Altogether - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words


[ A-1,Adjective,G3650, holos ]
whole," is rendered "altogether" in John 9:34. It is sometimes subjoined to an adjective or a verb, as in this case, to show that the idea coveyed by the adjective or verb belongs to the whole person or thing referred to. So here, lit., "thou wast altogether (i.e., completely) born in sins." Cp. Matthew 13:33, RV; Luke 11:36; Luke 13:21; John 13:10, RV (rendered "every whit"). See ALL, and EVERY WHIT.

[ B-1,Adverb,G3843, pantos ]
from pas, "all," is translated in various ways. The rendering "altogether" is found only in 1 Corinthians 5:10 (where the RV margin gives the alternative meaning, "not at all" (meaning the fornicators of this world) and 1 Corinthians 9:10 (marg., "doubtless"). The other renderings are, in Luke 4:23, "doubtless" (AV, "surely"); in Acts 18:21, "by all means," (AV, "only"); so in 1 Corinthians 9:22, both RV and AV; in Acts 21:22, "certainly" (AV, "needs," which does not give an accurate meaning); in Acts 28:4, "no doubt;" in Romans 3:9, "in no wise" (lit., "not at all"), so in 1 Corinthians 16:12. In Acts 26:29 the AV has given a misleading rendering in the phrase "both almost and altogether;" there is no Greek word here which means "altogether;" the RV corrects to "whether with little or with much." See ALL.

[ B-2,Adverb,G3654, holos ]
denotes "altogether or actually, or assuredly." See ACTUALLY, and ALL, B, No. 1.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words