Bible verses about "breakups" | Bishops

Jeremiah 1:4-10

4 The worde of the Lorde spake thus vnto me 5 Before I fashioned thee in thy mothers wombe, I dyd knowe thee: and or euer thou wast borne, I sanctified thee, and ordeyned thee to be a prophete vnto the people 6 Then sayde I: O Lorde God, I can not speake, for I am yet but young 7 And the Lorde aunswered me thus: Say not so, I am to young: for thou shalt go to all that I shall sende thee vnto, and whatsoeuer I commaunde thee, that shalt thou speake 8 Be not afrayde of their faces: for I am with thee to deliuer thee, saith the Lorde 9 And with that the Lorde stretched out his hande and touched my mouth: and the same Lorde sayde vnto me, Beholde, I put my wordes in thy mouth 10 And beholde, this day do I set thee ouer the people and kyngdomes, that thou mayest roote out, breake of, destroy, and make waste, and that thou mayest builde vp and plant

Jonah 2:1-10

1 And Ionas prayed vnto the Lorde his God out of the fisshes belly 2 And saide: In affliction I cryed vnto the Lorde, and he heard me: out of the belly of hell cryed I, and thou heardest my voyce 3 Thou haddest cast me downe into the deepe, into the middest of the sea, and the floods compassed me about: all thy billowes and waues passed ouer me 4 And I saide: I am cast away out of thy sight, yet wyll I loke againe toward thyne holy temple 5 The waters compassed me euen vnto the soule, the deapth closed me on euery side, and the weedes were wrapt about my head 6 I went downe to the bottome of the mountaines, the earth with her barres was about me for euer: yet hast thou brought vp my lyfe from corruption, O Lorde my God 7 When my soule fainted within me, I remembred the Lorde, and my prayer came in vnto thee into thy holy temple 8 They that holde vpon lying vanitie, forsake his mercie 9 But I wyll sacrifice vnto thee with the voyce of thankesgeuing, and wyll pay that that I haue vowed: for saluation is of the Lorde 10 And the Lorde spake vnto the fisshe, and it cast out Ionas vpon the drye lande

Matthew 13:13-15

13 Therfore speake I to them in parables: because they seeyng, see not: and hearyng, they heare not: neither do they vnderstande 14 And in them is fulfylled the prophesie of Esaias, saying: by hearyng ye shall heare, and shall not vnderstande, and seeyng, ye shall see, & shall not perceaue 15 For this peoples heart is waxed grosse, and their eares are dull of hearyng, and their eyes haue they closed: lest at any tyme they shoulde see with their eyes, and heare with their eares, and shoulde vnderstande with their heart, & shoulde conuert, that I myght heale them

Matthew 21:42

42 Iesus sayth vnto them. Did ye neuer reade in the Scriptures: The stone which the buylders refused, the same is become the head of the corner. This is the Lordes doing, and it is marueylous in our eyes

Acts 1:7-11

7 And he sayde vnto them: It is not for you to knowe the tymes, or the seasons, which the father hath put in his owne power 8 But ye shall receaue power, after that the holy ghost is come vpon you: And ye shalbe witnesses vnto me, both in Hierusalem, and in al Iurie, & in Samarie, and euen vnto the worldes ende 9 And when he had spoken these thynges, whyle they behelde, he was taken vp an hye, and a cloude receaued hym vp out of their syght 10 And while they loked stedfastly vp towarde heaue, as he went, beholde, two men stoode by them in whyte apparell 11 Which also sayde: Ye men of Galilee, why stande ye gasyng vp into heauen? This same Iesus, which is taken vp from you into heauen, shall so come, euen as ye haue seene hym go into heauen

Psalms 112:7

7 He wyll not be afraide of any euyll tidinges: his heart is setled, he beleueth in God

Matthew 15:8

8 This people draweth nye vnto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lippes: howbeit, their hearts are farre from me

Romans 8:7

7 Because that the fleshly mynde is enmitie agaynst God: For it is not obedient to the lawe of God, neither can be

Psalms 41:9

9 Yea besides this, euen myne owne friende whom I trusted: which dyd also eate of my bread, hath kicked very much agaynst me

Matthew 28:20

20 Teachyng the to obserue all thynges, whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you. And loe, I am with you alway, euen vnto the ende of the worlde

John 16:33

33 These wordes haue I spoken vnto you, that in me ye myght haue peace. For in the worlde shall ye haue tribulation: but be of good cheare, I haue ouercome the worlde

Isaiah 43:1-4

1 But nowe the Lorde that made thee O Iacob, and he that fashioned thee O Israel saith thus: feare not, for I haue redeemed thee, I haue called thee by thy name, thou art mine owne 2 If thou goest thorow ye water, I wyl be with thee, the strong fluddes shal not ouerwhelme thee: and if thou walkest thorowe the fire, it shall not burne thee, & the flambe shal not kindle vpon thee 3 For I am the Lord thy God, the holye one of Israel thy sauiour: I gaue Egypt for thy deliueraunce, the Ethiopians and the Sabees for thee 4 Because thou wast deare in my sight, and because I set by thee and loued thee: I wyl geue ouer all men for thee, and deliuer vp all people for thy sake

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