Blind, Blindness - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words

Blind, Blindness

[ A-1,Verb,G5186, tuphloo ]
to blind" (from a root tuph---, "to burn, smoke;" cp. tuphos, "smoke"), is used metaphorically, of the dulling of the intellect, John 12:40; 2 Corinthians 4:4; 1 John 2:11.

[ A-2,Verb,G4456, poroo ]
signifies "to harden" (from poros, "a thick skin, a hardening"); rendered "blinded," AV, in Romans 11:7; 2 Corinthians 3:14 (RV, "hardened"); cp. 2 Corinthians 4:4. See HARDEN.

[ B-1,Adjective,G5185, tuphlos ]
"blind," is used both physically and metaphorically, chiefly in the Gospels; elsewhere four times; physically, Acts 13:11; metaphorically, Romans 2:19; 2 Peter 1:9; Revelation 3:17. The word is frequently used as a noun, signifying "a blind man."

[ C-1,Noun,G4457, porosis ]
akin to A. No. 2, primarily means "a covering with a callus," a "hardening," Romans 11:25; Ephesians 4:18, RV, for AV, "blindness;" Mark 3:5, RV, for AV, "hardness." It is metaphorical of a dulled spiritual perception. See HARDNESS.

Note: In John 9:8, the most authentic mss. have prosaites, "a beggar," RV, instead of tuphlos, "blind."

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words