Bible verses about "womb" | Bishops

Job 31:15

15 He that fashioned me in my mothers wombe, made he not him also? were we not both shapen a like in our mothers bodies

Psalms 22:9-10

9 But thou art he that tokest me out of my mothers wombe: thou causedst me to trust in thee, suckyng my mothers breastes 10 I haue ben left vnto thee euer since I was borne: thou art my God euen from my mothers wombe

Psalms 127:3-5

3 Beholde, chyldren be the inheritage of God: and the fruite of the wombe is a rewarde 4 Like as arrowes be in the hande of the strong: euen so are the chyldren of youth 5 Happy is the man that hath filled his quiuer with them: they shall not be ashamed when they speake with their enemies in the gate

Psalms 139:13

13 For thou hast my reynes in thy possession: thou didst couer me in my mothers wombe

Isaiah 44:2

2 For thus saith the Lorde that made thee, fassioned thee, and helped thee euen from thy mothers wombe: Be not afraide O Iacob my seruaunt, thou righteous whom I haue chosen

Isaiah 49:5

5 And nowe saith the Lorde, euen he that fashioned me from my mothers wombe to be his seruaunt, that I may bryng Iacob agayne vnto hym, albeit Israel wyll not be gathered vnto hym agayne, yet in Gods sight shall I be glorious, my God shalbe my strength

Jeremiah 1:4-5

4 The worde of the Lorde spake thus vnto me 5 Before I fashioned thee in thy mothers wombe, I dyd knowe thee: and or euer thou wast borne, I sanctified thee, and ordeyned thee to be a prophete vnto the people

Isaiah 44:24

24 Thus saith the Lorde thy redeemer, euen he that fassioned thee from thy mothers wombe: I the Lorde do all thinges my selfe alone, I only spreade out the heauens, and I only haue laide abrode the earth by my owne selfe

Isaiah 49:1

1 Ye Isles hearken vnto me, and take heede ye people from farre: The Lord hath called me from my birth, and made mention of my name from my mothers wombe

Luke 1:44

44 For loe, assoone as the voyce of thy salutation sounded in mine eares, the babe sprang in my wombe for ioy

Luke 1:41

41 And it came to passe, that when Elizabeth hearde the salutation of Marie, the babe sprang in her wombe, and Elizabeth was fylled with the holy ghost

Galatians 1:15

15 But when it pleased God, which seperated me from my mothers wombe, & called [me] by his grace

Psalms 127:3

3 Beholde, chyldren be the inheritage of God: and the fruite of the wombe is a rewarde

Psalms 139:13-16

13 For thou hast my reynes in thy possession: thou didst couer me in my mothers wombe 14 I wyll confesse it vnto thee, for that thy [doynges] are to be dreaded, I am made after a marueylous sort: thy workes be marueylous, and that my soule knoweth ryght well 15 The substaunce of my [body] was not hyd from thee: when I was made in secrete and fashioned with distinct members in my mothers wombe 16 Thyne eyes dyd see me when I was most imperfect: and in thy booke were written euery day of them [wherin the partes of my body] were shaped, and no one of them were knowen vnto thee

Jeremiah 1:5

5 Before I fashioned thee in thy mothers wombe, I dyd knowe thee: and or euer thou wast borne, I sanctified thee, and ordeyned thee to be a prophete vnto the people

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