Bible verses about "floods" | Great

Genesis 8:1-22

1 And God remembred Noah, and euery beaste, and all the catell that was with him in the Arke. And god made a wind to passe vpon the earth, and the waters ceassed. 2 The fountaynes also of the depe and the windowes of heauen were stopped, 3 and the rayne from heauen was restrayned. And the waters from the erth were returned, goyng and commynge agayne. And after the ende of the hundreth and fyftieth daye, the waters were abated. 4 And in the seuenth moneth in the seuententh daye of the moneth, the Arke rested vpon the mountaines of Armenia. 5 And the waters truely were goynge and decreacyng vntyl the tenth moneth: For in the tenth moneth, & in the fyrst daie of the same moneth were the toppes of the mountaynes sene. 6 And after the ende of the fortieth daye, it happened that Noah opened the wyndowe of the Arke which he had made. 7 And he sent forth a rauen, whiche went out goyng forth and returnynge agayne, vntyll the waters were dryed vp vpon the earth. 8 And agayne he sent forth a doue from hym, that he myghte se yf the waters were abated from the vpper face of the grounde. 9 And the doue founde no rest for the sole of her fote, & she returned vnto hym agayne into the Arke: for the waters were in the vpper face of the whole erth. And he, whan he had put forth his hande, toke her, and pulled her into hym into the Arke. 10 And he abode yet other seuen dayes, and proceadynge further, he sent forthe the doue out of the Arke. 11 And the doue came to hym in the euen tyde, and lo, in her mouthe was an oliue leaf that she had pluct, wherby Noah did knowe, that the waters were abated vpon the earth. 12 And he abode yet other seuen daies and sent forthe the doue, whiche proceaded not to returne vnto hym any more. 13 And it came to passe in the syxe hundreth & one yere, in the fyrst moneth, & in the fyrst daye of the moneth, the waters were dryed vp from the earthe. And Noah remoued the coueryng of the Arke, & loked, & beholde, the vpper face of the grounde was dryed vp. 14 And in the seconde moneth, in the seuen & twentye daye of the moneth, was the earth dryed. 15 And God spake vnto Noah sayeng: 16 Go forth of the Arke, thou & thy wyfe, thy sonnes, & thy sonnes wyues wt the. 17 And brynge forth with the, euery beaste that is with the: of all flesshe (both foule & catel, & euery worme that crepeth vpon the earthe) that they maye gendre in the earth, & bryng forth frute, and increase vpon erth. 18 And so Noah came forth and hys sonnes, hys wyfe, & hys sonnes wyues with hym. 19 Euery beast also and euery worme, euery foule, and whatsoeuer crepeth vpon the earth (after theyr kyndes) went out of the Arke. 20 And Noah buylded an altare vnto the lorde, and toke of euery cleane beast, and of euery cleane foule, & offred sacrifyces in the altare. 21 And the Lorde smelled a swete (or quyete) sauoure. And the Lorde sayde in his herte: I wyll not proceade to curse the grounde any more for mannes sake, for the ymagynacyon of mans hert is euel euen from hys youth. Neyther wyl I adde to smite any more euery thynge liuynge, as I haue done, 22 yet therfore shall not sowyng tyme, & haruest, colde and heate, Sommer & wynter, daye & nyght, ceasse, all the dayes of the earth.

Genesis 8:20

20 And Noah buylded an altare vnto the lorde, and toke of euery cleane beast, and of euery cleane foule, & offred sacrifyces in the altare.

Psalms 93:3

3 Euer sens the world beganne hath thy seate bene prepared, thou art from euerlastynge.

Isaiah 54:9

9 And this is vnto me as the water of Noe: for lyke as I haue sworne that I wyll not bringe the water of Noe eny more vpon the worlde: so haue I sworne that I wyll neuer be angry with the, ner reproue the:

Matthew 24:22

22 Ye & except those dayes shulde be shortened, there shulde no fleshe be saued: but for the chosens sake, those dayes shalbe shortened.

Matthew 24:44

44 Therfore, be ye also ready, for in soch an houre as ye thynke not: wyll the sonne of man come.

Luke 21:36

36 Watch ye therfore contynually, and praye, that ye maye escape all these thynges that shall come, and that ye maye stande before the sonne of man.

Acts 17:30-31

30 And the tyme of this ignoraunce God regarded not. But now biddeth all men euery where repen 31 because he hath appoynted a daye, in the which he will iudge the world wt ryghte wesnes, by that man by whom he hath appoynted, & hath offered fayth to all men, after that he had raysed him from deeth.

Hebrews 11:7

7 By fayth Noe beynge warned of God, eschued the thynges which were as yet not sene, and prepared the arke to the sauynge of hys housholde, thorow the whych arke, he condempned the worlde, and became heyre of the ryghtewesnes which is accordyng to fayth.

Revelation 21:4

4 And God shall wype awaye all teares from theyr eyes. And there shalbe nomore deeth, nether sorowe, nether cryenge, nether shall ther be eny more payne, for the olde thynges are gone.

Revelation 12:15

15 And the dragon cast oute of hys mouth water after the woman as it had bene a ryuer, because she shuld haue bene caught of the floud.

Luke 17:27

27 They dyd eate & dryncke, they maryed wyues and were maried, euen vnto that same daye that Noe went into the Arke: and the floude cam, and destroyed them all.

Luke 17:26

26 And as it happened in the dayes of Noe: so shall it be also in the dayes of the sonne of man.

1 Peter 3:20

20 which some tyme had bene disobedyent, when the longe sufferynge of God was once loked for in the dayes of Noe whyll the arcke was a preparyng: wherin feaw, that is to saye .viij. soules, were saued by the water,

Psalms 107:25-30

25 For at his word, the stormy wynd ariseth, which lyfteth vp the waues therof. 26 They are caryed vp to the heauen, and downe agayne to the deape, their soule melteth awaye because of the trouble. 27 They rele to and fro, and stacker lyke a droncken man, & are at their wittes ende. 28 So whan they crye vnto the Lord in their trouble, he delyuereth them out of their distresse. 29 For he maketh the storme to ceasse, so that the waues therof are styll. 30 Then are they glad because they be at rest, and so he bryngeth them vnto the hauen where they wolde be.

2 Peter 2:5

5 nether spared the olde worlde, but saued. Noe the eyght preacher of ryghtewesnes, and brought in the floud vpon the worlde of the vngodly,

Genesis 6:17

17 And behode, I, euen I, do bring a floude of waters vpon the earthe, that I maye destroye al flesshe wherin is the breth of lyfe vnder heauen: And euery thynge that is in the earth, shall dye.

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