Bible verses about "deacons" | Geneva

Acts 6:1-15

1 And in those dayes, as the nomber of ye disciples grewe, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians towards ye Hebrewes, because their widowes were neglected in the dayly ministring. 2 Then the twelue called the multitude of the disciples together, and sayd, It is not meete that we should leaue the worde of God to serue the tables. 3 Wherefore brethren, looke ye out among you seuen men of honest report, and full of the holy Ghost, and of wisedome, which we may appoint to this busines. 4 And we will giue our selues continually to prayer, and to the ministration of the worde. 5 And the saying pleased the whole multitude: and they chose Steuen a man full of fayth and of the holy Ghost, and Philippe, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas a Proselyte of Antiochia, 6 Which they set before the Apostles: and they prayed, and layed their hands on them. 7 And the worde of God increased, and the nomber of the disciples was multipled in Hierusalem greatly, and a great company of the Priests were obedient to the faith. 8 Now Steuen full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people. 9 Then there arose certaine of the Synagogue, which are called Libertines, and Cyrenians, and of Alexandria, and of them of Cilicia, and of Asia, and disputed with Steuen. 10 But they were not able to resist the wisdome, and the Spirit by the which he spake. 11 Then they suborned men, which saide, We haue heard him speake blasphemous wordes against Moses, and God. 12 Thus they mooued the people and the Elders, and the Scribes: and running vpon him, caught him, and brought him to the Councill, 13 And set forth false witnesses, which sayd, This man ceasseth not to speake blasphemous wordes against this holy place, and the Law. 14 For we haue heard him say, that this Iesus of Nazareth shall destroy this place, and shall change the ordinances, which Moses gaue vs. 15 And as all that sate in the Councill, looked stedfastly on him, they saw his face as it had bene the face of an Angel.

Acts 20:28

28 Take heede therefore vnto your selues, and to all the flocke, whereof the holy Ghost hath made you Ouerseers, to feede the Church of God, which hee hath purchased with that his owne blood.

1 Timothy 3:1-13

1 This is a true saying, If any man desire the office of a Bishop, he desireth a worthie worke. 2 A Bishop therefore must be vnreproueable, the husband of one wife, watching, temperate, modest, harberous, apt to teache, 3 Not giuen to wine, no striker, not giuen to filthy lucre, but gentle, no fighter, not couetous, 4 One that can rule his owne house honestly, hauing children vnder obedience with all honestie. 5 For if any cannot rule his owne house, how shall he care for the Church of God? 6 He may not be a yong scholer, lest he being puffed vp fall into the condemnation of the deuill. 7 He must also be well reported of, euen of them which are without, lest he fall into rebuke, and the snare of the deuill. 8 Likewise must Deacons be graue, not double tongued, not giuen vnto much wine, neither to filthy lucre, 9 Hauing the mysterie of the faith in pure conscience. 10 And let them first be proued: then let them minister, if they be found blameles. 11 Likewise their wiues must be honest, not euill speakers, but sober, and faithfull in all things. 12 Let the Deacons be the husbands of one wife, and such as can rule their children well, and their owne housholdes. 13 For they that haue ministred well, get them selues a good degree, and great libertie in the faith, which is in Christ Iesus.

Romans 16:1

1 I Commende vnto you Phebe our sister, which is a seruaunt of the Church of Cenchrea:

1 Timothy 3:8

8 Likewise must Deacons be graue, not double tongued, not giuen vnto much wine, neither to filthy lucre,

Titus 1:6-9

6 If any be vnreproueable, the husband of one wife, hauing faithfull children, which are not slandered of riot, neither are disobedient. 7 For a Bishop must bee vnreproueable, as Gods steward, not froward, not angrie, not giuen to wine, no striker, not giuen to filthie lucre, 8 But harberous, one that loueth goodnesse, wise, righteous, holy, temperate, 9 Holding fast that faithfull worde according to doctrine, that he also may bee able to exhort with wholesome doctrine, and conuince them that say against it.

1 Timothy 3:2

2 A Bishop therefore must be vnreproueable, the husband of one wife, watching, temperate, modest, harberous, apt to teache,

John 12:26

26 If any man serue me, let him follow me: for where I am, there shall also my seruant be: and if any man serue me, him will my Father honour.

1 Timothy 3:1-16

1 This is a true saying, If any man desire the office of a Bishop, he desireth a worthie worke. 2 A Bishop therefore must be vnreproueable, the husband of one wife, watching, temperate, modest, harberous, apt to teache, 3 Not giuen to wine, no striker, not giuen to filthy lucre, but gentle, no fighter, not couetous, 4 One that can rule his owne house honestly, hauing children vnder obedience with all honestie. 5 For if any cannot rule his owne house, how shall he care for the Church of God? 6 He may not be a yong scholer, lest he being puffed vp fall into the condemnation of the deuill. 7 He must also be well reported of, euen of them which are without, lest he fall into rebuke, and the snare of the deuill. 8 Likewise must Deacons be graue, not double tongued, not giuen vnto much wine, neither to filthy lucre, 9 Hauing the mysterie of the faith in pure conscience. 10 And let them first be proued: then let them minister, if they be found blameles. 11 Likewise their wiues must be honest, not euill speakers, but sober, and faithfull in all things. 12 Let the Deacons be the husbands of one wife, and such as can rule their children well, and their owne housholdes. 13 For they that haue ministred well, get them selues a good degree, and great libertie in the faith, which is in Christ Iesus. 14 These things write I vnto thee, trusting to come very shortly vnto thee. 15 But if I tary long, that thou maist yet know, how thou oughtest to behaue thy self in ye house of God, which is the Church of the liuing God, the pillar and ground of trueth. 16 And without controuersie, great is the mysterie of godlinesse, which is, God is manifested in the flesh, iustified in the Spirit, seene of Angels, preached vnto the Gentiles, beleeued on in the world, and receiued vp in glorie.

Philippians 1:1

1 Paul and Timotheus the seruants of IESVS CHRIST, to all the Saintes in Christ Iesus which are at Philippi, with the Bishops, and Deacons:

1 Timothy 3:11

11 Likewise their wiues must be honest, not euill speakers, but sober, and faithfull in all things. 12 Let the Deacons be the husbands of one wife, and such as can rule their children well, and their owne housholdes.

Acts 6:1-6

1 And in those dayes, as the nomber of ye disciples grewe, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians towards ye Hebrewes, because their widowes were neglected in the dayly ministring. 2 Then the twelue called the multitude of the disciples together, and sayd, It is not meete that we should leaue the worde of God to serue the tables. 3 Wherefore brethren, looke ye out among you seuen men of honest report, and full of the holy Ghost, and of wisedome, which we may appoint to this busines. 4 And we will giue our selues continually to prayer, and to the ministration of the worde. 5 And the saying pleased the whole multitude: and they chose Steuen a man full of fayth and of the holy Ghost, and Philippe, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas a Proselyte of Antiochia, 6 Which they set before the Apostles: and they prayed, and layed their hands on them.

1 Timothy 3:8-13

8 Likewise must Deacons be graue, not double tongued, not giuen vnto much wine, neither to filthy lucre, 9 Hauing the mysterie of the faith in pure conscience. 10 And let them first be proued: then let them minister, if they be found blameles. 11 Likewise their wiues must be honest, not euill speakers, but sober, and faithfull in all things. 12 Let the Deacons be the husbands of one wife, and such as can rule their children well, and their owne housholdes. 13 For they that haue ministred well, get them selues a good degree, and great libertie in the faith, which is in Christ Iesus.

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