Bible verses about "omniscience" | Great

1 Chronicles 28:9

9 And thou Salomon my sonne, knowe thou the God of thy father, and serue hym with a pure hert, and wyth a swete courage. For the Lorde sercheth all hertes, and vnderstandeth all the ymaginacyons of thoughtes. And yf thou seke hym, he wylbe founde of the: But yf thou forsake hym, he wyll cast the of for euer.

Job 28:24

24 For he beholdeth the endes of the world, and loketh vpon all that is vnder heauen.

Isaiah 40:13-14

13 Who hath refourmed the mynde of the Lorde? or to whom hath he shewed his counsell. Or who is of his councell to teach him? 14 or who hath geuen him vnderstandynge and hath taught him the path of iudgement Who taught him conninge and opened to him the waye of vnderstandynge.

Jeremiah 29:11

11 For I know what I haue deuised for you, sayth the Lorde. My thoughtes are to geue you peace, and not trouble (which I geue you all ready) and that ye myght haue hope againe.

Matthew 10:30

30 Yee, euen al the heares of your head are nombred.

Acts 1:24

24 And whan they prayed they sayde: thou Lorde, which knowest the hertes of all men, shewe whether of these two thou hast chosen:

1 Corinthians 2:11

11 For what man knoweth the thinges of a man: saue the sprete of man which is wt in him? Euen so the thynges of God knoweth no man, but the sprete of God.

Isaiah 42:9

9 Beholde, olde thinges are come to passe, & new thynges do I declare. And or euer they come, I tell you of them.

Romans 11:33-36

33 O the depnes of the ryches both of the wysdome and knowledge of God: how vnsercheable are his iudgementes, & his wayes past fyndynge out; 34 For who hath knowen the mynde of the Lorde? Or who hath bene hys counseller? 35 other who hath geuen vnto hym fyrst, and he shalbe recompensed agayne? 36 For of hym, and thorow hym, and for hym are all thynges: To hym be glorye for euer. Amen.

Hebrews 4:13

13 nether is ther eny creature that is not manifest in the syght of him: But all thinges are naked and open vnto the eyes of him, of whom we speake.

Psalms 139:1-6

1 To the chaunter, a psalme of Dauid. O lorde, thou hast searched me out, and knowen me. 2 Thou knowest my downe syttinge and myne vprysing: thou vnderstandest my thoughtes longe before. 3 Thou art about my path, and about my bedd: & spyest out all my wayes. 4 For lo, there is not a worde in my tonge, but thou, O Lorde knowest it all together. 5 Thou hast fassyoned me behynde and before, and layed thyne hande vpon me. 6 Soch knowledge is to wonderfull & excellent for me: I can not attayne vnto it.

Psalms 147:4-5

4 He telleth the nombre of the starres, and calleth them all by ther names. 5 Greate is oure Lorde, and greate is hys power: yee hys wysdome is infynite.

Jeremiah 23:24

24 Maye eny man hyde hym self so, that I shall not se hym? sayeth the Lorde. Do not I fulfyll heauen and earth? sayeth the Lorde.

Isaiah 40:28

28 Knowest thou not, or hast thou not hearde, that the euerlastynge God, the Lorde which made all the corners of the earth, is nether weery nor faynt? and that his wysdome cannot be comprehended:

Jeremiah 1:5

5 Before I fasshioned the in thy mothers wombe, I dyd knowe the. And or euer thou wast borne, I sanctifyed the, and ordeyned the, to be a prophete vnto the people.

Psalms 147:5

5 Greate is oure Lorde, and greate is hys power: yee hys wysdome is infynite.

1 John 3:20

20 For yf oure herte condempne vs, God is gretter then oure herte, and knoweth all thinges.

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