Bible verses about "supernatural" | Coverdale

Genesis 1:1

1 In ye begynnynge God created heauen & earth:

Job 26:7

7 He stretcheth out ye north ouer the emptie, & hageth ye earth vpo nothinge.

Job 41:1-6

1 Darrest thou drawe out Leuiathan with an angle, or bynde his tonge with a snare? 2 Canst thou put a rynge in the nose of him, or bore his chaftes thorow with a naule? 3 Wyll he make many fayre wordes with the (thynkest thou) or flatre the: 4 Wyll he make a couenaunt with the? Or, art thou able for to compell him to do the contynuall seruyce? 5 Wilt thou take thy pastyne wt him as with a byrde, or geue him vnto thy maydens, 6 that thy companyons maye hew him in peces, to be parted amonge the marchaunt men?

Proverbs 28:13

13 He that hydeth his synnes, shall not prospere: but who so knowlegeth them and forsaketh them, shall haue mercy.

Proverbs 7:23

23 so longe till she hath wounded his lyuer with hir darte: like as yf a byrde haisted to the snare, not knowinge that the parell of his life lyeth there vpo.

Isaiah 27:1

1 Then the LORDE with his heuye, great and loge swearde shal vyset Leuiatha, that invincible serpet: eue Leuiatha yt croked serpent, and shal slaye the Wallfish in ye see.

Matthew 5:18

18 For truly I saye vnto you: till heauen and earth perisshe, one iott or one tyttle of the lawe shall not escape, tyll all be fulfilled.

Mark 2:12

12 And immediatly he arose, toke his bed, and wente forth before them all: in so moch that they were all astonnied, and praysed God, and sayde: We neuer sawe soch.

Matthew 28:18

18 And Iesus came vnto them, talked with them, and sayde: Vnto me is geue all power in heauen and in earth.

Mark 10:46-52

46 And they came vnto Iericho. And whan he wente out of Iericho, and his disciples, and moch people, there sat one blynde Barthimeus the sonne of Thimeus by ye waye, and begged. 47 And wha he herde that it was Iesus of Nazareth, he beganne to crie and saye: Iesu thou sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon me. 48 And many reproued him, that he shulde holde his tunge. But he cried moch more: Thou sonne of Dauid haue mercyvpo me. 49 And Iesus stode styll, and bad call him. And they called the blynde, and sayde vnto him: Be of good conforte, aryse, he calleth the. 50 And he cast awaye his garment from him, stode vp, aud came to Iesus. 51 And Iesus answered, & sayde vnto him: What wilt thou that I do vnto the? The blynde sayde vnto him: Master, that I might se. 52 Iesus sayde vnto him: Go yi waye, thy faith hath helped ye. And immediatly he had his sight and folowed him in the waye.

John 4:1-30

1 Now whan Iesus had knowlege, yt it was come to the eares of the Pharises, that Iesus made and baptised mo disciples the Ihon 2 (howbeit Iesus himself baptysed not, but his disciples) 3 he left the londe of Iewry, and departed agayne in to Galile. 4 But he must nedes go thorow Samaria. 5 Then came he in to a cite of Samaria, called Sichar, nye vnto ye pece of lode, yt Iacob gaue vnto Ioseph his sonne. 6 And there was Iacobs well. Now whan Iesus was weerye of his iourney, he satt hi downe so vpo the well. And it was aboute the sixte houre. 7 Then came there a woman of Samaria to drawe water. Iesus sayde vnto her: Geue me drynke. 8 (For his disciples were gone their waye in to ye cite, to bye meate.) 9 So the woman of Samaria sayde vnto him: How is it that thou axest drynke of me, seynge thou art a Iewe, and I a woman of Samaria? For the Iewes medle not with the Samaritans. 10 Iesus answered, and sayde vnto her: Yf thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that sayeth vnto the, geue me drynke, thou woldest axe of him, and he wolde geue the, the water of life. 11 The woman sayde vnto him: Syr, thou hast nothinge to drawe withall, and the well is depe, from whence hast thou then that water of life? 12 Art thou greater then oure father Iacob, which gaue vs this well? And he himself dranke therof, and his children, and his catell. 13 Iesus answered, and sayde vnto her: Who so euer drynketh of this water, shal thyrst agayne: 14 But whosoeuer shal drynke of the water that I shal geue him, shal neuer be more a thyrst: but the water that I shal geue him, shalbe in him a well of water, which spryngeth vp in to euerlastinge life. 15 The woman sayde vnto him: Syr, geue me that same water, that I thyrst not, nether nede to come hither to drawe. 16 Iesus sayde vnto her: Go, call they hussbande, and come hither. 17 The woman answered, and sayde vnto him: I haue no hussbande. 18 Iesus sayde vnto her: Thou hast sayde well, I haue no hussbande: for thou hast had fyue hussbandes, and he whom thou hast now, is not thine hussbande: there saydest thou right. 19 The woma sayde vnto him: Syr, I se, that thou art a prophet. 20 Oure fathers worshipped vpon this mountayne, and ye saye, that at Ierusalem is the place, where men ought to worshippe. 21 Iesus sayde vnto her: Woman, beleue me, the tyme commeth, that ye shal nether vpon this mountayne ner at Ierusalem worshippe the father. 22 Ye wote not what ye worshippe, but we knowe what ye worshippe, for Saluacion commeth of the Iewes. 23 But the tyme commeth, and is now allready, that the true worshippers shal worshippe the father in sprete and in the trueth: For the father wil haue soch so to worshippe him. 24 God is a sprete, and they that worshippe him, must worshippe in sprete and in the trueth. 25 The woma sayde vnto him: I wote that Messias shal come, which is called Christ. Whan he commeth, he shal tell vs all thinges. 26 Iesus sayde vnto her: I that speake vnto the, am he. 27 And in the meane season came his disciples, and they marueyled that he talked with the woman. Yet sayde no man: What axest thou, or what talkest thou with her? 28 Then the woman let hir pot stonde, and wente in to the cite, and sayde vnto the people: 29 Come, se a man, which hath tolde me all that euer I dyd, Is not he Christ? 30 Then wente they out of the cite, and came vnto him:

Ephesians 6:12

12 For we wrestle not agaynst flesh and bloude, but agaynst rule, agaynst power namely, agaynst the rulers of the worlde, of the darknesse of this worlde, agaynst ye spretes of wickednes vnder the heauen.

Revelation 2:8

8 And vnto the angell of the congregacion of Smyrna wryte: These thinges saith he that is fyrst, and the last, which was deed, and is aliue:

Genesis 1:1-31

1 In ye begynnynge God created heauen & earth: 2 and ye earth was voyde and emptie, and darcknes was vpon the depe, & ye sprete of God moued vpo the water. 3 And God sayde: let there be light, & there was light. 4 And God sawe the light that it was good. Then God deuyded ye light from the darcknes, 5 and called the light, Daye: and the darcknes, Night Then of the euenynge and mornynge was made the first daye. 6 And God sayde: let there be a firmament betwene the waters, and let it deuyde ye waters a sunder. 7 Then God made ye firmamet, and parted the waters vnder the firmamet, from the waters aboue the firmament: And so it came to passe. 8 And God called ye firmament, Heauen. Then of the euenynge & mornynge was made the seconde daye. 9 And God sayde: let the waters vnder heauen gather theselues vnto one place, yt the drye londe maye appeare. And so it came to passe. 10 And God called ye drye londe, Earth: and the gatheringe together of waters called he, ye See. And God sawe yt it was good. 11 And God sayde: let ye earth bringe forth grene grasse and herbe, that beareth sede: & frutefull trees, that maye beare frute, euery one after his kynde, hauynge their owne sede in them selues vpon the earth. And so it came to passe. 12 And the earth brought forth grene grasse and herbe, yt beareth sede euery one after his kynde, & trees bearinge frute, & hauynge their owne sede in them selues, euery one after his kynde. And God sawe that it was good. 13 Then of the euenynge & mornynge was made the thirde daye. 14 And God sayde: let there be lightes in ye firmament of heauen, to deuyde the daye fro the night, that they maye be vnto tokes, seasons, dayes, and yeares. 15 And let them be lightes in ye firmament of heauen, to shyne vpon the earth: And so it came to passe. 16 And God made two greate lightes: one greater light to rule the daye, and a lesse light to rule the night, and (he made) starres also. 17 And God set them in the firmament of heauen, yt they might shyne vpo earth, 18 and to rule the daye and the night, and to deuyde the light from darcknes. And God sawe that it was good. 19 Then of the euenynge and mornynge was made the fourth daye. 20 And God sayde: let the waters brynge forth creatures that moue and haue life, & foules for to flye aboue the earth vnder the firmamet of heauen. 21 And God created greate whalles, and all maner of creatures that lyue and moue, which the waters brought forth euery one after his kynde: and all maner of fethered foules, euery one after his kynde. And God sawe that it was good, 22 and blessed them, sayenge: Growe, and multiplie, and fyll the waters of the sees, and let the foules multiplie vpon the earth. 23 Then of the euenynge and mornynge was made the fifth daye. 24 And God sayde: let ye earth brynge forth lyuynge soules, euery one after his kynde: catell, wormes & what as hath life vpon earth, euery one after his kynde. And so it came to passe. 25 And God made ye beastes of the earth euery one after his kynde, and catell after their kynde, and all maner wormes of the earth after their kynde. And God sawe that it was good. 26 And God sayde: let vs make man in or similitude after oure licknesse, that he maye haue rule ouer the fysh of the see, and ouer the foules vnder ye heauen, and ouer catell, and ouer all the earth, and ouer all wormes that crepe on ye earth. 27 And God created man after his licknesse: after ye licknesse of God created he him, male & female created he them. 28 And God blessed them, and sayde vnto them: Growe, and multiplie, and fyll the earth, and subdue it, & haue domynion ouer the fish of the see, and ouer the foules of the ayre, and ouer all the beastes that crepe vpo the earth. 29 And God sayde: lo, I haue geuen you all maner herbes that beare sede vpon the whole earth, and all maner frutefull trees that beare sede, to be meate for you. 30 And to all beastes of the earth, and to all foules vnder the heauen, and to euery worme that hath life (vpon earth) all maner grene herbes to eate. And so it came to passe. 31 And God behelde all yt he had made, and lo, they were exceadinge good. Then of the euenynge and mornynge was made the sixte daye.

Exodus 22:18

18 Thou shalt not suffre a witch to lyue.

Numbers 22:5-38

5 And he sent out messaungers vnto Balaam the sonne of Beor, which was an interpreter. (The same dwelt by the water of the lande of ye children of his people) that they shulde call him, and he caused to saye vnto him: Beholde, there is come out of Egipte, a people, which couereth ye face of ye earth, and lyeth ouer agaynst me. 6 Come now therfore, and curse me this people, for they are to mightie for me, yf peraduenture I might be able to smyte them, and to dryue them out of the lande. For I wote, that whom thou blessest, he is blessed: and whom thou cursest, he is cursed. 7 And the Elders of the Moabites wente on with ye Elders of the Madianites, and had the rewarde of ye soyth sayenge in their handes, and they came vnto Balaam, & tolde him the wordes of Balaac. 8 And he saide vnto the: Tary here all night, & I will bringe you worde agayne, euen as the LORDE shal saye vnto me. So ye prynces of ye Moabites abode with Balaam. 9 And God came vnto Balaam, & sayde: What men are these, which are with ye? 10 Balaam sayde vnto God: Balac ye sonne of Ziphor the kynge of the Moabites hath sent vnto me: 11 Beholde, there is a people come out of Egipte, and couereth the face of the earth, come now therfore, & curse me the, yf peradueture I maye be able to fighte with them, & to dryue the out. 12 But God sayde vnto Balaam: Go not with them, & curse not that people, for they are blessed. 13 Then rose Balaam vp in the mornynge, & sayde vnto the prynces of Balac: Get you vnto youre londe, for the LORDE wyll not suffer me to go with you. 14 And the prynces of ye Moabites gat the vp, came to Balac, & saide: Balaam refuseth to come wt vs. 15 Then sent Balac yet a greater copany of prynces, & more honorable the they. 16 Whan they came to Balaam, they tolde him: Balac ye sonne of Ziphor sendeth ye this worde: Oh refuse not to come vnto me, 17 for I wyll promote the vnto hye honoure, & wil do what so euer thou sayest vnto me. Come I praye the, curse me this people. 18 Balaam answered, & sayde vnto ye seruautes of Balac: Yf Balac wolde geue me his house full of syluer & golde, yet coulde I not go beyonde ye worde of the LORDE my God, to do litle or greate. 19 Neuertheles tary ye here this night, yt I maye were, what the LORDE wil saye more vnto me. 20 Then came God to Balaam by night, & saide vnto him: Yf the men are come to call the, get the vp then, and go with the: but what I shal saye vnto the, that shalt thou do. 21 Then rose Balaam vp in the mornynge, & sadled his Asse, & wente wt the prynces of ye Moabites. 22 But the wrath of God waxed whote, because he wete. And the angell of ye LORDE stode in the waye, to withstode him. But he rode vpo his Asse, & two seruauntes wt him. 23 And ye Asse sawe ye angell of ye LORDE stodinge in ye waye, & his swerde drawen in his hade. And ye Asse turned a syde out of ye waye, & wete in to the felde. But Balaam smote her, yt she shulde go in the waye. 24 Then stode the angell of the LORDE in ye pathe by the vynyardes, where there were walles on both the sydes. 25 And whan ye Asse sawe the angell of the LORDE, she wrenshed vnto the wall, & thrust Balaams fote vnto the wall. And he smote her agayne. 26 The wete the angell of the LORDE farther, & stode in a narow place, where there was no waye to turne, nether to the righte hade ner to ye lefte. 27 And whan the Asse sawe the angell of the LORDE, she fell downe vnder Balaam. Then was Balaams wrath furious, & smote the Asse with a staffe. 28 Then opened the LORDE the mouth of ye Asse, and she sayde vnto Balaam: What haue I done vnto the, that thou hast smytten me now thre tymes? 29 Balaam sayde vnto ye Asse: Because thou hast mocked me. Oh yt I had a swerde now in my hande, I wolde kyll the. 30 The Asse sayde vnto Balaam: Am not I thine Asse, which thou hast rydden vpon in yi tyme vnto this daye? Was I euer wonte to do so vnto the? He sayde: No. 31 Then opened the LORDE the eyes of Balaam, yt he sawe ye angell of the LORDE stondinge in ye waye, & a drawe swerde in his hade. And he enclyned him selfe, & bowed downe wt his face. 32 And the angell of the LORDE sayde vnto him: Wherfore hast thou smytte thine Asse now thre tymes? Beholde, I am come out to resiste ye, for yi waye is frowarde, & cotrary vnto me. 33 And ye Asse sawe me, & auoyded fro me thre tymes: or els yf she had not turned asyde fro me, I had slayne the, & saued the Asse alyue. 34 Then sayde Balaam vnto ye angell of ye LORDE: I haue synned, for I wyst not, that thou stodest in the waye agaynst me. And now yf it displease ye, I wil turne agayne. 35 The angell of ye LORDE saide vnto him: Go with the me: but thou shalt speake nothinge els, then yt I shal saye vnto ye. So Balaam wente forth wt the princes of Balac. 36 Whan Balac herde yt Balaam came, he wente out to mete him (in the cite of the Moabites yt lieth on the coaste of Arnon, which is on ye vttemost border) 37 & sayde vnto him: Dyd not I sende for ye to call the? Wherfore camest thou not then vnto me? Thinkest thou yt I am not able to promote ye vnto honor? 38 Balaam answered him: Lo, I am come vnto ye But how can I saye eny thinge els, the yt God putteth in my mouth? yt I must speake

John 17:17

17 Sanctifye them in thy trueth. Thy worde is the trueth.

John 3:16

16 For God so loued the worlde, that he gaue his onely sonne, that who so euer beleueth in hi, shulde not perishe, but haue euerlastinge life.

Hebrews 1:14

14 Are they not all mynistrynge spretes, sent to mynister for their sakes, which shalbe heyres of saluacion?

1 John 5:14

14 And this is the fre boldnesse which we haue towarde him, that yf we axe eny thinge acordinge to his wyll, he heareth vs.

James 5:16

16 Knowlege youre fautes one to another: and praye one for another, that ye maye be healed. The prayer of a righteous man auayleth moche, yf it be feruet.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15

13 For soch false Apostles & disceatfull workers fashion them selues like vnto the Apostles of Christ. 14 And that is no maruell: for Sathan himfelfe is chaunged in to ye fashion of an angell of light. 15 Therfore is it no greate thinge, though his mymisters fashion them selues as though they were the preachers of righteousnes, whose ende shalbe acordinge to their dedes.

2 Timothy 3:16

16 For all scripture geue by inspiracion of God, is profitable to teach, to improue, to amende, and to instructe in righteousnes,

Hebrews 4:12

12 For ye worde of God is quycke, and mightie in operacion, and sharper the eny two edged swerde, and entreth thorow, euen to the deuydinge of the soule & the sprete, and of ye ioyntes & the mary, and is a iudger of the thoughtes & intetes of the hert,

Isaiah 53:1-12

1 Bvt who geueth credence vnto oure preachinge? Or to who is the arme of the LORDE knowne? 2 He shal growe before the LORDE like as a brauch, & as a rote in a drie grounde. He shal haue nether bewty ner fauoure. When we loke vpon him, there shalbe no fayrnesse: we shal haue no lust vnto him. 3 He shalbe the most symple & despised of all, which yet hath good experience of sorowes & infirmities. We shal reken him so symple & so vyle, that we shal hyde oure faces fro him. 4 Howbeit (of a treuth) he only taketh awaye oure infirmite, & beareth oure payne: Yet we shal iudge him, as though he were plaged and cast downe of God: 5 where as he (not withstodinge) shal be wouded for oure offences, & smytten for oure wickednes. For the payne of or punyshmet shalbe layde vpo him, & wt his stripes shal we be healed. 6 As for vs, we go all astraye (like shepe), euery one turneth his owne waye. But thorow him, the LORDE pardoneth all or synnes. 7 He shal be payned & troubled, ad shal not ope his mouth. He shalbe led as a shepe to be slayne, yet shal he be as still as a lambe before the shearer, & not open his mouth. 8 He shal be had awaye, his cause not herde, & wtout eny iudgment: Whose generacion yet no man maye nombre, when he shalbe cut of fro the grounde of the lyvinge: Which punyshment shal go vpon him, for the transgression of my people. 9 His graue shalbe geue him with the codemned, & his crucifienge with the theues, Where as he dyd neuer violence ner vnright, nether hath there bene eny disceatfulnesse in his mouth. 10 Yet hath it pleased ye LORDE to smyte him with infirmite, that when he had made his soule an offeringe for synne, he might se a loge lastinge sede. And this device of the LORDE shal prospere in his honde. 11 With trauayle and laboure of his soule, shal he optayne greate riches. My rightuous seruaunt shall with his wisdome iustifie & delyuer the multitude, for he shal beare awaye their synnes. 12 Therfore wil I geue him the multitude for his parte, & he shal deuyde the stroge spoyle because he shal geue ouer his soule to death, & shalbe rekened amonge the transgressours, which neuertheles shal take awaye ye synnes of the multitude, and make intercession for the my?doers.

Deuteronomy 18:9-13

9 Whan thou commest in to ye londe which the LORDE thy God shal geue ye, thou shalt not lerne to do ye abhominacions of these nacions, 10 that there be not founde amonge you, yt maketh his sonne or doughter go thorow the fyre, or a prophecier, or a choser out of dayes, or that regardeth the foules cryenge, 11 or a witch, or a coniurer, or soythsayer, or an expounder of tokens, or yt axeth eny thinge of the deed. 12 For who so euer doth soch, is abhominacion vnto the LORDE: and because of soch abhominacions doth the LORDE yi God dryue the out before the. 13 But thou shalt be perfecte with the LORDE yi God.

Leviticus 19:31

31 Ye shal not turne yor selues to ye Soythsayers, and axe nothinge at the expounders of tokes, that ye be not defyled by them: for I am the LORDE youre God.

Amos 3:7

7 Now doth the LORDE God no maner of thinge, but he telleth his secrete before vnto his seruauntes ye prophetes.

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