Bible verses about "knowledge" | Great

Proverbs 2:1-22

1 My sonne, yf thou wilt receaue my wordes, and kepe my commaundementes by the, 2 that thou wylt enclyne thyne eare vnto wysdome, applye thyne hert then to vnderstandynge. 3 For yf thou cryest after wisdome, and callest for knowledge: 4 yf thou sekest after her as after money, and dyggest for her as for treasure, 5 then shalt thou vnderstande the feare of the Lorde, and fynde the knowledge of God. 6 For it is the Lorde that geueth wisdome, out of his mouth commeth knowledge and vnderstandynge. 7 He hydeth vp healthe for the ryghteous. He preserueth the welfare of the ryghteous, and defendeth them that walke syncerely: 8 he kepeth them in the ryght pathe, and preserueth the waye of soche as serue hym with godlynesse. 9 Then shalt thou vnderstande ryghteousnesse, iudment, and equyte: yee, and euery good path. 10 Yf wysdome entre into thyne herte, and thy soule delyte in knowledge: 11 then shall councell preserue the, and vnderstandynge shall kepe the. 12 That thou mayest be delyuered from the euell waye, and from the man that speaketh frowarde thinges. 13 From soche as leaue the hye strete, & walke in the wayes of darckenesse: 14 which reioyse in doynge euell: and delyte in wycked thynges: 15 whose wayes are croked, and they frowarde in thyr pathes. 16 That thou mayest be deliuered also from the straunge woman, and from her that is not thyne awne: which geueth swete wordes, 17 forsaketh the husbande of her youth, & forgetteth the conuenaunt of her God. 18 For her house is enclyned vnto death, & her pathes vnto hell. 19 All they that go in vnto her come not agayn, nether take they holde of the waye of lyfe. 20 Therfore, walke thou in the waye of soch as be verteous, and kepe the pathes of the ryghteous. 21 For the iust shall dwell in the lande: and they that be perfecte shall remayne in it: 22 but the vngodly shalbe roted out of the lande: and the wycked doers shalbe roted out of it.

Psalms 119:66

66 O learne me true vnderstandynge, and knowledge, for I haue beleued thy commaundementes.

Hosea 4:6

6 my people perish, because they haue no knowledg. Seinge then that thou hast refused vnderstanding, therfore wyll I refuse the also: so that thou shalt nomore be my preste. And for so moche as thou hast forgotten the lawe of thy God, I wyll also forget thy chyldren.

1 Corinthians 12:8

8 For to one is geuen thorow the spirite the vtteraunce of wisdome. To another is geuen the vttraunce of knowledge by the same sprete.

Proverbs 15:14

14 The hert of hym that hath vnderstandyng, doth seke after knowledge, but the mouth of fooles is fedd with foolyshnesse.

Proverbs 3:1-35

1 My sonne, forget not thou my lawe, but se that thyne hert kepe my commaundementes. 2 For they shall prolonge the dayes & yeres of thy lyfe, and bringe the peace. 3 Let mercy and faythfulnes neuer go from the: bynde them about thy necke, and wryte them in the tables of thyne herte. 4 So shalt thou fynde fauour & good vnderstanding, in the syght of God and men. 5 Put thy trust in God with all thyne herte: and leane not vnto thyne awne witte. 6 In all thy wayes haue respecte vnto hym: & shall order thy goynges. 7 Be not wyse in thyne awne conceate: but feare the Lorde, and departe from euell: 8 so shall thy nauell be whole, and thy bones stronge. 9 Honoure the Lord wt thy substaunce: and with thy firstlinges of all thyne encrease 10 so shall thy barnes be fylled with plenteousnesse: and thy presses shall flowe ouer with swete wyne. 11 My sonne, despyse not the chastenynge of the Lorde, nether faynte when thou art rebuked of hym. 12 For whom the Lorde loueth, hym he chasteneth, and yet deliteth in him, euen as a father in his awne sonne. 13 Well is him that findeth wysdome, and opteyneth vnderstandinge: 14 for the getting of it is better then any marchaundise of syluer, and the profet of it is better then golde. 15 Wysdome is more worth then precious stones: and all the thinges that thou canst desire are not to be compared vnto her. 16 Upon her ryght hande is longe lyfe, and vpon her left hande is riches and honour. 17 Her wayes are pleasaunt wayes and all her pathes are peaceable. 18 She is a tree of lyfe to them that laye hold vpon her, and blessed is he that kepeth her fast. 19 With wysdome hath the Lorde layed the foundacion of the erth: and thorowe vnderstandinge hath he stablyshed the heauens. 20 Thorowe his wisdome the deapthes breake vp, and the cloudes droppe downe the dew. 21 My sonne, let not these thynges departe, from thyne eyes: but kepe my lawe and my councell, 22 that thou mayest haue the pleasure of longe lyfe and vnderstandynge: for they shalbe lyfe vnto my soule, & grace vnto my mouth. 23 Then shalt thou walke safely in thy waye: and thy fote shall not stomble. 24 If thou slepest, thou shalt nott be afrayed: but shalt take thy rest, and slepe swetely. 25 Thou nedest not to be afrayed of any soden feare, nether for the vyolent russhynge in of the vngodly when it commeth. 26 For the Lorde shall stonde by thy syde, and kepe thy fote, that thou be not taken. 27 Withdrawe no good thinge from them that haue nede, so longe as thyne hand is able to do it. 28 Saye not vnto thy neyghboure: go thy waye, & come agayne, to morowe wyll I geue the: 29 where as thou haste nowe to geue hym. Intende no hurte vnto thy neyghboure, seynge he dothe dwell in reest by the. 30 Stryue not lyghtely with anye man without cause, where as he hathe done the no harme. 31 Folowe not a wicked man, and chose none of hys wayes: 32 for the Lorde abhorreth the frowarde: but hys councell is amonge the ryghteous. 33 The curse of the Lorde is in the house of the vngodly: but he blesseth the dwellynges of the ryghteous. 34 As for the scornefull dothe not he laugh them to scorne? but he geueth grace vnto the lowly. 35 The wise shall haue honour in possession: but shame is the promocion that foles shall haue.

Proverbs 12:1

1 Who so loueth wysdome, wyll be content to be refourmed: but he the hateth to be reproued, is a foole.

Proverbs 24:5

5 A wyse man is euer stronge, yee, a man of vnderstanding encreaseth of strength.

Proverbs 8:10

10 Receaue my doctryne, and not syluer: and my knowledge, more then fyne golde.

Hosea 4:6-7

6 my people perish, because they haue no knowledg. Seinge then that thou hast refused vnderstanding, therfore wyll I refuse the also: so that thou shalt nomore be my preste. And for so moche as thou hast forgotten the lawe of thy God, I wyll also forget thy chyldren. 7 The more they increased in the multitude, the more they synned agaynst me, therfore wyll I change theyr honoure into shame.

Proverbs 1:7

7 The feare of the Lorde is the begynnyng of wysdome. But fooles despyse wysdome & instruccion.

Proverbs 2:10

10 Yf wysdome entre into thyne herte, and thy soule delyte in knowledge:

Proverbs 18:15

15 A wyse herte laboureth for knowledge and a prudent eare seketh vnderstandynge.

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