
doing an action of which one should be ashamed
He had recourse to him for refuge, protection,
Pronounce ye the name of God,
He became received among the sons of such a one, and harboured, protected,
He talked with him with a soft,
He rendered him familiar;
Verily thou art pretty, and mayest thou not be smitten by the
He made him,
He asked the people,
He made to leap, jump, spring,
The children of such a one multiplied; became many,
He contended with him in the shedding of blood.
i. q.
I made impressions, marks,
syn. with
The sun became white,
The clouds were,
He made speaks,
I fell short,
selling a stray slave,
exceeding the usual,
He retaliated the thing upon him.
He cut,
He gave him
He milked the sheep,
His lip became chapped.
He turned him back,
They differed, each from the other.
They stood close together, side by side, in the rank.
He made it bowed,
He follows the way of his father, and imitates him.
He had camels coming to water early in the morning, in the first part of the day;
He made them ten, by adding one to nine.
They two did
They shall hear it to have a sound of boiling,
The army drew near to the
He desired,
He slurred
syn. with
He made the tree to bend,
He inclined,
He excused himself,
Pasture thy camels by night, and be not negligent,
He came to a region, district,
He fed himself with it
He discovered in him the existence of good,
They hear the news, but are not sure of it,
He collected together his property,
The night became like the
I sent forth,
He will not break,
It rent,
He ascended a mountain towards the sun.
He made it apparent, manifest, evident,
Firmiter religavit:
He feigned himself
He excited him to mirth, joy, gladness,
I drew together the horses:
The birds collected,
He dug a hollow such as is termed
He was made an
He held back from,
The horse gained the winning-post;
The corn put forth its glumes:
Make thou fast the ship;
The eggs broke in pieces so as to disclose the young birds
Such a one follows the way of such a one.
His heart was made to imbibe enmity,
I assigned to him my well
It was,
I preferred him above him
He died,
He made a limit of separation,
He affected a
He protected,
It became poured out,
He held fast,
He made the place,
He asked him to leave his sitting-place vacant,
He kept silence with me and I was silent:
He contended with me in striking,
He made him,
The sword cuts off the arms and the legs.
He accused him of a crime, an offence,
We came to rainwater, and drank it:
Whoso desireth that men
state of being broken,
He took of the thing the least portion,
exerting the faculties
The people's cattle became lean,
drawing forth blood from the nose.
He made him to conceive what is termed
He begat sons goodly in stature
showing oneself openly:
He sought the aid of its light:
i. q.
It became much split
It dried up,
he caused him to come,
He straitened him
He stole:
He hastened such a one.
He paraded
A month passed
He made it wide,
The thrust,
He clave the foremost persons of the people,
He returned him answer for answer,
The land,
It was,
The egg cracked,
He used to dislike women's perfuming themselves with perfume of which the odour was perceived like that of men
He contended,
He said to him
Help thou me to collect honey,
sending forth,
He humbled,
The affair was as though it were closed against him, so that he knew not the way in which to engage in it,
I made my garment to be to him an
He hung upon himself the bow, putting its suspensory belt or cord upon his neck or shoulder;
The mirage nearly covered the heads of the mountains.
She was one whose colt had attained to the age for his being weaned,
He remained
The man possesses mastery,
And my she-camel uttered a yearning cry, by reason of lively emotion, and desire;
He cut off for himself a land,
He shut,
Every nail repelled the sword from its interstices:
She became such as is termed
He opposed himself to him, and reviled him.
He turned them from their course.
i. q.
He wallowed in his effused blood
He constrained himself to wade,
He was,
Silent in order to bring about,
I journeyed upon her until the heat of the middays of summer emaciated her and she became as though she were burnt.
He cleared
He drove away, and debarred,
The camels took with the tongue
He paid frequent attention,
He paid in advance,
He went upon the middle of the road, not missing it.
He wrestled with his adversary, and made him cleave to the dust.
The wild animals became fat.
His camel became jaded, and broke down with him,
He asked for,
He was,
He fought.
The cattle,
The people,
He dyed the garment,
O ingenuous
He vied with him,
It was,
The water
Whiteness of the hair,
He asserted himself to hold the tenets of the
He ascended upon the place.
The straightening,
The two partners were sharers in the property altogether:
He gained, acquired,
He seized his head,
The kindling of fire entered it;
He took it,
He followed his footsteps.
He delayed the milking her,
He made,
They tied the forelocks
He said not anything:
He smeared the traces of mange,
He sought
I kept,
He rose by degrees,
His belly became
He prided himself in the abundance of his wealth, and collected it but did not expend it:
He was withheld, restrained,
He counted, accounted,
They mounted upon the horses.
Many a water,
I left him struggling with,
The road was travelled.
He began to be in that state in which one could feel his hump.
Shelter thyself from the wind
The thread of the necklace
The people went forth, every commander of them with a
He secluded himself,
I exerted myself for my guest
The smoke rose,
Longing for his home affected him with intense emotion
They experienced drought,
He strove,
He rendered water turbid;
Confusion of mind:
Such a woman maintained,
He pulled off the cord called
He fed well with fodder:
He turned him back,
I vied with such a one,
He put a suspensory
He made him to have no desire for such a thing; to relinquish it,
He vied with me,
They slew the
He inclined to him.
I contended with him,
He walled
The company of men left their appointed station,
He fell short
Superiority that is perceptible by sense:
The leeks put forth their
He acted roughly with me with his whip,
He asked him,
I have within my compass,
I made him to drive camels:
His legs rendered him
i. q.
He returned, and became gentle and submissive to the command of God.
He exceeded the usual bounds
He made a small watering-trough,
He kept to the
He made
i. q.
He sought, sought for
It peeled off,
The herbs,
He was slain with the sword:
The sap
God made their artifice to beset them:
He secured himself against damage from his affairs;
He is long in looking
What made thee,
He took the thing
The land
It entered its hole called the
The putting of chains upon one's
It did not stand in any stead;
I made him responsible for accidents
Then say thou
He lent him the thing:
The she-camel, being covered, did not conceive,
leaping his she-ass much,
alighting in the last part of the night
He furnished himself with provisions for journeying.
He took the
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