Babe - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words


[ 1,,G1025, brephos ]
(a) an unborn child," as in Luke 1:41, Luke 1:44;
(b) "a newborn child, or an infant still older," Luke 2:12, Luke 2:16; Luke 18:15; Acts 7:19; 2 Timothy 3:15; 1 Peter 2:2. See CHILD, INFANT.

[ 2,,G3516, nepios ]
lit., "without the power of speech," denotes "a little child," the literal meaning having been lost in the general use of the word. It is used
(a) of "infants," Matthew 21:16;
(b) metaphorically, of the unsophisticated in mind and trustful in disposition, Matthew 11:25 and Luke 10:21, where it stands in contrast to the wise; of those who are possessed merely of natural knowledge, Romans 2:20; of those who are carnal, and have not grown, as they should have done, in spiritual understanding and power, the spiritually immature, 1 Corinthians 3:1, those who are so to speak partakers of milk, and "without experience of the word of righteousness," Hebrews 5:13; of the Jews, who, while the Law was in force, were in state corresponding to that of childhood, or minority, just as the word "infant" is used of a minor, in English law, Galatians 4:3, "children;" of believers in an immature condition, impressionable and liable to be imposed upon instead of being in a state of spiritual maturity, Ephesians 4:14, "children." "Immaturity" is always associated with this word. See CHILD, No. 7

Note: The corresponding verb, nepiazo, is found in 1 Corinthians 14:20, where believers are exhorted to be as "babes" (RV) in malice, unable to think or speak maliciously.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words