Bible verses about "good" | Matthew

Psalms 100:5

5 For the Lorde is gracyous, hys mercie is euerlastynge, and hys trueth endureth from generatyon to generacyon.

1 Thessalonians 5:21

21 Examen all thinges, and kepe that which is good.

Mark 10:17-22

17 And when he was come into the way, there came one runnyng and kneled to him, & axed hym: good mayster, what shall I do, that I maye enheret eternall lyfe? 18 Iesus sayed vnto hym: why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, which is God. 19 Thou knowest the commaundementes: breake not matrimonye: kyll not: steale not: beare not false witnes: defraude no man: honour thy father & mother. 20 He aunswered to hym: mayster all these I haue obserued from my youth. 21 Iesus behelde hym, and had a fauoure to him: and sayed vnto hym: one thynge is lackynge vnto the. Go and sell all that thou haste, and geue to the poore, and thou shalte haue treasure in heauen, and come and folowe me, and take vp thy crosse. 22 But he was discomforted with that saying, and went awaye mournynge, for he had greate possessyons.

Psalms 1:1-6

1 O blessed is the man, that goeth not in the counsayll of the vngodly: that abydeth not in the waie of sinners and sitteth not in the seate of the scorneful. 2 But deliteth in the lawe of the Lord, and exercyseth hym self in hys lawe, bothe daye and nyght. 3 Suche a man is lyke a tree planted by the watersyde, that bringeth forthe hys frute in due season. His leaues shall not fall af, & loke whatsoeuer he doth, it shall prospere. 4 As for the vngodly, it is not so with them but they are lyke the dust, wych the wynde scatered awaye from the grounde. 5 Thefore the vngodly shall not be able to stande in the iudgement, nether the synners in the congregacyon of the ryghtuous. 6 For the Lorde aloweth the waye of the righteous, but the waye of the vngodly shal peryshe.

Isaiah 5:20

20 Wo be vnto them that cal euyll good, and good euyll: which make darckenesse lyghte, & lyghte darckenesse, that make sower swete and swete sower.

Romans 12:21

21 Be not ouercome of euyl: But ouercome euil with goodnesse.

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