Bible verses about "cooperation" | Wycliffe

Genesis 11:1-4

1 Forsothe the lond was of o langage, and of the same speche. 2 And whanne thei yeden forth fro the eest, thei fonden a feeld in the lond of Sennaar, and dwelliden ther ynne. 3 And oon seide to his neiybore, Come ye, and make we tiel stonys, and bake we tho with fier; and thei hadden tiel for stonus, and pitche for morter; 4 and seiden, Come ye, and make we to vs a citee and tour, whos hiynesse stretche `til to heuene; and make we solempne oure name bifor that we be departid in to alle londis.

Exodus 17:12

12 Sotheli `the hondis of Moises weren heuy, therfor thei token a stoon, and puttide vndir hym, in which stoon he sat. Forsothe Aaron and Hur susteyneden hise hondis, on euer eithir side; and it was don, that hise hondis weren not maad weri, til to the goyng down of the sunne.

Mark 2:3

3 And there camen to hym men that brouyten a man sijk in palesie, which was borun of foure.

Mark 6:7

7 And he clepide togidere twelue, and bigan to sende hem bi two togidere; and yaf to hem power of vnclene spiritis,

Acts 1:12-14

12 Thanne thei turneden ayen to Jerusalem, fro the hille that is clepid `the hille of Olyuete, which is bisidis Jerusalem an halidaies iourney. 13 And whanne thei weren entrid in to the hous, where thei dwelliden, thei wenten vp in to the soler, Petir and Joon, James and Andreu, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matheu, James of Alphei, and Symount Zelotes, and Judas of James. 14 Alle these weren lastingli contynuynge with o wille in preier, with wymmen, and Marie, the moder of Jhesu, and with hise britheren.

Acts 15:1-41

1 And summe camen doun fro Judee, and tauyten britheren, That but ye ben circumcidid after the lawe of Moises, ye moun not be maad saaf. 2 Therfor whanne ther was maad not a litil discencioun to Poul and Barnabas ayens hem, thei ordeyneden, that Poul and Barnabas, and summe othere of hem, schulden go vp to the apostlis and preestis in Jerusalem, on this questioun. 3 And so thei weren led forth of the chirche, and passiden bi Fenyce and Samarie; and thei telden the conuersacioun of hethene men, and thei maden greet ioie to alle the britheren. 4 And whanne thei camen to Jerusalem, thei weren resseyued of the chirche and of the apostlis, and of the eldre men, and telden, hou greet thingis God dide with hem. 5 But summe of the erise of Fariseis, that bileueden, risen vp, and seiden, That it bihoueth hem to be circumsidid, and to comaunde to kepe also the lawe of Moises. 6 And the apostlis and eldre men camen togidre, to se of `this word. 7 And whanne there was maad a greet sekyng herof, Petre roos, and seide to hem, Britheren, ye witen, that of elde daies in you God chees bi my mouth hethene, to here the word of the gospel, and to bileue; 8 and God, that knewe hertis, bar witnessing, and yaf to hem the Hooli Goost, as also to vs; 9 and no thing diuerside bitwixe vs and hem, `and clenside the hertis of hem bi feith. 10 Now thanne what tempten ye God, to putte a yok on the necke of the disciplis, which nether we, nether oure fadris miyten bere? 11 But bi the grace of oure Lord Jhesu Crist we bileuen to be saued, as also thei. 12 And al the multitude helde pees, and herden Barnaban and Poul, tellinge hou grete signes and wondris God dide bi hem in hethene men. 13 And aftir that thei helden pees, James answeride, and seide, Britheren, here ye me. 14 Symount telde, hou God visitide, first to take of hethene men a puple to his name. 15 And the wordis of prophetis acorden to him, 16 as it is writun, Aftir this Y schal turne ayen, and bilde the tabernacle of Dauid, that felle doun; and Y schal bilde ayen the cast doun thingis of it, and Y schal reise it; 17 that other men seke the Lord, and alle folkis on which my name is clepid to helpe; the Lord doynge this thing, seith. 18 Fro the world, the werk of the Lord is knowun to the Lord. 19 For which thing Y deme hem that of hethene men ben conuertid to God, 20 to be not disesid, but to write to hem, that thei absteyne hem fro defoulingis of maumetis, and fro fornicacioun, and stranglid thingis, and blood. 21 For Moyses of elde tymes hath in alle citees hem that prechen him in synagogis, where bi ech sabat he is red. 22 Thanne it pleside to the apostlis, and to the eldre men, with al the chirche, to chees men of hem, and sende to Antioche, with Poul and Barnabas, Judas, that was named Barsabas, and Silas, the firste men among britheren; 23 and wroten bi the hondis of hem, Apostlis and eldre britheren to hem that ben at Antioche, and Sirie, and Silice, britheren of hethen men, greting. 24 For we herden that summe wenten out fro vs, and trobliden you with wordis, and turneden vpsodoun youre soulis, to whiche men we comaundiden not, 25 it pleside to vs gaderid in to oon, to chese men, and sende to you, with oure most dereworthe Barnabas and Poul, 26 men that yauen her lyues for the name of oure Lord Jhesu Crist. 27 Therfor we senten Judas and Silas, and thei schulen telle the same thingis to you bi wordis. 28 For it is seyn to the Hooly Goost and to vs, to putte to you no thing more of charge, than these nedeful thingis, 29 that ye absteyne you fro the offrid thingis of maumetis, and blood stranglid, and fornicacioun. Fro whiche ye kepinge you, schulen do wel. Fare ye wel. 30 Therfor thei weren let go, and camen doun to Antioche; and whanne the multitude was gaderid, thei token the epistle; 31 which whanne thei hadden red, thei ioyden on the coumfort. 32 And Judas and Silas and thei, for thei weren prophetis, coumfortiden britheren, and confermyden with ful many wordis. 33 But aftir that thei hadden be there a lytil while, thei weren let go of britheren with pees, to hem that hadden sent hem. 34 But it was seyn to Silas, to dwelle there; and Judas wente aloone to Jerusalem. 35 And Poul and Barnabas dwelten at Antioche, techinge and prechinge the word of the Lord, with othere manye. 36 But after summe daies, Poul seide to Barnabas, Turne we ayen, and visite britheren bi alle citees, in whiche we han prechid the word of the Lord, hou thei han hem. 37 And Barnabas wolde take with hym Joon, that was named Marcus. 38 But Poul preiede him, that he that departide fro hem fro Pamfilie, and wente not with hem in to the werk, schulde not be resseyued. 39 And dissencioun was maad, so that thei departiden a twynny. And Barnabas took Mark, and cam bi boot to Cipre. 40 And Poul chees Silas, and wente forth fro the britheren, and was bitakun to the grace of God. 41 And he wente bi Sirie and Silice, and confermyde the chirche, comaundinge to kepe the heestis of apostlis and eldre men.

John 17:20-21

20 And Y preye not oneli for hem, but also for hem that schulden bileue in to me bi the word of hem; 21 that all ben oon, as thou, fadir, in me, and Y in thee, that also thei in vs be oon; that the world bileue, that thou hast sent me.

Romans 1:1-32

1 Poul, the seruaunt of Jhesu Crist, clepid an apostle, departid in to the gospel of God; 2 which he hadde bihote tofore bi his profetis in holi scripturis of his sone, 3 which is maad to hym of the seed of Dauid bi the flesch, 4 and he was bifor ordeyned the sone of God in vertu, bi the spirit of halewyng of the ayenrisyng of deed men, of Jhesu Crist oure Lord, 5 bi whom we han resseyued grace and the office of apostle, to obeie to the feith in alle folkis for his name, 6 among whiche ye ben also clepid of Jhesu Crist, 7 to alle that ben at Rome, derlyngis of God, and clepid hooli, grace to you, and pees of God oure fadir, and of the Lord Jhesu Crist. 8 First Y do thankyngis to my God, bi Jhesu Crist, for alle you, for youre feith is schewid in al the world. 9 For God is a witnesse to me, to whom Y serue in my spirit, in the gospel of his sone, 10 that with outen ceessyng Y make mynde of you euere in my preieris, and biseche, if in ony maner sum tyme Y haue a spedi weie in the wille of God to come to you. 11 For Y desire to se you, to parten sumwhat of spiritual grace, 12 that ye be confermyd, that is, to be coumfortid togidere in you, bi feith that is bothe youre and myn togidere. 13 And, britheren, Y nyle, that ye vnknowun, that ofte Y purposide to come to you, and Y am lett to this tyme, that Y haue sum fruyt in you, as in othere folkis. 14 To Grekis and to barberyns, to wise men and to vnwise men, 15 Y am dettour, so that that is in me is redi to preche the gospel also to you that ben at Rome. 16 For Y schame not the gospel, for it is the vertu of God in to heelthe to ech man that bileueth, to the Jew first, and to the Greke. 17 For the riytwisnesse of God is schewid in it, of feith in to feith, 18 as it is writun, For a iust man lyueth of feith. For the wraththe of God is schewid fro heuene on al vnpite and wickidnesse of tho men, that withholden the treuthe of God in vnriytwisnes. 19 For that thing of God that is knowun, is schewid to hem, for God hath schewid to hem. 20 For the vnuysible thingis of hym, that ben vndurstondun, ben biholdun of the creature of the world, bi tho thingis that ben maad, yhe, and the euerlastynge vertu of hym and the godhed, so that thei mowe not be excusid. 21 For whanne thei hadden knowe God, thei glorifieden hym not as God, nether diden thankyngis; but thei vanyschiden in her thouyts, and the vnwise herte of hem was derkid. 22 For thei `seiynge that hem silf weren wise, thei weren maad foolis. 23 And thei chaungiden the glorie of `God vncorruptible in to the licnesse of an ymage of a deedli man, and of briddis, and of foure footid beestis, and of serpentis. 24 For which thing God bitook hem in to the desiris of her herte, in to vnclennesse, that thei punysche with wrongis her bodies in hem silf. 25 The whiche chaungiden the treuthe of God in to leesyng, and herieden and serueden a creature rathere than to the creatoure, that is blessid in to worldis of worldis. 26 Amen. Therfor God bitook hem in to passiouns of schenschipe. For the wymmen of hem chaungiden the kyndli vss in to that vss that is ayens kynde. 27 Also the men forsoken the kyndli vss of womman, and brenneden in her desiris togidere, and men in to men wrouyten filthehed, and resseyueden in to hem silf the meede that bihofte of her errour. 28 And as thei preueden that thei hadden not God in knowyng, God bitook hem in to a repreuable wit, that thei do tho thingis that ben not couenable; that thei ben fulfillid with al wickidnesse, 29 malice, fornycacioun, coueitise, weiwardnesse, ful of enuye, mansleyngis, strijf, gile, yuel wille, preuy bacbiteris, detractouris, 30 hateful to God, debateris, proude, and hiy ouer mesure, fynderis of yuele thingis, not obeschynge to fadir and modir, 31 vnwise, vnmanerli, withouten loue, withouten boond of pees, with outen merci. 32 The whiche whanne thei hadden knowe the riytwisnesse of God, vndirstoden not, that thei that don siche thingis ben worthi the deth, not oneli thei that don tho thingis, but also thei that consenten to the doeris.

Ecclesiastes 4:8-12

8 oon is, and he hath not a secounde; not a sone, not a brother; and netheles he ceesith not for to trauele, nether hise iyen ben fillid with richessis; nether he bithenkith, and seith, To whom trauele Y, and disseyue my soule in goodis? In this also is vanyte, and the worste turment. 9 Therfor it is betere, that tweyne be togidere than oon; for thei han profite of her felouschipe. 10 If oon fallith doun, he schal be vndurset of the tothere; wo to hym that is aloone, for whanne he fallith, he hath noon reisynge him. 11 And if tweyne slepen, thei schulen be nurschid togidere; hou schal oon be maad hoot? 12 And if ony man hath maistri ayens oon, tweyne ayen stonden hym; a threfolde corde is brokun of hard.

Ecclesiastes 4:8-12

8 and ferthermore the kyng of al erthe comaundith to the seruaunt.

1 Corinthians 14:40

40 But be alle thingis don onestli, and bi due ordre in you.

Psalms 133:1

1 The `title of the hundrid and thre and thrittithe salm. The song of greces. Lo! now blesse ye the Lord; alle the seruauntis of the Lord. Ye that stonden in the hous of the Lord; in the hallis of `the hous of oure God.

Ephesians 4:3

3 bisi to kepe vnyte of spirit in the boond of pees.

Nehemiah 4:6

6 Therfor we bildiden the wal, and ioyneden togidere al `til to the half part, and the herte of the puple was exitid to worche.

Amos 3:3

3 Whether tweyne schulen go togidere, no but it acorde to hem?

Philippians 2:1-30

1 Therfor if ony coumfort is in Crist, if ony solace of charite, if ony felouschipe of spirit, if ony inwardnesse of merci doyng, 2 fille ye my ioye, that ye vndurstonde the same thing, and haue the same charite, of o wille, and feelen the same thing; 3 no thing bi strijf, nether by veyn glorie, but in mekenesse, demynge eche othere to be heiyer than hym silf; 4 not biholdinge ech bi hym silf what thingis ben his owne, but tho thingis that ben of othere men. 5 And fele ye this thing in you, which also in Crist Jhesu; 6 that whanne he was in the forme of God, demyde not raueyn, that hym silf were euene to God; 7 but he lowide hym silf, takinge the forme of a seruaunt, and was maad in to the licknesse of men, and in abite was foundun as a man. 8 He mekide hym silf, and was maad obedient to the deth, yhe, to the deth of the cross. 9 For which thing God enhaunside hym, and yaf to hym a name that is aboue al name; 10 that in the name of Jhesu ech kne be bowid, of heuenli thingis, of ertheli thingis, and of hellis; 11 and ech tunge knouleche, that the Lord Jhesu Crist is in the glorie of God the fadir. 12 Therfor, my most dereworthe britheren, as euere more ye han obeischid, not in my presence onely, but myche more now in myn absence, worche ye with drede and trembling youre heelthe. 13 For it is God that worchith in you, bothe to wilne, and to performe, for good wille. 14 And do ye alle thingis with out grutchingis and doutyngis; 15 that ye be with out playnt, and symple as the sones of God, with out repreef, in the myddil of a schrewid nacioun and a weiward; among whiche ye schynen as yyueris of liyt in the world. 16 And holde ye togidere the word of lijf to my glorie in the day of Crist; for Y haue not runnen in veyn, nether Y haue trauelid in veyn. 17 But thouy Y be offrid or slayn on the sacrifice and seruyce of youre feith, Y haue ioye, and Y thanke you alle. 18 And the same thing haue ye ioye, and thanke ye me. 19 And Y hope in the Lord Jhesu, that Y schal sende Tymothe soone to you, that Y be of good coumfort, whanne tho thingis ben knowun that ben aboute you. 20 For Y haue no man so of o wille, that is bisi for you with clene affeccioun. 21 For alle men seken tho thingis that ben her owne, not tho that ben of Crist Jhesu. 22 But knowe ye the asaie of hym, for as a sone to the fadir he hath seruyd with me in the gospel. 23 Therfor Y hope that Y schal sende hym to you, anoon as Y se what thingis ben aboute me. 24 And Y triste in the Lord, that also my silf schal come to you soone. 25 And Y gesside it nedeful to sende to you Epafrodite, my brother and euene worchere, and myn euene knyyt, but youre apostle, and the mynystre of my nede. 26 For he desiride you alle, and he was sorewful, therfor that ye herden that he was sijk. 27 For he was sijk to the deth, but God hadde merci on him; and not oneli on hym, but also on me, lest Y hadde heuynesse on heuynesse. 28 Therfor more hastili Y sente hym, that whanne ye han seyn hym, ye haue ioye eft, and Y be withouten heuynesse. 29 Therfor resseyue ye hym with al ioye in the Lord, and haue ye suche with al onour. 30 For the werk of Crist he wente to deth, yyuynge his lijf, that he schulde fulfille that that failide of you anentis my seruyce.

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