Bible verses about "almonds" | Bishops

Genesis 30:37-43

37 Iacob toke roddes of greene populer, hasell, and chesse nut trees, and pilled whyte strakes in them, and made the whyte appeare in the roddes 38 And put the roddes which he had pilled, [euen] before the sheepe, in the gutters and watryng throughes when the sheepe came to drynke, that they should conceaue when they came to drynke 39 And the sheepe conceaued before the roddes, & brought foorth lambes ryngstraked, spotted, and partie 40 And Iacob did seperate these lambes, and turned the faces of the sheepe whiche were in the flocke of Laban, towarde these ryngstraked, and al maner of blacke: and so put his owne flockes by them selues, and put them not with Labans cattell 41 And in euery conceauyng tyme of the stronger cattel, Iacob layed the roddes before the eyes of the cattell in the gutters, namely that they myght conceaue before the roddes 42 But when the cattell were feeble, he put them not in: and so the feebler were Labans, and the stronger Iacobs 43 And the man increased exceedingly, and had much cattell, and mayde seruauntes, and man seruauntes, and camels, and asses

Exodus 25:31-40

31 And thou shalt make a candelsticke of pure golde, euen of a whole worke shall the candelsticke be made, with his shaft, his braunches, his bolles, his knoppes, and his flowres proceeding therout 32 Sixe braunches also shall proceede out of the sides of it: three braunches of the candelsticke out of the one side, and three out of the other 33 Three bolles like vnto almondes, with a knop and a flowre in one braunche: And three bolles like almondes in the other braunche, with a knop & a flowre, according to the sixe braunches that proceede out of the candelsticke 34 And in the candelsticke it selfe [there shalbe] foure bolles like vnto almondes, with their knoppes and flowres 35 And there shalbe a knop vnder two braunches of the same in three places, according to the sixe braunches that proceede out of the candelsticke 36 Their knoppes and their braunches shalbe of it: and it shalbe one whole worke, euen of pure golde 37 And thou shalt make the seuen lampes of it, and the seuen lampes therof shalt thou put on hye theron, to geue light vnto the other syde that is ouer agaynst it 38 The snuffers and the vessels of the snuffe, shalbe of pure golde 39 Of a talent of fine gold shall he make it, with all these vessels 40 Loke therefore that thou make them after the fashion that was shewed thee in the mount

Numbers 17:8

8 And on the morowe, Moyses went into the tabernacle of witnesse: and beholde, the rodde of Aaron for the house of Leui was budded, and brought foorth buddes, bare blossomes, and rype almondes

Ecclesiastes 12:1-14

1 Remember thy maker the sooner in thy youth, or euer the dayes of aduersitie come, and or the yeres drawe nye when thou shalt say, I haue not pleasure in them 2 Before the sunne, the light, the moone, and starres be darkened, and or the cloudes turne agayne after the rayne 3 When the kepers of the house shall tremble, and when the strong men shall bowe them selues, when the milners stand styll because they be so fewe, and when the sight of the windowes shall waxe dimme 4 When the doores in the streetes shalbe shut, and when the voyce of the milner shalbe layde downe, when men shall ryse vp at the voyce of the byrde, and when all the daughters of musicke shalbe brought lowe 5 When men shall feare in hye places, and be afraide in the streetes, when the Almonde tree shall florishe and be laden with the grashopper, and when all lust shal passe: because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streetes 6 Or euer the siluer lace be taken away, and or the golden well be broken: Or the pot be broken at the well, and the wheele broken vpon the cesterne 7 Then shall the dust be turned agayne vnto earth from whence it came, and the spirite shall returne vnto God who gaue it 8 All is but vanitie (saith the preacher) all is but playne vanitie 9 The preacher was yet more wyse, and taught the people knowledge, he gaue good heede, sought out the ground, and set foorth many parables 10 His diligence was to finde out acceptable wordes, right scripture, & the wordes of trueth 11 For the wordes of the wyse are like prickes and nayles that go thorowe, of the auctoures of gatheringes [which] are geuen of one shephearde 12 Therefore beware my sonne of that doctrine that is beside this: for to make many bookes, it is an endlesse worke, and to muche studie weerieth the body 13 Let vs heare the conclusion of all thinges, Feare God, and kepe his commaundementes: for that toucheth all men 14 For God shall iudge all workes and secrete thinges, whether they be good or euyll

Exodus 25:33-34

33 Three bolles like vnto almondes, with a knop and a flowre in one braunche: And three bolles like almondes in the other braunche, with a knop & a flowre, according to the sixe braunches that proceede out of the candelsticke 34 And in the candelsticke it selfe [there shalbe] foure bolles like vnto almondes, with their knoppes and flowres

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