Bible verses about "perserverance" | Great

Colossians 2:1-23

1 For I wolde that ye knewe howe greate care that I haue for you and for them that are at Laodicia, and for as many as haue not sene my parson in the flessh, 2 that theyr hertes myght be comforted whan they are knet together in loue, and in all ryches of full vnderstandynge, for to knowe the mistery of God the father, and of Chryst, 3 in whom are hyd all the treasures of wysdome and knowledge. 4 Thys I saye, lest eny man shulde begyle you wt entysynge wordes. 5 For though I be absent in the flesshe, yet am I with you in the sprete, ioyinge and beholdynge youre order, and youre sted fast fayth in Chryst 6 As ye haue therfore receaued Christ Iesu the Lorde euen so walke ye in hym, 7 so that ye be rotyd and buylte in hym, and stablysshed thorow fayth, as ye haue learned: and therin be plenteous with geuynge thankes. 8 Beware, lest eny man spoyle you thorowe philosophy and disceatfull vanitie, after the tradicyon of men, and after the ordinaunces of the worlde, & not after Christ. 9 For in hym dwelleth all the fulnes of the God heed bodely, 10 and ye are complete in him: which is the heed of all rule and power, 11 by whom also ye are circumcised with circumcisyon which is done with out handes, for asmoche as ye haue put of the synfull body of the flesshe thorowe the circumcisyon that is in Christ, 12 in that ye are buried with hym thorowe bapti me, in whom ye are also rysen agayne thorowe fayth, that is wrought by the operacyon of God which raysed him from deeth. 13 And ye whan ye weare deed thorowe synne and thorowe the vncircumcisyon of youre flesshe, hath he quyckned with him, and hath forgeuen vs all oure trespaces 14 and hath put out the hande wrytynge that was agaynst vs, contayned in the lawe written: and that hath he taken out of the waye, and hath fastened it to hys crosse, 15 and hath spoyled rule and power, and hath made a shewe of them openly, and hath triumphed ouer them in his awne person. 16 Let no man therfore trouble youre consience aboute meate and dryncke or for a pece of an holy daye, or of the newe mone, or of the Sabboth dayes, 17 which are shaddowes of thinges to come: but the body is in Chryst. 18 Let no man make you shote at a wronge marke, by the humblenes and holynes of angels, in the thynges which he neuer sawe, beynge causelesse puft vp with his flesshly mynde, 19 & holdeth not the heed, wherof all the body by ioyntes and couples receaueth norisshment & is knet together, and encreaseth with the increasynge that commeth of God. 20 Wherfore, yf ye be deed with Chryst from the ordinaunces of the worlde, why as though ye yet lyued in the worlde, are ye led with tradicions? 21 Touch not, tast not, handell not: 22 which all perisshe thorowe the very abuse: after the commaundmentes and doctrynes of men: 23 which thynges out wardly haue the similitude of wysdome by supersticion and humblenes of mynde, and by hurtynge of the body, and in that they do the flesshe no worshyppe vnto the nede therof.

1 Corinthians 13:8

8 Though that prophesyinges fayle, other tonges cease, or knowledge vanysshe awaye, yet loue falleth neuer awaye.

Romans 15:13

13 The God of hope fyll you wyth all ioye and peace in beleuyng: that ye maye be ryche in hope, thorow the power of the holy ghost.

Ephesians 2:8-9

8 For by grace are ye made safe thorow fayth, and that not of youre selues. It is the gyfte of God, 9 and commeth not of workes, lest eny man shulde boast him selfe

James 1:23-25

23 For yf eny man heare the worde and declareth not the same by his workes, he is lyke vnto a man beholding his bodely face in a glasse. 24 For assone as he hath loked on hym selfe, he goeth his waye, & forgetteth immediatly what hys fassyon was. 25 But who so loketh in the parfayt lawe of libertye, and contynueth therin (yf he be not a forget full hearer, but a doar of the worke) the same shalbe happye in his dede.

Hebrews 12:3

3 Consyder therfore, how that he endured such speakinge agaynst hym of synners lest ye shuld be weryed and faynte in your mindes.

2 Thessalonians 3:13

13 Brethren be not ye weery in well doynge.

1 Corinthians 15:1-58

1 Brethren, as pertaynynge to the gospell whych I preached vnto you, whych ye haue also accepted, and in the whych ye contynue, 2 by the which also ye are saued: I do you to wit, after what maner I preached vnto you, yf ye kepe it, except ye haue beleued in vayne. 3 For fyrst of all I delyuered vnto you, that which I receaued: how that Christ dyed for our synnes, agreynge to the scriptures: 4 And that he was buried, and that he arose agayne the thirde daye accordyng to the scriptures: 5 & that he was sene of Cephas, then of the twelue. 6 After that was he sene of moo then fyue hundred brethren at once: of whych many remayne vnto this daye, & many are fallen a slepe. 7 After that appeared he to Iames, then to all the Apostles. 8 And last of all he was sene of me, as of one that was borne oute of due tyme. 9 For I am the least of the apostles, which am not worthy to be called an Apostle, because I persecuted the congregacyon of God. 10 But by the grace of God, I am that I am. And his grace which is in me, was not in vayne: But I labored moare aboundauntly then they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which is with me 11 therfore whether it were I or they, so we preach, & so haue ye beleued. 12 If Christ be preached how that he rose from the deed: how saye some amonge you, that ther is no resurreccyon of the deed: 13 If there be no rysynge agayne of the deed then is Christ not rysen agayne. 14 If Christ be not rysen agayne, then is oure preaching in vayne, and your fayth is also in vayne. 15 Ye and we are founde false wytnesses of God. For we haue testifyed of God, how that he raysed vp Christ: whom he raysed not vp, yf it be so that the deed ryse not agayne. 16 For yf the deed ryse not agayne, then is Christ not rysen agayne. 17 If it be so that Christ rose not agayne, then is youre fayth in vayne, and ye are yet in youre synnes. 18 Therfore they whych are fallen a slepe in Christ, are perysshed. 19 If in this lyfe onely we beleue on Christ, then are we of all men most miserable. 20 But now is Christ rysen from the deed, & become the fyrst frutes of them that slept. 21 For by a man came deeth, and by a man came the resurreccyon of the deed. 22 For as by Adam all dye: euen so by Christ, shall all be made alyue, 23 but euery man in his awne order. The fyrst is Christ, then they that are Christes at his commynge. 24 Then commeth the ende, when he hath delyuered vp the kyngdome to God the father, when he hath put downe all rule and all auctorite & power. 25 For he must raygne tyll he haue put all his enemyes vnder his fete. 26 The last enemye that shalbe destroyed, is deeth 27 For he hath put all thynges vnder his fete. But when he sayth all thynges are put vnder him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which dyd put all thynges vnder him. 28 When all thynges are subdued vnto him, then shall the sonne also him selfe be subiect vnto him, that put all thynges vnder him, that God maye be all in all. 29 Els what do they, whych are baptised ouer the deed yf the deed ryse not at all? Why are they then baptised ouer them? 30 Yee and why stonde we all waye then in ieoperdy? 31 By oure reioysinge which I haue in Christ Iesu oure Lorde, I dye dayly. 32 That I haue fought with beastes at Ephesus after the maner of men, what auauntageth it me, yf the deed ryse not agayne: Let vs eate and dryncke, for to morowe we shall dye. 33 Be not ye deceaued: euell wordes corrupte good maners. 34 Awake truely out of slepe, and synne not. For some haue not the knowledge of God: I speake this to youre shame. 35 But some man will saye: howe aryse the deed? wt what bodye shall they come? 36 Thou foole, that which thou sowest, is not quickened, except it dye. 37 And what sowest thou? Thou sowest not that body that shalbe: but bare corne (as of wheet, or of some other) 38 but God geueth it a body at his pleasure, to euery seed his awne body. 39 All flesshe is not one maner of flesshe: but ther is one maner of flesshe of men, another maner of flesshe of beastes, another of fysshes, & another of byrdes. 40 Ther are also celestiall bodyes, & ther are bodyes terrestriall. But the glory of the celestiall is one, & the glory of the terrestriall is another. 41 Ther is one maner glory of the sonne, and another glory of the moone, & another glory of the sterres. For one starre differeth from another in glory 42 So is the resurreccyon of the deed. It is sowen in corrupcion, it ryseth agayne in incorrupcyon. 43 It is sowen in dishonour, it ryseth agayne in honoure. It is sowen in weaknes, it ryseth agayne in power. It is sowen a naturall body, it ryseth agayne a spretuall body. 44 Ther is a naturall bodye, & ther is a spretuall body: 45 as it is also written: the fyrste man Adam was made a lyuinge soule, and the last Adam was made a quyckening sprete. 46 Howbeit, that is not fyrst which is spirituall: but that which is naturall, and then that which is spretuall 47 The fyrst man is of the erth, erthy: the seconde man is the Lorde from heauen 48 As is the erthy, soche are they that are erthye. And as is the heuenly, soche are they that are heuenly. 49 And as we haue borne the ymage of the erthy, so shall we beare the ymage of the heauenly. 50 This saye I brethren the flesshe & bloud cannot inheret the kyngdom of God. Nether doth corrupcyon inheret vncorrupcyon. 51 Beholde, I shewe you a mistery. We shall not all slepe: but we shall all be chaunged, 52 and that in a moment, in the twyncklynge of an eye by the last trompe. For the trompe shall blowe, and the deed shall ryse incorruptible, & we shalbe chaunged. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorrupcyon: and this mortall must put on immortalite. 54 When this corruptible hath put on incorruption, and this mortall hath put on immortalite: then shalbe brought to passe the saying that is written: 55 Deeth is swalowed vp in victory: Deeth where is thy stynge? Hell where is thy victory? 56 The stynge of deeth is synne: and the strength of synne is the lawe. 57 But thankes be vnto God which hath geuen vs victory, thorowe oure Lord Iesus Christ. 58 Therfore my deare brethren, be ye stedfast and vnmouable, alwayes ryche in the worke of the Lorde, for as moch as ye knowe, how that youre labour, is not in vayne in the Lorde.

1 Corinthians 9:24-27

24 Perceaue ye not, howe that they which runne in a course, runne all, but one receaueth the rewarde? So runne, that ye maye obtayne. 25 Euery man that proueth masteries, abstayneth from all thynges. And they do it to obtayne a crowne that shall perysshe: but we to obtayne an euerlasting crowne. 26 I therfore so runne, not as at an vncertayne thyng. So fyght I, not as one that beateth the ayer: 27 but I tame my body, & brynge it into subieccyon, lest by anye meanes it come to passe, that whan I haue preached to other, I my selfe shulde be a cast awaye.

Romans 5:3

3 Not that onely: but also we reioyce in tribulacyons: knowyng that tribulacyon bryngeth pacience,

Hebrews 12:1-2

1 Wherfore, let vs also (seyng that we are compassed with so great a multitude of witnesses) laye awaye all that presseth doune, and the synne that hangeth so fast on, let vs runne with pacience vnto the battayle that is set before vs, 2 lookyng vnto Iesus the captayne & finissher of our fayth, which (for the ioye that was set before him) abode the crosse, & despised the shame, & is set downe on the ryghte hande of the throne of God.

Galatians 6:9

9 Let vs not be wery of well doinge. For when the tyme is come, we shall reape without werynesse.

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