Bible verses about "hannah" | Great

1 Samuel 2:1

1 And Hanna prayed and sayde: myne herte reioyseth in the Lord, and myne horne is exalted in the Lorde. My mouth is wyde open ouer myne enemyes, for I reioyse in thy saluacyon.

1 Samuel 2:1-10

1 And Hanna prayed and sayde: myne herte reioyseth in the Lord, and myne horne is exalted in the Lorde. My mouth is wyde open ouer myne enemyes, for I reioyse in thy saluacyon. 2 There is none so holye as the Lord, for without the, is nothing. Nether is there any of strength as is oure God. 3 Talke not to moche proudlye let olde thynges depart out of your mouthes, for the lorde is a God of knowledge, and his purposes come to passe. 4 The bowe with the mightye men are broken: and they that were weake, haue girded them selues wt strength. 5 They that were full, haue hired out them selues for breed, & they that were hongrye, ceasse so to be, tyll the baren hath borne seuen: & she that had many chyldren, is waxed feble. 6 The Lord kylleth, and maketh alyue: bryngeth downe to the graue and fetcheth vp agayne. 7 The Lorde maketh poore, & maketh ryche: bringeth lowe, and heueth vp on hye. 8 He reyseth vp the poore out of the dust, and lyfteth vp the begger from the dong hyll: to sett them amonge princes, and to enherett them with the seate of glorye. For the pillers of the erth are the lordes, and he hath sett the rounde worlde vpon them. 9 He wyll kepe the fete of hys sayntes, and the wycked shall kepe sylence in darcknesse, & in his awne myght shall no man be stronge. 10 The lordes aduersaries shall be destroyed of hym: and out of heauen shall he thunder vpon euery one of them. The lorde shall iudge the endes of the worlde, & shall gyue myght vnto his kynge, and exalte the horne of his anoynted.

1 Samuel 1:1-28

1 There was a man of one of the two Ramaths (of the kinred of Zophim, of mount Ephraim) named Elkana the sonne of Ieroham the sonne of Elihu, the sonne of Thohu, the sonne of Zuph, an Ephrathite: 2 whych had two wyues, the one called Hanna, & the other Phenenna. And Phenenna had children, but Hanna had none. 3 And the sayd man went vp out of his citye euery feastfull daye, to praye & to offer vnto the Lord of hostes in Silo, where were the two sonnes of Eli (Hophni & Phinehes) the lordes prestes. 4 And it fell on a solempne daye, that Elkana offered, and gaue to Phenenna his wife & to all her sonnes and daughters porcyons. 5 But vnto Hanna he gaue a porcion wt a heuye chere, for he loued Hanna, and the Lord had made her barren. 6 And her enemye (Phenenna) vexed her sore contynually, to moue her, because the lord had made her barren. 7 And so did she yere by yere as ofte as she went vp to the house of the lord. And so chafed her, which wepte, and did not eate. 8 Then sayde Elkana her husband to her: Hanna, why wepest thou? and why eatest thou not? and why is thyne herte troubled? am not I better to the, then ten sonnes? 9 So Hanna rose vp after that they had eaten & droncke in Sylo. And Eli the Preaste sate vpon a stole by one of the syde postes of the temple of the Lorde. 10 And she was troubled in her mynde, and prayed vnto the Lord, & wepte sore, 11 and vowed a vowe, and sayd: O Lord of hostes, yf thou wylt loke on the trouble of thine handmayde, & remembre me, and not forget thine handmayde, but geue vnto thine handmayde a man chylde: I wyll geue him vnto the Lord all the dayes of his lyfe, & there shall no raser come vpon his heed. 12 And as she continued praying before the lord, it fortuned, that Eli marked her mouth. 13 For Hanna spake in her herte, & her lyppes did but moue onely, but her voyce was not heard: & therfore Eli thought she had bene droncken, 14 and Eli sayd vnto her: How long wylt thou be droncken? put awaye from the, the wyne that thou hast. 15 Hanna answered and sayde: not so my Lord, I am a woman of a sorowfull herte: I haue droncke nether wyne nor stronge drynck, but haue powred out my soule before the Lord. 16 Count not thyne handmayde to be lyke a daughter of Belial, for out of the aboundance of my heuynes & greafe: haue I spoken hitherto. 17 Eli answered her agayne: & sayde go in peace: the God of Israell graunt the thy peticyon, that thou hast asked of hym. 18 She sayde: let thyne hand mayde fynde grace in thy sight And so the woman went her waye, & dyd eat, & loked no more so sadde. 19 And they rose vp earlye, & worshipped before the lord, & then returned, & came to theyr house to Ramath. And whan Elkana knew Hanna his wyfe, the Lord remembred her: 20 for in processe of tyme it came to passe, that she conceaued, & bare a sonne, & called his name Samuel (sayeng:) because I haue asked him of the Lord. 21 And Elkana & all his house went vp to offer vnto the Lord, the offerynge due for the feast, & also his vowe: 22 Neuertheles, Hanna went not vp, but sayde vnto her husbande: I wyll tarye vntill the ladde be wened, & then I wyll bring him that he maye apeare before the Lord, & there abide for euer. 23 Elkana her husband answered her: do what semith the best: tarye at home, vntill thou hast wened him, & I besech the Lord, to make good his sayeng. And so the woman abode, & gaue her sonne sucke, vntill she wened him. 24 And when she had wened him she toke hym with her, with thre bullockes & an Epha of floure, & a bottel of wyne, and brought him vnto the house of the Lord in Silo, & the child was yet but tender of age. 25 And they slue a bullocke, & brought in the ladd to Eli, 26 and she sayd: Oh my Lord: as truly as thy soule lyueth my Lord, I am the woman that stode before the here, prayeng vnto the Lorde. 27 For this ladde I prayed, and the Lorde hath geuen me my desire, whych I asked of him: 28 and therfore I haue geuen hym vnto the Lord, as long as he is mete for the lorde. And they worshipped the Lorde there.

1 Samuel 2:1-36

1 And Hanna prayed and sayde: myne herte reioyseth in the Lord, and myne horne is exalted in the Lorde. My mouth is wyde open ouer myne enemyes, for I reioyse in thy saluacyon. 2 There is none so holye as the Lord, for without the, is nothing. Nether is there any of strength as is oure God. 3 Talke not to moche proudlye let olde thynges depart out of your mouthes, for the lorde is a God of knowledge, and his purposes come to passe. 4 The bowe with the mightye men are broken: and they that were weake, haue girded them selues wt strength. 5 They that were full, haue hired out them selues for breed, & they that were hongrye, ceasse so to be, tyll the baren hath borne seuen: & she that had many chyldren, is waxed feble. 6 The Lord kylleth, and maketh alyue: bryngeth downe to the graue and fetcheth vp agayne. 7 The Lorde maketh poore, & maketh ryche: bringeth lowe, and heueth vp on hye. 8 He reyseth vp the poore out of the dust, and lyfteth vp the begger from the dong hyll: to sett them amonge princes, and to enherett them with the seate of glorye. For the pillers of the erth are the lordes, and he hath sett the rounde worlde vpon them. 9 He wyll kepe the fete of hys sayntes, and the wycked shall kepe sylence in darcknesse, & in his awne myght shall no man be stronge. 10 The lordes aduersaries shall be destroyed of hym: and out of heauen shall he thunder vpon euery one of them. The lorde shall iudge the endes of the worlde, & shall gyue myght vnto his kynge, and exalte the horne of his anoynted. 11 And Elkana went to Ramath to his house, & the ladd dyd mynistre vnto the lorde before Eli the preaste. 12 But the sonnes of Eli were chyldren of Belial, and knewe not the lord. 13 And the Preastes made a lawe for the people, that whensoeuer any man offered any offerynge, the Preastes ladd came, while the fleshe was in sething, & a fleshoke wyth thre tethe in his hand, 14 and thrust it into the panne: ketle, caldren, or potte. And all that the fleshe hoke brought vp, that the Preaste toke awaye. And so they did vnto all the Israelites, that came thyther to Silo. 15 Yee & therto, before they burnt the fatte, the Preastes ladd came and sayd to the man that offered: geue flesh that I maye dresse it for the Preaste, for he wyll not haue sodden fleshe of the, but rawe. 16 And yf any man sayde vnto hym: let them burne the fatt according to the daye, & then take as moche as thine herte desyreth. The ladd wold answere him, yee, thou shalt geue it me now: and yf thou wylt not, I wyll take it with violence. 17 And the synne of the youngmen was very great before the Lorde. For men abhorred the offeryng of the Lorde. 18 But the child Samuel ministred before the Lorde, girded about wyth a lynen Ephod. 19 Moreouer, hys mother made him a lytle coate, & brought it to him from yere to yere, when she came vp with her husbande to offer the offeringe in the solempne feastes: 20 and Eli blessed Elkana & his wyfe, and sayde: the Lorde geue the seede of thys woman, for the peticyon that she asked of the lorde. And they went vnto their awne home. 21 And the lorde visited Hanna, so that she conceaued & bare thre sonnes & two daughters. And the chylde Samuel grewe before the lorde. 22 Eli was very olde, & herde all that his sonnes dyd vnto all Israel, and how they laye with the wemen that wayted at the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, 23 & he sayde vnto them: why do ye soche thynges? For of all these people I heare euell reportes of you. 24 Oh, naye my sonnes: for it is no good reporte that I heare, how that ye make the lordes people to trespasse. 25 If one man synne agaynst another, daysemen maye be iudges: but yf a man synne agaynst the lorde who will be his dayseman? Notwythstandyng, they herkened not vnto the voyce of their father, because the lorde wolde slaye them. 26 The chylde Samuel profyted and grew, and was in fauoure both with the lorde, and also with men. 27 And there cam a man of God vnto Eli, & sayd vnto him: thus sayeth the lorde: dyd not I apeare vnto the house of thy father, when they were in Egipte subiect vnto Pharaos house? 28 And I chose thy father out of all the trybes of Israel to be my Preaste, for to offer vpon myne aultare, & to burne incense, and to weare an Ephod before me. And I gaue vnto the house of thy father all the burnt offrynges of the chyldren of Israell. 29 Wherfore treade ye downe my sacrifice and myne offeryng, which I commaunded to be made in the Tabernacle, & honorest thy chyldren aboue me, to make youre selues fatt of the first frutes of all the offerynges of Israel my people? 30 Wherfore the lorde God of Israell sayeth: I sayde, that thy house and the house of thy father shuld walke before me for euer. But now the lorde sayeth: that be farre from me: for them that worshipe me, I will worshipe, & they that despyse me, shall come to shame. 31 Beholde, the dayes come, that I will cut of thyne arme, & the arme of thy fathers house, that there shal not be an elder in thine house. 32 And thou shalt se thyne enemye in the tabernacle of the lorde, & in all that welthe which God shal giue Israell, & there shall not be an elder in thyne house for euer. 33 Neuerthelesse, I wyll not destroye all the males that come of the fro myne aultare. But to make thyne eyes dase, & to make thyne hert melte. And all they that be multiplyed in thyne house, shall dye, yf they be men. 34 And this shalbe a signe vnto the, that shall come vpon thy two sonnes Hophny & Phinehes: euen in one daye they shall dye both. 35 And I wyll stere me vp a faythfull preste, that shall do accordynge to my herte and mynde: And I will buylde him a sure house. And he shall walke before myne anoynted for euer. 36 And they that are left in thyne house, shall come, and crouch to him for a lytle pece of syluer & a cake of bread, & shall saye: put me (I praye the) in one offyce or other amonge the prestes, that I maye eate a morsell of bread.

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